Small Dirt Track Scoring System

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Small Dirt Track Scoring System

Small Dirt Track Scoring System

Project Plan May02-15


Dr. John Lamont and Dr. R. E. Patterson

Andy Hoversten Matt Knott Jeremy Long Chris Cejka

2 Table of Contents

List of Figures...... ii List of Tables...... iii Abstract...... 1 Definition of Terms...... 2 Introduction...... 3 General Background...... 3 Technical Problem...... 3 Operating Environment...... 3 Intended users and uses...... 3 Assumptions and Limitations...... 4 Design Requirements...... 5 Design objectives...... 5 Functional Requirements...... 5 Design Constraints...... 5 Measurable Milestones...... 6 End-Product Description...... 7 Approach and Design...... 8 Technical approaches...... 8 Testing description...... 8 Risks and risk management...... 9 Financial Budget...... 10 Personnel Effort Budget...... 11 Personnel Effort Budget...... 11 Project Schedule...... 12 Project Team Information...... 13 References...... 14

i List of Figures

Figure 1 Conceptual Diagram 1

Figure 2 Gantt Chart 12

ii List of Tables

Table 1 Estimated Financial Budget 10

Table 2 Estimated Personnel Effort 11

iii Abstract

Regional unpaved, stock car racetracks need an automated method of counting the number of times that individual stock cars cross the finish line determining the winner of the race. Currently this counting method is done manually by people using pencil and paper, which often results in counting mistakes. The objective of this project would be to develop an accurate, low-cost, digital recording, prototype demonstration system. The ultimate system as shown if Figure 1 would have to be rugged enough to withstand punishment that the system would receive. The results of a race must be known within minutes after race completion. It is also necessary that the counting be associated with actual crossing of the finish line. This might be implemented using RF transmitter(s) and receiver(s) to count laps and a digital camera to determine the winner.



GUI RF RF PC Transmitter Receiver

Printed Results RF Digital Camera(s) Transmitter

Figure 1 Conceptual Diagram

1 Definition of Terms

Antenna: usually a metallic device for radiating of receiving radio waves. Frequency: the number of complete oscillations per second of electromagnetic radiation, in the form of waves. GUI: Graphical user interface Receiver: a device for converting signals (electromagnetic waves) into audio or visual form Transceiver: a radio transmitter-receiver that uses many of the same components for both transmission and reception. Transmitter: an apparatus for transmitting radio or television signals.

2 Introduction

General Background

In the area of dirt track racing there are many components in overseeing that the race is ran correctly and the correct driver is crowned champion. The system will aid the scoring personnel by counting laps and minimize the error in photo finishes. The concept will include attaching a radio frequency transmitter on every car in the field. When the car crosses the finish line after every lap, the receiver placed at the finish line will send a signal to a laptop computer spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will include: number of laps for each car/driver, lap times (splits), and will calculate the winner based on number of laps completed and total time to do so.

Technical Problem

The following is the technical approach that will be used in completing this project.

 A base will be permanently attacked to the roll cage of the stock car, with a quick release system for dismounting the transmitter.  A rugged, battery-powered RF-based transmitter will be used to emit a signal to the receiver for counting laps.  The receiver(s) will be mounted on the racetrack at a specific location to receive the signal from the RF transmitters.  The receiver will send data to a computer in the scorer’s box that will enter the information into a spreadsheet.  A digital photo system will be used in capturing the end of or the entire race, to accurately determine finishing positions.

Operating Environment

The environment this system will be used on will be a dirt track of any length. The elements that will be dealt with are dirt, wind, rain, vibrations, temperature and human error. The finished product will need to be able to withstand all of the conditions motioned.

Intended users and uses

The user will be any participant on a dirt track, track scorer, the dirt track operator and other officials at the specified racetrack. The uses will primarily be counting laps, calculating split times, and aid in photo finishes.

3 Assumptions and Limitations


This section describes any assumptions used to determine the design or use of the system

1. Hardware  There are on average 35 cars per race, with 100 cars in the total field for three races.  Approximately 100 transmitters will be needed.  The racetrack will need a computer to process the data and determine the finishing order.  Digital camera(s) will be needed for finishes (approx. 2).

2. Personnel  Racetrack scorers must be proficient with computers.  Officials must be able to maintain scoring equipment (batteries, calibration, installation, etc.)


Below is a list of limitations used to determine the design and functionality of the system.

