Crewkerne Town Council s1

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Crewkerne Town Council s1


Minutes of the CREWKERNE TOWN COUNCIL meeting held in the Council Chambers, on Monday 24th September 2012 at 6.45 p.m.


Cllrs. R. Pailthorpe (Chairman), Mrs. S. Allman, Best, Bond, Mrs. Bond, Mrs. R. Jackson, Mrs. A. Singleton, Mrs. A. Stuart, N. Sturtivant.

In attendance: The Clerk Mrs. J.Warner, Cty. Cllr. J. Dyke, 6 members of the public and 1 member of press.

79 TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 12/13 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Ms Dawson (personal). No apologies received from Cllr. Miss. Hennessy.

80 OPEN FORUM 12/13 Mr Chard raised concerns regarding the proposed ‘nil’ rent to CYSAL for 3 years in view of the fact that a new Council would be elected in 2 years time. He said the Business Plan did not include rent stated in the recent Valuer’s report. Regarding the request for a temporary loan to help buy equipment, couldn’t existing equipment from West One be used instead? He thought that the rates for the building, full repair and insurance should be paid by the company and not out by the tax payer.

Mrs Scarborough spoke about her planning application (12/02237/FUL 16 South Street), altering it from an old TV shop to a modern retail outlet with improved accommodation above.

81 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 12/13 It was AGREED that the Minutes of the meeting of Crewkerne Town Council held on the 23rd July 2012 be APPROVED.

It was AGREED that the Minutes of the meeting of Crewkerne Town Council held on the 13th August 2012 be APPROVED.

It was AGREED that the Minutes of the meeting of Crewkerne Town Council held on the 20th August 2012 be APPROVED.


Cty. Cllr. Dyke reported that the County Council had allocated money for small highways improvement schemes and County Councillors had been asked for submissions. He reported that his suggestions had been accepted, which included: more drop kerbs for disabled people in Crewkerne; to improve the public footpath from Cropmead to Mount Pleasant, subject to a

TC -1- design study and viability; and the resurfacing of the footpath along Pulmans Lane, off Hermitage Street.

Dist. Cllr. Mrs. Singleton reported that a litter pick was being organised either for the 14th or 21st October and if any Councillors would like to be involved to contact her. She also said the Chamber of Trade had questioned if it was possible to use the reverse of the notice board in Falkland Square as a trader’s information board. The Clerk said she would verify with the Planners application for the notice board to see whether this could be achieved.

Dist. Cllr. Mrs. Singleton also mentioned that she, Cllrs. Mrs Bond and Mrs. Allman had completed a survey on the condition of the ladies toilets in the town, and she was awaiting the survey on the gents and would report on the findings at the next Amenities Committee meeting on 12th November.

83 RESIGNATION OF CLLR. MRS S. WHITE 12/13 To agree the process for co-option of the vacancy. To elect a Deputy Mayor, and Chair of Amenities Committee. Also to appoint a reserve member on the Staffing Committee and another authorised cheque signatory

It was AGREED to advertise the vacancy requesting interested candidates write in by 15th October, be invited to attend an information evening and then on the next Full Council meeting 22nd October provide a two minute presentation about themselves and their views. Cllr. Best agreed to chair the presentation and information evening during the week beginning 15th October.

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr. Mrs Allman serve as Deputy Mayor and there being no other nomination was CARRIED unanimously. Cllr. Mrs. Allman duly accepted to serve as Deputy Mayor for the remaining Council Year.

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr. Mrs. Singleton be nominated to serve as Chairman of the Amenities Committee for the Council and there being no other nomination was CARRIED. Cllr. Mrs Singleton duly accepted the Office of Chairman of the Amenities Committee for the remaining Council Year.

It was AGREED that Cllr. Mrs Singleton be elected a reserve member on the Staffing Committee.

It was AGREED that Cllrs. Mrs. Jackson be an authorised signatory for cheques for payment.

84 LOCALISM ACT 2011 12/13 a) To adopt the new (Somerset model) Code of Conduct 2012

It was AGREED to adopt the new (Somerset model) Code of Conduct 2012. Councillors would complete the new Register of Interest forms promptly.

b) To amend various Standing Orders (i) Standing Order No. 7 relating adoption of the new Code:

It was AGREED that the recommendation in the accompanying report be APPROVED.

TC -2- (ii) Standing Order No. 25 General Power of Competence Order (to replace the power of of Wellbeing)

It was AGREED that the recommendation be APPROVED.

