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Brandeis University s2

Brandeis University

Mary BurstinBrandeis University Department of Romance Studies Spanish 20 – Spring 2014

Instructor Mary Burstin Office Rabb 318 Telephone 781 -736 - 3224 Office Hours M, W, and TH> 2:00 - 3:00 P.M Email [email protected]

______Textbooks: Blanco / Donley. VISTAS. Fourth Edition. Supersite: with the purchase of a new text book). You will receive handouts (H/O) of additional materials in class. ______

Course Objectives:

This course, as currently designed, continues the proficiency-based instruction started with Spanish 10 last semester or the equivalent elsewhere. It will further develop and strengthen the communication skills you acquired in Spanish 10 or any other comparable course, and will help you expand and deepen your awareness of the diversity of cultures within the Hispanic world. This course has been designed based on the proficiency-based curriculum developed by the faculty in the language program; you will be assessed according to how you can function in the Spanish Language Through an information-based approach and task-based instruction, you will learn to handle everyday situations and communicate effectively in Spanish. Reading, writing, speaking and listening, will be cultivated in an interactive atmosphere.

Spanish 20 will help you understand and learn more about the Spanish grammatical and lexical system. You will acquire a sense of contextualized appropriateness in language use. By the end of this course, you are expected to be able to function comfortably within the range of a solid intermediate level as determined by the guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency rating scale in both, the receptive and productive skills ( At the same time you will have gained deeper awareness of the range of Hispanic cultures in the world.

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-2- Grade Distribution: Attendance, participation, preparation… 10% Homework: VISTAS website and other 10% Written assignments 10% Oral evaluation 10% Quizzes 20% Exams 20%

Final Exam 20% ** The final exam cannot be made up without advance authorization from the Office of Academic Affairs and in consultation with the Registrar. ______Grading Scale:

98-100 A+ 74-76 C 94-97 A 70-73 C- 90-93 A- 67-69 D+ 87-89 B+ 64-66 D 84-86 B 60-63 D- 80-83 B- 59 and below F 77-79 C+ Placement: If you are (or want to be) enrolled in this class, it is because you have placed yourself here. Think carefully about your placement; will this course be challenging enough for you? Do you want to major o minor in this language? And will you have enough time to do so? If you think this class might not be the right one for you, please speak with me as soon as possible. Keep in mind that once you have completed a course in the language sequence (courses number 10 through 108), you will not be able to skip a level. If the course that is at your level is closed, we advise you to wait a semester and enroll in the right course for you during pre-registration. AP scores 1 or 2> level Span 20 3> level Span 30 4> level Span 104 or 105 5> level Span 106

**Reminder: In order to be able to continue to the 30 level you have to get a C- or higher.

Attendance and Participation: Language learning is interactive. You will improve your speaking skills by attempting to speak and communicate in Spanish with others. Learning requires your active involvement, which is possible only when you have prepared your assigned material carefully. Therefore, attendance is required and active participation is essential and obligatory for all class meetings. Students will be

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graded daily for attendance, preparation and participation. Class participation means your alertness and your contributions to discussions and activities.


Attention: Repeated late arrival to class will be treated the same as absences. Absences will make an impact on your participation grade. Please take this seriously. Many absences will bring your final grade down significantly no matter how good a student you may be. The amount of absences permitted in this class is 3, after that number, you grade will decrease. Please Note: If you have to miss a class due to illness or a major problem, get in touch with me immediately to work out a solution. If you participate in an athletic program and need to be excused for competition, your coach must send a list of the dates when you will be absence. You should complete the class work and homework. Please, turn off your Phone before class!!!!!!!!

Writing Component:

For this course you will need to write several paragraphs related to the topics discussed in class. The objective of these writing activities is to gradually develop your writing skills in Spanish. All paragraphs should be typed and doubled spaced. All writing assignments must be your own work written only for this course. It is not acceptable for anyone other than me to review or correct your work or to provide you with vocabulary or expressions. Please remember that even though studying with a partner or group is encouraged, paragraphs and exams are to be done individually and without help from classmates or tutors.

Brandeis University Group Study (B.U.G.S.)

