Annual Parish Meeting

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Annual Parish Meeting

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1430 Park Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07060


January 24, 2010 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Meeting January 24, 2010



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1. Opening Prayer and Welcome. The Necrology for 2009.

2. Minutes of 2009 Parish meeting.

3. Nominations of Officers, Delegates to the Diocesan Convention, and the Watchung Convocation.

A. Clerk of the Vestry presents rules and regulations B. Clerk declares vacant offices C. Nominating committee presents slate of Candidates for Junior Warden and Vestry. D. Nominations received for Lay Convention Delegates and Watchung Convocation Delegates.

4. Rector’s Annual Message

5. Election of Officers – Junior Warden, Vestry.

6. Election of Lay Delegates and Alternates to the Diocesan Convention.

7. Selection of Delegates to the Watchung Convocation.

8. Old Business

9. Organization and Committee Reports. (Reports are available on line).

10. Financial Reports- Discussion and Acceptance – Beverley Gill.

11. Budget 2010 – Beverley Gill

12. New Business Suggestions and Recommendations.

13. Closing Prayer and Benediction

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Starting Attendance: 80

Henry Foster, Senior Warden, called the meeting to order at 11:50 a.m. Canon Lyons welcomed attendees and opened the meeting with a prayer. Canon Lyons announced that Father Atkins is ill and will not be present today. He led attendees in prayer for Father Atkins and for other church members who are sick and for church members who departed this life in 2008: Thelma Lambert, Patrick Jon Sharpe, Rumsey Sharpe, Sarah Smith, Eugene Tunison and Desiree Kirton.

Minutes of the January 20, 2008 Annual Meeting were approved as presented (C. Sang/E. Belle.

Clerk of the Vestry reviewed the procedures for the election of officers, rules and regulations pertaining to the election and duties of the church officers as stated in the Canon 49 “Election of Church Officers”, Canon 30, Section 3 “Election of Representatives to Convention”, Canon 50 “Duties of Rectors, Wardens, and Vestry” and revised Statues of New Jersey Title 16:12-6; 12-8; 12-9; 12-10; 12-11 and 12-12.

The Clerk of the Vestry declared the following offices vacant: Senior Warden, 3 vestry positions, 3 lay delegates and 3 alternate delegates to the Diocesan Convention and 6 representatives to the Watchung Convocation.

Nominations Clive Sang, chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate of candidates for the year 2009 as following:

Senior Warden Henry "Hank" Foster

Vestry Vanessa Doman Jewell Gaither Junior Lopez

Candidates were asked to present themselves and state why they should be elected to the Vestry. Nominations were opened. In accordance with the Canons, nominations from the floor for Warden and Vestry persons remain open for 30 minutes.

Clive Sang explained that Henry Foster was nominated for Senior Warden and that position has a two- year term, and the Junior Warden position will be up for election next year. Emma Warren noted that the election had to be held according to the canons as explained previously.

Nominations were opened and received for Lay Delegates to the 225th Diocesan Convention, February 27-28, 2009 in Wildwood, NJ. The following were nominated: Elvis Belle, Yvonne

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Belle, Wendy Blackman-Duffus, Alfonzo Brewer, Shawn Cox, Henry Foster, Gladston Hackett, Carla Potter, Andrew Marshall.

Nominations were received for delegates to the Watchung Convocation as follows: Linda Barnes, Elvis Belle, Yvonne Belle, Wendy Blackman-Duffus, Lynette Bourne, Alfonzo Brewer, Carmen Brewer, Marcia Durant, Thelma Fleming, Fanette Hahn.


Canon Lyons asked the attendees to "let God lead you by accepting his guidance”. He continued by explaining that it takes work to keep our faith. He quoted Richard Wright by reminding attendees that "man needs man to survive as man." He expressed his gratitude to the church's congregation for its charity and support for him and his family for 39 years.

Since Ronald Anderson, the Church Treasurer, had to leave early Canon Lyons presented him with a gift and a Lyons' poem created especially for him. Canon Lyons recognized the outstanding dedication of the Treasurer, Ronald Anderson, and thanked him on behalf of the Vestry and congregation for his continued service as Treasurer of St. Mark's.

Henry Foster presented his report by thanking the Vestry members for their efforts in 2008. He highlighted the support received from Elvis Belle, Dawn McDonald, and Gladston Hackett. The members received his report with a standing vote of thanks for his dedication and commitment.

ELECTION There were no additional nominations from the floor for Senior Warden, vestry persons and delegates to the Diocesan Convention and Watchung Convocation. Nominations were closed. (C. Sang/E. Belle).

Since the position of Senior Warden and vestry persons were not contested, the clerk of the vestry was directed to cast one vote for the nominee for Senior Warden, Henry Foster, and the nominees for vestry persons: Vanessa Doman, Jewell Gaither and Junior Lopez. This action was taken. Henry Foster was re-elected Senior Warden with a standing ovation. Vestry nominees, Vanessa Doman, Jewell Gaither and Junior Lopez, were elected Vestry persons for a three-year term.

Wardens and Vestry for 2009 and terms of office are as follows: Senior Warden Henry Foster 2009-2010 Junior Warden Elvis Belle 2008-2009 Vestry Beverley Blenman 2008-2010 P. Shawn Cox 2007-2009 Vanessa Doman 2009-2011 Myrna Dyson 2008-2010 Jewell Gaither 2009-2011 Junior Lopez 2009-2011 Beverley Morris-Gill 2008-2010

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Dawn McDonald 2007-2009 Emma Warren 2007-2009

Elections for all other openings are conducted by secret ballot Election is determined by largest number of votes received.