(iii) A new Standing Order No. 1y Delegation of business to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman or Vice-Chairman if a meeting is not quorate

It was AGREED to include this new standing order designated as No. 1y

c) To confirm the Council is entitled to exercise the General Power of Competence because it meets the statutory criteria set out in the Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions)

The Clerk confirmed that she had recently passed the necessary CiLCA module and that all Councillors had been elected at the last ordinary elections.

The following resolution was AGREED: That Crewkerne Town Council hereby confirms that it meets the statutory criteria set out in the Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 and is thereby entitled to exercise the General Power of Competence contained in the Localism Act 2011.

85 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST and declarations from members in receipt of 12/13 hospitality and gifts

Cllr. Mrs. Singleton declared a personal and prejudicial interest item 10a, b and c – The George Reynolds Centre (Director of the new company).

Cllr. Mrs. Jackson declared a personal and prejudicial interest item 10a, b and c – The George Reynolds Centre (Director of the new company and her husband also had put his name forward to be a Director).

86 CLERKS PROGRESS REPORT 12/13 To consider the written report

The Clerk’s report was considered.

Free half day waste prevention conference Saturday 29 th September - No Councillors wished to attend the conference, the Clerk agreed to notify Somerset Waste Action and to ask them to provide any information.

87 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 12/13 To consider applications requiring observations before the next Planning and Highways Committee meeting by SSDC:

12/02237/FUL Alterations, loft conversion to include the insertions of dormer windows to rear elevation and external staircase. 16 South Street Crewkerne TA18 8DA

TC -3- DEFERRED to Planning and Highways meeting Monday 8th October for a site viewing with the Planner.

12/03502/LBC Internal and external works to include installation of flue, replacing door with window and removing internal wall Holly Cottage 8 Oxen Road Crewkerne TA18 7HN DEFERRED to Planning and Highways meeting 8th October for more clarification.

Amended Plans: 12/02198/REM The erection of 2 No. detached houses with garages and the erection of 3 No. terraced cottages Land at Easthams Hill Farm Yeovil Road Crewkerne TA18 7NS NOTED

88 THE GEORGE REYNOLDS CENTRE 12/13 a) To consider the purchase and installation of a computerised bookings, receipts and data analysis system. To consider a report and a presentation from a new Director of Crewkerne Youth and Sports Activities Ltd (CSYAL). (Item deferred from The George Reynolds Centre Committee)

The Council welcomed Mr Shackleford Director and Mr Banks Chairman of CSYAL to the meeting.

Mr Shackleford explained how the system would work as an electronic management system and the information it would record bookings, receipts and provide extensive data analysis. In response to a question he confirmed only authorised users with access cards could operate the system. He said they had approached three companies for quotes and the most favourable quote was for £5,495 + VAT.

Cllr. Bond raised strong concerns that CSYAL wanted the Council to pay for this system and that there were other more pressing needs in the town. Cllr. Mrs. Singleton advised that the request by CSYAL for the purchase be considered within the as yet unspent contingency budget of the capital building fund for the George Reynolds Centre, not from additional money.

Cllrs. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Singleton left the room at 7.44pm for the deliberation.

Various councillors said a robust management system was required and if money was available it would be worth providing this system at the start of the facility.

After discussion it was AGREED to approve the purchase and installation of a computerised bookings, receipts and data analysis system and for the cost of approximately £5495 to be taken from the contingency budget within the capital building fund for the George Reynolds Centre.

b) To consider the report from the District Valuer and recommendation from the George Reynolds Centre Committee and approve CSYAL rent within the lease, and to confirm the terms

The District Valuers report was noted. (Min.27 TGRC refers)

TC -4- Cllr. Mrs. Bond raised several concerns regarding the recommendation by the George Reynolds Committee of a rent free period of 36 months, as the Valuer said in his view the rent could be in the region of £22,000. She stated several ways where the GRC Business Plan was not robust as claimed. She questioned about the recommendation regarding the rent to CSYAL from the Creche and Playschool businesses, she also spoke regarding the cost and rent for the Aqua Centre and providing grants for the Aqua Centre to Crewkerne Leisure Management (CLM).

The Clerk responded that CSYAL had asked for the Valuer’s advice on the rent because the rooms would be sublet. She also clarified about the loan, lease and rent for the Aqua Centre and that there was no annual grant given to CLM.

Cllr. Bond pointed out that there were other important matters in the town the council could support financially, rather than even more benefits to sports players.

Councillors were of the opinion that the facility was not only for sports but also a youth facility and also it would be a much improved building for the Out of School Club and Jigsaw PreSchool. It would only be fair that CYSAL was given an opportunity to be successful from the beginning.

Cllr. Mrs. Bond called for a recorded vote.

