College of Education

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College of Education

COLLEGE COUNCIL Friday, January 20, 2006 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. (EDU 258)

Members Present: David Allsopp, Nancy Anderson, Ann Cranston-Gingras, Darlene DeMarie, Janice Fauske, John Ferron, Carine Feyten, Victor Hernandez- Gantes, Elaine Howes, Erv Johanningmeier, Bill Kealy, Sharon Miller- Keller, Barbara Loeding, Michael Stewart

Members Absent: JoAnn Eickhoff-Shemek, Colleen Kennedy, Steve Permuth, Suzanne Quinn

Ex-Officios Present: Micki Cuppett, Pat Daniel, Surrendra Singh

Ex-Officios Absent: Darlene Bruner, Bobbie Greenlee, Valerie Janesick

Other Attendees: Rebecca Wilkins Call to Order:

The College Council meeting was called to order by Erv Johanningmeier, Chair, on January 20, 2006 at 1:10 pm.

Dr. Johanningmeier asked everyone to consider serving as co-chair until the end-of-the-semester. A volunteer would be welcomed.


The November minutes were approved with corrections.

Dean’s Report

The Dean was unable to attend today’s meeting because she is on the Search Committee looking for a Vice-Provost. Carine Feyten gave today’s report.

 Provost Renu Khator, Dean Colleen Kennedy and Associate Dean Carine Feyten had the opportunity to meet with the new Chancellor for Universities, Mark Rosenberg. He was meeting with representatives from the College of Nursing, College of Engineering, College of Business and the College of Education.  A package was prepared and presented to him on the COE along with a special presentation. He wanted to know about the teacher shortage, how to defend Colleges of Education to the legislature and why they are important. The Deans were able to share the creative and diverse approaches to our programs while others in the State have stayed static.  The Dean also met with the Florida Education Standards Commission. She stressed the importance of standards and the need for all institutions that offer degrees which lead to certification are held to the same kind of standards.  Our college is the fifth largest College of Education in the nation for public universities and thirteenth out of both public/private universities. (handouts were distributed)  The COE is tenth in the nation for external funding.  The COE has graduated 50,000 educators in the first 50 years. USF’s first student (#0000001) was, in fact, an education major.  Associate Dean Michael Stewart attended the State Board of Education meeting. They discussed the rule change for preparation of teachers. Universities will be allowed to teach toward competencies as opposed to specific course credit hours. The college will be able to decide what courses the students need to take and where these competencies can be met.

Executive Board Report

The Executive Board discussed the need to review the COE Constitution. A committee will be developed that would be reasonable in size, to include a representative from each department, representatives from the regional campuses, the Dean’s office and the College Council Chair. Once this committee is formed, it should move quickly and form a subcommittee to go to work on the personnel policy committee issue. This may mean some work over the summer and the Dean stated it would not be without compensation. It will be necessary for all departments to hold meetings to discuss who they want to represent them on this committee. Dr. Johanningmeier stated that one of the difficulties with our constitution is it defines faculty and that is not our prerogative but the prerogative of the university to define faculty.

At the beginning of the year an Ad Hoc Committee for Review of Constitution was developed. The committee stated they would use the current constitution as long as it complied with University policies. It is noted the University and the Dean want shared governance with faculty, staff, and students. There are two issues that need to be looked at, (1) review of the constitution; and, (2) the sections General Counsel feels are not appropriate.

Faculty agreed that it was time to review the constitution but are concerned about doing away with it because of the effort and thought put into its construction. Historically, the first constitution was unhealthy for the faculty and, after revision; it was presented to faculty and voted to be healthy for everyone.

Bill Kealy has reservations about faculty from the same department serving on the Personnel Policy Commission and felt it was un-constitutional. Surendra Singh requested that a historian serve on the ad hoc committee.

Consent Agenda After a lengthy discussion on the Consent Agenda, a motion was made by Nancy Anderson to table Secondary Education’s, Reading Endorsement for Secondary English Language Arts for a new graduate certificate. Motion was passed to table it for further discussion.

ACHE – program name change – Victor Hernandez-Gantes Vocational Education, PhD to Career & Workforce Education ACHE – new course – Don Dellow Leadership in Higher Education EDH 7632

ACHE – program change – William Young Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction with an emphasis in Adult Education

ACHE – New Concentration in M.A. in Adult Education - Suzanne Kirkman M.A. in Adult Education with a concentration in Human Resource Development

Educational Leadership & Policy Studies – new course – Valerie Janesick Ethics & Educational Leadership………………………………………….EDA 7069

Educational Measurement & Research – Grad. Certificate – Robert Dedrick Graduate Certificate in Research Methods

Psychological & Social Foundations – course changes – Sue Street Seminar in Guidance

Secondary Education – course change – Helen Gerretson Practicum in Mathematics Education………………………………………MAE 6945

Secondary Education – program change – Helen Gerretson MAT in Middle Grades Mathematics (5-9)

Special Education – new course – Karen Colucci Implementing & Evaluating Programs for Students with Disabilities……EEX 6253

Secondary Education – new Grad. Certificate – Tony Erben Graduate Certificate in Foreign Language Education

Secondary Education – new Grad. Certificate – Elaine Howes Graduate Certificate in Science Education

Secondary Education – new Grad. Certificate – Jane Applegate English Education Graduate Certificate

Motion to approve the remaining items on the consent agenda was made and approved with one dissenting vote.

Faculty & Staff Campaign

Dick Dearolf, Development Director, spoke to the Council about the Faculty & Staff Campaign which our Dean, Colleen Kennedy, is Chair of this year (2006). The University’s goal for 2005 was $1 million plus and it reached its goal. Last year the COE faculty and staff not only met but exceeded its goal. All COE departmental challenges were met and exceeded.

The goal for the University this year is $1.5 million with, at least, $53,500 coming from the College of Education. March 3rd is the kick-off date. Please designate someone from your department’s faculty or staff to take the lead for your department. The amount you donate does not matter as much as the solidarity of the entire college making contributions.

For answers to your questions, contact Dick Dearolf or Georgia Mackenzie, in the Development Office at 974-0378.

 Special request from the Development Office – three athletics have an interest in attending the USF and are particularly interested in the College of Education. The only time these students are available is this Saturday. Need volunteers to meet with these students. Contact Dick Dearolf at 974-0363.


The Council adjourned at 3:25 pm.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 24th at 1:00 pm in EDU 258.

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