Brandeis University Group Study, or B.U.G.S., is a program that provides peer tutoring to all undergraduate students. BUGS offers group study sessions for over 15 academic subjects to students who may want to improve their knowledge in a course. Sessions are led by knowledgeable and non-judgmental students who have already taken the class. They are recommended by faculty members to help students better understand course material, prepare for an exam, or answer any questions relating to the class. Evening drop-in study groups are offered in most subject areas. All sessions meet weekly and are free of charge. There is no need to make an appointment or sign up just show up at any point during the designated times. For more information or an updated schedule, contact, Jeffrey Lowenstein: [email protected]

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Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity is central to the mission of education excellence at Brandeis University. Each student is expected to turn in work completed independently, except when assignments specifically authorize collaborative effort. It is not acceptable to use the words or ideas of another person, without proper acknowledgement of that source. This means that you must use footnotes or endnotes and quotation marks to indicate the source of any phrases, sentences, paragraphs or ideas found in published volumes, on the internet, or created by another student. Violations of University policies on academic integrity, described in Section Three of Rights and Responsibilities, may result in failure in the course or on the assignment, or in suspension or dismissal from the University. If you are in doubt about the instructions for any assignment in this course, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification. If you are working in a group that I have authorized, I will expect your answers to resemble those of your partners; otherwise, I expect you to do your own work separately from your friends, classmates, family members, and so on. You are not permitted to have anyone other than your professors help you on written assignments outside of class. If you have questions on the type of help you may receive, please ask me before you seek help from someone. If you have questions about Academic Integrity, please, contact Erika Lamarre ([email protected]). Telephone: 6-5070, Shapiro Campus Center 203.

Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see the professor immediately. Retroactive accommodations cannot be provided.


Students thinking of Majoring or Minoring in Spanish:

If you are thinking about majoring or minoring in Spanish, you should familiarize yourself with the program in the Bulletin and then see the Undergraduate Advising Head, Professor Diane Fox ([email protected] ) as soon as possible to make sure that you understand the prerequisites and requirements.

Study Abroad If you are interested in studying abroad, there many opportunities. Please, contact the following representatives:

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Scott van der Meid ([email protected]) Study Abroad Office – Usdan Student Center - Phone number: 6-3483


Continuing Spanish Syllabus –Spring 2014(Subject to change)

Semana #1 Enero Introduction to the class. Lunes 13 Repaso (review): The present progressive (166) ser/estar (170-171)

Martes 14 Repaso(review): El Pretérito of regular verbs (pp.206, 207) Seasons and weather (154)

Miércoles 15 Lección #7 Vocabulario El reflexivo: me ducho, me afeito etc.… Verbos reflexivos (pp.236, 237, 238,239)

Jueves 16 El reflexivo: me ducho, me afeito etc.… Verbos reflexivos (pp.236, 237, 238,239) Semana# 2 Lunes 20 Martin Luther King day. No university exercises

Martes21 Indefinite and negative words (pp240, 241 242,243) El pretérito de los verbos “ser”- “ir” (pp.244, 245)

Miércoles 22 El verbo “Gustar” and other similar verbs that conjugate like the verb “gustar” Fotonovela (p.231, 231)

Jueves 23 Skits en clase para practicar vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales estudiadas

Semana # 3 Lunes 27 *Escuchar (listening) p.255 * Escritur a (p.254) Last day to add classes

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*Martes 28 * QUIZ#1 -6-

Miércoles 29 Lección # 8 La comida Vocabulario. Actividades relacionadas con el tema de “La comida “ . Gramática: Pretérito (stem-changing verbs: p p.274, 275)

Jueves 30 Preterite of stem changing verbs (pp.274, 275, 276)

Febrero Semana #4 Lunes 3 Actividades de repaso *Dramatizaciones: “En el restaurante….”

Martes 4 Fotonovela (pp.268, 269) ¿Qué pasó? (p.270) Cultura: Frutas y verduras de las américas (pp.272, 273)

*Miércoles 5 Actividades de práctica y repaso

*Jueves 6 Pronombres de objeto directo / indirecto Double object pronouns (pp.277, 278, 279,280)

Semana# 5 Lunes 10 Double object pronouns (pp.277, 278, 279,280) *Escuchar (listening) p.293

* Martes11 Quiz#2

Miércoles 12 Gramática: El comparativo (p.281, 282 )

Jueves13 Gramática: El comparativo (p.281, 282 ) Lectura: “Gastronomía” (p.291

Comparativos irregulares (p.283)

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El Superlativo (p.286) Recapitulación (pp.288, 289) -7-

