Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. This Section includes secondary unit substations, each consisting of the following: 1. Incoming primary section. 2. Transformer section. 3. Secondary distribution section. 4. Neutral grounding resistor(s).
A. Product Data 1. Short-time and short-circuit current ratings of substations and components. 2. Ratings of individual protective devices. 3. Time-current characteristic curves for overcurrent protection devices.
B. Shop Drawings: Show details of equipment assemblies and indicate dimensions, weights, loadings, required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection for each substation. Include the following: 1. Dimensioned plans and elevations showing major components and features. 2. One-line diagram. 3. Materials list. 4. Nameplate legends. 5. Size and number of bus bars and current rating for each bus, including mains and branches of phase, neutral, and ground buses. 6. Current ratings of buses. 7. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for power, signal, and control systems and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring.
C. Product Test Reports: Indicate compliance of substations with requirements.
A. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of substations and are based on the specific equipment indicated.
B. Listing and Labeling: Provide equipment that is listed and labeled. 1. The Terms "Listed" and "Labeled": As defined in the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, Article 100. Page 1 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
C. Comply with the following: 1. NFPA 70. 2. IEEE C2. 3. IEEE C37. 4. IEEE C57.
D. Color-coding convention for circuit breaker control and status indication: 1. GREEN = OPEN a. GREEN color for lamps, status flags, or other indicating devices associated with the power circuit breakers indicates that the device is “OPEN”. b. GREEN color for pushbuttons, selector switches, or other devices associated with the power circuit breakers in the switchgear assembly indicates that operation will cause the power circuit breaker to open. 2. RED = CLOSE a. RED color for lamps, status flags, or other indicating devices associated with the power circuit breakers indicates that the device is “CLOSED”. b. RED color for pushbuttons, selector switches, or other devices associated with the power circuit breakers in the switchgear assembly indicates that operation will cause the power circuit breaker to close.
A. Store equipment in dry, enclosed locations.
B. Furnish equipment in shipping sections that can be placed in electrical rooms by lifting through 8 foot by 12 foot floor hatch openings.
C. Properly tag equipment with P.O. numbers and assembly numbers. Itemize on packing slips and properly tag with P.O. numbers and assembly numbers the contents of boxes, cartons, or crates shipped loose.
A. Manufacturers: Unless otherwise directed, provide products by one of the following: 1. Cutler Hammer; Westinghouse Products. 2. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Div. 3. Siemens. 4. Square D Co.
A. Arrangement: Indoor unit substation in single assembly.
B. Primary Switch: Enclosed fusible load break switch.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
C. Transformer: Vacuum-Pressure-Impregnated.
D. All unit substation shall be equipped with lightning arrestors.
E. Secondary Distribution: Low voltage power circuit breaker switchgear, draw-out mounting.
A. Enclosure Finish: Factory-applied finish in manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust- inhibiting primer on treated metal surface.
A. Main-Bus Continuous Rating: 600 A.
B. Interrupter Switches: Stationary, gang operated, suitable for application to maximum short- circuit rating of integrated switchgear assembly. 1. Rating: 600 A, continuous duty and load break. 2. Nominal System Voltage: 12,470 volts. 3. Phase: 3. 4. Number of Poles: 3. 5. Frequency: 60 Hertz. 6. Rated Design Voltage: 15,000 volts. 7. BIL Impulse Rating: 95 kV. 8. Fault-Closing: 61,000A asymmetrical (10 Hertz duration). 9. Fault –Interrupting Rating: 750 MVA RMS symmetrical or as otherwise indicated. 10. Switch Action: No external arc and no significant quantities of ionized gas released into the enclosure. 11. Switch Construction: Supported entirely by interior framework of the structure, with copper switch blades and stored-energy operating mechanism. 12. Phase Barriers: Full length of blades and fuses for each pole, designed for easy removal, allows visual inspection of switch components when barrier is in place. 13. Protective Shields: Cover live components and terminals. 14. Fuses: De-energized when switch is open. 15. Mechanical Interlock: Prevents opening switch compartment door unless switch blades are open, and prevents closing switch when door is open. 16. Primary Cable Terminals: Provide compression-type connectors for primary circuit conductors.