Balloting instructions were presented. Ballots were distributed for Diocesan Convention delegates and Watchung Convocation representatives. Instructions for voting were to write in names of persons nominated and vote for 3 persons - for convention delegates; write in names of the 3 persons selected - for convocation representative. Tellers appointed were Dawn McDonald, Amelia Mapp, Vernon Anthony, Jerry Barner, Celeste Roberts Sang, and Patricia Linton.

Balloting results for Delegates to the Diocesan Convention were reported. 70 ballots were cast. The election results are:

Henry Foster 52 Elvis Belle 37 Andrew Marshall 25 Carla Potter 19 Gladston Hackett 16 P. Shawn Cox 15 Wendy Blackman-Duffus 13 Yvonne Belle 13 Alfonzo Brewer 9

Results of the election for lay delegates to Convention are: Henry Foster, Elvis Belle, and Andrew Marshall. Alternate delegates are Carla Potter, Gladston Hackett, and P. Shawn Cox.

Balloting results for representatives to the Watchung Convocation were reported. 67 ballots were cast. The election results are:

Alfonzo Brewer 60 Marcia Durant 54 Fanette Hahn 50 Carmen Brewer 49 Thelma Fleming 48 Lynette Bourne 48 Wendy Blackman-Duffus 46 Yvonne Belle 43 Linda Barnes 5 Elvis Belle 1

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The results of the selection of representatives to the Watchung Convocation are: Alfonzo Brewer, Marcia Durant, Fanette Hahn, Carmen Brewer, Thelma Fleming, and Lynette Bourne.

ORGANIZATION AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Senior Warden Foster asked the membership to review the committee and program reports as printed, and thanked the committees and organizations for their informative reports, dedicated efforts and continued involvement. It was moved and seconded to accept all committee reports and program reports as published in the annual report booklet with thanks. The motion was accepted by all present. (C. Sang/L. Bourne).

HARLEY VAN BUREN PICOU OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD In continuing recognition of members that have made a significant service contribution to the life of our church, the vestry selected Elvis Belle for his outstanding dedication and commitment to this church as the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award named the Harley Van Buren Picou Outstanding Service Award.

FINANCIAL REPORT Clive Sang and John Gundy presented the financial statements for 2008, which were the budgets including approved budget for 2008, actual budget for 2008, proposed budget for 2009, and the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as of 12/31/08.

Clive Sang and John Gundy explained changes regarding the Balance Sheet, which showed a comparison of 2007 versus 2008-yearend expenses, which involved the following items:

Movement of funds between different accounts Reduction in assets due to Building and Grounds improvements Decreased amounts in loan expense line Balance of 2008 Diocesan Fair Share Commitment outstanding

A motion was made and passed to accept the 2008 financial statements as presented. (E. Belle/ I. Brown-Woodson).

The budget for 2009 of $296,500 was approved as presented (M.Durant/D.Woodson).

Henry Foster thanked the members of the financial team: Clive Sang, John Gundy, Beverley Morris-Gill, and Ronald Anderson for their dedication and work on these reports.

There was no Old Business and no New Business.


Dr. Inez Durham asked if the budget included funding for a children's music program. Douglas Woodson asked about the current music program in general and the congregation's satisfaction overall. A discussion followed with the Canon Lyons saying that he would listen to whatever

Page 7 of 33 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Annual Parish Meeting January 24, 2010 suggestions were made. A number of individuals agreed to form a committee to discuss the music issue.

A question was asked if the financial reports for 2009 could be distributed a week before the Annual Meeting, Clive Sang responded that it would be possible.

There was no further business. Canon Lyons adjourned the annual meeting with prayers followed by benediction at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Emma A. Warren Clerk of Vestry

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The Vestry comprises the Rector, two wardens, and nine vestry persons. Upon election to the Vestry, members agree to:

 Become actively involved in the progress of the church,  Attend at least 80% of the vestry meetings held during his or her term,  Maintain good financial standing with the church by pledging to support the church at a certain level and maintaining that level of financial support,  Chair or become a member of at least one committee in the church, and  Serve as a liaison between a church organization or committee and the vestry.

Each vestry person is elected to serve for a period of three years and each person can be re- elected. The wardens are elected to serve for a period of two years, and can be re-elected. In order to ensure the continuity of the operation of the Vestry, elections are staggered so that only three vestry persons are elected each year. This year, we elect a junior warden and four vestry members. ( a vacant position will be filled for the unexpired term).

The Nominating Committee presents the following list of candidates for the 2010 election for junior warden and vestry members (“*” indicates incumbents).

Jr. Warden Vestry Persons

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Doman, Beverley Gill, Henry Foster

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Apathy is a silent killer. It is most dangerous in the church. It is the chief contributor to all the dying that takes place here at St. Marks. We need to concentrate on some of the defying problems we face because of APATHY:

The first obligation of a member is to attend church. There is a Greek work, koinonia, which can be translated as, fellowship. This is not the chatting and enjoying ones friends, as normally takes place BUT a sharing of our common lives together. It is the means through which the community is kept alive, active and viable, giving it the ability to do wonderful things. A koinonia that is real, easily responds to the dictates of Jesus: comfort for the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the prisoners housing the homeless and so on. In short, a fellowship that is real, is a community that can respond to all sorts and conditions of people. First and foremost it is kept alive by our attendance and what apathy, the killer disease does is to convince us that the individual is only one person and attendance does not matter that much. The result is a lack luster congregation and a worshipping community that lacks the vibrancy and enthusiasm that makes things happen.

