Instructions on Completion of Request for Information Document
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South African Airway
South African Airways (SOC) Ltd
Request for Information for the Supply of Aircraft Turnaround Management Solution (ATMS)
Instructions on Completion of Request for Information Document. Sections 2 are to be completed by the vendor. SAA will be glad to accept any information you can offer on the commodity as stated. This request for information must be completed in English and the prices must be stated in South Africa Rand. SECTION #1
Request for Information Details
1. Background
SAA runs a hub and spoke operations in Johannesburg and this means that most of our flights start and terminate at the hub. It is therefore crucial for our operations at the hub to have a global view of the operations on all outgoing and incoming flight schedules with the focus on ensuring the departing flights are compliant to all operational requirements and eliminate possible delays on the inbound wave. Ramp operations coordinate all activities on the ground above and below the wing. And ensures the safe, quick and efficient turnaround of the aircraft from arrivals to departures. Their function also focuses on ensuring that tasks such as cleaning, refueling and loading/offloading are completed on time by disseminating information to both internal and external service providers.
Critical information such as service failures, aircraft delays is recorded and communicated to all key stakeholders and monitors the quality of services against the performance agreements on service level standards.
The allocation of human resources at ramp plays a vital role, hence the reliable automated system is required to facilitate and manage the allocation of human resources to the service the corporate flight schedule.
1.1 Business Requirement
The primary objective is to implement an automated and integrated information technology solution that can offer the following capabilities and not limited to; o Deliver and Support the overall Aircraft Turnaround Management of Aircraft Turnaround concept and or process; o Monitoring of flight turnaround services as per the prescribed company Precision Time Schedule (PTS); o Minimization of departure and/or turnaround associated delays o Provide simulation functionality for the creation of what-if-scenarios based on reliable calculation and information to manage alternatives and irregular operations situations; o Provide an automated schedule optimization capability for changes as and when they occurs; o Provide a flexible and reliable real time reporting capability to cater for standard reporting requirements such as interactive dashboard with ease of configuration o Capability for client-based, cloud-based, web-based and mobile-based environment; o Provide and or support the Mobile Device Management and GPS capabilities; o Ability to deliver and receive data from multiple sources/platforms; o Real-time update of information (with event/activity triggers and alerts); o Support SLA enforcement with on-site signature and invoicing; o Deliver business process optimization on time management and support paperless environment; o Incorporate operational costs and time analysis on all tasks and activities to demonstrate impact and ensure awareness; o Provide resource scheduling capabilities and allocation to ensure 100 percentage of coverage of the flight schedule; o Provide built-in send and receive functionality form eMails, SMSes and community chat/instant messaging; o Provide capability for automated barcode scanning and capturing;
Regardless of the whether the solution is used on an Application Service Provisioning basis, (ASP), SAA owned, internally or external hosted, it must meet the following SAA IT services minimum requirements: o The solution must be based on open and flexible software platform easy to integrate with existing applications and systems; o Hard-coding will not be accepted, the solution must allow definable user templates that will enable the SAA system or business units administrators to easily tailor the system to their requirements. o The solution must be user friendly WEB browser enabled and also be able to support rich client interface for our mobile workforce; o The solution should have no web browser restrictions/limitations as SAA makes use of multiple browsers e.g. IE, Opera, etc; o The solution must be accessible globally, regionally and domestically where SAA offices are present; o The solution must integrate to SAA messaging infrastructure as well as other systems with SAA e.g. SAP. This integration should not be limited to extracting files from the system; o The solution must be easily adaptable or configurable to the changing SAA business requirements; o The solution must provide meaningful reporting inclusive of Executive Dashboards across the regulatory compliance framework; o The solution should also provide for dynamic user report and dashboard creation, which should be driven by a Data warehouse and Business Intelligence strategy. o System must be in alignment with SAA Architectural Footprint; and o System must be capable of supporting multi tenancy to support the SAA Group requirements. o The system must be capable of being deployed in the cloud. There needs to be local support for the system. o The system must have the ability to communicated through various protocol, such and e-mail, FTP over VPN, SFTP, FTPS and EDIFACT and CXML. o The ability to interface with our in-house applications, developed for SAA, User access to the system must be configurable to specific predefined role groups. o The application should be able to interface with various platforms, such as Windows, Android and IOS devices. o The application must support various devices that will allow remote mobility access. o The application must be scalable to various devices, such as tables and smart phones o The system should support security declarations.