After further discussion it was AGREED with 7 votes in favour from Cllrs. Mrs. Allman, Best, Mrs. Jackson, Pailthorpe, Mrs. Singleton, Mrs. Stuart and Sturtivant, with two objections from Cllrs. Cllr. Bond and Mrs. Bond to approve a zero rent for a period of 24 months in order to help the company to succeed during the early years with a review on the third year.

Cllrs. Bond and Mrs. Bond expressed astonishment at such a decision, and said they would be sending letters of resignation for following day and accordingly left the room at 8.16pm

Cllr Best then issued a statement of clarification. He said it was most unfortunate that Cllr Bond and Cllr Mrs Bond had chosen not to any committee meetings on the development of the George Reynolds Centre, as there had been previous deliberation and explanation on these matters sometime ago. He also wished it clearly stated that the Aqua Centre was not a commercial facility as Cllr Mrs Bond had affirmed, it was a registered charitable company with professional company accounts, and the Active Lifestyle Centre had been open for business prior the now closed gym business in Victoria Mews. c) To consider a letter from the Chairman of CSYAL requesting a temporary loan for set up contingency and the purchase of essential equipment prior to opening for business

The Chairman of CSYAL’s letter was noted. Mr Banks, Chairman of CSYAL clarified that it probably would not need anything like £20,000 or for as long as six months because monies were expected from other sources shortly, however there was an urgent short term need because the building would be opening for business at the beginning of November

After discussion and information from the Clerk, an agreement was APPROVED for a six month temporary start up loan to CSYAL of up to £20,000 with appropriate modest interest payable for the furtherance of the charitable organisation’s remit and provide

TC -5- furniture for the sports, youth and community venue, by exercising the General Power Of Competence.

Cllrs. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Singleton returned at 8.25pm

d) To consider arrangements for the official opening event and publicity

The Clerk was asked to obtain information to establish whether Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall might be available to formally open the venue in Spring 2013.

89 FINANCE 12/13 a) To approve accounts for payment

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Mrs Singleton had verified the accounts for September in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations and Risk Management.

Accounts for payment in the sum of £139,143.83 + VAT were approved.

b) To report bank reconciliation for July and August has been completed

It was noted that cash in hand and at the bank was £400,945.18 as at the end of July and £309,326.43 at the end of August

c) To confirm that the annual review of Insurance cover has been undertaken and to consider the letter from WPS Insurance Brokers

The letter from WPS Insurance Brokers was noted. After discussion and confirmation that the company was providing a good service and as a broker it did annually examine rates from competitive insurance providers, it was AGREED to take the new three year Long Term Agreement to expire 2015 for £10,967 inc IPT + £10 administration fee.

90 YOUTH PROVISION 12/13 To consider a report, the draft Terms of Reference and the draft Service Level Agreement with Active Learning and Skills (ALS). To confirm that payments for youth provision i.e. youth clubs by ALS would be made exercising use of the General Power of Competence

The report was noted. After discussion it was AGREED IN PRINCIPLE to accept the draft documents subject to some minor amendments. The document would be sent to ALS for approval and signature. It was also CONFIRMED that the Council would exercise its use of the General Power of Competence for the provision of youth clubs by ALS at the George Reynolds Centre.

91 TO RECEIVE DRAFT COMMITTEE MINUTES 12/13 a) Planning and Highways Committee meeting held on 10 th September


TC -6- b) The George Reynolds Centre Committee meeting held on 17 th September


92 OUTSIDE BODIES 12/13 a) To elect representatives on Henhayes Centre, Christmas Committee Local Information Centre, and C. Chamber of Trade

It was AGREED the following Councillors would be representatives on the following: Henhayes Centre – Cllr. Mrs. R. Jackson Christmas Committee – Cllr. Mrs. A. Stuart Local Information Centre – Cllr. R. Pailthorpe C. Chamber of Trade – Cllr. N. Sturtivant for a temporary period until the councillor vacancies were filled.

b) To receive any reports

No reports

93 TOWN COUNCIL SURGERIES 12/13 Councillors required for 20 th October, 17 th November and 19 th January

The following Councillors agreed to attend the Council Surgery dates at the Town Hall: 20th October – Cllrs. Mrs. Allman and Pailthorpe 17th November – Cllrs. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Singleton 19th January 2013 – Cllrs. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Stuart

94 TO RECEIVE ANY MATTERS OF REPORT 12/13 The George Reynolds Centre

The Clerk reported the George Reynolds Centre ‘Day One Reinstatement valuation’ was £980,000.

95 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 12/13 Monday 22nd October 2012 commencing at 6.45pm in the Council Chamber

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Signed: ………………………

Dated: ……………………….


TC -7- TC -8-

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