Specific Variables Relating to This Graduate Capability Include

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Specific Variables Relating to This Graduate Capability Include

CRITICAL THINKING STANDARDS Adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and acknowledged with thanks. See Assuring Graduate Capabilities

Definition: Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. VU Grad Cap Definition: Locate, critically evaluate, manage and use written, numerical and electronic information including the ability to think critically about the need for, and the status of, information including numerical/statistical and electronic information, and to apply this information appropriately. Specific variables relating to this Graduate Capability include: • Range of techniques and sources required to be used. • Structure and clarity of material. • Complexity of content and argument of material involved. • Complexity of purpose for which information is to be used. • Student’s existing knowledge of field of study, to enable evaluation of information sources.

Capability levels Criteria Competent Novice Beginner Graduates of this course can Students in the middle stages can Students in the early stages can Explanation of Students can critically analyse and explain the nature of the Students can investigate and analyse principles and practices in the Students can research and explain the social aspects of problem/issue(s) business cycle as it impacts demand for and supply of accommodation industry. They will investigate the accommodation the hospitality industry including the relations and hospitality facilities in a market. guest cycle in light of key factors such as cost structures, performance transactions between people. They will begin to metrics and benchmarks. understand the role and importance of their own skills and characteristics in the industry.

Evidence Students can research a wide range of sources, of varying Students can use information provided to select and use relevant Students can interpret and reflect upon their formal Selecting and using degrees of importance, in order to locate an appropriate site, components from the accommodation guest cycle in order to identify psychological type and critical thinking skills reports, in information to and suggest the most suitable hospitality development for that areas of improvement for management of an accommodation order to better plan their own careers in the hospitality investigate a point of site. property. industry. view or conclusion

Influence of context Students can find, critically evaluate, assemble and analyse Students can evaluate the metrics of the guest cycle and their Students can question their own self-awareness and and assumptions data on supply and demand aspects of the hospitality industry contribution to the operational efficiency, market position and financial self-image in light of their psychological type and critical with a view to producing a professional market demand and performance of accommodation properties. They will undertake this thinking skills reports. financial feasibility report. evaluation, whilst acknowledging market dynamics and corporate strategy.

Student's position Students can make recommendations for a hospitality Students can understand and explain the inherent conflict between Students can understand the nature and characteristics (perspective, development project based upon their interpretation of the room occupancy and average rates, and the relationship of this of the hospitality industry and its demands on employees thesis/hypothesis) relevant data and in light of their experiences and conflict with a business’s strategic position in the market. in relationship to their own skills and characteristics. understanding of the industry. Conclusions and Students can logically justify their recommendations to a Students can adopt a management strategy that reflects and Students can begin to prepare a personalised career related outcomes panel of industry professionals, who will critique the validity of reinforces the successful outcome of the market position of the plan / strategy based on their understanding of the (implications and their recommendations. accommodation property. industry, their psychological type and their own self consequences) awareness.

1 0c51cb2dab858a239a553cb436ec32bb.doc Victoria University: Fiona Henderson, Leoni Russell, Penny Jose, Paul A Whitelaw VU Exemplars VU Grad Caps matrix Find, critically evaluate, synthesise and generate ideas Find, organise, critically evaluate and synthesise information on a Find, organise, evaluate and synthesise information definition through the application of complex information on a broad range of topics (I4) on a broad range of topics for defined purposes (I3) broad range of topics, for a range of purposes (15)

Unit of study BHO3501 Hospitality Facilities Planning and Development BHO2282 Accommodation Management BHO1110 Introduction to Hospitality

Aim The purpose of the unit of study is to introduce students to the The purpose of the unit of study is for students to acquire a functional The purpose of the unit of study is to introduce students process of planning, developing and evaluating hospitality understanding of the planning, management and operational to the depth and scope of hospitality as a social concept, facilities via systematic market demand analysis and requirements of the accommodation industry, including the principles with an emphasis on developing an understanding the feasibility study. and practices of the guest cycle. forces that shape the industry and with reference to their own skills and characteristics.

