A Physician Coach Can Assist You with Editing Powernotes
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MD Training Room is open 7 a.m.-7:30 p.m. weekdays and 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on weekends and holidays.
Call extension 8938 to set up a PowerChart Updates for Physicians training appointment or to August 25, 2011 contact a Coach
On Monday August 22, Nursing Bundle 3 went live. This bundle includes a redesigned admission process that encompasses a more comprehensive collection of past medical, surgical, social, immunization, and in-depth pain histories. Additionally, Point of Care Medication Administration is live.
Clinicians have the ability to modify or edit transcribed notes, PowerNotes, and scanned documents from the Notes Review as well as August 17, 2011 Document Viewing.
Do not create new notes from Notes Review. Continue creating new notes from Document Viewing only. A Physician Coach can assist you with editing NEW: The OT/PT/ST Daily Notes will now display in the Notes Review PowerNotes tab. Viewing Information in PowerChart *When Physicians first open a patient chart, the opening default tab will change from Results Review to IP Summary. August 24, 2011 *Users will no longer be able to view discontinued or voided PowerPlans older than five days. A Physician Coach can * DID YOU KNOW ? The IP Summary Supplemental has the transfer assist you with history, the face sheet, and the contact information for your patient. customizing the IP EKGs can be seen on IP Summary Supplemental band, and two EKGs can Summary be placed side-by-side and compared. (Same as Cardiology Summary) Starting August 31st , the IP Summary Supplemental band in PowerChart will contain Significant Events including Sepsis. August 31, 2011 This information pertains only to the current admission. Easy-to-find Sepsis / Medication Reconciliation, Drug Information
For easy-to-find updates, references and links to information such as the Now available Sepsis Initiative and Medication Reconciliation, Antibiograms, and "Up To Date" link, go to the Holy Cross MD Resources Icon on your desktop (as seen on the right) and click on the Physician Resources tab.
© 2011 | Silver Spring 1 HWDD (Hospital Wide Discharge/Depart) Changes Changes to Clinical, Patient, and Transfer Summaries of the Discharge Process Changes will be made to the Medication Scripts in the Clinical, Patient, and Transfer Summaries of the Discharge Process. September 7, 2011 Changes to all 3 summaries: 1. Special instructions will display with order comments in all scripts 2. The duration for maintenance and acute meds will no longer display. 3. Home med script heading will display as “Previous home meds you A Physician Coach can should continue. Please check the instructions, they may have changed. assist you with the If you have any questions, please check with your ordering physician”. HWDD process 4. To improve open chart performance, the default setting for all Result Flowsheets will be changed to retrieve a maximum of 1,000 results.
Lab Orders Formatting *For CSF, Dialysis, Ear, Eye, and Respiratory micro orders, providers will only see appropriate specimen types and body sites. August 31, 2011 *The following order sentences will be available on lab orders: Routine Timed Q 6h X 48 hr Stat Timed Daily X 3 Day(s) Timed *Formats will be changed for a number of Lab orders: some visible to the user, ie, the ability to select specimens from a small list of choices, a change in the sequence of the presented details, or the absence of September 14, 2011 details.
The type of blood (arterial, venous etc) will no longer display for most General Lab, PT, PlTT, and Therapeutic Drug Peak and Trough lab orders. September 20, 2011 Duration = 1 and Duration Unit = Days will also be added to general lab orders in the defined group of lab orders listed above. General lab orders requiring multiple specimen types will still display the specimen type order detail, with the ability to select the appropriate specimen.
To Come Surgical and Anesthesia Modules/ICD 10 SurgiNet: Cerner Surgical Module to create a seamless relationship Kickoff – Sept, 2012 with the current EMR. Go Live – Sept, 2013
Kickoff – Sept, 2012 Anesthesia Module: Cerner Anesthesia Module to create a seamless Go Live – Sept, 2013 relationship with the current EMR. Kickoff –occurred in July ICD 10: Needs assessment in Progress Goal Activation Jan, 2013
© 2011 | Silver Spring 2 © 2011 | Silver Spring 3