C. Window: Permits viewing switch-blade positions when door is closed.
D. Accessory Set: Tools and miscellaneous items required for interrupter switch test, inspection, maintenance, and operation. Include fuse-handling tool as recommended by switchgear manufacturer.
E. Power Fuses: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA SG 2 and the following: 1. Indicator integral with each fuse shows when it has blown.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
2. Mounting: Fuses are positively held in position with a provision for easy removal and replacement from the front without special tools. 3. Continuous current rating coordinated to protect the transformer, yet service full fan rated secondary load and coordinate with secondary breakers.
A. Description: NEMA ST 20, IEEE C57, IEEE C57.94, VPI-type, 2-winding, power transformer designed for operation with high-voltage windings connected to a 3 phase, 3 wire, 60 Hertz grounded-neutral distribution system. 1. List and label as complying with UL 1562.
B. Enclosure: Indoor, ventilated.
C. Surge Arresters: NEMA LA1, distribution class; connected from each phase of the incoming primary circuit to ground.
D. Cooling System: Class AA/FA, air cooled with forced-air rating. Provide cooling fans, temperature-sensing devices, and controls, complete with housings, mounting devices, conduit, and wiring. 1. Cooling Fan Operation: Automatically and sequentially controlled by temperature- sensing devices. 2. Manually Operable Switch: Connected in parallel with automatic control contacts. 3. Enclosure for Controls: Cabinets mounted on side of transformer at a height not more than 60 inches (1500 mm) above base. 4. Cooling Fans: Propeller type, direct-drive, totally enclosed, fan-cooled motors. 5. Motor Circuits: Individually fused or thermally protected. 6. Fan Control: Thermally operated, windings’ temperature sensing devices. Provide a contact wired to a terminal block to permit remote monitoring of transformer fan operation. 7. Temperature Monitoring: Provide a sensor in each transformer winding, connected to a local temperature indicating meter on the control panel. Provide wiring to a terminal block to permit remote monitoring of temperature. 8. High-Temperature Alarm: Provide local audible and visual alarm. Provide a contact wired to a terminal block to permit remote monitoring of high temperature alarm. 9. High-Temperature Trip: Provide a contact wired to a terminal block suitable to trip the secondary main circuit breaker upon reaching high temperature trip setting, and provide wiring from this contact to the remote trip circuit of the secondary main circuit breaker.
E. Insulation Class: 220 deg C.
F. Basic-Impulse Insulation Level: 95 kV primary, 10 kV secondary.
G. Full-Capacity Voltage Taps: 4 nominal 2.5-percent taps, 2 more than and 2 less than rated high voltage.
H. Impedance: 1. NEMA 4.50 percent for welding substations. Page 4 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
2. NEMA 5.75 percent for all other substations.
I. Continuous Ratings: . 1. 2500 kVA, 80 degree C rise above 40 degree C, without fans operating. 2. 3375 kVA, 150 degree C rise above 40 degree C, without fans operating. 3. 4150 kVA, 150 degree C rise above 40 degree C, with fans operating.
J. Secondary connection:
1. 480 volt, ungrounded Delta secondary connection for welding substations. 2. 480Y/277 volt, solidly grounded Wye connection for all other substations.
K. Sound Level: Not to exceed 70 dB with fans running. 1. Provide means to minimize transmission of vibration from the transformer core and coil assembly to the primary section, the secondary sections and the floor.
A. Nominal System Voltage: 1. 480 volt, ungrounded Delta secondary connection for welding substations. 2. 480Y/277 volt, solidly grounded Wye connection for all other substations.
B. Main-Bus Continuous Rating: 5,000 A. 1. Neutral Bus: Copper, 100 percent of main bus capacity. 2. Ground Bus: Copper, 100 percent of main bus capacity.
C. Short-Circuit Current Withstand Ratings of Bus: Match or exceed the ratings of the highest- rated circuit breaker in the switchgear assembly.
D. Enclosure Material: Steel.
E. Enclosure Finish: IEEE C37.20.1, manufacturer's standard gray finish over a rust-inhibiting primer.
F. Section barriers between main and tie circuit-breaker compartments extend to rear of section.
G. Bus isolation barriers arranged to isolate line bus from load bus at each circuit breaker.
H. Circuit breaker compartments equipped to house power circuit breakers in draw-out mounting, and fitted with hinged outer doors.