Another obligation is stewardship: a definite commitment of each individual’s time, talent and money. In our modern world there is a complexity that defies comprehension. The most obvious is in our communications system. Think of the days, when we would spend a half an hour, with pen and paper, to write a letter and wait for weeks to have the contents transferred and contrast this with the technology of seconds, and the immediacy of the response. This translates into the sophistication of gadgets and the proliferation of high powered instruments at our disposal. With this complexity, we turn to individualism rather than community. The self takes precedence over the other. Time is a ‘me’ factor. The results are stark and real in our church. Volunteerism goes a begging. Those with voices will sing, but cannot do so because their time is limited, those who help in Sunday school are happy to do so but are prevented by time and most important of all, our young people who desperately need the help to guide them through the complexities of their day, find themselves bereft and alone because those who are capable cannot find the time. So much talent: teachers, lawyers, professionals of every kind proliferate. It is impossible to share the talents, as there is nothing left after we satisfy our own needs. Our expectation for ourselves has been vastly extended, all we can do is to fulfill them.

The most dangerous symptom of apathy is the addiction to ownership. We claim everything for ourselves. This conviction, makes it impossible to part with our resources unless they are spent on something tangible. The most obvious is ourselves. An organization, such as ours, find that it is eking out an existence. Year after year, we get by on a less than an adequate budget. We cannot execute the programs that we should and in the way we should because of limited resources and inadequate space. The infection of apathy plays its part. The individualism that apathy breeds says that my contribution will not be missed. It does not matter any way. We get by with less that a third of the money we should receive.

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At St. Mark’s we should SLEEP THROUGH A STORM. The story is told of a farm hand who applied for a job. His recommendation read that he sleeps through a storm. He was hired nonetheless. A few weeks after a storm came. When the owner went to get him he was fast asleep. The farmer rushed to the barn and saw that the animals were already secured with plenty food, at the silo the door was latched and the wheat was dry. The preparations were made.

At St. Mark’s we should be able to sleep through a storm. I know we can do this because of what I see in so many people. In spite of the apathy that infects and surrounds us, there are those who do a yeoman’s job. It is effort such as theirs that keeps the church going. Their ministry provides the antibody to the virus of apathy that is determined to infect the whole body. WE THANK THEM MOST SINCERELY.

This coming year we want to Campaign against apathy, we want to energize the flock. This is our vital task and when we do, we will be able to snuff out the silent killer

We want also to pay tribute to all members who have passed on during the past year: NELLIE ROBINSON: MELONEE JONES: THE REV.JARRETTE ATKINS: JOYCE WILSON; SONIA CHRISTIE; WILLIAM SMITH; LAPPI DIXON; JOHN BROKAW; ROBERT COUNCH; BEVERLY COPPER-BUTLER; LILLIE MAE RIDLEY; OCTAVIA FISHER; HAROLD MOSELEY. May they rest in peace as they enter God’s eternal glory.

Leroy A. Lyons Rector

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Dear St. Mark’s Parishioners:

Mission of the Vestry: To manage the business affairs of the church.


Finances: Manage the church’s finances.

Facilities: Maintain church facilities. Supervise major building projects

Leadership: Provide leadership to parish programs, ministries and worship.


Bishop George Councell and Canon Leroy A. Lyons have articulated that as changes take place in the world in which we live, it may become necessary to evaluate our structures, programs, procedures and the way that we do business. This will be necessary to keep St. Mark’s as a viable, thriving center of worship.

As previously reported, the role of the Vestry person has been drastically changed. In reviewing the material associated with the Vestry/Grassroots program, you will notice how far reaching, but very specific the role of the Vestry members has been expanded.

Inquiring around the Diocese I found this dual responsibility to be very unique.

During 2009, the Vestry, along with the leadership of the Vestry/Grassroots members continued to work on planned projects at the church. The Jr. Warden, Elvis Belle will outline some of those tasks in his report, along with reports submitted by the leadership from the V/G Committee. Mr. Belle, Jr. Warden, is to be recognized and commended for his effort in fulfilling his position, with distinction.

Two areas of concern continue to plague St. Mark’s. 1. Membership 2. Stewardship

We Are Continuing To Look For Persons To Share Their Talents On The Membership And Stewardship Committees.

Signs of Encouragement during 2009:

1. Parishioners volunteering for specific projects. 2. Positive response to The Pew From You program. 3. Additional ministries being formed. 4. The lines of communication have been enhanced.

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5. Increased and positive activity from many of the ministries.

As you can see, it is not business as usual on the part of the Vestry. The Vestry members need to be recognized and commended for their outstanding efforts for 2009.

Respectfully submitted,

Henry E. Foster Senior Warden


The Adult Education and Bible Study group meets every first and third Sunday, at 9:30AM, following the 8:00AM Worship Service.

Each member is provided the opportunity to conduct scriptural interactive group discussions based on the lectionary and the primary message, from the morning sermon.

Our group discussions enable participants an opportunity to reflect on each topic, while relating them to everyday problems, for guidance, directions and deliverance.

We welcome new members with new and innovative ideas.

May God continue to provide the Adult Education and Bible Study Group with love, wisdom, guidance and grace?