Unit of Study Feasibility study and presentation (Assessments 1, 3 and 4) Accommodation Management Report and marking rubric Personalised career plan (Major essay) and marking assessment for major assignment and marking guide rubric exemplars Unit of Study Assessment 1 – Initial data searching for a proper site Accommodation Management Report (30%) Personalised career plan (Major Essay) (30%) assessment detail (15%) Word limit: 2,000 words Word limit: 1000 words (+- 10%) Word limit: 500 words You are the manager of an accommodation property. The written assignment requires you to prepare a Hospitality developers need a feasible site before personal learning contract and career development plan. commencing the development process. Information about 1. Identify and describe the property. By Week 3 you will receive a set of personalised, sites can be obtained from a wide range of sources including: 2. Identify the key elements of the guest cycle, including the per-confidential reports about yourself (your psychological local and international media, investment proposals, formance metrics and benchmarks that you would use to ana-type, learning style and critical thinking skills). Also, during government reports, even TV programs and movies as well as lyse the performance of the property. the course of this unit of study you will receive extensive more obvious places such as real estate websites. Your information about the nature and characteristics of the assignment is to identify “an excellent site and the most 3. Explain how each of these elements contributes to the prop-hospitality industry and the skills and characteristics that appropriate hospitality development for that site”. You are to erty’s performance in terms of operating efficiency, market po-help improve your chances of success in the industry. provide sufficient prima facie evidence (preliminary findings) sition and financial performance. to suggest that the site could sustain the proposed Your task is to use this information to prepare your own, development. A full report is not required at this stage. This task corresponds to learning outcomes* 1, 2 and 3 (see below) and highly personalised learning plan and career strategy. graduate capability Using Information (VU level 4). The assignment Assessment 3 – Feasibility study report (25%) aims to help you develop analytical skills to summarise and evaluate in-This is to be submitted in two stages: a preliminary, 250 formation, using a practical industry example. This assignment is to be word synopsis in week 6 (10% with feedback due in week Word limit: 2,000 words completed with a partner from your tutorial group. 6), a final version in week 9 (20% with feedback due in week 11). This assessment aims to help students develop the analytical Written assessment must be fully referenced, including the textbook and skills required to evaluate the market and financial feasibility eight (8) other academic and industry related references, and using in- The assessment criteria will focus exclusively on your of a proposed development project. Students are required to text as well as bibliographic referencing. Submit two copies of the as-analysis of both your results and the hospitality industry conduct a market and financial feasibility study and produce a signment; one loaded via the Assignment Turnitin link and the other and the synthesis of your learning contract and career report including recommendations based on the site and printed and handed to the lecturer in the Week 11 lecture. plan as well as the format and quality of your writing, proposed hospitality development identified in Assessment 1. especially: structure, spelling, syntax, grammar and You are required to work in group of 2 to 3. Assume that you *Learning outcomes expression. are a group of senior consultants representing an international On successful completion of this unit of study, students should demon- property development firm. An investment company would like strate their understanding of the accommodation industry by being able Final version sample structure: to conduct a study to evaluate the market feasibility of to: 1. Title Page establishing a brand new hospitality development at a location 2. Executive Summary (not necessary for stages 1 and of your choice. Such development can be a 5 star hotel, 1. investigate the management environment; 2) remote or integrated or eco-resort resort, hostel for 2. use the principles and practices of the guest cycle; 3. Table of Contents (not necessary for stage 1) backpacker, an entertainment site including accommodation 3. examine and explain operating cost structures; 4. Introduction and service apartment, and can be located anywhere in the 4. analyse and investigate performance metrics and benchmarks; 5. Part A: Career Plan world. More details will be discussed in class and further and 6. Part B: Learning Contract assignment detail and a marking guide can be found on 5. use stochastic models and use simple heuristics to forecast de-7. Part C: Synthesising both Parts Blackboard. mand and pricing. 8. Conclusion 2 0c51cb2dab858a239a553cb436ec32bb.docAssessment 4 – Group presentation (20%) Additional information Victoria University: Fiona Henderson,All Leoni stages Russell, of the assignment Penny Jose, must Paul be submitted A Whitelaw in electronic format using the unit website assignment The final component of the project requires each group to BHO2282 Assignment 1 Marking Rubric.docx submission tool. Before submission, you are required to produce a one page summary report of their feasibility study, use the anti-plagiarism software Turnitin and provide the known in the industry as an elevator report, and make a 15 report together with the assignment. minute presentation based on the feasibility study to a panel of industry experts, who will critique the validity of your Additional information recommendations. The aim is to present the panel a BHO1110 Personality type report excerpt.docx 3 0c51cb2dab858a239a553cb436ec32bb.doc Victoria University: Fiona Henderson, Leoni Russell, Penny Jose, Paul A Whitelaw

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