Chadwell St. Mary Community First Panel Meeting

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Chadwell St. Mary Community First Panel Meeting


Held at Emmanuel Church on 5th February 2013

Present: Heather Ginsburgh, Chadwell Scout & Guide Movement; Reg Goldsmith, resident; Carol Saunders, secretary & Chadwell St. Mary Community Forum Ltd; Peter Saunders, chairman , Chadwell Parochial Church Council & Governor of the Gateway Learning Community; Maggie Smith, Governor of Herringham Primary School; Jeff Wakefield resident.

APOLOGIES: Cllr Gerard Rice. Caryl Taylor

GUESTS: Natalie Warren Community Development Manager Thurrock Council, Andrew Perrin Morant Neighbours

The Chairman welcomed those present and the above apologies were noted.

The Chair explained the reason for inviting Andrew to our meeting.

Andrew has previously applied to Community First for a grant to plant hedging along a 300 mtr. stretch of the Brentwood Road facing Morant Road. This was discussed in detail at the meeting of the 6th November 2012 (see minutes). No vote was taken then as one of the requirements was to get permission from the Council that the planting could be done. On the 20th November 2012 the Chair received a copy of the email from Steve Starr, Parks Operations Manager at Thurrock Council, confirming that the planting could go ahead and they would maintain it to a height of 12ft. Andrew had already got approval from the majority of the residents some of whom were prepared to pay. The Chair proposed this application to the panel by way of email all of whom were in agreement although Reg Goldsmith abstained as he is a resident of Morant Road and is a direct beneficiary. The application was put forward to the CDF and subsequently agreed with the monies being deposited in the Chadwell St. Mary Community Forum Ltd (CSMCF)bank account for release to Andrew Perrin’s supplier.

As Andrew started to prepare the site Cllr. T Fish received a complaint from a lady living in Morant Road who was against the project. Cllr. T Fish had been at the Forum’s Committee meeting when the application from Andrew had gone to them in the first instance. This was discussed at that meeting and although the Forum could not help with the funding it was suggested to Andrew that he go through either the U choose scheme or the Community First Scheme. Cllr. T Fish telephoned the Chair on Friday 1st February to advise him of the complaint. CS then phoned the lady who would not give her name or address, to see what the problem was. Her main grievance was that she had not been consulted and was not in favour of the hedge. CS then phoned Steve Starr at the Council who was away but spoke in detail to Luke Love about the problem He suggested that Andrew hold fire on the work until Steve returns to the office on Monday when he will ask him to contact either CS or PS. Tuesday the 5th February, after having received no phone call CS phoned Steve Starr again and was told he was out on site but would be asked to ring upon his return.

Hence we invited Andrew to the meeting and he provided evidence by way of signatures from the majority of residents living in Morant Road who are in agreement with the planting of the hedge. We discussed it further and asked Natalie for her view on it. She said that if Steve Starr had agreed it then planning would have been sought and therefore Andrew would be OK to carry on. On the strength of the information provided to this meeting, and the comments made by Natalie Warren it was agreed on a show of hands (Reg Goldsmith abstaining) that planting should proceed. Andrew thanked the panel

Community First minutes 6.02.2013 Page 1 and he was invited to stay for the rest of the meeting although would not be able to vote on any applications.

MINUTES: The minutes of the 6th November 2012 was agreed and signed by the Chair.

MATTERS ARISING: Both the applications to Uchoose for the WII Fit Consoles and the Goal posts for Wickham Field were not successful.

The Chairman will speak to Bill Sargent regarding the WII Fit Consoles.


The secretary showed the panel figures received from CDF showing that we had spent £6697.55 out of a total of £14113.00 for the two years up to March 2013. Since this report we have had £1092 agreed for Morant Rd

We have also submitted bids for £940 and £1239 for the Herringham School agreed at the last meeting. This leaves us with £4144 to spend before the end of March.


1. The Chairman proposed that the CSMCF apply to Community First to purchase two goal posts for Wickham Field. This will enhance the field and give the older youths somewhere to play away from the play equipment put in. The cost of the posts is just short of £1400.00 and they are anti vandal supplied with nets. Bill Sargent said he would help with the cost of installation from the Local Schemes budget. This was seconded by Reg Goldsmith and voted in favour by all panel members present.

2.Carol Saunders said she had received a bid from Brenda Packer, Treasurer of the Chadwell St. Mary Senior Citizens Craft group. They have been holding craft meetings in the Church Hall on a fortnightly basis paying a weekly sum of £1.50 to cover the cost of materials. They would like to expand their group to enable them to do Patchwork, and bigger craft items but do not have the funds to buy the equipment to do so. Some of the members can only afford a small amount each meeting. The bid is for £550 to cover the cost of storage cupboard, sewing machines, storage boxes, cutting equipment and materials and card stock. The group will put in funds from their weekly subs for anything over and above the £550. There are three volunteers teaching different crafts whose hours will be match funded. Peter Saunders proposed we agree the application and this was seconded by Heather Ginsburgh. Panel members apart from Carol Saunders who is a member of the group all voted in favour.

3. The Chairman has received an application from the Chadwell Primary School in the sum of £1639.85. This is to purchase the following.

1 Pond Camera £199.95 7 Easy View Visualisers £699.65

2 Bird Boxes £299.90 1 Outdoor metal Storage units £279.95

2 Wooden Composters £159.90

Looking at the cost of some of these items we thought they were rather high and that they were not getting best value for money. We defer agreeing this application whilst the Chair goes back to the school to get clarification on costs and also to ask if this will be open to the wider public.

Community First minutes 6.02.2013 Page 2 Andrew suggested about having white gates on the verges as you approach Chadwell St. Mary by Brentwood Road. Natalie Warren thought that we would need planning consent however it is something we could discuss for next year.

To summarise if the Bids for the Goal Posts and Craft items get agreed this will leave £2194.00. We will earmark funds for the two WII Fit consoles and the Chadwell Primary School until the next meeting which if agreed will leave £154.00.


Land at Alexander Close appears to be derelict and used for bonfires. The Forum have tried previously to find out who owns the land. We have asked Natalie if she could perhaps do a Land Registry search to see who owns it. We may be able to do some planting on it to make it look better.

We also ask Natalie if she could let us know who owns the Youth Club building in Waterson Road. We have been told that this was built by the residents who raised the funds for the youths of Chadwell. It now seems to be used as a toddler group full time. Bearing in mind that the Forum has been trying to get youth facilities in Chadwell this hall may be able to be used.

The next meeting will be Tuesday March 5th at Emmanuel Church.

The Chair thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was closed 17.55.

Community First minutes 6.02.2013 Page 3

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