Respectfully submitted,

Charlene A. Mackall

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The Committee

Co-Chairs: Ron Anderson Oslyn McDonald

Committee Members: Carolanne Aaron Valarie McCree Jerry Barner Dawn McDonald Sylvia Barner Sandra Mapp Brian Nassy Mike Tudor

Special Initiatives  New In-ground sign installed on 5/29  Cross on the front Exterior Of church installed 12/11  Radio Ads (Linkup Media) targeted at a Caribbean Audience from May thru June.  Interpreter Support (volunteer services for printing, editing, formatting as required)  Business Cards distributed 6/28 to the church to promote St. Mark’s by the congregation.  Side Door Event Board - Installation planned.  Redesign of the brochure and distribution on 9/13  Yard Signs created (As required, e.g. Health Fair)  Personal St. Mark’s Ad in Connecticut Church Magazine  Personal St. Mark’s Ad in the BACCNJ  Monthly Events Calendar for 2009 and Forecasted 2010 Calendar of Events  Increased color printing based on volunteer efforts Brian Nassy  Promotions N 1st Quarter, “Easter” postcard invitation (Direct distribution to the congregation to hand out and promote to Family, Friends and, neighbors). N 2nd Quarter, email promotion; “Up-Coming” event(s) list N Health Fair Promotion, door to door distribution of flyers – 5/24 – 5/28 N 3rd Quarter, marketing effort, (Distribution of brochures for the “Welcome Back” Service, email Women’s Workshop for Yede Dennis Items advertised via Cable TV, WEB and Newspaper Advertising in 2009 N SAT ads N AGAPE Camp N ECW Bus Ride

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N Men Who Cook Dinner N The Health Fair N The Enchanted Afternoon N Invitation to the Graduation service N The HIP HOP Mass Focus for 2010 – Re-design of the web site.

Respectfully Submitted,

Oslyn McDonald


On behalf of the Altar Guild, we would like to extend our gratitude to all who were instrumental in supporting us in this year of such an unstable economy. Your efforts defiantly helped us achieve a successful year and are greatly appreciated.

The Altar Guild works quietly behind the scenes. You may have seen a few women working on the altar after service. One of our major responsibilities is to change the altar hangings for the seasons of the church calendar. We also prepare for and attend Weddings and Funerals.

Our priest, The Reverend Canon Leroy A. Lyons, is the head of the Altar Guild. Our meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month, except for July, August and September. Our officers are:

Beverley Danner – Directress Jewell Gaither – Secretary Beverly King – Treasurer Leonie Blair – Treasure Isadora Moseley – Chaplain

Ms. Burke who was our treasure for many years has moved to Maryland to be near her daughter, son and grandchildren. We all miss her and wish her well in her new home.

Our Altar Guild consists of 15 dedicated women, 10 honorary members and one committee, the sewing committee, headed by Ms. Isadore Moseley. All of our members are assigned to a team that works on a rotational basis covering the full year of the church calendar. However, this year we have fewer members and we all have been doing extra work.

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Please, we are in need of NEW MEMBERS we do not exclude men. Contact any member of the Altar Guild. Our membership list, with phone numbers is posted on the church bulletin board.

A special thanks to Ms. Ollie Ridley for her continues work on our green hangings for the altar.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverley Danner, Directress


ARK is a non-profit corporation with members of St. Marks and Temple Emanu-El of Westfield. For over 20 years ARK members have built bridges of understanding and friendship while helping senior citizens in Plainfield. The following are some of our activities and accomplishments for 2007:

 Over several Saturdays, ARK volunteers power washed, scraped and primed a detached garage and house porch for an ailing senior citizen on Academy Avenue in Plainfield. Many thanks to those non-ARK members from St. Marks who lent a hand.

 Ark assisted seniors in applying for housing assistance from the City of Plainfield and Union County to help pay for home repairs beyond the reach of ARK.

 ARK members visited the Temple to see the documentary film “Darfur Diaries”.

 ARK members continue to support the “I Have a Dream” youth program and participated in the annual holiday party for the youth at St. Mark’s.

ARK welcomes Marcia Simons as our newest member!

We still need fresh volunteers to help with home repair projects in 2008. This is an excellent opportunity for those high school students who may need community service activities for their college applications. To volunteer for a project, please contact any of the St. Marks’ members; Vernon Anthony, Wendy Blackman, Lynette Bourne, Edward Danner, Beverly Danner, Clive Sang, Marcia Simons, Ken Sumner and Jackie Sumner.

Respectively submitted,

Vernon Anthony

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The year 2009 was a good one for St. Mark’s church. If you are a regular visitor or just an occasional one to St. Mark’s, you have seen the work done to the building and grounds of the church. I need not enumerate the work that was done. I know we are all proud. In the New Year, I hope to continue working to improve the facilities even more.

Thanks for your support and I am looking for the same in the New Year. May God bless all you real good with a healthy New Year.

Respectfully submitted,

Elvis A. Belle Junior Warden


The Episcopal Church Women is a chapter of the ECW of the Diocese of New Jersey. The purpose of this organization is to unite the women of the Diocese in a program of worship, study, fellowship and gifts.

The ECW of St. Mark’s fulfills it diocesan responsibilities by contributing to the NJ Diocese Fair Share, Student Service Award Fund, Mission Response, Church Periodical Club and the UTO Ingathering. Other donations have included:

 $450.00 – A Pew From You  $700.00 – Vestibule Lighting  $300.00 – Partners-In-Ministry in Liberia  $400.00 to the National ECW Jericho Road Project, to build homes in New Orleans  $100.00 – for personal items to the Seamen’s Institute for assembling Christmas Boxes

We attended the ECW breakfast at the annual convention of the Diocese of NJ in Wildwood, the 133rd annual meeting of the Diocesan ECW and the Diocesan Anti-Racism Conference both held at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton.

February 13, 2010 – A Morning of Prayer and Meditation. We will again have our annual morning of prayer and silent meditation (leader and program to be announced). Please come and experience a very spiritual awakening to begin your Lenten season. Prior to our program we will serve a Continental breakfast and a light lunch following.

March 14, 2010 – Women’s Day Program. Our women’s day program will be held at St. Mark’s this year during the ten o’clock service, with our theme being “Uplifting, Empowering and

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Encouraging Women”. Our speaker will be announced in the coming weeks. A luncheon will be served following the service.