I. Circuit breaker load termination compartments with removable, hinged, rear cover door secured by captive thumbscrews, allowing access without use of tools.
J. Auxiliary Compartments: Match and align with basic switchgear assembly. Include the following as required:
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
1. Metering compartments. 2. Bus transition sections. 3. Hinged front panels for access to interior of metering, accessory, and blank compartments.
K. Provide main bus connection between vertical sections and between compartments of the switchgear assembly with bus bars. Cable connections are not permitted for the main bus. 1. Main Phase Bus: Uniform capacity the entire length of the assembly. 2. Bus Material: Copper, with tin-plated connections. 3. Use copper bus for connecting circuit-breaker line terminals to main bus. 4. Feeder Circuit-Breaker Load Terminals: Tin-plated copper bus extensions equipped with compression-type connectors for outgoing circuit conductors. 5. Neutral Disconnect Link: Bolted, uninsulated, 1/4-by-2-inch copper bus, arranged to connect the transformer neutral bus to the ground bus. 6. Bus-Bar Insulation: Individual bus bars wrapped with factory-applied, flame-retardant tape or spray-applied, flame-retardant insulation. a. Bolted Bus Joints: Insulate with secure joint covers that can be easily removed and reinstalled.
A. Instrument Transformers: Comply with IEEE C57.13. 1. Potential Transformers: Secondary voltage rating of 120 V and NEMA accuracy class of 0.3 with burdens of W, X, and Y. 2. Current Transformers: Ratios as indicated; burden and accuracy class suitable for connected relays, meters, and instruments. a. Where a breaker serves VAR compensation equipment, provide a current transformer in each phase for exclusive use by the VAR compensation equipment, coordinated with requirements of the manufacturer.
B. Relays: Comply with IEEE C37.90, types and settings as indicated; with test blocks and plugs.
C. Provision for Future Devices: Equip empty breaker compartments (spaces) with rails, mounting brackets, supports, necessary appurtenances, and bus connections requiring only the insertion of a breaker to activate.
D. Control Power Supply: Control power transformer supplies 120-V control circuits through secondary disconnect devices. Include the following features: 1. Dry-type transformers, in separate compartments for units larger than 3 kVA, including primary and secondary fuses. 2. Control Power Fuses: Primary and secondary fuses provide fault current limiting and overload protection.
E. Control Wiring: Factory installed, complete with bundling, lacing, and protection; and complying with the following: 1. Flexible conductors for #8 AWG and smaller, for conductors across hinges, and for conductors for interconnections between shipping units.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
F. Manual Operating Mode Selector: Provide factory installed manual operating mode selection system consisting of relays, timers and wiring to accomplish the following: 1. Three-position, rotary, maintained-contact selector switch, with “Open Main Left”, “Open Tie”, “Open Main Right” positions. 2. The normal operating position is “Open Tie” where the Left Main and Right Main breakers are closed and the Bus Tie breaker is open. 3. Selecting “Open Main Left” from the “Open Tie” position closes the Bus Tie breaker and then opens the Left Main breaker. a. Timer (0-30 seconds, set at 5) trips the Bus Tie breaker if the Left Main breaker does not open. 4. Selecting “Open Main Right” from the “Open Tie” position closes the Bus Tie breaker and then opens the Right Main breaker. a. Timer (0-30 seconds, set at 5) trips the Bus Tie breaker if the Right Main breaker does not open. 5. Selecting “Open Tie” from “Open Main Left” closes the Left Main breaker and then opens the Bus Tie breaker. a. Bus Tie breaker does not open if the Left Main breaker does not close. 6. Selecting “Tie Open” from “Open Main Right” closes the Right Main breaker and then opens the Bus Tie breaker. The Left and Right Main breakers serve the load. a. Bus Tie breaker does not open if the Right Main breaker does not close. 7. Breaker closing operation is blocked if breaker is tripped on fault.
G. Communication and metering transformer secondary ports for main, tie, and feeder breakers will be located and accessible from the front of the breakers.
