Manchester Strategic Housing Partnership

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Manchester Strategic Housing Partnership

Minutes of Integrated Health, Housing and Social Care Meeting Thursday 10th March 2016, 10:00-12:00pm Venue: People First Housing Association

1. Introductions and Apologies


CA Cath Atkins Project Officer (Safeguarding Children and MCC Adults at Risk) CB Chris Britain Senior Support Officer Your Housing Group CD Claire Davies Neighbourhoods Manager Southway Housing DN David Nugent Head of Housing People First HA DT Dawn Thornber Mobility and Telecare Coordinator Contour Homes GP Giles Parlett Supported Services Manager Irwell Valley HA GC Guy Cresswell Director of Housing Services (Chair) GPHA JD Jane Davies Commissioning Manager MCC JS Jordane Smith Partnership Officer MHPP KR Kate Ringrow Projects Support Officer One Manchester LP Lisa Purchase Head of Supported Housing SVHA PZ Pam Zuntz Housing Commissioning Manager MCC PM Paula Marshall Assistant Director of Housing WCHG SC Shuet-Ying Cheung Senior Sheltered & Supported Housing Officer Contour Homes


AD Alex Delap Homelessness Lead MCC AT Alison Turner Head of Sheltered Housing Your Housing Group DS Diane Sodhi Head of Community Support People First HA RB Rob Brown Project Manager – Stakeholder Engagement MCC

2. Minutes and matters arising

2.1 Work Programme: The forum wants to gain a better understanding of how the work programme is impacting in Manchester - GC DP Dave Power from One Manchester is part of the group – can bring to the MHPP Strategy Event on 16th March. Capital funding is on hold until further funding announcements from the government.

Papers for this meeting are available to view at 2.2 Early Help PM expressed that there was not enough promotion or knowledge cascaded amongst networks CD - all representatives should have had an email about strength based conversation training. Funding available for 2000 people. JS Action: JS to circulate information to members. 2.3 Help and Support Manchester JS discussed request in the last meeting to map the services, architecture and forums with the range of organisations working in the City. Help & Support Manchester is an existing website that already lists these organisations but that needs some updating to make it more fit for purpose. A better use of partnership officer resources may be to work with the council in optimising the Help and Support website. JS Action: JS to discuss with MCC

3. Manchester Housing Strategy

3.1 PZ introduced the rationale behind revisiting the Manchester Housing Strategy  The housing strategy was previously developed but not put forward  It has been re-introduced following a meeting of the Strategic Housing Board  The strategy is being revised, not re-developed. There will be minimal review.  There are 10 principles included in the strategy.

3.2 Attendees were asked to look at two principles in particular – principle 7 (Contributing to Health and Wellbeing) and principle 9 (Enabling Housing Services for those most at Risk)

3.3 The room was split into two groups which looked at each principle for half an hour. Action: Feedback is to be collated by GC and given to PZ for inclusion in the final GC strategy.

3.4 The strategy will also be presented to MHPP members for consideration at the Strategy Event being held on the 16th March.

4. Safeguarding Update

4.1 Children’s Board sent around a section 11 self assessment survey which CA completed on behalf of all the providers.

The new independent chair of the MCSB (David Ashcroft) followed up with a conversation with Cath Atkins and James Greenhedge (Housing Access Manager – MCC)

Papers for this meeting are available to view at regarding an action plan for strategic housing. Action: CA to circulate to group if anybody wishes to add in. CA

The new chair has also highlighted areas which he would like to concentrate on more and has asked for more information from RP’s  Domestic Violence (particularly the impact on children)  Ages 15-21 and the transition from childhood to adulthood  Cross boundaries, how do we share information re: safeguarding children. What mechanisms are in place for sharing safeguarding information across local authorities? (GC – Great Places have an internal forum across the LA’s they operate in but nothing across partners)

4.2 MARAC redesign workshop is taking place on 18/3

4.3 Safeguarding training – CA to send e-learning link to all RP’s – push training for those who haven’t already completed.

4.4 Nineteen Child Homicides – Women’s Aid report published, CA to circulate to members. Reminder of DV training and that the highest risk is at the point of separation.