April 2010 – Broadway Bus Ride Play: RACE The specific date, cost and time to be announced.

June 2010 – Atlantic City Bus Ride. Our annual trip to the Atlantic City Boardwalk and Casinos - Date and cost to be announced.

We continue to mail remembrances to our sick and shut-in parishioners and friends.

Our meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month. Please watch the bulletin for the times and feel free to join us anytime – All are welcome!

Respectfully submitted,

C Kym Longus, Co-President – St. Mark’s ECW


Mission: To assist the Rector in our church and in our community.

Purpose: To serve at each worship service and funeral. To provide visitation to the sick and shut-in. To provide others services as indicated by the Rector.

Action: Schedule assignments were made twice a tear ( January–June & July–December). Special Lenten Services from 3/2/09 thru 4/6/09 was led by a different LEM each Monday evening. Agape Summer Camp 2009, LEM assisted with morning devotion the 1st week In August, 2009. We welcome Dr. Carolanne Aaron, our new L.E.M. 202 visits were made to the sick, shut-in and home bound parishioners during 2009.

Goals: We will continue with our mission and purpose through-out 2010.

Members: Canon Leroy Lyons, Al Brewer, Andrew Marshall, Amelia Mapp, Carolanne Aaron, Clive Sang, Henry Foster, Ingrid Duncan, Jewell Gaither.

Thank you, for allowing us to serve.

Canon Leroy Lyons/ Jewell Gaither

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Family night provides an opportunity for our St. Mark's family to get together informally. We meet on the first Friday of the month at 7:30pm. We have dinner and various activities. Please join us when you can

Respectfully submitted,

Melvin Hill


The Garden Guild came into being on welcome back Sunday September 13, 2009 when fourteen people signed up to make the guild a reality. It was formed out of a need to beautify the church grounds.

The guild met twice in the fall of 2009 to plant bulbs which will bloom in the spring of 2010. We will meet again in the spring to maintain and prepare the gardens for the summer.

It is our intention to make St.Mark’s one of the most beautiful properties in the neighborhood while making it an inviting place to worship.

Thanks to Mrs. Agnes Maddox, Mrs. Floretta Belle and Mr. Glyne Branker among others for maintaining the gardens before the guild’s inception.

The garden guild wishes to thank all who have made generous donations. We would like to encourage more members to join, since there is much work to be done.

Respectfully submitted,

Vermay Marshall Elizabeth David

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Mission: To provide hot nutritious meals to those in need in Plainfield.

Current economic conditions and personal circumstances have caused many residents of the Plainfield community to experience difficulty in obtaining sufficient food for their families. The Grace Feeding Program responds to this need by providing delicious hearty meals to these families.

Members of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church family volunteer once a month to assist with this vital community collaborative effort. Those who have participated with the project, as long time volunteers or on an occasional basis, have reportedly enjoyed the experience immensely and welcome others who are willing to make time to participate in this worthwhile endeavor.

This program takes place on the last Monday of each month. The hours are 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Henry Foster


The Health Ministry at St. Mark's Episcopal Church is to inform and enhance the life of parishioners and the Community about the importance of maintaining good health and practicing healthy habits.

The Ministry is progressing well. In addition to the health fairs, blood pressure screenings are done on a monthly basis.

Weekly exercises are continued thanks to Melvin Hill.

The congregation makes it all worthwhile. They look forward to having their blood pressure recorded monthly. It helps those taking medication to keep track, and if any one has questions we are available, to answer or direct them to the appropriate person.

The members of the St. Mark's Health Ministry and the Auxiliary to the North Jersey Medical Society sponsored their annual Health Fair on May 30th, 2009.

Various major topics were discussed. To name a few: H1N1 virus, Stroke and Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity, Women's Health, Community Awareness of Communicable Diseases, Asthma and Allergies, Laser Dermatology Screening and the usual Blood pressure screening.

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The Doctors who attended were outstanding in their presentations.

The health fair was well attended.

The health ministry could not function without the hard work and participation of a fine group of dedicated professionals who are members of our church, and volunteer their time whenever, asked.

Special thanks go to Nira Warner, Beverley Blenman-Rolston and Myrna Dyson.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Blackman


Year-end Report: St. Marks did a wonderful job fulfilling our role in the network of participating HomeFirst service providers. Through HomeFirst, families with children are provided with housing and meals by our church on a rotating schedule of one-week periods. During these rotations, volunteers from St. Mark’s staff our parish hall 24 hours a day, for seven days. During 2009, St. Mark’s served the HomeFirst Interfaith Housing and Family Services organization as a host facility 3 times, providing hospitality to as many as 16 people at a time.

2010 Goals: St. Mark’s church will be a participating service facility again in 2010, starting in May 2010, and will be looking forward to your support and commitment throughout the year. There are many different ways in which you and your family can assist, from donating meals, to simply donating your time.

For information, or to find out how you can share in our tradition of giving and service to our community, please contact Lynette Bourne at 908 756 8842.

Thank you to all of those who volunteered their time and support during the successful 2009 year.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Bourne Coordinator January 09, 2010

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St. Mark's newsletter, The Interpreter, was issued three times during 2009. The issues were distributed to over 300 parishioners of St. Mark's Episcopal Church as well to a number of churches in the Diocese of New Jersey. The first issue of color with photographs was issued in July. Sandra Mapp contributed the graphic expertise and Brian Nassy contributed his printing talents to make the issue possible. Youth as well as adult members of the congregation reported on their activities and special events of interest to our community.

