Tannerie Wood Homeowners Association s2
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TANNERIE WOOD http://www.tanneriewood.com/
Attendance: Board Members Present: Bernice Marinucci, Joan Berschler, Carol Cohen, Ray Funkhouser, Carole Witt Unable to Attend: Don Denny
Call to Order: Bernice Marinucci, President, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Homeowner’s Forum:
There were no homeowners present.
A motion was made by Carole Witt and seconded by Carol Cohen to approve the March minutes. The motion was carried unanimously.
Set Agenda:
There were no additions to the agenda.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ray Funkhouser distributed the Treasurer's Report via email prior to the meeting. Ray added that we survived the extra cost of snow plowing this winter without any real problem.
Follow Up Report: The Board went over the follow ups:
Have new management company work with Tom Monaghan in cleaning out the basin area. Nancy to contact insurance agent to add new management company and herself when new company is determined. Carole Witt to discuss spring plantings in entrance area with K&K Basin area survey was put on hold – discuss with new management company Discuss with K&K the bushes on end of Grant Mews – what was done, what should have been done Nancy to write letter to homeowners on Adams who are having drainage problem in the basin area and let them know we will continue to support their efforts with the Township. Fios update – Bernice suggested we ask the community for a “volunteer” homeowner to take on the task of keeping after Verizon to get Fios installed in the community. Does anyone have any expertise on this subject?
A decision will be made in the Executive Session as to the new management company. Homeowners will be notified.
Old Business:
The Board discussed new topics for the “Hot Topics” addition to minutes – although most are not new topics, they need to be emphasized as they are still problem areas.
Seal Coating - Seal coating/paving/filling cracks is being actively worked on. We are awaiting prices from contractors. Ray mentioned that he was at the township building and made an inquiry as to their plans to sealcoat/pave Honey Run. They have not gotten back to him yet.
New Business:
Carole Witt to talk to K&K and get their proposal on Spring planting for the entrance. She will also invite Kevin to our next board meeting to go over his plans for the planters, etc.
Dues Update
Nancy will get the bills out for the second payment of the dues the end of May. Homeowners who elected to take part in this 2-payment plan are reminded that dues will be due July 1. If not, late fees will be added. Homeowners are also reminded that late fees are a part of the governing documents and all homeowners are legally responsible to pay them. If not paid, they will be collected through the court system. So pay the dues on time!
Exterior Modifications
Tannerie Wood Minutes – April 2010 Page 2 Carol Cohen presented the following EMFs:
1. A homeowner on Monroe wants to resurface and enlarge (by 1½ ft) their driveway. It was approved. 2. The same Monroe homeowner wants to remove a cherry tree that has roots that are creating problems. That also was approved. 3. A homeowner on Jefferson wants to replace patio with flagstone. It was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Our next meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 7:30 at the Upper Dublin Township Building. All homeowners are welcome.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bunch Carol L. Cohen Recording Secretary Secretary
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, 2010. Your attendance is very important to us and to our Community. Come out and meet our new management team.
In addition, we need two (2) new board members. Three other board members have their terms up, but have graciously agreed to run for another term. Please consider joining the Board yourself or nominate a neighbor. All that is required is your attendance at monthly meetings, but most of all we need your opinions and thoughts.
Don’t forget to vote on May 18 – our Polling Location has temporarily been changed from Temple Sinai Synagogue to Maple Glen Elementary School.
Tannerie Wood Minutes – April 2010 Page 3 HOT TOPICS
April 2010
DOG OWNERS The problem still exists with picking up dog poop. Did you know that dog feces carries very nasty bacteria, parasites and viruses. Most susceptible to this are children because they have weaker immune systems. Another fact: dog waste does not make good fertilizer…in fact it is toxic to lawns. Dog pee burns lawns…do not allow your dog to pee on your neighbor’s lawn. Pick up after your dog!!!!!!
PARKING IN PADS Reminder – parking pads are not for storage of vehicles. Vehicles should be coming in and out of the parking pads on a regular basis. Because this problem continues to exist, we are looking into getting stickers for your cars or registering all vehicles. Parking is at a premium. So please be considerate of others.
TRASH CONTAINERS Trash containers should not go out earlier than Wednesday night and MUST be taken in by dusk on Thursday night. The rules say “if not removed from curbside by night of pick-up it is an automatic $25 fine.” This will happen!
SPEEDING Please, please do not speed on Honey Run Road. There are many blind curves and now with the warm weather, there will be more children playing…….do not be the cause of an accident. Speed limit is 15 mph.
Tannerie Wood Minutes – April 2010 Page 4 If you have any EMF’s, remember to call Carol Cohen first (215-628-4228).
Tannerie Wood Homeowners Association Treasurer's Report April 15, 2010
Account Type Monthly YTD EOM / EOY Interest Interest Account Paid Paid Balance
Wachovia checking (3/31/10) $ - $ - $ 239.18
Wachovia Money Market (3/31/10) $ 17.62 $ 53.83 $ 77,361.01
Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund (Reserve (3/31/10) $ 0.32 $ 0.24 $ 39,906.99 Account)
Vanguard - Reserve CDs (3/31/10) $ 11.65 $ 41.22 $ 50,000.00
TOTAL $ 29.59 $ 95.29 $167,507.18 (previous month $170,208.31)
(Income deposited to Money Market since 3/31 = 0) (Checks written/not cleared since 3/31 = 0) (Anticipated income from unpaid dues, etc = 0)
Checks Cleared during March, 2010 Amount
Adobe mgt co. $ 1,250.00 Nancy Bunch $ 956.62 PECO (4 checks) $ 109.63 Peter McManus (website) $ 47.88 Outdoor Design(snow removal) $ 1,230.00 Barrow & Assoc. $ 67.50 Upper Dublin Twp $ 2.09 Universal Electric $ 122.00
TOTAL $ 3,785.72
Money Market Service Charges $ 10.00 Deposits to Wachovia Checking $ 2,600.00 (from Money Market acct) Deposits/Credits to Money Market $ 1,065.00
Tannerie Wood Minutes – April 2010 Page 5 Current situation of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) -- 4/15/2010
Current MM rate = 0.01% 3 month CD rate at 3/16/2010 quoted 0.35% 6 month CD rate at 3/16/2010 quoted 0.70% 12 month CD rate at 3/16/2010 quoted 1.20%
$10,000 6 mo. @ 0.5% First Bank, Puerto Rico $10,000 6 mo. @ 0.4% Bank of Baroda, New York, NY $10,000 6 mo. @ 0.25% Ally Bank, Midvale UT $10,000 6 mo. @ 0.35% State Bank India New York $10,000 6 mo. @ 0.35% Banco Popular, Puerto Rico $10,000 6 mo. @ 0.70% Western Bank of Puerto Rico
(NOTE: these are "laddered" to mature at one-month intervals)
Tannerie Wood Minutes – April 2010 Page 6