Emma Comprehension Strategies Guideline

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Emma Comprehension Strategies Guideline

Haywood County Comprehension Strategies Guidelines 2nd Grade (Strategies adopted from The Comprehension Toolkit and the guidelines are adapted from those developed by Emma Elementary School Buncombe County, NC) *Along with the focus strategy of the month, please review and introduce strategies and skills as needs present themselves. These guidelines are intended to be minimum expectations. 2nd Grade Correlation Learning Targets to the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards

Focus Strategy: What is a “just right”  Use inner Fix-up Strategy-  Listen to inner voice The learner will know what Comprehension Literature book? conversation to strategy that allows a  Use fix-up strategies a “just right” book is. Toolkit Monitor remember student to clarify  Leave tracks of Key Ideas and Details Comprehension How do I choose a information, meaning and get back thinking I can select a “just right” Continuum of “just right” book?  Clarify meaning on track.  Read, write, talk, and book and explain why it is Literacy Learning RL 2.1 a “just right” book for me. Metacognition-  Clear up confusion draw/ Turn and Talk Thinking about your What is the meaning and expand Examples include:  Use strategies like Reading with Craft and Structure The learner will know and thinking of genre? thinking.  Ask questions Meaning ( reread, read ahead, understand the term  Re-read RL 2.5 context clues, picture genre. Review and revisit What is my inner  Look at text clues) to determine Non-Fiction previously taught voice? Matters Integration of features meaning of unknown I can name the genres of skills. Skills are not  Use words literature and explain the Knowledge and Ideas intended to be taught What is background . Non-fiction text characteristics of each. Guiding Reading in isolation. comprehension? Unit Questions knowledge features, differences RL 2.7  Read on and purposes The learner will Thinking Maps How does my “inner What are our Fix – Up  Stop reading understand what it means Informational voice” help me to strategies? and refocus on text to understand a text. www.nclive.org think about what I  Marking the Key Ideas and Details am reading? What do good readers place where we The learner will Reading.ecb.org RI 2.1 do? stray from meaning demonstrate their What does it mean to with post-it understanding of a text. FCRR.org Craft and Structure comprehend what I Why do we read?  Skip over I can monitor my read? unfamiliar names The Elementary RI 2.4 comprehension by: What goes in your book and places and find Resource and RI 2.5  Using inner How can I show my box? out pronunciation Instructional conversation to comprehension? after reading Moodles Integration of Why do we read? remember information, Knowledge and Ideas  Clarify meaning How do you turn and  Clear up confusion RI 2.7