Due to family responsibilities, I have resigned from producing the newsletter in 2010. Thanks are extended to everyone who has made this newsletter what it has become over the last six years. Anyone interested in taking on the editorship should contact the Church Office.

Respectfully submitted,

Ina A. Brown-Woodson, Ph.D. Editor , 2003-2009


The lector committee is charged with the responsibility of assigning readers for the scriptural lessons for the regular and special services at St Mark’s Episcopal Church. We have dedicated members who have served so faithfully throughout the year. We especially thank our excellent office staff for continuing to mail copies of the lessons to be read on their scheduled Sundays.

We ask that our readers practice reading these lessons at home, and check for correct pronunciation of names and places. There are other concerns that are listed in available folders. Lectors are also responsible for getting their schedules from the office. It is also important to call coordinators if they are unable to read on their appointed Sunday.

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Although there was a very good response from New Sign-Ups on Welcome Back Sunday, there are always openings for new lectors.

Respectfully submitted,

Fanette L. Hahn


The mission of the membership committee is to attract new members, improve attendance and to keep in contact with members that we haven't seen for a while. We make calls, send letters and make visits when possible. All of our St Mark's family should be asking others to visit our church.

If you are interested in being a member of this committee, contact Melvin Hill

Respectfully submitted,

Melvin Hill


Our mission is to be a valuable arm of our church. The men look forward to serving the needs of our church and the community. We meet on the fourth Friday of the month at 7:30pm at St. Mark's. All men are welcome to join us at our meetings.

Respectfully submitted,

Melvin Hill


In researching the cost of much needed repairs to the pews, we discovered that the pews could also be upholstered at a fairly reasonable price. We invited members of the St. Mark’s family to donate to this effort by funding one pew or part of a pew in the “A Pew From You” project. The response was overwhelming with the congregation donating a total of $26,741.53 to this project.

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The repair and restoration work was completed in early December. Plaques recognizing the donors will be installed on plaques on the pews. The plaques are on order and should be installed shortly.

We thank everyone who donated pews. We thank Elvis Belle for managing the project and getting it complete ahead of schedule. In addition, we thank the following people who worked on various aspects of the Pew Project: Jerry Barner, Sylvia Barner, Patricia Liddie, Michelle Lyons, Marjorie Mapp, Cecily McDonald, and Brian Nassy.

Respectfully submitted by

Dawn McDonald


About the committee: The reception/Hospitality committee was formed by caring and devoted members of St. marks to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the parish hall, and to assist with the preparation before and re-organization following church functions held in the hall.

Current Members: Lynette Bourne, Ivan Johnson, Al Brewer, Carmen Brewer, Marcia Durant, Vermay Marshall, Herman Galloway, Melvin Hill, Terry Belle, Valerie McCree, Marcia Burnett, Ruby Springer, and Romancia Griffith, and Patricia Linton.

Update: During the past year we’ve continued to ensure the upkeep and appearance of the parish hall.

New Goals for FY 2010 include:  Ensuring that a committee member is readily available at parish hall events to ensure proper care of the hall.  Creating an inviting environment conducive to use by church members and others.

The committee meets bi-monthly on the 4th Sunday of the month, starting in January 2008. Contact Lynette Bourne at 908 756 8842 with questions.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynette Bourne Committee Chairperson January 07, 2010

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The Office Staff, Cecily McDonald and Patricia Liddie, wish to express gratitude and appreciation to the group of faithful and reliable volunteers who regularly respond to our call for assistance in handling periodic increases in the volume of office work. It is because of the willing and able cooperation of these persons that you receive, regardless of the weather, communication from the Rector, financial statements and other correspondence from the Church.

The volunteer group includes:

Ronald Anderson, Jerry Barner, Sylvia Barner, Linda Barnes, Yvonne Belle, Alfonzo Brewer, Carmen Brewer, Beverley Danner, Roy David, Henry Foster, Patricia Houchins, Agnes Maddox, Ethel Scott and Jenny Jenkins.

We also thank:

 Jennifer Mapp for preparing the Sunday and special bulletins and for compiling this annual report;

 Carla Potter and Harriet Mugwanya for selling The Daily Bread and Forward Day by Day;

 Valarie McCree, and Marjorie Mapp for volunteering many hours of help in the office;

 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Barner for the monthly calendar;

 Ina Brown-Woodson for The Interpreter;

 Brian Nassy and Dawn McDonald for helping us to print our special reports.

The Treasurer and Finance Committee thank the Counters, a group of dedicated and committed volunteers, who count and record collection receipts and other monies received weekly after the 10.30 a.m. Sunday services. Their time and talent are sincerely appreciated. The Counters are: Vernon Anthony, Floretta Belle, Marcia Burnett Gladston Hackett, Doreen Heavens and Andrew Marshall.

We also thank Jerry Barner, Sylvia Barner, Beverley Danner and Edward Danner for beautifying the Bulletin Board and keeping us up with seasons of the Episcopal Church.

We wish all these people God’s continuous blessings and hope that they will continue with us for a long time.

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The Plainfield Grassroots CDC continues to sponsor SAT Prep classes for area high school students. This program has been run for the past 5 years with 2 ten week sessions each year, one from January to April and another from September to November. Classes are held on Saturday mornings here at St. Mark’s. Students are charged a nominal registration fee of $50 for each session which covers the students’ textbooks and supplies. Students with perfect attendance receive a $25 rebate at the end of the session.

News of this program has spread. Many of our students are referred by Guidance Counselors at area schools. We have also had students from as far away as Jersey City, Burlington Township and Chatham. There were 32 students in the last session, the largest class we have ever had. More students wanted to attend but could not be accommodated due to limited space.