A. Description: Comply with IEEE C37.13.
B. Ratings: Voltage and frequency same as for switchgear. 1. Continuous Ratings a. Main and Bus Tie Breakers: 5,000 A. b. Feeder Breakers, Utility substations: 1,600 A. c. Feeder Breakers, Welding substations: 3,200 A. 2. Interrupting Ratings a. Main, tie and Utility substation feeder breakers: 65,000 AIC. b. Welding Substation Feeder Breakers: 125,000 AIC using current-limiting fuses.
C. Operating Mechanism: Mechanically and electrically trip-free, stored-energy operating mechanism with the following features: 1. Normal Closing Speed: Independent of both control and operator. 2. Slow Closing Speed: Optional with operator for inspection and adjustment. 3. Stored-Energy Mechanism: Manually charged for feeder breakers, electrically charged, with optional manual charging, for main and tie breakers. 4. Operation counter.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
D. Trip Devices: Solid-state, overcurrent trip-device system consisting of one or two current transformers or sensors per phase, a release mechanism, and the following features: 1. Trip Functions a. Main and Tie Breakers: Long-time-delay and short-time-delay functions, independent of each other in both action and adjustment. b. Feeder Breakers: Long-time-delay, short-time-delay, and instantaneous-trip functions, independent of each other in both action and adjustment. 2. Welding Substation Reverse-Power Trip Functions a. Main Breakers. Provide solid-state, reverse-power relay, ANSI Device 32, in addition to solid-state overcurrent trip device. Provide for time delay and pickup independent of each other in both action and adjustment. Provide separate current transformers if required. 3. Temperature Compensation: Ensures accuracy and calibration stability from minus 5 deg C to plus 40 deg C. 4. Field-adjustable time-current characteristics. 5. Current Adjustability: Dial settings and rating plugs on trip units or sensors on circuit breakers or a combination of these methods. 6. Three bands, minimum, for long-time- and short-time-delay functions; marked "minimum," "intermediate," and "maximum." 7. Pickup Points: Five minimum, for long-time- and short-time-trip functions. Equip short- time-trip function for switchable I-squared-T operation. 8. Pickup Points: Five minimum, for instantaneous-trip functions. 9. Ground-fault protection with at least three short-time-delay settings and three trip-time- delay bands; adjustable current pickup for main, tie and feeder breakers of Utility substations. 10. Trip Indication: Labeled, battery-powered lights or mechanical targets on trip device to indicate type of fault.
E. Auxiliary Contacts: For interlocking or remote indication of circuit-breaker position, with spare auxiliary switches and other auxiliary switches required for normal circuit-breaker operation, quantity as required to accomplish all control and indications specified. Each consists of two Type "a" and two Type "b" stages (contacts) wired through secondary disconnect devices to a terminal block in stationary housing.
F. Draw-Out Features: Circuit breaker mounting assembly equipped with a racking mechanism to position circuit breaker and hold it rigidly in the connected, test, and disconnected positions. Include the following features: 1. Interlocks: Prevent movement of circuit breaker to or from the connected position when it is closed, and prevent closure of circuit breaker unless it is in the connected, test, or disconnected position. 2. Circuit Breaker Positioning: An open circuit breaker may be racked to or from the connected, test, and disconnected positions only with the associated compartment door closed, unless live parts are covered by a full dead-front shield. An open circuit breaker may be manually withdrawn to a position for removal from the structure with the door open. Status for connection devices for the different positions includes the following: a. Test Position: Primary disconnect devices disengaged, secondary disconnect devices and ground contact engaged.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
b. Disconnected Position: Primary and secondary devices and ground contact disengaged.
G. Arc Chutes: Readily removable from the associated circuit breaker when it is in the disconnected position and arranged to permit inspection of contacts without removing circuit breaker from switchgear.
H. Padlocking Provisions: For installing at least three padlocks on each circuit breaker to secure its enclosure and prevent movement of draw-out mechanism.
I. Operating Handle: One for each circuit breaker capable of manual operation.
J. Electrical Interlocks: Provide an adjustable 2 minute time delay relay with a dial calibrated in and indicating intervals in seconds, and interconnecting wiring scheme such that if the substation tie breaker and both main breakers are simultaneously closed, then the substation tie breaker will trip open after the preset time.