1.1.2. IT SECURITY The solution must meet the following minimum SAA baseline security standards: o Audits trails and logs enable; o Automatic notifications (Work Flow capabilities) according to SAA defined rules for any regulatory changes, updates; etc. o Generate exception reports for administrators; o Logical Access Managed through Username (pension no) and password (complex); o The systems must come with system specification and procedures; and o Regardless of where the solution is hosted, the solution provider shall adhere to SAA security policies.
SAA’s intent with this invitation for information is for the following: o To establish the type of tools and their respective capability to meet the requirements set out above; and o To establish the potential costs of such tools.
Request for Information closing time:
Time: 11h00, South African time (GMT+2.00) Date: 16 August 2016 All questions must be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] no later than 12 August 2016 @16h00pm
Address of tender box or to send an electronic submission please contact us on:[email protected] South African Airways Jones Road Airways park – Main Entrance (Tender box is situated inside the security office).
All documents must be addressed to: Main Reception Gate SAA Airways Park Jones Road OR Tambo International Airport Kempton Park 1627
Number of copies of this RFI to be Submitted (Original included): 2 copies and soft copy (disc or memory stick). NB: No award can be made following a RFI process; however the subsequent request for bid (RFP) may be restricted to respondent suppliers provided that it was so specified in the RFI document.
Section # 1 ends
Section # 2 (To be completed by Supplier)
Supplier Information
2.1) Name of company: ______2.2) Company registration number: ______2.3) Address of company: Postal Address: Street Address: ______Company’s internet address:- 2.4) Contact person: Name: ______Designation: ______Telephone number: ______Fax number: ______2.5) Names of the directors of your company: Name: Designation: ______
2.6) Total number of Employees: ______2.7) Declaration:
The information supplied in this document is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and accurately reflects the capability of: (Company name) ______Signature: ______Date:______Name: ______This RFI is signed in my capacity as: ______
Section # 2 ends
Section # 3 (To be read very carefully by supplier) Standard conditions for Request for Information
1.1 Definitions The expressions defined below shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them unless inconsistent with the context of a particular proposal, agreement, contract or order. 1.1.1 “Company”: South African Airways (SOC) Ltd 1.1.2 “Closing date”: the date and hour specified in the document
2.1 Requests for Information Preparation All cost in the preparation, presentation and demonstration will be for the account of the vendor. All supporting documentation and manuals submitted in response to this request for information will become “company’s” property unless otherwise stated by the vendor at the time of submission. 2.2 Confidentiality The information obtained through this request for information will be regarded as confidential; however, South African Airways (SOC) Ltd does not accept liability for any information which may become public. 2.3 No binding Agreement It must be clearly understood that no business will be awarded to any vendor out of this request for information. Prices submitted with the request for information are for information only and no vendor will be held to any price submitted. South African Airways (SOC) Ltd further reserves the right to contact individual Vendor’s to obtain further information should this be deemed necessary. Responses from this RFI may be used to pre-screen potential bidders for the RFP process. 2.4 Samples Vendors may, as part of their response, submit samples, brochures or documentation of the products supplied by the vendor. Samples, brochures and documentation submitted will be returned to the vendor only on request. 3. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION DOCUMENTS
3.1 Document requiring completion and return Vendor’s must complete and submit the following documents as part of their response: a) Prescribed request for information documents b) Any information required in the request for information 3.2 Amendment of documents by South African Airways (SOC) Ltd South African Airways (SOC) Ltd may, at any time prior to the deadline for lodging request for information, amend of the documents or extended the time for lodging documents by notice in writing to the prospective Vendor’s. (Any amendments under this clause will become part of the request for information).
4. PREPARATION OF REQUEST FOR INFORMATION 4.1 Language of document The request for information and all correspondence and documents related to the request for information exchanged by the vendor and South African Airways (SOC) Ltd shall be written in English.
5. SUBMISSION OF REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION All requests for information must be: 5.1 Address and marking of requests for information All requests for information must be: a) Enclosed in a plain envelope or wrapping and clearly marked with the request of information number specified on the document. b) Lodged so as to ensure that they are received not later that the closing time and date specified for their receipt in accordance with directives issued with the document. 5.2 Number of copies required The vendor must submit 2 copies and soft copy (disc or memory stick) (including the original) of each request for information lodged as specified in the request for information. 5.3 Closing date All requests for information close on the date and the time indicated in the document. 5.4 Late tenders Request for information are late if they are received at the address indicated in the document after closing time and date. South African Airways (SOC) Ltd may, at its discretion, consider or refuse to consider any late request for information.
Standard Conditions for Request for Information ends.