Annual Monitoring Review Process Review of the Year 2016-17 and Action Planning for The

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Annual Monitoring Review Process Review of the Year 2016-17 and Action Planning for The

Annual Monitoring Review Process Review of the Year 2016-17 and Action Planning for the Year 2017-18

QAA Quality Code Chapter B8 Expectation: Higher education providers, in discharging their responsibilities for setting and maintaining academic standards and assuring and enhancing the quality of learning opportunities, operate effective, regular and systematic processes for monitoring and for review.

Question Answer

What period does this report need to cover? It is a retrospective look at the 2016-17 academic year, with an action plan for the 2017-18 academic year.

One report will be completed by every Subject Director and submitted to their Head of School. Who should complete the report? The Head of School will complete the School Cover Sheet with summary of key themes The report is intended to function at Subject level rather than Programme level. All programmes within a subject (including Joint Honours) are considered as part of the report and specific programmes should be drawn to our attention if they have particular issues/strengths that could be shared. This includes PG provision and franchised provision, but not Research provision. Which programmes should the report cover? Reports include a Risk Assessment ( review/), and External Examiner Report Responses for each programme (embedded in this template) Note: Externally validated provision will submit a separate report AMR report, with any issues noted in the Subject report (they will not complete the Risk Assessment). Reports from each Subject Director should be submitted to the relevant Head of School by 22nd September 2017. School Management Teams scrutinise the submissions before submitting the Subject reports as one document When should the report be completed by? with a School Cover Sheet using the title AMR1617School initials (eg: AMR1617SHRP for Humanities). Please place your document in U:\School Support Unit\School Admin Unit\Quality\AMR 201617 by 13.00 on Friday 15th October 2017. The joint meeting of QSC and ELTSEC in October will focus on the reports. External Examiner Reports will be scrutinised by QSC in September 2016 (undergraduate and available postgraduate* reports) and a report sent to Schools. School Management Teams scrutinise External Examiner reports in early September 2016 to flag up any School- wide or programme-specific issues. Subject Directors will also consider these reports with their teams and the How should External Examiner reports be factored in? outcome of this scrutiny should then be documented in the ‘Response to External Examiner reports’ section of this template. Guidance on the External Examiner report and response process can be found at *outstanding postgraduate reports will be considered in October Note: Responses to External Examiners will be sent after the October QSC/ELTSEC. Further details will be provided on this process. Data is available all year round in DAISY, the University’s Management Information tool that can be found on the What data and evidence should be used to complete the Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats (SWOT) u-drive (in the ‘Tableau Documents’ folder). If you do not have access to this shared folder, please contact IT analysis? services and they will install the Tableau software on your PC and give you access to the shared folder on the u- drive. Externally validated collaborative partners will use their own locally held data. Yes. Andrew Fern (ext. 6456) and Caitlin Rushby (ext. 6222) are available to help you get to grips with Tableau and Can I get help with using DAISY and/or synthesising the key messages for my area? to assist with drawing out key messages from the data. They can offer bespoke 1-to-1 sessions or provide School-wide training sessions. Yes. The template is designed to fix the size of the document. There are 30+ subjects in the new structure. By Are we constrained to three A3 pages? streamlining and demanding synthesis in this way, the University will still have to process close to 100 pages of SWOT analyses, action plans, etc. Yes. A University SWOT will be made available to (a) signal the style needed to ensure points are clear and Is there any guidance on the writing style required in the report? concise; (b) emphasise that data available in DAISY does not need to be repeated; and (c) give subjects a context within which to understand their data. Annual Monitoring Report - Review of 2016-17 and Action Plan for 2017-18 School Subjec t

Heads of School Please copy List Programme Titles below Risk Assessment External Examiner List Programme Titles below Risk Assessment External Examiner Report and paste this box into the Report Grade Grade School Cover Sheet Please add in subject area Please add in subject area

Strengths Weaknesses

. .

Opportunities for enhancement / growth / diversification Existing risks / potential threats

. . Checklist of considerations

Student recruitment

 Admissions processes

 Marketing activities

 Applicant demand and conversion

Student Outcomes Equality, Diversity, Widening Participation  (population, progression, achievement)

Student feedback (inc. survey findings,  module evaluations, student reps)  Student retention and progression

 Student achievement

 Graduate destinations  Complaints Outcomes of Collaborative Provision  discussed with Partners

Underpinning / other strategic priorities

 External/Internal review recommendations Inclusive learning, teaching  and assessment Internationalisation  (inc. study abroad)  Work-related learning (inc. placements) External engagement (collaborative provision,  international partnerships) Student support  (inc. Academic Tutoring) Forward looking Quality enhancement / growth / diversification  opportunities  Early revalidations needed

Priority Actions Responsibility Timescale 1. 2.








10. Response to External Examiner Reports

Please use this form to summarise the strengths and key issues raised in external examiner reports and how these will be addressed. The response should be sent to your external examiners, together with a covering letter, as soon as possible after the reply has been agreed (please note that each report is graded from A-E and who responds depends on the grade – see the ‘Procedure for reviewing external examiner reports’ Please add additional tables for each external examiner report.

External Examiner:

Academic session: 2016-2017


Registry Grade

Strength identified / Issue Raised School response Action needed Action completed

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