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Redbank GP Practice Patient Participation Group
Date: 28th July 2016 Venue: Radcliffe Primary Care Centre – Star Suite
Present: Doug Galvin (DG) (interim Chair) Jim Rogers (JR) Moira Grinyer (MG) John McCullough (JM) Doreen Hawk (DH) Pat Walmsley (PW) Dr Peter Thomas (PT) (see item)
In attendance: Michele Winstanley (minutes) (MW)
Agenda Item No
Standing Items
1.1 Apologies for Absence
Syl Skelly, Elaine McCullough and Alison Bridge.
1.2 Chair’s Opening Remarks/Introductions
DG reflected on the current significant issue around health care across GM and that a locality plan of working together is being addressed.
JR stated that he attended the meeting on behalf of DG that was held on 28 June. This meeting focused on an adult and child scenario whereby their current healthcare pathway and the ideal pathway was discussed and documented. The meeting was facilitated by Lorraine Tatlock.
DG informed that each of the Sectors under the CCG were tasked with coming up with deliverable ideas of health care for their locality. One of the main issues highlighted is concerned with information sharing, utilising one system to be updated to ensure all agencies have the up to date information, particularly GPs.
There is now a suggestion of utilising ‘vision anywhere’ which is currently being rolled out for GP Practices (by INPS who run the vision system which GP Practices use) and will allow clinicians to update patient notes via a tablet.
1 G:/Meetings/PPG/PPG/PPG 2016/Minutes 28.07.16.doc This is being proposed as a way forward by Pennine Care and the Local Authority. Discussion is also taking place on having middle co-ordinators who will be able to signpost patients on and this may come from existing staff i.e. care workers and nursing staff. It had been noted that there are 6 care organisations providing carers within the Bury area and it had been questioned at the meeting why only one provider could be procured for the whole of the Borough rather than six currently.
At this point, PT entered the meeting. PT stated that the whole process is about transformation resulting in a very robust and effective health care system out of hospital environment. This needs to be 7 days a week and not 5, and this neighbourhood model should enable additional nurses and support staff to be employed.
PT also advised that debate is taking place regarding the out of hospital care in terms of preventing hospital admissions for the acute and elderly patients and in addition, getting them out of hospital quicker. This change of programme cannot be delivered well if this fundamental asset is not in place. The strong focus on neighbourhood model will utilise/upskill this workforce (250 approximately) and they will need to be embedded into the principle of preventing hospital admissions and provide the highest quality of care in the community. Aligned with this, local beds need to be available.
DG pointed out that if a locality plan is not developed, the west sector will have to comply with other sectors and it needs to deliver what it can achieve in Radcliffe and for this to be taken forward.
Discussion briefly centred around full capacity with Healthier Radcliffe appointments, increased consultations in particular for the RLC Surgery and no local access to a WIC or nearest hospital. PT then left the meeting.
1.3 Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting 23rd June 2016. Page 3 under item 1.5. AB did confirm that the practice will explore a 7am early start for blood apts and not pm.
Page 4 under item 1.7 – sentence to read ‘DG briefly explained his role ‘when he had been a’ member of the patient cabinet and not ‘as a member’.
The minutes were then approved.
1.4 Matters Arising and Action Log
Please see updates on Action Log and 2015/16 Action Log Register.
1.5 Questions/comments from Patients
There were no issues to raise.
1.6 Update from Dr Thomas
2 See item above.
1.7 CCG/Patient Cabinet Update
DG has not received any further communication.
1.8 Complaints and Compliments (anonymised)
As MW been on leave and sick leave, the next updates will be available for the next meeting.
1.9 Practice Update
AB was not present.
DG informed that PT is resigning from his Pension Scheme as from 1 August (24 hour) and will be reducing his clinics for the month of August. Dr Flascher is also following this route from September. Locum GPs are currently in place and future practice working will be deliberated.
1.10 Websites Update
JR presented a list for information useful for members, highlighting the following:-
Theresa May names new Dept. of Health Ministerial Team. (HSJ) The NHS Finally faces up to the financial elephant in the room.
Copies of these updates and the HSJ article will be scanned in and forwarded along with these minutes.
1.11 Township Forum Update
DG informed that Councillor Shori is now the new leader of the Council. The Council has approached the owners of the building as they are keen to provide services within the building for the community.
Developing and Enhancing the Usefulness of Patient Experience and 2.1 Narrative Data – Bury GP Federation
As AB not present, this will be discussed at the next meeting. Copies of the email correspondence were passed to JR and DG for their consideration outside of the meeting.
2.2 There were no issues to discuss.
Any Other Business 3 3.1 Future of Patient Group
With the practice changes described above, and alongside the locality planning discussions for the LCO, DG expressed his concerns regarding the future of this group and how it will move forward. DG felt that the group does not have a sense of belonging and it wishes to be informed of changes prior to them taking place rather than after.
Discussion took place regarding actual patient involvement. JR referred to the Healthier Radcliffe Overarching Group which was created as part of the bid to receive HR funding. Once this funding ceased, the group ceased. JR had contacted the Federation to be informed that it was going to look at how they could engage with patients in the future but nothing has been forthcoming and no update has been received since that communication.
At this point PT entered the meeting again and DG wished him to know their disillusionment at nothing being progressed and no real response back from a practice point of view. It was agreed that this needed to be a group that will make a difference. DG informed that the patients involved do give their time to attend these meetings and most recently two were involved in the patient survey as part of PPG awareness week. It was noted that a few years ago, GPs took it in turn to attend the Patient Group and there was a regular presence. DG continued that within the practice, within the sector and within the CCG, the group’s time is wasted. It was noted that following the PPG survey, no thanks was given to those patients who became involved in the creation of the questionnaire and spoke to patients in the reception area. There was also no recognition at the clinical meeting at which JR attended, to the results and no feedback was given.
PT explained that the neighbourhood model needs to work to get community engagement and there needs to be an overarching patient group involving all GP practices in Radcliffe patients. PT felt that the patients do need a voice through the Township Forum to achieve a real understanding of how to get community engagement.
PT continued that something similar to extension of the BLFY scheme delivering more services locally will bring success on success.
It was agreed to arrange a meeting with PT, AB, DG and MW early September to start to build better engagement with the practice and look at a proposal for future working. This could involve different staff members attending the meetings and patients also attending the reception staff meetings.
DH suggested looking at three specific areas of discussion that may lead to potential training issues i.e.1) walk in, booking appointments by telephone and online, 2) issues that may arise once the patient has attended the practice including waiting times and,3) Any follow up needed. It was also suggested providing a monthly update report to forward to members ahead of each meeting by way of regular communication. Members were asked to forward DG any other ideas.
4 JR reminded of the need to draft up the Practice Annual PPG Report and this will be needed before the October meeting.
3.2 Date, Time and Venue of next Meeting.
The 25 August meeting will be cancelled. MW to enquire as to change of date for September meeting i.e. from 22 to 29 September and confirm.