Students are tested using real SAT tests in Reading, Writing and Math at the beginning and end of each session. In the last session, we had the largest increase between the students’ pre- and post-test scores. Reading scores rose by an average of 17%, Math by 9%, and Writing by 1%.

This program continues to receive excellent reviews from parents and students alike. It is staffed by 6 dedicated volunteer teachers: Damani Aaron, Michelle Graham-Lyons, Steve Hyles, Dawn McDonald, William McDonald, and JoAnne Pitter. We thank these teachers for their service and hard work in this endeavor.

Submitted by,

Dawn McDonald


Our 12th Annual Scholarship Drive in March 2009 was a great success. We thank God for having such caring and generous congregation who has continued to support us. In 2009, (6) High school seniors received $825.00 in a book scholarship. The Recipients were:

 Marika Simons  Imani Cox  Ariana Lyons  Donna Worrell  Jelani Cox  Patrick DaCosta

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This year we are claiming another successful drive in March 2010 We will be awarding $ 850.00 in book scholarship to graduating seniors who are active members of St. Mark's and have been accepted by colleges, universities or training school of their choice.

Respectfully submitted,

Tracey Cox


Purpose: To provide members and friends of St. Mark’s Church who are mature Christian singles the opportunity to meet and have fellowship with each other in a social, network setting.


– To develop an effective outreach for the growing number of single adults in our church and community. – To attract new and existing members to the St. Mark’s family – To help renew the vision and purpose of our church family. – To meet the needs of single adults who want spiritual growth, and social fellowship.

Leaders: Adeline Valentine, Carla Potter, Charles Wilkins

2009 Activities: Meet and Greet

2010 Activities: Monthly planning meetings for fundraising, community service projects and event based networking


St. Mark’s members must be complimented for making a solid contribution to the church in 2009. It was a challenging year for many but our members’ overall commitment to St. Mark’s was evident in their strong support. The total amount contributed by members as offering for 2009 was $253,825.46. This total does NOT include other contributions from members such as donation to the Pew Project, the Lenten Denial, the Scholarship Fund, the Building Fund and the Memorial Fund.

Members who pledged for 2009 did an excellent job supporting the church.

 140 members pledged a total of $227,538.00.

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 Our pledged members contributed $202,324.30 which is 89% of the amount pledged. This is excellent, especially given the difficult economic conditions of 2009.

 The average weekly contribution of pledged St. Mark’s members is $27.81.

 63 members (23% of our total membership) contributed their full pledges and more. 39 of these members contributed in excess of the pledged amount. This is great news!

 Another 31 pledged members (11% of all members) contributed between 80% and 99% of their pledges.

 Of the remaining members, 19 (7% of all members) contributed at least half of what they pledged.

 Only 23 members (8% of membership) contributed less than half of what they pledged.

 The 139 members who did not pledge contributed a total of $51,402.16. This includes the 58 members who made no contribution at all.

It should be noted that, in general, members who are coming to church are supporting the church well. Most of the non-contributors are inactive members. Many are not attending church, a smaller number are elderly and/or shut-in and are no longer able to contribute. To improve our financial position, we need to increase our membership.

For this year, 128 members have pledged a total of $225,598.00. We added 20 members who had not pledged last year, but 34 members who pledged last year did not renew their pledges.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn McDonald


The Sunday school program remains a vital part of the congregation and future of the church. The purpose is to provide a structure to achieve the following goals.

 To improve religious knowledge.  To nurture spiritual growth, commitment to church and community.  To foster good social skills, positive attitudes, healthy self esteem and social responsibilities.

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Forty five children are enrolled in the program; several attend church on a regular basis and serve in other roles within the church. The children are assigned to classes according to their grade and age group. The classes follow the liturgical calendar.

The children participated in a number of events throughout the year.

 Youth services coordinated by Mrs. C .Aaron  Black History Month  Praise Dancing  Children’s Choir  Enchanted Afternoon  Christmas Pageant.

The teaching staff includes Ms. Clover Doré, Arlene Dey-Nassy, Charissa Tucker, Keisha Hill, Sandra Mapp, Mr. Terry Bell and Wilbert Gill. Several students of the senior class assisted with the younger children throughout the year.

We welcome Ms Wendi Barner to the teaching staff. Ms Dawn McDonald resigned after many years of service. We are thankful to Dawn for the years spent with the children.

The Sunday school teachers welcome additional activities for the children. Recommendations and suggestions are welcomed.

On behalf of the Sunday school teachers I Thank the parents, Cannon Lyons, Mr. Foster, Mr. Hill, Mr. Belle, Mrs. C. McDonald and Mrs. Warren.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverley Rolston Blenman Superintendent

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The purpose of the Ushers’ Committee of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is to provide assistance to the members of the clergy and to the congregation during each church service and to ensure that each service progresses smoothly. Our goal for 2010 is to improve our commitment to making the church services flow easily.

Some of the tasks of the Ushers’ Committee include, but are not limited to the following:

 Extend greetings to each parishioner and/or visitor and provide them with a bulletin.  Direct parishioners to pews when necessary.  Provide newcomers to the church with a visitor’s card and make them feel welcome.  Collect offertory contributions prior to Communion.  Usher the congregation to the Communion Rail during Communion.  Count the number of people attending the church service.  Count the number of Communicants taking Communion.  Provide assistance during baptisms.  Provide assistance during funerals and wakes.  Provide assistance for any other requests made by the Rector

Our committee consists of approximately thirty-eight members (sixteen who serve at 8:00 a.m., and twenty-two who serve at 10:30 a.m.). Three ushers are assigned to assist the clergy and the congregation at each Sunday service. At special services and funerals sometimes more (or fewer if warranted) ushers are assigned. Ushers can be identified during services by the “Ushers’ Badges” that they wear. The coordinators of the Ushers’ Committee are Charles Wilkins for the 8:00 a.m. service, and Kenrick Miller & Leland Blair for the 10:30 a.m. service. Charles and Kenrick also serve as the Ushers’ liaisons to the Workshop Committee, and Charles performs the duty of Scheduler of Ushers.