talk? and expand thinking. (See the list under strategy What do I do when my definitions as well.) teacher is in a group? 2nd Grade Correlation Learning Targets to the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Focus Strategy: . What does the word To move students Basic Connections-  Merging thinking with The learner will know Comprehension Literature Activate & Connect feature mean? through all four levels of More important here new learning Use fix- what a text feature is. Toolkit connecting. Over time, to connect actively up strategies Key Ideas and Details How can recognizing they should learn how to than accurately.  Understands term The learner will Continuum of Relate text to schema text structures help select only those that background understand how text Literacy Learning RL 2.1 to retain and you understand what connect deeply with the Multilevel knowledge/schema structure will help them RL 2.2 remember identified you read? text, allowing them to be Connections- Goal here  Makes connections understand and Reading with RL 2.3 key ideas in control of their is to automatically T- S, T-T, T-W comprehend a text. Meaning How does your comprehension. examine schema while  Compare/Contrast Craft and Structure Review and revisit background searching for  Set a purpose for The learner will associate Non-Fiction previously taught knowledge help you opportunities to Reading background knowledge Matters RL 2.4 skills. Skills are not better understand a enhance text.  Theme with prior learning. RL 2.5 intended to be taught text?  Genre Guiding Reading RL 2.6 in isolation. Viable Connections- The learner will What is your purpose Two-way conversation understand how Thinking Maps Integration of for reading? between the book and background knowledge Knowledge and Ideas the brain begins in this helps them to make www.nclive.org How can knowing the level. relevant connections to RL 2.7 purpose for reading texts that aid their Reading.ecb.org RL 2.9 help you Focused Connections- comprehension. understand? Proficiency develops FCRR.org Informational into automaticity. New The learner will How do I stop, think, thinking and main idea understand how to read a The Elementary Key Ideas and Details and react to new merge text with purpose to aid Resource and RI 2.1 information? comprehension. Instructional RI 2.2 Moodles How does your I can stop, think, and purpose for reading react to new information. Craft and Structure help guide you as you I can record my thinking read? by: RI 2.4  Making notes as I RI 2.5 How do I record my read; RI 2.6 thinking as I read?  Responding to a text verbally or in writing Integration of How do good readers Knowledge and Ideas use text structure to summarize a fiction RI 2.7 or nonfiction RI 2.9 selection? 2nd Grade Correlation to Learning Targets the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Focus Strategy: What is fiction? Literature Make decisions about Nonfiction Text  Distinguish the The learner will understand Comprehension Determining What is nonfiction? what is and is not Feature(s)- difference between how fiction and nonfiction Toolkit Key Ideas and Details Importance important in a text. fiction and nonfiction texts are different. What is meant by We want kids to focus on  Photograph Continuum of RL 2.1 The learner will distinguish a theme? important information  Illustrations Literacy Learning RL 2.3  Identifies and codes fact from an opinion. Distinguish important and merge it with what  Graphs important information What is a fact? information from they already know to  Graphics The learner will understand Reading with Craft and Structure interesting details expand understanding of  Headings  Meaning What is an opinion? Main Idea/ supporting how specific features and and to recognize what the topic.  Titles details information are used by an RL 2.4 a detail is author to show the Non-Fiction RL 2.5 How do authors  Bold print  Captions  Distinguish between importance of certain Matters RL 2.6 organize fiction and information. Review and revisit nonfiction texts with  Table of contents facts, questions, and previously taught Guiding Reading Integration of specific features that  Diagrams responses as we take The learner will be able to skills. Skills are not Knowledge and Ideas help me to determine  Labels, notes identify the theme of a intended to be taught importance of  Maps fiction or nonfiction text and Thinking Maps in isolation. RL 2.7 information or to  Index  Paraphrase important explain using details or www.nclive.org move a story along?  Glossary Information features from the text to justify their thinking. Informational  Footnotes How is my thinking  Distinguish your Reading.ecb.org different from the I can explain how fiction and Key Ideas and Details Insets- a close-up thinking from the author’s thinking? nonfiction texts are FCRR.org picture of subject author’s thinking different. RI 2.1 matter (zoomed in) What are nonfiction The Elementary  Sort and organize I can explain the difference text features and how Resource and Craft and Structure Sidebar- additional thinking between a fact and an do they help support Instructional a student’s information that opinion using information from a text to justify my Moodles RI 2.5 understanding and supports the main body  Determine what the reasoning. RI 2.6 thinking about a text? of text author’s main purpose is in a I can explain how certain Integration of How can text features Fiction focuses on: selection features and information Knowledge and Ideas and supporting details characters, actions, within a text let me know be used to determine motives and problems what is important RI 2.7 the theme or message that contribute to the information. RI 2.8 an author is trying to overall themes convey? I can explain how my RI 2.9 thinking is different from the What text features do author’s and support my good readers use to reasoning with details using help them identify the my background knowledge author’s purpose for and information from the writing a text? text. 2nd Grade Correlation to Learning Targets the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Focus Strategy : Literature What does it mean to To put together  Exposition is the K ONLY: Demonstrate The learner will Comprehension Summarize summarize? important information section of text that sense of story (e.g., understand the elements Toolkit Key Ideas and Details while reading and introduces the beginning, middle, end, of a story and how they What does it mean to disregarding irrelevant characters, setting, characters, details, and work together to aid Continuum of RL 2.1 organize a text? Pull out the most information. genre, possible setting). comprehension. Literacy Learning RL 2.2 important How can organizing text events and n information and put it help understanding? tone/mood. All Grades: The learner will identify Reading with Craft and Structure into one’s own words the main idea and Meaning to remember it What is main idea and  Themes (Conflicts):  Main Idea with details supporting details in a ext RL 2.5 how does knowing this Individual(s)vs. :  Sequencing and use them in Non-Fiction Review and revisit help me comprehend - Individual  Problem/solution understanding what they Matters Integration of previously taught what I read? - Nature  Story elements/plot have read. Knowledge and Ideas skills. Skills are not - Society