Speech by Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps

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Speech by Ambassador Alain Brian Bergant, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps

Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Skopje

Address by the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps H.E. Alain Brian Bergant at the Reception on the Occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays for the diplomatic corps Bitola, 14 January 2012

Distinguished Mr President, Dr Gjorge Ivanov, Distinguished Ms Maja Ivanova, Your Excellency, Minister, Mr Nikola Poposki Your Excellencies - Ambassadors, General and Honorary Consuls, dear colleagues, Ladies and Gentleman,

As Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of Macedonia and the current Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, it is my great privilege and honour to address you at today's Reception on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

We, the resident and non resident diplomats in Skopje representing different countries and International Organizations, have witnessed how the government and the citizens of this country addressed the challenges in the past year. We are much honored to be here and very pleased to have done our duties in our capacity and contributed in one way or the other to the development of your country.

At this juncture, I would like to express our appreciation to you, Distinguished Mr. President, to the government and to the citizens for your kindness and support, for 2 your hospitality and friendship, which facilitated our work and made us feel at home here.

As we look back on the year 2011, now behind us, we see that it was full of temptations and challenges. Global financial and economic crisis has reached unforeseen dimensions and consequences. We have recorded the first signs of recovery, but still we can not be satisfied.

And while we have seen many distressing or painful situations, sorrowful natural disasters and unsettling surprises, equally we have witnessed a whole series of positive events, and signs of transformation, renewal and hope.

Last year Macedonia commemorated very important jubilees - 70 years since the National Liberation Struggle, the 20th anniversary of the independence and the 10th anniversary of the signing of Ohrid Framework Agreement. Especially signing of Ohrid Framework Agreement significantly marked the recent history of the country and showed that you are developing a successful model of multi-ethnic coexistence. It is of great importance for stability of the country to continue developing multiethnic society for equal citizens with equal possibilities. In this context it is also worth to mention, that in June last year, Macedonia assumed the Presidency of the Decade of Roma inclusion.

The early parliamentary elections held in June 2011, were positively assessed by the international community as democratic, free and carried out in accordance with established international standards. This undoubtedly shows democratic awareness and political culture. These elections set the ground for future democratic stability of the country.

In 2011 you remained committed to the Euro-Atlantic integration. Macedonian Army actively participated in NATO and other peacekeeping missions and became one of the providers of peace, security and stability, both regionally and globally.

In October the European Commission issued a Progress Report and for the third consecutive time recommended to start accession negotiations. The European 3

Commission noted that progress has been achieved on many areas; the reform in the Parliament, the judiciary, public administration and respect for and protection of minorities, though core challenges remain. As you, distinguished Mr. President, many times pointed out - the Report of the European Commission is a roadmap where to focus your attention in the reforms.

In my opinion, your country is a part of the European family and its future is in the EU and NATO. I sincerely hope that negotiations between Macedonia and neighbouring EU member Greece will soon find a commonly acceptable resolution of the name issue, which will enable you to start the accession negotiation with the EU and to become full member of NATO. Furthermore, I hope you will successfully continue with all ongoing reforms especially in the economic sphere with new foreign investments that will contribute to the economic growth, increase employment and subsequently improve the living standard of all citizens.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I mentioned at the beginning, last year was full of temptations and challenges. We all know that we are facing another difficult year. It began with sad news of passing away great statesman first president of the independent republic Mr. Kiro Gligorov. President Gligorov was highly appreciated at home and abroad and his role on the peaceful creation of the sovereign and independent state is undeniable.

The beginning of the New Year may not prove to be a magic reset button, but it will, as always, rekindle hope and confidence that pull us together in the face of challenges and drive us forward.

Macedonian Basketball team showed us last summer that united, with joint forces and focused to the common goal everything is possible.

Therefore, Your Excellency President Ivanov, I wish you and your citizens the very best for the year 2012, filled with peace, prosperity, joy and success, both on my own behalf and on behalf of my colleagues. 4

Thank you!

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