Greens Report, Steve Kurta

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Greens Report, Steve Kurta

President’s Message

Welcome to all Tuscarora Members for the 2011 golf season. As this season begins it will mark our first full year of operation with ownership of the property under Tuscarora Golf Club, Inc. The Board of Directors has embraced this change and has worked diligently during the winter months to be ready for the new-year. Included with this issue of the Bogey you should find the course calendar for all scheduled events through the end of October, along with sign up information for both Men and Women’s leagues. Please note the annual spring clean-up day is set for Saturday April 2rd (rain date is April 9th). Weather permitting; Steve Kurta will have the course open as soon as possible. Please see Steve and Nick Masterpole’s comments in this Bogey on course improvements and other changes since the end of last year. Scott Webster will return to run the Pro Shop and oversee our Golf operation, and has indicated the Pro Shop will open on a limited basis from Mid-March until the weather permits a more normal schedule of operating hours. As recently mentioned in the Post-Standard, I also want to inform everyone that Assistant Pro Chris Maneri has left Tuscarora to accept the Head Pro responsibilities at Lakeview Golf Club in Auburn, N.Y. We all wish Chris good luck in this new position. House Operation: Nora and Jerry Roesch also return to operate the Restaurant and oversee the food and beverage responsibility for the Club. As per our agreement, the restaurant will open on Friday April 1. Please contact Nora if you have any special gatherings that you want to plan for at the Club during the coming year. Membership: Like every Club in Central New York that strives to maintain a balanced budget, Tuscarora is not exempt from the challenges of the current economy. Although the finances of the Club remain healthy we will begin 2011 with the number of Resident Members being 3% less than anticipated for budget purposes. There will be other cost saving items that we expect to utilize during the year that will partially offset this revenue shortfall, but in addition we will also be asking our Golf Pro and Course Superintendent to work well within the confines of their respective budgets. As initiated last year we will again take the same position regarding open financial obligations with the Club. Members who have open house charges from 2010 will have no privileges or standing in the Club (regardless if the 2011 dues are paid or not). Secondly, Members with unpaid dues as of April 1 will not be allowed to participate in any leagues or sign up for Club events through May 31, 2011. Should either of the above remain open beyond May 31, 2011 membership will be terminated. Club Directory: As Chair of our Publicity & Website Committee Nancy Nojaim continues to update our membership data on an ongoing basis. Anyone with changes or corrections should contact Nancy via email at: [email protected]. Again, this will be the only printed Bogey that is sent out by regular mail. For the balance of the season information such as this, along with specific course or club announcements will be sent electronically to the email address of each Member that we have on file as well as being posted in various places inside the Clubhouse. Please take a few minutes to review your contact information and advise her of any necessary changes. Website: Our website will continue to be the focal point and source of information along with periodic and daily emails from the Pro Shop. You’re ability to stay informed on information such as weather delays or course closings will only be as good as the currency of the contact information we have in our data base. Reciprocals: Bob Caryl continues to work on renewing our reciprocal agreements for 2011. We do not anticipate any changes from the Clubs that agreed to partner with us last year and hopefully this information will be finalized by the time Tuscarora opens for play in April. Please check in the Pro Shop, visit our website at: or consult the Members Directory once this information becomes finalized. As a reminder, ALL reciprocal play must be scheduled through our Pro Shop. Please adhere to this policy so that you do not jeopardize future reciprocal agreements or incur personal embarrassment when play is refused at a course because proper protocol was not followed. Tournaments: This years Tournament and Entertainment Committee is chaired by Kevin Sullivan. As always this responsibility requires considerable time and effort on his part to get each event organized or coordinated in advance of the actual event date. I ask any Members that are willing to help organize and run a Club event to please step forward and lend a hand by contacting Kevin or Scott Webster in the Pro Shop. New for 2011: For those of you that attended the Annual Meeting at the end of September you witnessed and participated in the largest turnout for this gathering that has occurred in the last 30 years. This was an exceptional meeting with points of interest and concern being expressed on a number of topics that are important to all of us as members of this Club. The Board of Directors came away from this meeting committed to act in a positive way so that many of these concerns could be addressed in the coming year. As a result the following two (2) sub-committees have been formed to assist in this effort. The first is a Greens Advisory Committee which will be chaired by John MacCaull. The second is an Advisory Committee for the House & Restaurant operation and will be chaired by Carol Pietraszek. The full makeup of those individuals participating on these committees will be posted in the Clubhouse when the season opens. The purpose of each committee is to gather all comments, ideas, suggestions, criticisms etc., both positive and negative in relation to each committee’s area of responsibility, determine which have merit and are reasonable, and then facilitate further action either with the appropriate individual(s), Board Committee Chair or on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting. Friendly reminders: Again for 2011 the 48 hr. rule will be adhered to. Simply stated, within 48 hours of a Club event anyone signing up to play will be charged the appropriate fee for that event whether you play or not unless you or your group can be replaced from a waiting list should there be one. Please keep this in mind as you commit to play in our one-day outings. Also, the annual spending minimums of $300 for residents and juniors (special women $150) remains in place. Anyone that does not meet this requirement will see the dollar shortfall appear as a charge on their September statement. Any subsequent house charges between that statement and the end of the season will be applied as a credit to your account until the shortfall is eliminated. Entwistle Scholarship Program: Additionally, the one-year membership raffle to support the Entwistle Scholarship Program will continue with tickets at a cost of $20. These are available throughout the year in the Pro Shop or at the Bar and during all of our in-Club events up to and including the Labor Day Classic at which time the FREE membership winner for 2012 will be selected. Please also keep in mind that applications for the 2011 Scholarship award should be submitted as soon as possible as the selection of this years recipient will be announced during the Memorial Day Tournament in May. Lastly, during each season there are at times unexpected circumstances that arise either from health or personal reasons that prevent a person from utilizing his/her membership for a majority of the year. If this should happen we ask that you notify Bill Perry in the business office so that any possible dues adjustment can be addressed by the Board at that time rather than in November or December after the season has ended. Tuscarora Property Update: As previously reported, the transaction to acquire full ownership of the Clubhouse and Golf Course property from the Bednarski family was completed and closed last August. We are continuing to work on resolving the issues at hand to acquire the land needed to expand our current parking lot across the road from the Club House, and to acquire the County owned right-of- way that currently serves as our maintenance road but actually divides our property into two (2) individual pieces. I will keep everyone advised if the status on either of these change during the year. In closing I anticipate that 2011 will again be another busy season for Tuscarora. Please support our Club and Pro Shop whenever possible. During play be considerate of others, play at the recommended pace, replace your divots and more importantly repair yours and your partner’s ball marks on our greens. Thank you and have a great season. Jim Wheeler