Guiding Reading What are supporting analysis intended to be taught - The learner will be able to RL 2.1 details, how do they Self in isolation. help support the main - Technology explain the difference Thinking Maps RL 2.2 idea to help me between mood and tone comprehend what I  Climax- the turning in a story. www.nclive.org Informational read? point in the story The learner will use the Reading.ecb.org Key Ideas and Details What are the elements mood and tone of the RI 2.1 of a story and how do story to make inferences FCRR.org RI 2.2 they work together to about a text. RI 2.3 help me comprehend The Elementary what I read? I can organize my thinking Resource and Craft and Structure What is mood? How while reading to help me Instructional does determining the summarize text. Moodles RI 2.4 mood of a story aid in RI 2.5 my comprehension? I can explain the RI 2.6 difference between mood What is tone? How and tone. Integration of does determining the Knowledge and Ideas tone of a story aid in I can use identify main my comprehension? ideas in a text to help RI 2.7 How are mood and understand what I read. RI 2.8 tone different? RI 2.9 I can identify details in a How do good readers story that help me to use text structure to support my thinking and summarize a fiction or understanding of a text. nonfiction selection? 2nd Grade Correlation to Learning Targets the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Focus Strategy: Grade 2: Literature When interpreting Background Knowledge + This is about Background Knowledge + The learner will leanr to Comprehension Infer &Visualize text, what are some Text Clues = Inference comprehension not Text Clues = Inference usre strategies to Toolkit Key Ideas and Details K-2 strategies to use? (BK+TC=I) only in reading. It is (BK+TC=I) interpret texts. about: Continuum of RL 2.1 Infer- Process of What does it mean to Readers know to infer  Reading faces  Use strategies reread, The learner can talk Literacy Learning RL 2.2 merging your schema infer when reading a when answers to their  Reading body read ahead, context about they strategies RL2.3 with evidence- based text? questions are not Language clues, picture clues to they use to inrterpret Reading with guess. explicitly stated in the  Reading determine meaning texts. Meaning Craft and Structure Visualize- Use sensory How does inferring text. expressions of and conceptual meaning extend my  Reading tone as unknown words The leaner will be explain Non-Fiction RL 2.4 imagery to construct/ comprehension of a Go beyond the literal well as reading text. what an inference is. Matters RL 2.5 enhance meaning text? meaning of the text to  Gathering support by RL 2.6 think about what is not Constructing meaning referencing text The learner will be able to Guiding Reading Review and revisit How do I combine there but is implied by by creating sensory explain how they make Integration of previously taught story details and my the writer. images, not only  Make and confirm inferences. Thinking Maps Knowledge and Ideas skills. Skills are not own experiences to ______picturing the words, Predictions intended to be taught make inferences that but also hearing, The leaner will be able to www.nclive.org RL 2.7 in isolation. help me understand We want the kids to smelling and tasting  Infer character’s use story clues and the story? create mental images them. motives and actions personal experience to Reading.ecb.org Grade 2: Informational enabling him/her to make ______make inferences. How do the mental the words on a page real  Infer meaning of FCRR.org Key Ideas and Details images formed as I and concrete. Mental Sensory imagery- figurative language The leaner will use RI 2.1 read help me to images help readers stop, context rich details to The Elementary RI 2.2 understand the text think about and picture act of creating the  Infer mood of visualize a story in their Resource and RI 2.3 and think about my text content. sights, sounds, smells, selection and/or mind to help them Instructional comprehension? tactile feelings, and characters within understand a text. Moodles Craft and Structure tastes from words in selection How does visualizing the text. I can explain what RI 2.4 help me to recall  Cause and Effect strategies I use to help RI 2.5 details from the text Conceptual imagery me interpret a text. RI 2.6 that support my understanding? involves the reader I can explain what an Integration of making a symbolic inference is. Knowledge and Ideas image that represents the text. (used most I can explain how I make RI 2.7 commonly with an inference. RI 2.8 nonfiction text) RI 2.9 I can explain how the mental images I make while I read help me understand a text. 2nd Grade Correlation to Learning Targets the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Grade 2: Literature Focus Strategy: How do the We want students to ask Thin Question- K ONLY: (Apply grammar The leaner will be able to Comprehension questions that come questions before, during, and language conventions use the questions that Toolkit Key Ideas and Details Ask Questions to my mind while and after reading. factual and can be to communicate come to mind as he/she reading help me to answered with a effectively) reads to help guide them Continuum of RL 2.1 Students need to Use schema to understand a text? understand questions can be number and a simple understand a text. Literacy Learning RL 2.2 answer questions answered. yes/no. All Grades: RL 2.3 created while reading What types of The leaner will be to Reading with to questions help me to 4 Types of Thick Question-  Ask questions to identify, use, and explain Meaning Craft and Structure create/clarify/deepen make meaning of a Question/Answer clarify the types of questions comprehension text? Relationships (QARs): inferential and answers confusion/message that help them Non-Fiction RL 2.4 are open to argument understand a text. Matters RL 2.5 Review and revisit What is the purpose  Right There- and must be supported Use strategies to: RL 2.6 previously taught of asking questions can be found right by the text. The leaner will explain Guiding Reading there in a single skills. Skills are not while reading a text?  why it is important to ask Integration of sentence. Question the text intended to be taught 4 Types of Questions: before, during and questions while reading a Thinking Maps Knowledge and Ideas in isolation. text.  Think and Search- can after reading be found in several Clarifying- www.nclive.org RL 2.7 sentences or a I can use the questions RL 2.9 paragraph. “What does _____ that come to mind as I Reading.ecb.org mean?” read to help guide my Grade 2: Informational  On My Own- thinking. FCRR.org information from Predicting- Key Ideas and Details reader’s prior I can use the questions The Elementary RI 2.1 knowledge. “Will ______happen that come to mind as I Resource and RI 2.2 next?” read to help me Instructional RI 2.3  Author and Me- understand a text. Moodles Merging old thinking Will the text tell me Craft and Structure with new thinking. _____?” I can explain why it is Super QAR (https://www.mheo 4 Levels of Questioning: important to ask RI 2.4 Level 1- Asks Questions Inferring- questions as I read. nline.com/program/ RI 2.5 view/5/1/31/00760 RI 2.6 Level 2- Asks, answers, and “Did the author mean I can explain how 34690) evaluates questions ____?” knowing the difference Integration of

