WHHS Lesson Plan
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WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding by Design Template Name: Mr. Dan Schuller Date: 2/15 – 3/10/11 Length of Lesson: 12days Content Area: AP Env. Science – Unit 8 Edline was updated this week: Y My Class website was updated this week: Y STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON BIG IDEAS: TOPIC: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) MODULE B—Continuity and Unity of Life Ecos ASSESSMENT ANCHOR BIO.B.4 Ecology yste PA Standards – 4.6: Ecosystems and their Interactions; 4.8: Humans and their Environment ms: SAI 1: Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. Com pone nts, Ener gy Flow , and Matt er Cycli ng UNDERS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: TANDIN What is ecology? G GOALS (CONCEP What basic processes keep us and other organisms alive? TS): What are the major components of an ecosystem? Students will What happens to energy in an ecosystem? understan What happens to matter in an ecosystem? d: How do scientist study ecosystems? The What are ecosystem services and how do they affect the sustainability of the earth’s life-support systems? natur e of Ecolo gy The Earth ’s life- suppo rt syste ms Ecosy stem conce pts and comp onent s Food webs and Energ y flow in ecosy stems Prim ary produ ctivity of ecosy stems Matte r cyclin g in ecosy stems How ecolo gists learn about ecosy stems Ecosy stem servic es and sustai nabili ty VOCABU STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): L Students will be able to: A Explain the concepts of ecology R Y: Analyze the productivity of an ecosysterm Ecology; Synthesize a food web organism; Compare and contrast the components and productivity of ecosystems cell; eukaryotic Diagram the major matter cycles: water; carbon; nitrogen; phosphorus; sulfur ; Use real field research to synthesis and analyze graphs prokaryoti Interpret and draw conclusions from field data. c; species; asexual reproducti on; sexual reproducti on; taxonomist s; population ; genetic diversity; community ; ecosystem; biosphere; atmospher e; tropospher e; stratosphe re; hydrosphe re; lithospher e; natural greenhous e effect; biomes; climate; aquatic life zones; ecotone; abiotic; biotic; range of tolerance; law of tolerance; tolerance limits; limiting factors; limiting factor principle; dissolved oxygen content; salinity; metabolis m; producers; photosynth esis; chemosynt hesis; consumers ; herbivores ; carnivores ; omnivores ; scavengers detritivore s; decompose rs; aerobic respiration ; anaerobic respiration ; biological diversity; genetic diversity; species diversity; ecological diversity; functional diversity; food chain; trophic level; food web; biomass; pyramid of energy; pyramid of biomass; pyramid of numbers; GPP; NPP; nutrient; biogeoche mical cycles; hydrologic cycle; atmospher ic cycle; sedimentar y cycle; water cycle; evaporatio n; transpirati on; condensati on; precipitati on; infiltration ; percolatio n; runoff; absolute humidity; relative humidity; condensati on nuclei; dew point; aquifer; water table; carbon cycle; nitrogen cycle; nitrogen fixation; nitrificatio n; assimilatio n; ammonific ation; denitrificat ion; acid deposition ; phosphoru s cycle; sulfur cycle; field research; remote sensing; geographi c informatio n systems; laboratory research; systems analysis; ecosystem services STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: MANCE Classroom discussion TASKS: Graphic organizers-visual representation Study Pack Open ended questioning et: OTHER EVIDENCE: Key AP Exam Practice: Multiple Choice. voca bular AP Exam Practice: Free Response. y/Ca Current events se Studi Class participation es/ Unit Exam Gues t Essa ys/Re view Ques tions/ Criti cal Thin king. Hubb ard Broo ks Field Rese arch Activ ities Silve r Sprin gs Activ ity Prim ary Prod uctivi ty and its effect on Diss olved Oxyg en Lab Fairc hild Chall enge. STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRU MATERI INTERV ASSIGNMENTS: CTIONA ALS ENTION Chapter Study Packet L AND S: Lab write ups/reports PROCE RESOUR Redir DURES: CES: ectio Lab investigation handouts. Powe Com n Case Studies r puter durin Point AP Exam Practice: Multiple Choice. Com g Note class puter AP Exam Practice: Free Response. s/Cla . ss proje Current events. discu ctor 1-to- ssion Textb 1 assist Lab ooks ance. inves Fold Movi tigati ers ons ng Assig Hand seat nmen outs to a ts Lab more prod (Clas Mate uctiv s & rials Hom e locat e) CONTE ion. ACTIVE NT ENGAG AREA After EMENT READIN class USED: G: /scho Note Chap ol tutori takin ter ng. g text Partn Corr Outsi ering ectio de ns on Conc Read assig ept ing sketc nmen hes t/exa m. Case Studi Exte es nsion SCAFFO to LDING comp USED: lete Chun assig king nmen t. Visu al Conf supp erenc ort e Teac with her other Prom staff. pting (Cou MINI nselo LESSON rs or : admi nistr Silve ators r ) Sprin gs Conf Hubb erenc ard e Broo with ks pare Activ nt. ities Prim ary Prod uctivi ty Lab Fairc hild Chall enge. MINI LESSONS DAY Monday DAY Tu DAY Wednesda DAY Thursda DAY Friday es y y da y NUMBER/DAT 101 2/4 102 2/ 103 2/6 104 2/7 105 2/8 E 5 TOPIC Fairchild Ecosystems Ecosystems Ecosystems Challenge Watch and critique an Explain the field of Describe energy flow in Display and analyze data from an OBJECTIVE(S) By the environmental movie ecology. an ecosystem. ecological pyramid. end of the lesson each in preparation for an Distinguish Describe typical student will be able to: essay. between the major pyramids of numbers, ecological levels. biomass, and energy.
Multiple Choice Power Point notes. Power Point notes. Work on Silver Springs pyramid. PROCEDURES / Monday. Check Study Activity of Energy Check Study Packets TECHNIQUES Pd 5: Begin Packets. Pyramids. discussing Chapter 4: To reach objectives Ecosystems. Pd 8: Finish Dirt The Movie. Homework: Chapter 4 Study Chapter 4 Study Packet pgs. 1 & 2 Packet pgs. 3 & 4 Due Due Tuesday. Friday. Lab A – Begin discussing B – No lab A – work on Part 1 of A – work on Part 1 of PP Lab. Primary Productivity. PP Lab.