Greens Report, Steve Kurta: The course has been well insulated with snow for most of the winter. This is a positive thing regarding the health of the grass underneath. Deep snow insulates the turf from temperature fluctuations and freeze thaw cycles. Given a normal thaw, the course will be in good condition coming out of winter. Course work this winter was limited to tree work due snow depth. Holes #3, #5, #10, #13 all had large trees removed due to either health concerns or shade issues that were hurting the grass quality. The repeated snow load also pulled over some of the tall hedge that surrounds the 1st. tee. We will be better able to assess the extent of that damage when it warms up and the plants straighten back up. What remains to be done as the snow recedes is to investigate and unplug the drain line on #11 fairway. Tree roots and dirt infiltration has slowed the system to the point of backing water up to the surface. This was evident on #11 all of last year. This work will start as soon as we can see bare ground. We’re also wrapping up the finishing touches on rebuilding and repairing our golf course maintenance equipment and mowers. We’ve rebuilt some machines from the frame up to try to make them last a few more years. Out of winter we’ll be aerifying greens immediately. We will also be adding bunker sand to some of the shallower bunkers and repositioning out-of-place sand in the rest. Tree cleanup will be ongoing. We have a full crew coming back and we should be fully staffed for the work that’s ahead of us. I am looking forward to the season and seeing all of you soon!

Ladies 18 hole pick-up leisure league This new league will be played Thursday mornings. Tee times will begin at 7:45am. Please refer to course calendar for dates as they work around many events. We invite all golfers to join us. Our goal is to increase the interest in 18 hole play among women golfers and having fun while doing it! You will need to sign-up including your email address in the locker room before Tuesday evening to arrange playing groups of mixed handi-caps. Tee times will be emailed by Wednesday evening. In order to speed up play, please pick up after 9 shots. Cost to play each round is $1. A monetary prize will be given after each round for the winner of various weekly contests ( ie. longest drive, closest to the pin, etc.).

League Chairs: Wendy Rourke and Sharon Hanover

Wednesday 9 Hole League Limited to 120 Players

This year starting on Wednesday April 13th through the 27th will be a SG start at 5:00 p.m. The last 3 weeks will also be 5:00 p.m. SG starts. This helps get everyone in before dark.

The cost of the league increased $5.00 this year making it $65.00 per person. Skins will be mandatory and must be paid with the application. The cost for the year will be $50.00 per person. Please enclose a check for $115.00 (per person) with your application.

Please: If you sign up for the league we expect you will be there to play every week. If you are not able to commit on a regular basis, please sign up as a “Sub Only” on the application. Last year we increased the number of players, in order to accommodate the unusual number of new member applications. Last year we had entire teams “NO SHOW” and a number of singles “NO SHOW,” if you cannot commit every week please sign up as a “SUB ONLY”. It is your responsibility to find a sub that you can rely on, not your partners or your opponents.