 Receiver and digital camera(s) must be easily mounted and dismounted.  Batteries will need to be changed on a regular basis.  Cost of system must be $10,000 to $15,000. MAXIMUM.  Possibility of error in system.  Transmitter must be easily mounted and dismounted in stock car.  Transmitter may be destroyed in an extreme accidents or fire.  Camera(s) must be protected from weather, dirt, etc.

4 Design Requirements

Design objectives

The objective of this project is to provide an accurate scoring system, capable of counting laps as well as recording the finish of the race. This system will return the finishing order of the cars in the race within minutes of the outcome.

 RF transmitters, operating at an unused frequency, will be mounted in each stock car.  A receiver will pick up the transmitted signals and relay them to the computer.  Two digital cameras will photograph the outcome of the race to aid the transmitters in determining the outcome.  A host computer will process results from the receiver and digital camera.

Functional Requirements

The design of the system will have the following functional requirements.

 Accurately count laps – The RF transmitter/receiver will send the signal to the computer.  Record the finish of the race – The digital camera(s) will record at an appropriate time to capture the outcome of the race.  Result Printouts – The results of the race including timing can be printed out and be purchase by the drivers.

Design Constraints

There are many design constraints of the system. They are as follows.

 Dirt & debris – Dirt and debris should not affect the transmitter inside the car or the images provided by the cameras.  Rain – This system should be able to withstand heavy rain.  Vibrations – The transmitters must function properly under bumps, motor vibrations, or minor impacts.  Temperature – The transmitter must be able to withstand moderately high temperatures (less than 200 degrees). The computer, cameras, and receiver must be kept in moderate temperatures.  Lightweight – The system components should be capable of being moved easily.  Power – The transmitters must be powered by batteries, which can be easily changed. A power source is needed for the computer, receiver(s), and cameras.

5  Human error – Transmitters must be tamper proof. The computer must be user friendly.

Measurable Milestones

Indicated after each milestone are the percentages completed at this time. ie. 100% means milestone is completed

Aug 2001  Learn background information about dirt track racing, scoring, etc. (75 %)  Learn uses and available frequencies for RF transmitters/receivers. (0 %)  Research how to interface RF with a computer. (0 %)  Research how to interface camera with a computer. (0 %)  Finalize design specifications. (10 %)

Jan 2002  Prototype designs of transmitter and receiver. (0 %)  Write interfacing software. (0 %)  Acquire digital camera, computer, and transmitters and receiver(s). (0 %)  Test the prototypes. (0 %)  Test the interface with prototypes. (0 %)  Test and evaluate the system. (0 %)  Debug and finalize the operation of the product. (0 %)  Document and present the finalized prototype. (0 %)

6 End-Product Description

The end product for this project will be a system that accurately counts the laps of a dirt track race, eliminating the need for manual scorers. A transmitter in each car will send a signal to the receiver(s), which will then relay the information to a computer. The computer will process the information and with the aid of digital cameras at the finish line determine the outcome of the race.

7 Approach and Design

Technical approaches

The following are ideas for implementing the dirt track scoring system.

 RF transmitters  Digital photos standalone system  Global positioning system  Combination of RF transmitters and digital system

Technical designs

This section describes the different types of systems and whether the system was approved or rejected.

 RF transmitters standalone system. This system uses RF frequencies to calculate the winner of the race and count the number of laps completed. Rejected. Using the RF there is no way to determine the exact point that any single car crosses the finish line.  Digital photos standalone system. This system uses only digital cameras to determine the winner and count the laps completed. Rejected. There is no practical way to accurately count laps and distinguish among cars.  Global positioning system. The system uses GPS to determine the winner and count the completed laps. Rejected. The cost to get a very accurate GPS unit would be very expensive.  Combination of RF transmitters and digital photos. This system uses a combination of RF transmitters and digital cameras to determine the winner and count the laps completed. Accepted. By using the RF transmitters the system will be able to count the number of laps and then turn a camera on to record the finish of the race.