Semana#6 Lunes 17>>viernes 21 Midterm Recess: No university exercises

Semana #7 Lunes 24 Prácticas en clase de repaso del direct /indirect pronoun object y double object pronouns Prácticas de repaso del comparativo

*Martes 25 Examen #1

Miércoles 26 Lección #9 Las fiestas Actividades para practicar el vocabulario relativo a las fiestas y las celebraciones Fotonovela:” El día de los muertos” (pp.304, 305) ¿Qué pasó? (pp.306, 307) Cultura: La Semana Santa, costumbres y tradiciones (p.308)

Jueves 27 Pretérito, verbos irregulares: tener, venir decir, poder, querer, traer, traducir, conducir (p.310) Conjugación del verbo irregular “ dar ” (p.311)

Verbos que cambian de significado en el pretérito (verbs thatchange meaning in the preterite p.314) b) Lectura: Vida social.El matrimonio, el bautismo, la fiesta quinceañera (pp.322, 323)

Marzo Semana #8 Lunes 3 Prácticas de repaso del pretérito de verbos irregulares

*Last day for undergraduates to drop courses without a “W” (Instructor´s permission required )

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Martes 4 Question words (quién, quiénes, cómo, dónde, de dónde) El uso de ¿qué? / ¿Cuál? (pp.316, 317)


Miércoles 5 Pronouns after prepositions :conmigo, contigo, (pp.318, 319)

Jueves 6 *Escribir (p.324)

Semana # 9 Lunes 10 Actividades de repaso *Asignar los grupos y los temas de presentaciones en clases (las presentaciones empiezan el lunes 17 de marzo)

*Martes 11 Actividades de repaso

Miércoles 12 Lección #10 En el consultorio Vocabulario Actividades pp.334, 335) Gramática: El imperfecto (p.342, 343, 344,345)

Jueves 13 El pretérito vs. el imperfecto (pp. 346, 347,348) Semana #10 *Lunes 17 *Presentaciones en clases El uso del “se” impersonal (pp.350, 351, 352,353)

*Martes 18 *Presentaciones en clases The accidental” se” (Ejemplo: Se me cayó el libro)

Miércoles 19 *Presentaciones en clases Fotonovela (pp.336, 337) ¿Qué pasó? (p.338)

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Jueves 20 *Quiz#3 -9-

Semana #11 Lunes 24 *Presentaciones en clases Lección#11 Gramática: El imperativo, mandatos con “tú” (familiar commands: “tú” commands) pp.378, 379, 380,381)

Martes 25 *Presentaciones en clases Gramática: El imperativo, mandatos negativos con “tú” (familiar negative “tú” commands) pp.378, 379, 380,381)

Miércoles 26 *Presentaciones en clases Escribir para practicar mandatos (commands).p.396

Jueves 27 *Presentaciones en clases Gramática : Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos Tuyo, suyo, nuestro… pp.388, 389, 390,391)

Semana# 12 Lunes 31 *Last day for undergraduates to drop courses with a “W” transcript notation. (Instructor´s permission required

**Asignar ver en latte para el jueves 3 de abril, la película: “Guantanamera”.

Repaso: pretérito/imperfecto, mandatos, verbos recíprocos

Abril Martes 1 Cultura: Costa Rica (pp. 364,365) Lectura: “El volcán Turrialba” (leyenda Costarricense)

Miércoles 2 Repaso

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Jueves 3 *Discusión y análisis de la película cubana: “Guantanamera” -10-

Semana# 13 Lunes 7 *Examen #2 Martes 8 Lectura: “El regalo de la diosa luna”. Leyenda uruguaya

Miércoles 9 LECCIÓN #12 La vivienda Actividades de práctica de vocabulario (pp.404, 405, 406,407)

Jueves 10 Continuar con actividades para practicar el vocabulario Fotonovela (p.408 ,409) Semana #14 Lunes 14 ¿Qué pasó? (p.410) Las islas flotantes del lago “Titicaca” (p.41 3)

*Martes 15- 21 *Passover and spring recess: No university exercises Semana #15 Martes 22 Repaso general

Miércoles 23 Repaso general

*Jueves 24 *Examen oral

Semana #16 *Lunes 28 *Examen oral

*Martes 29 * Last day of instruction Repaso general

Miércoles 30 Study day Mayo

*Jueves 1 Study day

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Friday 2-9 Final examination period.


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