Placename Data Entry Instructions
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Instruction Brief for Research Friends Version 2.2, August 2009
This document contains advice on completion of the ANPS data entry forms. The advice relates to the Excel spreadsheet workbook entitled DataForm, as well as to its paper equivalent, Placename Data Form.
The function of the DataForm is to record instances of relevant documentation for Australian placenames in the Introduced (i.e. non-Indigenous) system (including those derived from names in the Indigenous network). Each piece of evidence (or “documentation”) discovered must be entered on a separate row in one of the worksheets within the DataForm workbook. (Similarly, if you are entering data on paper, each entry must have its own Placename Data Form.)
PURPOSE: to record evidence, from print or non-print sources, which will assist in forming an interpretation hypothesis for a placename forming part of the Introduced system.
Complete a row in one of the worksheets within the DataForm Excel workbook or on one of the corresponding paper forms for each piece of evidence relating to placenames in your area.
You will have found your evidence in a particular type of documentation (or Source Type). We have identified nine different types Book Section or Chapter of Edited Collection (Book) Journal Newspaper/Magazine Manuscript [includes typescript and word-processed material of limited distribution, including diaries and correspondence] Website Map Artefact [includes plaques, signs, monuments, craft objects] Oral [includes recordings made in the course of oral history projects and information gathered from interviews in your own investigations] and we have customised the spreadsheet for each type to ease the task of data entry. For each piece of evidence you are about to enter, select the appropriate worksheet from the row of tabs at the bottom of the workbook. All worksheets have the same general structure, but they are customised for each source type and some Fields are suppressed (that is, they are not visible on the screen if they are not relevant to the source type).
2 NAME/FEATURE INFORMATION The first five fields together establish exactly which placename you are dealing with.
Field 1:
Field 2:
Field 3:
If you have had to leave both Fields 2 and 3 blank, complete as many as possible of Fields 4-9. If, on the other hand, you have been able to enter a value in either of those Fields, go straight to Field 10.
Field 4a:
Field 4b:
Field 5:
3 LOCATION INFORMATION If you have entered a Reference number in Field 2 or Field 3, go direct to Field 10. Use Fields 6-9 ONLY for placenames that are newly recorded—that is, if you have left Fields 2 and 3 blank. In such a case, at least ONE of the following fields should be completed.
Field 6:
Field 7:
DOCUMENTATION INFORMATION The next Field allows you to record the exact words of the quotation.
Field 10:
Please make each piece of Documentation you collect a direct quote from the text you are reading, rather than an interpretation or assessment or description of what you have read. Copy the quote exactly, word-for-word, even if it contains what you consider to be errors of fact, spelling, punctuation or grammar. (You can mark such errors in the original with an editorial [sic].) Type the extract from the source in the Excerpt box. Copy as exactly as you can, and include indication of font shift into bold or italic. If the source is a manuscript, there may be textual corrections such as strike-outs and insertions. We indicate such textual information by HTML-style coding. The following table lists those currently used.
FUNCTION CODING bold text … italic text … underlined text … superscript text …. subscript text … text in small caps … insertion, marked by /\ etc* … new para start
* assumes raised text: do not additionally code
6 May 1770
Sunday 6th In the evening the yawl return'd from fishing having caught two Sting rays weighing near 600 pounds the one weigh'd pounds and the other exclusive of the entrails.The great quantity of New Plants &Ca Mr Banks & Dr Solander collected of this sort of fish found in this place occasioned my giveing it the name of Sting-Ray Harbour Botan^yist Bay
It is not uncommon to find conflicting etymologies for any given placename. In the course of your research, you are likely to find some evidence which will support the one theory of why a place is named so, and other pieces of evidence which will provide contradictory information about the same placename. For example, in the current database, one source records that Mount Frome (NSW) is named after the town Frome in Somerset in England, yet another source records that it is named after a ticket-of-leave man called Tom Frome. Both pieces of documentation are useful for the ANPS database.
COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE SOURCE Fields 11 to 23 ask you for full bibliographic information.
Field 11:
Field 12:
5 Field 13:
Field 14:
Field 15:
6 Field 16:
Field 17:
Field 18:
7 Field 19:
Field 20:
Field 21:
Field 22:
8 Field 23:
Field 24:
Field 25: Write the date on which you are filling in the worksheet/form. Use the format day (2 digits) / month (2 digits) / year (4 digits), e.g. 17/06/2006.
Field 26:
Glossary Of Included Feature Terms abattoir A building in which animals are slaughtered for their meat and by-products. Feature set:
10 arsenal A repository for military arms and stores. Feature set:
11 beacon A navigational signal light on a tower or hill. Feature set:
12 buoy A distinctively shaped and coloured float, anchored to the bottom, for designating moorings, navigable channels, or obstructions in a body of water. Feature set:
13 cave A hollowed-out natural cavity in the earth with an opening to the surface. Feature set:
14 the coast. = wall. Feature set:
15 sufficient curvature to provide shelter. Feature set:
16 dock An artificially enclosed body of water in which ships may be built, repaired or loaded. Feature set:
18 sand. Feature set:
19 hilltop The top or summit of a hill. Feature set:
20 isle2 An area of land completely surrounded by the waters of a lake or other inland body of water. = island2. Feature set:
21 light An aid to navigation, as a buoy or minor structure, incorporating an illuminating source. Feature set:
22 mineral spring A spring of water which has in it a high proportion of naturally occurring mineral salts. Feature set:
23 neck2 A long and narrow stretch of elevated ground, generally with a length of less than 16km. = ridge2. Feature set:
24 a reef or between two landmasses. Feature set:
25 police stationThe local office or headquarters of a police force. Feature set:
26 quay An artificial landing place, built of masonry etc., for vessels to receive or discharge passengers or freight. Feature set:
28 rock4 A prominent rocky outcrop on an elevated relief feature. = crag. Feature set:
29 sandbar An undersea ridge of sand, built up by the action of tides, currents, etc, and possibly exposed at low tide. = sandbank. Feature set:
30 shrine A place or site venerated for its association with a famous person or event. Feature set:
State Any of the six major divisions which, with the Territories, make up the federated Commonwealth of Australia. Feature set:
State forest An area of land proclaimed to be a managed forest under a Forest Act or equivalent legislation. Feature set:
31 passengers and freight. = railway station. Feature set:
32 terrace1 A relatively flat horizontal or gently inclined submarine surface, sometimes long and narrow, which is bounded by a steeper ascending slope on one side and by a steeper descending slope on the opposite side. Feature set:
Territory Any of those administrative divisions which are not fully represented in the Federal Parliament but which, with the six States, make up the federated Commonwealth of Australia. Feature set:
33 trig station A point on the ground, the geographic position of which has been determined by geodetic survey. Feature set:
TV station A facility for the production of TV broadcast material. Feature set:
TV tower A transmission tower for TV broadcasts. Feature set:
34 waterfall A sudden steep descent of water over a natural step in the bed of a stream. = falls. Feature set:
35 APPENDIX 2 Feature Set Glossary
Feature Feature Set Definition Code AF A landing area for aircraft Included terms: aerodrome airfield airport airstrip helipad heliport landing_ground water_aerodrome ANCH A sheltered location suitable for vessels to anchor Included terms: anchorage1 roads roadstead BATH Any undersea feature [Temporary set; ultimately to be replaced by a number of feature sets dominated by +BATHYM] Included terms: bank bar canyon1 discordance escarpment1 fracture_zone gap1 guyot hole1 knoll1 plain1 reef ridge1 rise saddle1 sandbank sandbar seamount shelf shoal1 spur1 terrace1 trench trough BAY A concave recess made by the sea in the coastline, larger than
36 Feature Feature Set Definition Code CLIF A perpendicular or steep face of rock on an elevated relief feature Included terms: bluff breakaway cliff escarpment2 jumpup precipice rock_face steeps wall CNAL A channel constructed as a route over land for vessels Included terms: canal waterway CNTY A unit of land administration, larger than a