Testing description

Testing the system will require a few separate tests of components as well as an overall test of the system in its most complete form. To test the RF transmitters the transmitters will have to be moved by the receivers and this will be checked to see if the transmitter was noticed. The test will have to also include how far away the transmitters begin to pickup and where they fade out. This test could be done by holding the transmitter a ways away from the antenna, and walking towards the antenna to see when the antenna picks up the transmitter. The cameras will have to be tested for speed to make sure that the camera is good enough to distinguish the car from any other car. This test can be carried

8 out by going to the interstate over a bypass and record the cars passing underneath. This test will let us know if the camera can at least record at the 50-70 mph range. Last, but not least, contacts will be made with racetracks to have the final test in a live simulation of the dirt track race. If that falls through the final test will be to attach a transmitter to a car and drive in a circle to see if the system can count the number of RF counts and turn on the video recording to capture the final finish of the car passing by. The acceptance of the tests would be whether the desired results come from the tests. For the RF test the acceptance would be based on whether the transmitter is only picked up when it gets close to the antenna. If the transmitter was picked up the entire way around then the test would fail because there would be no way to count the laps. If the receiver never picks up the transmitter it would also be a failing test because there would not be a count under that circumstance either. The camera test would determine if the data would be able to be examined and a scorer could be able to tell who won the race from the pictures created. If the images are all blurred or the camera’s refresh rate was not fast enough then the test would fail. It would not be possible to tell who won the race and there is no way to redo the race and have the exact result.

Risks and risk management

These are the possible risks and solutions that could be encountered and followed over the course of the project.

Parts and equipment

 Parts not arriving on time – Adjust schedule or find alternative parts.  Parts do not work – Send for replacement parts or find alternative parts.

Group members

 Losing group members – Adjust distribution of workload.  Sickness or injury of any group members – Temporarily pick up workload of absent member, and at all times during the project make sure that at least two members are familiar with each component.


 Design is not feasible – Determine if there is another way the project can be implemented.  Not within budget – Find ways to cut costs.  There is not a camera fast enough to pick up the cars at high speeds – Find and alternate method of determining the winner.

9 Financial Budget

The estimated cost for this project can be seen in the table below. This estimated budget will include the cost for the parts (receiver, transmitter and digital camera), shipping, and handling. With more research it will be easier to make a more accurate calculation of the total cost of each system

Table 1 Estimated Financial Budget

Item Original Estimated Cost Actual Final Cost Labor $0.00 $0.00 Equipment and parts $700.00 $0.00 Poster $50.00 $0.00 Total $750.00 $0.00

10 Personnel Effort Budget

The amount of effort put forth by each team member will be based on their specific area of expertise. The table below will break down the hours that each team member will invest on the project

Table 2 Estimated Personnel Effort Andy Hoversten Jeremy Long Chris Cejka Matt Knott Totals Project Plan 10 11 10 11 42 Revised Project Plan 4 3 4 3 14 Poster 8 9 10 10 37 Project Design Report 12 14 13 13 52 Oral Presentation 5 6 6 7 24 Web Site Design 18 20 20 15 73 Equipment Design 25 23 28 28 104 Testing 32 35 37 36 140 Coding 27 25 24 22 98 Weekly E-mails 8 2 2 2 14 Misc. 15 15 15 15 60

Individual Totals 164 163 169 162 658

11 Project Schedule

The following Gantt chart will breakdown the major milestones for this project over the next two semesters. The first of these milestones is the Project Plan, which will be completed by September 25, 2001. The next milestone that needs to be completed is the project poster, with a completion set for October 30, 2001. The final milestone for the Fall Semester is the development of the project design, which will be completed by December 4, 2001. During the Spring Semester the implementation will take place, being completed by March 25, 2002. Following completion of the implementation the final report will be compiled by April 16, 2002. The final milestone to be completed will be the in class oral presentation. This will be completed by May 2, 2002.

Figure 2 Gantt Chart

12 Project Team Information

Contact information for the dirt track scoring system team members and faculty advisors.

Jeremy C. Long Matt Knott 520 6th St. NW 614 Billy Sunday Rd Apt. 310 Altoona, IA 50009 Ames, IA 50010 515-967-0463 515-663-0905 [email protected] [email protected] CprE EE

Chris Cejka Andy Hoversten 2101 Oakwood Rd Apt. 219 802 Dickenson Ave Apt. 301 Ames, IA 50014 Ames, IA 50014 515-268-8099 515-689-0779 [email protected] [email protected] CprE CprE

Client and Faculty Advisors

Dr. John W. Lamont Dr. Ralph Patterson III Iowa State University Iowa State University 324 Town Engineering 326 Town Engineering Ames, IA 50011-3230 Ames, IA 50011-3230 515-294-2428 515-294-2428 Fax: 294-6760 Fax: 294-6760 [email protected] [email protected]

13 Summary

This Small Dirt Track Scoring System will minimize human error and automate the scoring and lap counting process for every race. The design proposed will be easy to use as well as maintain. This system will advance small dirt track scoring into the computerized 21st century.


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