Grossman Law, Llc
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Instructions: Please fill out the questionnaire, providing as much information as possible and writing “N/A” or “None” where applicable. The answers you provide are confidential and can never be provided to anyone outside of our firm without your permission.
1. First & Middle Names ______
Last Name______Any Other Names Used (including Maiden Name) ______
2. Home Address: Number & Street ______Apt No, City, Province, Postal Code ______Country______
Can correspondence be sent to the above address? Yes___No___. If no, where should correspondence be sent? ______
3. Date of Birth (MO/DAY/YR)______
4. Country of Birth______
5. Social Security Number ______
6. Telephone Numbers: Home ______Work______
Fax ______Cell______
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 2
Can we contact you at any of the telephone numbers listed above? Yes___No____
If no, which number(s) can you be contacted at? ______
7. E-Mail ______
8. City and Country of Last Residence ______
9. Alien Registration Number A______
10. List all your Passports (Countries), Passport Numbers, Date Issued, and Expiration Date A) ______B) ______C) ______(You may be asked to provide our office with copies of all passports.)
11. Last Entry Into U.S.: When ______Where ______Reason______Visa Status ______Until: ______
I-94 Number (If applicable) ______
List All Prior Entries (When, Where, Reason, Visa Status)? A) ______B) ______C) ______
12. Employer’s Name______Employer’s Address: Number & Street ______Suite No._____
City, Province, Postal Code, Country ______
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 3
13. Name of Work Supervisor and/or Contact______
Phone Number Of Supervisor/Contact ______
Fax Number Of Supervisor/Contact
Can we contact your employer at any of the telephone numbers listed above? Yes___No____
14. Marital Status: __ Single __Married __Separated __Divorced __Widowed __Never Married
A) Name of Spouse ______
B) Immigrant Status in U.S.______B) Address of Spouse (if living apart): ______C) Birth Date of Spouse______D) Social Security Number ______
E) Alien Registration Number: A______F) Date of Marriage______
G) Place of Marriage______
H) City, Province, and Country of Birth of Spouse______I) Spouse’s Passport (Countries)______
Passport Number ______Date Issued ______Expiration Date______
J) If Most Recent Marriage was Terminated by Divorce or Death Date ______Where ______
15. Children: If applicable, please provide the following information for all children including step children and adopted children
Child 1:
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 4
A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
Child 2: A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
Child 3: A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
16. Parents: Please provide the following information for your parents:
Mother: A) Full Name______B) Date of Birth______C) Place of Birth______D) Place of Residence______E) Immigrant status in U.S.______F) Country of Citizenship______G) Deceased?______
Father: A) Full Name______B) Date of Birth______C) Place of Birth______D) Place of Residence______
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 5
E) Immigrant status in U.S.______F) Country of Citizenship______G) Deceased?______
17. Siblings: If applicable, please provide the following information for all siblings.
Sibling 1:
A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
Sibling 2: A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
Siblings 3: A) Full Name______B) Male___ Female___ C) Marital Status ______D) Date of Birth______E) Place of Birth______F) Place of Residence______G) Immigrant Status______
18. Do Either You or Your Spouse Have a Grandparent Who Was Born in the U.S. or Became a Naturalized Citizen? Yes___ No___
19. Has An Immigrant (Green Card or I-130) Petition Ever Been Filed for:
A) You? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please State When, Where, What Type, and the Status of that Application______
B) Your Spouse? Yes___ No___
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 6
If Yes, Please State When, Where, What Type, and the Status of that Application______
C) Children? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please State When, Where, What Type, and the Status of that Application______
20. Has a Labor Certification Ever Been Filed for You, Your Spouse, or Children? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please State When, Where, What Type, And the Status of that Application. ______
21. Have You or Your Spouse Ever Worked for the United States Government, Including the Military? Yes___ No___
NOTE: In lieu of completing this section, please provide us with an updated curriculum vitae.
Names of Schools, Field Of Degrees or Certificates Colleges or Universities Study Received ______
24. Have You Ever:
A) Made an Incorrect or Fraudulent Statement or Misrepresented a Fact to Obtain or Try to Obtain Any Visa or Immigration Benefit from the U.S., Including Entry Into the U.S.? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
B) Been Treated for A Mental Disorder, Mental Retardation, Drug Addiction, or Alcoholism? Yes___ No___
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 7
If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
C) Been Given a Citation? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
D) Been Given a Ticket? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
E) Been Given Probation? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
F) Been Convicted or Confined In a Jail or Prison? Yes___ No___ If so, Was It for Political Reasons? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
G) Worked Without Authorization? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
H) Overstayed Any U.S. Visa, or Otherwise Violated Your Visa Status? If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
H) Been Convicted of Any Crime Either in the U.S. or Anywhere in the World? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Note Previous Convictions and Include Date and Place of Final Dispositions if Available______
I) Been Involved with Drugs or Narcotics Anywhere in the World? Yes___ No___
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 8
If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
J) Been a Victim of Domestic Violence? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
K) Been the Victim of a Crime in the U.S. or Assisted in the Investigation or Prosecution of a Crime against you or Another Person? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Provide Additional Information. ______
25. Have You Ever Been Required to Appear in Court? Yes___No___. If Yes, When, Where, and What Was the Final Result?
26. Have You Ever Been Required to Appear in a Criminal Proceeding? If Yes, When, Where, and What Was the Final Result?
______(Please provide copies of all documents regarding all prior contact with the Courts.)
27. Have You Ever Been Required to Appear in U.S. Immigration Court or Been the Subject of U.S. Removal, Deportation or Exclusion Proceedings? Yes___ No___ If Yes, When, Where, and What Was the Final Result?
28. Have You, Your Spouse, or Children Been Questioned or Arrested by the Immigration Service? Yes___ No___ If Yes, When, Where, and What Was the Final Result? ______(Please provide copies of all documents regarding all prior contact with the immigration Service.)
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915. 9
29. Do You or Your Spouse Fear Harm in Your Home Country or are You Afraid That Certain Groups or Persons in Your Home Country Might Try to Hurt You? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Please Explain: ______
30. Have You or Your Spouse ever been in the US on a J-1 Visa? Yes___ No___ If Yes, Then on Which Program, and were either of you Subject to the Requirement That You Return to Your Home Country for Two Years? ______
31. Have you and your Family Filed all Your U.S. Income Taxes? Yes___ No___
Please sign and date this Questionnaire to confirm that the contents are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief
______Signature Date
How did you hear of us?
1. Internet Search 2. Search through the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) 3. Referral from another attorney a. Name of attorney______4. Referral from previous Grossman Law, LLC client a. Name of client______5. Other. Please specify______
Please return your completed questionnaire to Grossman Law, LLC, Attn: Sandra Grossman, 110 N. Washington St. Suite 350, Rockville, MD 20850. You may also email a copy of the questionnaire to Sandra Grossman at or via fax at (240) 453-0915.
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