37 Feature Feature Set Definition Code Included terms: canyon2 chasm cirque glen gorge ravine GULF A recess made by the sea in the coastline, narrower and usually larger than
38 Feature Feature Set Definition Code Included terms: coalfield gasfield goldfield mine mining_centre oilfield opalfield quarry slate_quarry MONU A structure by which the memory of persons or things is preserved Included terms: cairn2 column3 marker monument obelisk shrine MT A major elevation of the earth’s surface, which is arbitrarily marked as greater than 300m from foot to summit, rising conspicuously from the surrounding level but not normally an isolated feature Included terms: mountain peak2 pyramid NAVB A prominent specially constructed object forming a conspicuous mark as a fixed aid to navigation Included terms: beacon buoy light lighthouse PAN A small non-vegetated area, often a shallow depression, which may hold water for some time after rain Included terms: clay_flat clayhole claypan clay_pit salt_pan PASS A relatively horizontal opening between hills or mountains or within a range Included terms: col gap2 opening pass passage2 saddle2 PEAK The uppermost prominent point of a height feature Included terms: hilltop mountain_peak peak1 point3 summit PIER An unenclosed landing place or berth for vessels Included terms: landing landing_place pier quay ramp wharf PL An extensive area of relatively flat land in an area of high relief Included terms: mesa plateau tableland PLAN Cultivated ground for arboriculture Included terms: arboretum plantation State_forest PLN Ground with non-arboreal vegetation, not being wetland and not cleared for agriculture Included terms: bottom downs fells flat grassland heath moor plain2 prairie river_flat uncultivated_land PORT A place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging cargo or passengers from vessels Included terms: port PRSH A unit of land administration, smaller than a
39 Feature Feature Set Definition Code ROAD A way usually open to the public for the passage of vehicles Included terms: road ROCK A prominent outcrop of stone on another height feature Included terms: column2 crag needle pillar pinnacle2 rock4 rock_column rock_formation2 rocks4 spire RSTA A place where trains stop for passengers or freight Included terms: railway_station station RTRK A track on which races, especially motor races or horse races, are held Included terms: auto_track racecourse racetrack speedway velodrome RUIN The remains of a fallen and derelict building Included terms: ruin SCHL A place established for the purpose of education and instruction Included terms: college institute school university SEA The salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth’s surface, or a part of those waters Included terms: ocean sea SHOL An expanse of shallow water Included terms: patch patches shallows shoal2 SITE A location of a former cultural feature, especially one which commemorates that feature Included terms: heritage_place historic_area historical_locality historical_reconstruction historic_site tree SLP A gradient on a height feature Included terms: gradient hillside scree slope terrace2 SND An arm of the sea which extends between an island and the mainland or otherwise connects two larger bodies of water, but which is wider and more extensive than
40 Feature Feature Set Definition Code Included terms: boulder butte column1 kopje monolith(s) pinnacle1 rock3 rock_formation1 rocks3 tor TOWR A transmission tower for media broadcasts Included terms: radio_tower tower3 transmission_tower TV_tower TRIG A point with elevation or position determined by survey Included terms: bench_mark cairn1 control _point trig_station TRK A formed or marked way which is used by people walking, cycling or horse-riding Included terms: path track trail TUNN An artificial underground passage past a natural barrier for road or rail traffic Included terms: tunnel URBN An area which is designated as a town or city Included terms: city town urban_area VAL A relatively low region within an area of elevated relief, and bounded by hills or mountains. Included terms: dale dell vale valley VCRT A circular depression formed at or near the peak of a volcanic structure Included terms: crater1 WELL A hole bored into the ground for the extraction of oil, gas, etc. Included terms: shaft well1 WOOD Uncultivated tree-covered land, not perceived as being as extensive as