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Minutes of Meeting Held On January 29, 2009 State Office Building, Hartford, Connecticut
The State Properties Review Board held its regularly scheduled meeting on January 29, 2009 in the State Office Building.
Members Present: Edwin S. Greenberg, Chairman Lisa A. Musumeci, Vice Chairman Bennett Millstein, Secretary Paul F. Cramer, Jr. Bruce Josephy Pasquale A. Pepe
Staff Present: Stanley T. Babiarz, Executive Director Mary E. Goodhouse, Real Estate Examiner Anna L. Candelario, Executive Secretary
Chairman Greenberg called the meeting to order.
Mr. Millstein moved and Mr. Cramer seconded a motion to enter into Open Session. The motion passed unanimously.
Reimbursement of Expenses. Mr. Greenberg moved and Mr. Pepe seconded a motion to approve reimbursement of meeting and mileage fees to Mr. Josephy for his inspection of farm property in Wallingford on January 27, 2009 (PRB File #08-400-A). The motion passed unanimously.
State Bond Commission. Mr. Babiarz provided the Board with a copy of a summary of Bond Commission appropriations that may be of interest to the Board (See Attachment A).
Reduction in the GSA Mileage Reimbursement Rate. Mr. Babiarz advised the Board that effective February 12, 2009, the mileage reimbursement rate for use of privately owned automobiles will be reduced from 58.5 cents to 55 cents per mile.
Legislative Proposals: Mr. Babiarz informed the Board that three legislative proposals, representing changes to existing statutes, were submitted to the Office of Policy and Management for their review, as follows:
1. An Act Concerning (AAC) Advertising for Space, which amends C.G.S. 4b-34(a);
2. AAC Duties of the Public Works Commissioner, which amends C.G.S. 4b-1(a)(5);
3. AAC Purchase, Sale and Leasing of State Real Property and Allocation of Space, which amends C.G.S. 4b-21(c). STATE PROPERTIES REVIEW BOARD Minutes of Meeting, January 29, 2009 Page 2
He said that on January 23, 2009, he received an e-mail from Jeffrey Beckham, Undersecretary for Legislative Affairs, indicating that OPM and the Governor’s office have reviewed the Board’s legislative proposals and are opposed to the changes suggested in Section 4b-21 and 4b-34 (See Attachment B).
Legislative Bills. Mr. Babiarz provided the Board with several proposed Senate and House Bills. To summarize, the proposed bills are as follows:
Proposed Bill No. 266 – An Act Requiring (AAC) Certain Land To Be Declared Open Space Land Proposed Bill No. 328 – AAC The Conveyance Of Certain Parcels Of Land In Andover Proposed Bill No. 336 – An Act Establishing A Mediation Process For The Repurchase Of Route 6 Property By Abutting Landowners Proposed Bill No. 434 – AAC The Disposition By The Department Of Transportation Of Land Originally Acquired For “Super 7” Highway Proposed Bill No. 609 – AAC The Auditing Of State Agencies Raised Bill No. 768 – AAC The Protection Of Whistleblowers Raised Bill No. 772 – AAC The Freedom Of Information Act Raised Bill No. 773 – AAC Technical Amendments To The Codes Of Ethics Raised Bill No. 774 – AAC State Contracting Proposed Bill No. 5369 – AAC Land Containing The Connecticut Valley Hospital Proposed Bill No. 5376 – An Act Requiring The Performance Of A Cost-Benefit Analysis Prior To The Sale Of Surplus State Property Proposed Bill No. 5383 – AAC Terms For Members Of The General Assembly Proposed Bill No. 5566 – An Act Postponing Revisions To The State Building Code Proposed Bill No. 5590 – An Act Requiring Affordable Housing In New Housing Developments Proposed Bill No. 5806 – An Act Protecting Prime Farmland From Development Proposed Bill No. 5797 – An Act Prohibiting High-Density Housing Near A Working Farm Proposed Bill No. 5765 – AAC The J.M. Wright Technical School Raised Bill No. 6293 – AAC Statements Of Financial Interests Under The Code Of Ethics Raised Bill No. 6294 – AAC Contracting Related Matters And The State Code Of Ethics Raised Bill No. 6295 – An Act Extending The Time Period For Debarment Of Certain State Contractors Raised Bill No. 6296 – AAC Certain Conflict Of Interest Provisions For Public Officials And State Employees Raised Bill No. 6297 – AAC Certain Authorities And Duties Of The Department Of Administrative Services Raised Bill No. 6298 – AAC Certain Revisions To The State Codes Of Ethics STATE PROPERTIES REVIEW BOARD Minutes of Meeting, January 29, 2009 Page 3
Savings. Ms. Goodhouse reported that as a result of the Board’s analysis of a lease proposal in Hartford, which was withdrawn and subsequently cancelled, a total savings of $4,282,028.40 to the State over the ten year lease term will be achieved; the details of which cannot be disclosed for one year due to Connecticut General Statutes, Section 4b-27.