K. Manually Operated Breaker Trip and Close Devices: Capable of tripping or closing the breaker with the breaker cubicle door closed.
L. Indicating Lights: LED push-to-test type. 1. Circuit breaker open and closed for main and bus tie circuit breakers. 2. Ground fault detection lights for each welding substation feeder breaker.
A. Hardware 1. Main Breakers: All main breakers shall have digital meters that will display the following functions locally and also allow for remote monitoring of these functions: a. Power: Real (Watts) Reactive (VAR) Apparent (VA) Phases A, B, C, and System b. Voltage: Phases A-B, B-C, C-A, Average Phases A-N, B-N, C-N, Average Neutral-Ground c. Current: Phases A, B, C, Average Neutral Ground d. Frequency e. Demand: System current (Amps) System real power (KW) System reactive power (KVAR) System apparent power (KVA) f. Power Factor: Displacement Apparent g. Percent THD Current: Phases A, B, C, N h. Percent THD Voltage: Phases A-B, B-C, C-A Page 9 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
Phases A-N, B-N, C-N i. CBEMA derating factor j. Crest factor k. Discrete input and output status l. Waveform capture m. Sag/Swell detection n. True RMS metering through the 31st harmonic o. 12 cycle event capture 2. Feeder Breakers: Each feeder breaker shall have a display that will indicate the following functions locally and also allow for remote monitoring of these functions: a. Current: Phases A, B, C b. Voltage: Phases A, B, C c. Watts d. Breaker status (open/closed/tripped) e. Breaker fault f. VARs g. Watt-hours h. Power factor i. Frequency j. Demand Watts 3. Connect all metering and trip devices in the substation to one common monitoring device mounted in one section of the substation. Provide a device to monitor the following information and capable of communications with a central computer: a. Meter functions identified above. b. Breaker status (open/closed/tripped). c. Individual phase and ground currents. d. Peak demand currents for phase and ground. e. Transformer winding temperature f. Transformer fan status g. Transformer overtemperature alarm. h. Secondary main breaker tripped on transformer overtemperature.
B. Front End Software for remote monitoring 1. Front end software shall consist of a Windows-based, true-client server software. 2. The software shall have the ability to communicate over Ethernet and to address all meters and trip devices. 3. Front end software shall have Internet/Intranet capability such as real-time Web-based publication of all metering data. a. Real-Time Readings 1) Current: Phase A Phase B Phase C 3-Phase Average Neutral Ground 2) Voltage: Phase A Phase B Phase C Page 10 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
3-Phase Average Neutral Ground 3) Real Power: Total for 3 phases. 4) Power Factor: Total for 3 phases. 5) Minimum and Maximum Values: For all real-time readings with their associated dates and times. Reset minimum and maximum values. 6) Breaker Status: Open or closed. b. Demand Readings 1) Demand Current: For 3-phase average. Values for present demand current and peak demand current. 2) Demand Real Power: For 3-phase total. Values for present demand power and peak demand power. c. Energy Readings: Accumulated real power of 3-phase total for up to a two-year period. d. Power Analysis Values: Total harmonic distortion (THD) as a measure of total distortion present in a waveform. e. Waveform Capture: To view all phase voltage and current waveforms simultaneously or to zoom in on a single waveform that includes a data block with extensive harmonic data. f. Event Log Storage: A record of the occurrence of important events that will log any alarm condition as an event, including date and time stamp for the event. g. Alarms 1) Unbalanced Current: Percentage difference between each phase current with respect to the average of all phase currents. 2) Unbalanced Voltage: Percentage difference between each phase voltage with respect to the average of all phase voltages. 3) Breaker Status: Open due to a fault.
C. Graphic Screens for remote monitoring 1. Schematic Diagrams a. One-line schematic diagrams of the master substation and all secondary substations. b. The diagrams shall indicate the status of the breakers (open = green color, closed = red color), the real-time current in amperes, and real-time voltage in volts. Each diagram also shall have linkage to the other substations’ one-line schematic. 2. Time Trend Plots: Time trend plots shall be generated for each main and feeder breaker. 3. History: Historical tables shall be generated for each main and feeder breaker. 4. Bar Charts: Bar charts shall be generated for each main and feeder breaker. 5. Tables: Tables for current, demand, and energy readings.
A. Accessory Set: Tools and miscellaneous items required for circuit-breaker and switchgear test, inspection, maintenance, and operation. 1. One racking handle for each electrical room. Racking handle manually moves circuit breaker between connected and disconnected positions. Page 11 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
B. Circuit-Breaker Removal Apparatus: Overhead-circuit-breaker lifting device, track mounted at top front of switchgear and complete with hoist and lifting yokes matching each size of draw-out circuit breakers installed.
A. Factory Tests: Perform design and routine tests according to standards specified for components. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest version of ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA Standards. Keep records of these tests. Provide copies to Owner’s Representative.
B. Owner may wish to witness standard transformer tests at vendor’s facility. Furnish Owner’s Representative test dates at least 15 days prior to scheduled dates.
A. Assembly and leveling 1. Lift switchgear sections and move in to place. a. Place substation primary, transformer and secondary switchgear sections using dimensions and clearances indicated. 2. Assemble substation per manufacturer’s instructions. 3. Install vibration isolation devices. 4. Provide shims to level the complete substation. a. Allow for up to a ½ inch thickness of shims at any point. b. Install shims between vibration isolation devices and floor slab. 5. After the complete substation assembly is level, complete internal power cable and bus connections and torque the connections per manufacturer’s instructions.
A. General 1. Make connections per contract documents and manufacturer’s instructions.
B. Grounding 1. Provide connection from ground bus in each section to electrical room ground.
C. Primary cables 1. Connect primary cables to incoming line to provide proper phase rotation. 2. Provide terminations per Division 26 Section “Medium Voltage Cables.”
D. Secondary cables 1. Install cables per Chrysler standards regarding order of entry into substation cubicle and allocation for future cables. 2. Identify allocation for installation of future cables on Record Drawings. 3. Provide entry closure plate for bottom entry per Chrysler standards.
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Secondary Unit Substations ME- Building Group
E. Secondary busway 1. Provide bus connection from circuit breaker terminals to busway. 1) Provide insulated supports for each bus bar. 2. Provide entry closure plate per Chrysler standards.
F. Control device connections 1. Connect control power to substation auxiliaries, such as cubicle heaters and temperature control panels.
G. Protective device connections 1. Connect the temperature control panel to the trip circuit of the main circuit breaker.
H. Monitoring device communications connection 1. Provide wiring linking the common monitoring device on the substation to the monitoring device in the electrical room.
A. Outline of testing performed by Testing and Commissioning Services under separate contract. 1. Owner will provide testing and commissioning services and services of a factory- authorized service representative to assist. 2. Testing and Commissioning Service will inspect the assembly and installation of entire substation, including electrical connections, and report results. 3. Primary section a. Test insulation of cable terminations per Division 26 Section “Medium Voltage Cables.” b. Verify fuse ratings per Protective Device Coordination Study. 4. Transformer a. Inspect primary and secondary connections. b. Perform transformer acceptance tests per manufacturer. c. Verify functions of temperature control panel. d. Verify function of vibration isolation. 5. Secondary switchgear a. Inspect bus connections. b. Verify functions of each circuit breaker. c. Verify phase rotation on each bus. d. Verify phases are synchronized by measuring voltage across the tie breaker. 6. Test and adjust controls and safeties. a. Simulate over temperature trip of main breaker. b. Verify automatic transfer of control power. 7. Adjust ant test monitoring and metering. a. Set voltage and current multipliers. b. Verify accurate voltage, current and energy readings. 8. Adjust and test protective devices. a. Set each protective device using settings provided by Owner. b. Verify each device operates as set. 9. Repair and replacement. a. Repair or replace damaged and malfunctioning devices. Page 13 of 14 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 085be98147ebbc66444bc1e0abae801a.doc
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b. Replace blown fuses.
B. Identification 1. Provide identification labels for each compartment per Chrysler standards and the Division 26 Section “Identification for Electrical Systems” a. Provide identification reflecting the documents and approved changes.
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