2 Honors Summer Work s1

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2 Honors Summer Work s1

French 3 Honors Summer Work

Your summer work will consist of two things. It will be worth 450 points. All of this will be due the first full day of class. I. Have a conversation with a Frenchie. See below. 250 pts (200 points for write up on the conversation, 50 points for evidence, such as a photo, recording, etc. Be discreet. Be natural. Have a conversation. You are not a journalist.)

When typed, your conversation will look like this:

Question : Comment avez-vous changé après être venu ici de la France ?

Réponse : Ben, peut-être que je suis plus matérialiste. En France, je n’avais jamais de voiture, ça ne comptait pour rien. Ici, quand je conduis, je regarde les autres et je compare la qualité de leurs voitures avec la mienne.

C’est triste ! L’influence des Etats-Unis aux étrangers peut-être peut aider l’économie, mais c’est comme une maladie internationale ! Je préfère que nous passions les meilleures qualités aux autres, comme la bienveillance, la patience, le bonheur, etc.

Notice that the question is in bold, their response in normal text, and your thoughts in italics.

Now that you’ll be looking for Frenchies you’ll start noticing them seemingly everywhere. Any touristic place will have Europeans in August. Or maybe you or your friends have hosted Frenchies in the past and you’d like to communicate with them via Skype. Get creative with it.

Below you will find 8 places to find Frenchies during the summer. Because it will cost you gas money to get there, YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED to do any of these. But if you happen to be in town, these will be good places to find French speakers. The credit will come from having conversations, not for having driven anywhere.

The first four are meetups. These are gatherings where people meet to speak French and eat. You should go to http://french.meetup.com/cities/us/91765/ and create a meetup account. It is free. For future reference, go to meetup.com, click “Find a meetup group” In “Topic or Interest,” type “French” choose, “within 50 mile radius” then enter your area code and press search click on the link and join the group. Be sure to let them know you are coming, and to check their websites to confirm times and places.

1. Inland Empire French Language and Conversation Group http://www.meetup.com/Inland-Empire-French-Language-Conversation-Group/ Based out of Pomona, this group meets every two weeks (May 29, June 12, June 26 etc) on Monday nights at 7pm in La Verne. On alternate weeks, (June 4, 18, July 2 etc), they meet on Sunday afternoons at 2pm at Panera in Rancho Cucamonga, near Ontario Mills. Join their group, RSVP for the event of your choice, bring a friend and have fun speaking French and making friends.

2. The Orange County French Language Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/french-45/ This group has several on going meetups throughout Orange County. They meet every Saturday morning at 10:30am in front of Nordstrom’s in the Irvine Spectrum. You can also find weekly conversation classes that cost a little but may be interesting to try out.

Again, be sure to join the group and RSVP before going.

3. Franco Long Beach http://www.meetup.com/Franco-Long-Beach-Speak-French/ This group meets the first Sunday of the month for breakfast and French speaking at Roots Gourmet. Join the group to find exact dates and don’t forget to RSVP. Check their page periodically to see if they are doing other activities that may interest you.

4. Casual French Speaking http://www.meetup.com/Casual-French-Speaking/ These guys meet every Wednesday night at Hot Java (2101 E Broadway, Long Beach), at 7pm. Join the group and RSVP before attending.

5. A catholic mass, in French, with people from all over the francophone world. http://www.cathoala.org/


Eglise Saint Sebastian 1425 Federal Ave. Los Angeles CA USA Messe en Francais le dimanche à 10h30

ORANGE COUNTY Eglise Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Dr. Newport Beach

Messe le premier samedi de chaque mois à 18h30

6. African Christian Community Church of Southern California 1356 S. Albany St Los Angeles, CA 90015

Services in French on Sundays from 3-5:30pm This Church consists mostly of people from the Democratic Republic of Congo. They speak English, French, and several African languages. I recently visited this church, and it was amazing. You can contact the pastor via email at [email protected]. His name is Kasereka Kasomo. 7. Le Consulat Général de France à Los Angeles. http://www.consulfrance- losangeles.org/spip.php?article1016 This website features French related events throughout the summer. They always do something for Bastille Day in July. Go to this website and put your email address to the left of the “inscrivez-vous” box. They will send you monthly emails with French related events in the Los Angeles area.

8. The Basque picnic. The Chino Basque club holds an annual picnic in Chino around the 4th of July weekend. This year’s event will be on Sunday, July 2nd. There will be dancing, eating, and people speaking Basque, Spanish, English and French. The event is at the Chino Fairgrounds, located at Central and Edison Avenues. Last year’s prices were $2 admission for anyone over 12 years old. Check http://chinobasqueclub.us/ for more information. The schedule on Sunday usually looks something like this:

10am Catholic mass noon - ribeye steak lunch $15 adult/$9 child 3pm - Basque Bugle Corps and Basque dancing exhibition 6:30 pm - Barbeque lamb dinner $15 adult/$9 child 8pm - midnight - Dancing

*you can pay the $2 entrance fee to enjoy the 3pm events or the 8pm to midnight dancing. information: 909.628.4415

If you have any questions of me, my email is [email protected]. Be sure to write FRENCH! in the subject bar, lest you be thrown into the junk bin.

II. You will do four journal entries. 200 pts/50 pts each.

Exploratory Learning Journal

To become amazing at French, you'll have to allow the language to become a part of your daily routine. The music you listen to, the websites you visit, the people you talk to, where and how you eat, the books you read, the videogames you play, if any of these are influenced by the French language and culture, you will be on the road to being amazing at French. It cannot stop with your language class, no matter how fun or engaging it is (or isn't). Jump in, stay in. Become amazing. Keeping a journal of the things you discover will help you reflect on your learning, will help you retain all that you are taking in. The whole process can take as little as 20 minutes on any given day. The journal will document the READING, the LISTENING and SPEAKING that you experience. And of course the journal will help you practice your WRITING. For the French 3 Honors Summer Exploratory Learning Journal, you will research French speaking parts of the world and write about them in French. DO NOT COPY TEXT and be creative.

Journal #1 La France Choose a region of France, other than Ile de France or Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur. You can start here if you’d like: http://www.france.fr/regions-et-metropoles/les-regions- francaises.html Read about it in French, watch videos on youtube, then write what YOU will do there one day in the future tense (NOT “Je vais aller”). For a review of the future tense, click here: http://french.about.com/od/grammar/a/future_2.htm

Région: ______Ce que tu y feras: ______

Journal #2 Paris Choose and research an arrondissement (district) of Paris. Click here to get started: http://www.paris-en-photos.fr/arrondissements-paris/ Imagine that yesterday you had 3 hours to spend in that arrondissement. What did you do, eat, see, etc? Write in the passé composé.

Arrondissement: ______Ce que tu y as fait: ______

Journal #3 L’Europe francophone There are 4 French speaking countries in Europe other than France. Find out what they are and pick one to research. Then imagine that you use to go there every summer during your childhood. Reminisce about what you used to do there. (Imparfait)

Ce que tu y faisait:


Journal #4 L’Afrique francophone

French is spoken in 30 African countries. Do some research on L’Afrique francophone, and pick a country that interests you. Then tell a story about you in that African country in the passé composé and imparfait describing the scene, what you and the setting were like, then a series of events that changed you. Include culturally relevant facts and places. ______

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