This document is provided by the WSU Office of Risk Management and Insurance and is informational only since policy provisions are subject to change.

to his/her home country or International SOS o SOS will arrange and pay country of assignment  Emergency and Routine Corporate Medical Service Program for ordinary and Medical Advise Terms & Conditions necessary expenses to  Repatriation of Mortal Remains transport the member to o SOS will arrange for NOTE: THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES ARE his/her home country or o SOS will arrange and pay the provision of country of assignment NOT COVERED BY OUR CORPORATE SOS for all reasonable and medical advice over following a medical necessary expenses for the telephone for any MEMBERSHIP: IRAN, IRAQ, evacuation for subsequent transporting the member’s member who is AFGHANISTAN AND NORTH KOREA inpatient hospitalization mortal remains from the calling an SOS alarm WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL or rehabilitative treatment place of death to the center member’s home country MEDICAL EVACUATION AND  Companion Ticket  Travel Health Information REPATRIATION SERVICES  Transportation of Minor Children Following a member’s Services provided upon request as part of o o SOS will provide the subscription with no additional fees, 24 medical evacuation, SOS o If a member has minor subscriber and hours a day, 365 days a year, for traveler will arrange and pay for children who are left members access to calling an SOS alarm center due to a the cost of one economy unattended as the result of SOS medical serious medical condition class round trip airfare for a member’s injury, illness personnel and SOS a relative or friend to join or medical evacuation, alarm center network a traveler who has or will  Evacuation and Repatriation SOS will arrange and pay to obtain up-to-date be hospitalized. SOS the cost of economy class travel health shall not be responsible one way airfare for the information o SOS will arrange and pay for the companion’s transportation of such for the ordinary and accommodation costs minor children to the necessary expense of air  Medical and Dental Referrals member’s home country and/or surface  Additional Travel Expenses after or country of assignment transportation, medical o SOS will provide the Medical Evacuation care during transportation, member with names, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE communications and all addresses, telephone Following a member’s usual and customary o numbers and office Services provided upon request as part ancillary changes incurred medical evacuation, SOS hours for physicians, of subscription with no additional in moving and will arrange and pay for hospitals, clinics, fees, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, transporting a member to the reasonable and dentists, dental clinics for traveler calling an SOS alarm the nearest hospital where necessary cost for airfare within the area where center (No serious medical condition appropriate medical care for the traveler to resume the member is located required) is available his/her trip and/or return

As of: October 2006 1 of 2 This document is provided by the WSU Office of Risk Management and Insurance and is informational only since policy provisions are subject to change.

 Out-patient Case Management addresses, and telephone but which are not available at numbers for lawyers or OTHER SERVICES or near the member’s location o SOS will assist legal practitioners within member with the the area where the The following services are provided and  Arrange Ground Transportation arrangement and member is located are subject to additional fees and/or and Accommodations for confirmation of reimbursement Accompanying Family Members appointments with  Emergency message Transmission Medical Service  Medical Expense Guarantee, Cost  Advance of Emergency Personal Providers o SOS will use its best Review and Payment, Medical Cash efforts to receive and Monitoring  Assistance with transmit emergency  Special On-Site Translation and Documentation for Insurance messages between o SOS will guarantee and pay as Interpreter Services Claim Forms members and their agent for the subscriber all families cost associated with a o SOS will assist member’s in-patient or members in obtaining  Emergency translation and outpatient medical care. SOS the necessary Interpreter Services will also medically monitor documentation for the member’s condition and medical insurance o In the event of an provide the subscriber’s claims for care emergency situation, SOS authorized person with involving SOS will provided personal medical evaluations of the services telephone translation member’s condition and services and referral to ongoing medical expenses TRAVEL ASSISTANCE interpreter services when hospitalized through its alarm center Services provided upon request as part network  Dispatch of Medications and of subscription with no additional Medical Supplies fees, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,  Lost Document Advise and for traveler calling an SOS alarm Assistance o SOS will, when and where center (No serious medical condition practical and legally required) o SOS will assist members permissible, arrange for who have lost important delivery of medicines, drugs  Legal Referrals documents (e.g.. passport, and medical supplies that are credit cards) by providing medically necessary for a o SOS will provide instructions for recovery member’s car and treatment members with names, or replacement

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