We welcomed four (4) new members to the ushers committee in 2009. They are Beverley Danner, Michelle Graham-Lyons, Melanie Heron and Amelia Hope.

Thanks to Mrs. Beverley Blenman and Mrs. Wendy Blackman-Duffus who arranged for Miss. Nicole Rolston to train Ushers on how to operate the defibrillator, if needed, during church service.

Sunday, December 13th was Ushers Recognition Day. The ushers were recognized during both the 8am and 10:30am services.

A meeting of all members of the Ushers’ Committee is scheduled to take place in 2010, at a date to be determined later.

Any church member who is interested in serving the church as an usher is invited to contact a coordinator, prior to the next scheduled preparation. The schedule for the first four months of

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2010 is in place. However, a new schedule will be prepared in April, 2010 for the next four- month period and then again in August for the last four months of the year.

On behalf of the Clergy and the Congregation of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, the coordinators of the St. Mark’s Ushers would like to thank those ushers who served so diligently in 2009.

We look forward to serving our Church during this New Year!

Respectfully Submitted by,

Kenrick Miller, Charles Wilkins, & Leland Blair (Coordinator of Ushers



To interact with individuals and organizations within the church. To identify talents of the membership in order to increase involvement in the life of the church


1. Strategic Planning: Map out strategies for moving forward.

2. Finding Volunteers: Identify talents and expertise of our membership and match these to the needs of the church.

3. Cross Committee Communication: Improve communication with individuals and various organizations.

Clergy Leadership oversees the entire Vestry/ Grassroots organization.

The current structure of the Vestry/Grassroots Committee is as follows:

Realizing that many of the parishioners are not aware of the magnitude of the Committee, I will take the liberty to outline the committees and identify the leadership. (Attachment will be distributed at the annual meeting).

A workshop was held on January 24, 2009 entitled The Welcome Workshop. The purpose was to be the development/refinement of the Vision for St. Mark’s. Over forty persons attended the workshop.

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Over 47 items were identified by the participants as action items. Many of these items have already been implemented, and will be presented by various chairpersons in the 2010 Annual parish Report. We also continued to coordinate our efforts with the Diocese of New Jersey.

The Vestry/Grassroots Committee is second only to the Vestry, in importance, as related to making decisions, recommendations, and/or providing direction regarding programs related to St. Marks.

The Vestry/Grassroots Committee meets on the second Wednesday of month. Committee and Organizational Chairpersons are required to be represented at these meetings. All members of St. Mark’s are invited to attend and participate in the meetings

Respectfully submitted,

Henry E. Foster Convener


A group organized and coordinated by the Rector to assist the Rector with the smooth operation of the Worship Services and related activities. Consists of representatives from the Altar Guild, Acolytes, Sectars, Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Music Ministries.

Altar Guild – Prepares the altar for all services, including weddings, funerals and baptisms. They also look after the Priest’s vestments, flowers and everything pertaining to the use of the altar. Contact Person: Beverley Danner.

Acolytes – Assist at the altar during services: carry cross, candles and bible during processions. Contact Person: Rector, The Rev. Canon Leroy A. Lyons.

Music Ministries – Provide music for the worship services. Consists of:

Organist – Edith Campbell

Senior Choir – Rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm. Music ranges from classic to gospel.

Youth Choir – Consisting of young people from grades 8-12 and those attending college, and hopefully will sing every fourth Sunday. Most of the older participants do attend college. We are thankful that many returned and performed during the Homecoming Service held on Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 10:30am. This was during the Thanksgiving Season. We also witnessed an outstanding performance by our female and young male Praise Dancers. We look forward to this group continuing into this year of 2010.

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Male Choir – Have regrouped with the addition of the boys and young men. Participated with the Senior Choir and sang in the 2009 Christmas Eve concert. Most likely will sing on Men’s Day and every fifth Sunday.

Lectors – Read lessons at Services. Contact Persons: Fanette Hahn 8am; Yvonne Belle 10:30am

Eucharistic Ministers – Assist in conducting worship services; administering the chalice; visit and take Communion upon request to church members that are sick, shut-in or otherwise confined to home, hospitals or nursing homes. Eucharistic Ministers are: Alfonzo Brewer, Henry Foster, Andrew Marshall, Clive Song, Amelia V. Mapp, Ingrid Duncan, Jewell Gaither and Carolanne Aaron. Contact Persons: Rector, The Rev. Canon Leroy A. Lyons and Jewell Gaither – scheduling and directing meetings.

Ushers – Direct and help people as they arrive to worship and generally try to make everyone feel welcome. Attend special training in C.P.R. Contact Person: Kendrick Miller, Charles Wilkins and Leland Blair.

Vestry Liaison – Elvis Belle

We anticipate the Worship Committee will meet at least three or four times per year – January, May, September and December, more often if necessary. The Worship Committee did not meet as scheduled in 2009. All groups held individual meetings. We hope to commit ourselves to better perform our services for the year 2010.

We always encourage all members to participate in the Eucharist each Sunday and during special services, and continue to pray for the Church family and our Ministries. The Committee is always open to suggestions and comments from all members.

Respectfully submitted,

Alfonzo Brewer - Chair Person

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