4.5 MASH progressing well  CD – when is red due to roll out?  CA – Haven’t had any red cases yet, are people experiencing low amount of information being sent to RP’s? Cases where RP’s are not being contacted?  PM – it would be useful to get statistics from MASH being fed into IHHSC  GC – would be useful to invite somebody from MASH to next meeting Action: JS to look into this JS

5. Alliance Updates

5.1 Collette Leigh and Karen Laithwaite were not in attendance at the meeting so could not provide an update.

5.2 Lisa Purchase had to leave the meeting unexpectedly so could not provide an update in person, however, prior to the meeting an update had been sent regarding the Alliance Conference which is due to take place on 27th April. JD provided more information in LP’s absence.  The 3 leads will be hosting the conference  They will be looking at the future of HRS, what it does, challenges, funding, complexity of need and better alignment strategically.  There will be 3 20 minute presentations from leads  Links with Growth/People and Places/Place strategy  27th April 2016, AM, Friends Meeting House (opposite town hall extension,

Papers for this meeting are available to view at Mount Street) Action: JS to check with LP re: circulating an invite JS JS to contact CL and KL and request alliance updates to be completed for the meeting

6a. HRS Update

JD provided an update on Housing Related Support & Homelessness:

6.1 There is no expectation of funding savings for 2016/17

6.2 Workplan: No funding cuts provides some breathing space and an opportunity to progress some of the work needed across the HRP program: improve coordination between HRS services, develop pathways into, between and out of services including improving move-on. Introduce a new shared database (M-Think), improve outcomes around employment, education and training and raise the profile of HRS and better align it with the City’s strategy of Growth, People and Place.

6b. Homelessness Update

6.3 Emergency cold weather provision: Hulme Library and Beech Mount will close at the end of March, and the Church night shelter will close mid-March. Cornerstones are reviewing their provision. An evaluation will be carried out of the cold weather provision in the coming weeks.

An exit strategy is in place including plans to minimize the number of rough sleepers returning to the streets when they close. One element of this plan is to free up bed spaces in temporary and supported accommodation for people in the night shelters, and a meeting was held with Housing Providers and Manchester Move on 12th February to discuss how this might work.

Following this meeting a temporary amendment to the allocations policy to award a backdate on Manchester Move was approved. To date:  123 people within supported accommodation assessed as "ready to move on".  50 re-housing applications backdated under the temporary change to the allocation scheme (only 50 allowed backdate).  14 applicants under offer  3 signed up  Resettlement support to be in place for all signed up.  White goods, some furniture items and bedding provided via the Welfare Provision Scheme

Papers for this meeting are available to view at  Night shelter exit strategy in place, incrementally reducing bed spaces as people leave to supported accommodation. JS  Weekly monitoring meetings are taking place and updates will be provided via JS. (Action)  Carrying out an evaluation of night shelters with service users  Riverside co-ordinating move on of the 50 service users from the night shelters to supported accommodation. CD – has tabled a paper to senior management at Southway to consider reducing banding to band 3 to enable more move on. This is being considered.

6.4 Homelessness Charter: Charter has been agreed and developed by Jez Green from The Mustard Tree. Next stages are to put in place governance arrangements, including Action Groups, and agree a launch date (possibly June). The implementation stage will include organisations signing up to the charter through adopting its visions and values, making a pledge, and participating in one of the Action Groups. The Homelessness Strategy is due for review in 2016 and this review will reflect the development of the Homelessness Charter. GC – what could the role of the IHHSC group be in this? Could be progressed through here rather than creating new groups? SHB could also take ownership.

GC – How do we avoid this situation (number of rough sleepers) occurring again in Winter 2016? JD – There is still a Rough Sleepers group in operation, we don’t want to have to have another exit strategy. Aiming to reduce the number of young people attracted to the ‘party atmosphere’ of the city through a communications strategy. GC – Where is the immediate follow up from the meeting? Has this been given to any groups? JD – Feedback is going to Manchester Move Board and individual providers and the night shelter evaluation reports should provide us with further learning. DN – PFHA have started discussions about RRL opportunities

Action: This group will contribute to implementation of the Homelessness Charter and prevention strategies for the coming year in anticipation of winter 2016.

7. A.O.B

7.1 Homelessness & Domestic Violence JS explained that there is work underway between Salix Homes and the homelessness team at MCC looking at presentation due to Domestic Violence and Abuse. Kate Lee seconded to MCC for the next 3 months to develop a new toolkit. JS facilitating contact through MHPP. Currently looking to gather DV policies and procedures from RP’s.

Papers for this meeting are available to view at Action: Partners to send contact details of relevant staff to JS JS

7.2 Public Health GC to meet with Louise Lanigan from Public Health Manchester re: Age Friendly Charter. Scope to attend a future meeting. All papers are available to view on the Manchester Partnership website under the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Date of next meeting:

Thursday 7th July 2016 at 10am People First Housing Association, No 1 City Road East, Manchester, M15 4PN

Papers for this meeting are available to view at

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