between the types of Super QAR Knowledge and Ideas PowerPoint Level 3- Adjusts answers to Pondering- questions that can be questions asked can help me RI 2.7 “ Level 4- Asks a variety of I wonder if ______?” understand a text. RI 2.8 questions (Clarify, Predict, RI 2.9 Infer, Ponder) 2nd Grade Correlation to Learning Targets the Common Core Strategy Resources Strategy Essential Questions Strategy Goals 2 nd Grade Skills/Ideas These should be shared Literature and Miscellaneous Definition(s) Tools with the students. Informational Text Standards Focus Strategy: Literature What does it mean to To have readers: Synthesizing Synthesize using: The learner will Comprehension Synthesize summarize? information integrates understand what it means Toolkit Key Ideas and Details  Monitor overall the words and ideas in to summarize. The How do I summarize meaning the text with the  inferring, visualizing Continuum of RL 2.1 information from a utilizing/integrating reader’s personal The learner will Literacy Learning RL 2.2 text? and connecting of all strategies for  Important thoughts and questions understand what it means RL 2.3 to synthesize a text. the comprehending of concepts and themes and gives the reader  Understanding Reading with How does merging my Craft and Structure text in texts as they read the best shot at important ideas from Meaning thinking with The learner will be able to information from a text achieving new insight. characters’ words and paraphrase text. RL 2.4 Review and revisit help to write a Non-Fiction  understand that actions as well as RL 2.5 summary? previously taught their thinking evolves Most complex of all story events The learning will Matters RL 2.6 skills. Skills are not in the ongoing strategies. What does it mean to understand how rereading intended to be taught process.  Construct important Guiding Reading synthesize a text? a text and rethinking their Integration of in isolation. Readers extend their ideas based on thinking about a text Knowledge and Ideas How does paraphrasing We want the reader to synthesis of the literal content information improves their Thinking Maps help me to see the bigger meaning of the text to understanding of the text. RL 2.7 comprehend the text? picture/ideas as they the inferential level.  Fact and Opinion www.nclive.org RL 2.9 read. The learner will What does it mean to  Use comprehension understand that reading, Reading.ecb.org Informational think beyond the text? strategies as tools for writing, and reflecting help research and them comprehend texts. FCRR.org Key Ideas and Details How do rereading and

rethinking improve my investigation I can explain what it means The Elementary RI 2.1 understanding? to summarize a text. RI 2.2  Integrate new Resource and Instructional RI 2.3 What are the information with I can summarize text. Moodles connections between existing information Craft and Structure reading, writing, and I can explain what it means reflecting?  Synthesize big ideas to synthesize texts. RI 2.4 from a collection of RI 2.5 facts I can explain and use the RI 2.6 How do reading, writing, and reflecting connections between work together to reading, writing, and Integration of improve reflecting to help me Knowledge and Ideas comprehension? understand what I read. RI 2.7 RI 2.8 RI 2.9

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