Slow Play: The pace of play continues to be a concern. We want everyone to have an enjoyable round. It is a must that we play our rounds under 2hrs. and 10 minutes. We cannot have players finishing in the dark because people don’t keep up a good pace. If you are out of the hole “Pick Up”. Please keep pace with the group in front of you and be considerate of those behind you. Also be punctual for your assigned starting times, and avoid putting yourself in a position where someone has to speak to you on these issues. The Committee hopes everyone understands how important these issues are, and follows them accordingly. Thank you for your understanding and anticipated cooperation, so we all can have a “Great Year”.

Good Standing: In order to play in the league the Board has mandated that all Outstanding Balances and All 2011 Dues must be paid in full by April 1st, No Exceptions Wednesday 9 Hole League Limited applications: Return by April 4th Please make checks out to Mark Cappucccilli & Mail to P.O. Box 41, Camillus N.Y. 13031

Name: ______

Address: ______

Handicap: ______

Phone: Home# ____

Work# Cell # E-mail

“Sub Only”_

Home# Work# Cell# TWGA The TWGA is the women's golf association. Yearly dues are $40. Your membership entitles you to play in any TWGA golf event. Cost without membership is $22 per event. Membership also entitles you to attend and vote at the TWGA meeting for changes that will enhance the golfing experience at Tuscarora Golf Club. 18 Hole League The 18 hole league is played on Tuesday morning. Tee times start at 7:45am. The league is divided into teams with positions. Each week you play a match against a player from another team in your position. League dues are $20 18 Hole Chair: Suzanne Cass League Chairs: Nancy Spaulding and Mary Kennedy Twilight League Twilight League is played on Tuesday evenings. Tee times start at 4pm. Members will be assigned a position based on handicap. The format is a 2 person best ball. Each team member will play their own ball, using handicap whichever team has the lower score for the hole will receive a point for that hole League dues are $15. Twilight Chair: Karen Ames League Chairs: Amy MacCaull and Julie Goodelle 9 Hole League The 9 hole league is played on Wednesday morning. Tee times start at 8am. We alternate starting on the first tee and the tenth tee. League dues are $15.The 9 hole league plays a different format every week. Some of the formats are Best Ball, Chicago, 1-2-3, Captain and Mate, etc. We invite non league golfers to join us. There is a sign up sheet in the locker room for each week of the season. Playing groups are put together on Wednesday for the following week. Depending on the number of players we have groups of 3 or 4. Cost to non league players is $1 per round. Prizes are given after each week's rounds are completed. 9 Hole Chair: Nancy Nojaim League Chairs: Pat Nojaim and Nancy Nojaim Spring Dinner The spring dinner will be held on Tuesday April 26, 2011. Dinner will be $22. The choices will be marinated pork roll or coconut shrimp. Both entrees include a grilled vegetable, garlic potatoes and a greens salad, dessert, tax and tip. Cocktails at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm with the meeting to follow dinner. TWGA Registration NAME HOME PHONE



HANDICAP ______OR SCORE FOR 9 HOLES______Course______



LOCKER please state your locker number______if locker needed $5 $

18 HOLE LEAGUE $20 $






ATTENDING SPRING DINNER circle: YES NO Mail this form with payment to: Sharon Hanover 401 Broadmoor Drive Camillus, NY 13031 DUE BY APRIL 4, 2011 IF RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE THERE WILL BE $20 LATE FEE

DIRECTORY The hard copy of the Bogey that was sent to you contains your home phone, work number, cell number, email and billing email. If there are any errors or if your information is incomplete please email me the corrections at [email protected] or call me at 315-952-6464. If you are interested in an ad in the directory, ads are $100 for the year with proceeds going to the Entwistle Scholarship Fund, please contact me at the above addresses. Thank you, Nancy Nojaim

The Pro Shop

Hello Tuscarora Members. I hope everyone is happy and healthy after what seems to be the longest winter season ever. Hopefully you were able to work on your golf games this winter. If you are like my family, skiing, snowboarding and show shoeing were the winter activities. But whatever you do during the winter months, the golfing season is not too far away. Last year we opened very early, March 20th I believe. Typically we open around April 1st. There are several things we can take care of now such as club storage, locker rooms, season cart rentals, lessons, club fitting, club re- gripping, etc. I will be in the Pro Shop starting around the third week of March. I will send out an email with Pro Shop hours and with the status of the Range and Golf Course opening.

Many of you have already heard that long-time Assistant Pro Chris Maneri has left us. He has been hired as the Head Professional at Lakeview Country Club in Auburn. Good luck to Chris as he has been a great Assistant and part of the Tuscarora family for eight seasons. I am confidant that Joe Welch and Bill Lydon will continue the great service in the Pro Shop this year. I am looking forward to another great season at Tuscarora Golf Course. As always, if you need any assistance with anything, please call me.

Your Golf Pro,

Scott Webster, PGA


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 276 Camillus, NY 13031

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