Brigadier General Charles P. Sheehan, Colonel Gerald J. Lukowski. Connecticut Army National Guard, and Lieutenant Colonel James Works, Connecticut Air National Guard, Military Department, joined the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
PRB # 09 - 009 Transaction/Contract Type: RE / Lease-Out Origin/Client: DOT / DOT File No.: AERO-5600-176 Lessee: The United States of America Representative: Kathleen I. Ferguson, P.E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Installations
Property: Bradley International Airport (located in East Granby section of Airport property), WINDSOR LOCKS CT
Project Purpose: DOT, Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Lease-Out Agreement for Air National Guard, Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks [Agreement No. 8.29-99(95)/Federal Lease No. DACA51-5-95-116]
Item Purpose: Amends current lease-out agreement (dated 8/7/1995) by extending the term from year to year through June 30, 2055, instead of June 30, 2031, and by revising the Government's address relative to notices/correspondence.
Brigadier General Sheehan stated that he is an Advisor to Major General Thaddeus Martin, The Adjutant General, for the Army and Air National Guard. He said that Colonel Lukowski is the Construction and Facilities Management Officer for the Army National Guard. Lt. Colonel Works is the Program Manager for the Air National Guard.
Brigadier General Sheehan indicated that the purpose of meeting with the Board is to report on the Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Lease-Out Agreement for the Air National Guard at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks and to brief the Board on some upcoming projects. He said that the Air National Guard occupies 144.19 acres located at the southwesterly corner of Bradley International Airport and on the east side of Perimeter Road.
Brigadier General Sheehan said that the purpose of the Supplemental Agreement is to extend the term of the lease-out from June 30, 2031 to June 30, 2055. He said that improvements are planned which will be funded by the United States Air Force, and its policy requires that in order for the United States to make investments in facilities, the lease must have a remaining term of at least 25 years after the improvements are in place. STATE PROPERTIES REVIEW BOARD Minutes of Meeting, January 29, 2009 Page 4
Brigadier General Sheehan stated that the A-10 Fighter is being phased out. In 2008, the A-10 saw its last mission with the last aircraft departing in April. He said that the National Guard Bureau’s Total Force Initiative and the 2005 DoD Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) decision resulted in the Connecticut Air National Guard receiving an airlift bridge mission of the C-21 aircraft (known as Lear 35). Brigadier General Sheehan indicated that the National Defense Authorization Act of 2009 provided $8.0 million in funding to the Connecticut Air National Guard for establishment of a New England Disaster Training Center. This is one-year federal funding which will be executed to upgrade and construct facilities. This program will encompass facilities not only at the Bradley Air National Guard base but the Army National Guard facilities abutting the airport in Windsor Locks as well. He said that the Military Department, in all likelihood, will be submitting a transaction for the Army facility in the future.
Colonel Lukowski briefed the Board on some upcoming projects and those that have already been completed. In addition, Lt. Colonel Works summarized some projects that are proposed at the Air National Guard facility.
Brigadier General Sheehan, Colonel Lukowski and Lt. Colonel Works left the meeting at 10:38 a.m.
The Board took the following vote in Open Session:
PRB FILE #09-009 – Mr. Pepe moved and Mr. Millstein seconded a motion to approve PRB File #09- 009. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned.