Research Statement Guidelines/Template 2015 File Actions

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Research Statement Guidelines/Template 2015 File Actions

Research Statement Guidelines/Template – 2015 file actions


The research statement should concisely (2-4 pages MAX) review your scientific accomplishments during the review period using the following template. Reviewers are not looking for 5 pages of general information. This document should be specific and factual – blow your own horn – be very clear as to why you are a “Rock Star”!!! This is the place to succinctly do it!

If you are undergoing a promotion/career review evaluation, you should also include scientific accomplishments since your last career review (usually promotion) and any key discoveries made earlier in your academic career.

These are the specific Review components for your Project/Research Scientist title – it is more effective for reviewers to see your organized statement of bulleted lists of accomplishments, and paragraphs (use all that apply) with relevant topic headings to help them focus:

Template – please use the following format for your Research Statement: ______Research Statement NAME DATE

Requested 2015 Action = (ie, MERIT, PROMOTION, No Change, etc… to Rank and Step?)

1. Significant /Novel accomplishments since last review/appointment

A bullet-list - Summary of Novel accomplishments and Independent contributions, collaborations you specifically developed or lead, since last review (you may also summarize/list here the # of each activity you accomplished this period -do not copy and paste your Bibl). These should be your key justifications for the above requested action:

 # of first-authored papers  # of new grants  # of national/international presentations  Etc…  

2. Research and roles – Description and Impact of research work

Project and Research Scientist Series: The statement should begin with a broad, yet BRIEF overview of the research problems, so that non-specialists can appreciate the significance of the work. In this context, provide a description of your research goals, and the applicability of this work to broader areas of your Research Unit. You should describe your specific research accomplishments over the review period. Annotate each area/description of research results with the appropriate references from your UCSD Bio-Bibl publication list citation #. Indicate where the field was before your work was published and how your work changed the previous understanding of the problem being investigated. Place your work in the context of work in the field in general, and explain the specific significance of your studies and how they have advanced the field, including International Impact and Significance. Detail research from individual papers that are particularly noteworthy.

If you have initiated a new research direction and have made significant progress, please highlight these studies. Be enthusiastic about especially exciting findings. If the advancements in your lab have established new paradigms or have changed the direction of ideas in a field, don’t be bashful. On the other hand, be evaluative. Put your work and findings into perspective. You must explain your specific role in all collaborative and coauthored works when you are not first or senior author.

Associate and Full Research Scientists: required  At the Associate Research Scientist level in the “Professor equivalent” series, independence of research and funding are key. Please pay particular attention to highlighting this idea as much as possible within these as well as the other sections.  Your Research Statement should be pointed and factual and display your novel accomplishments, your independence, your contributions and detail your role as related to the “intellectual force” you contribute/d to your research and publications. At this level, you should be separate from a mentor. You need to explain your former mentor situation and your transition of the work to you.  You must explain your specific role in all collaborative and coauthored works when you are not first or senior author, or those pubs which still include your former mentor.

3. NEW Bibliography Form Section B.IV Additional Major Research Products (Please list other work of significant impact to your Academic Field. [e.g., patents (List US Patent Number), patent licenses; software, databases, websites; devices, hardware, structures, fabrications; research leading to legislative action, policies, business processes].) List from oldest to newest.

Please describe the significance of anything that you listed in the new Section B.IV of the Bibliography Form

4. Publications, Roles, Citations, Impact Factor

Regarding publications and citations, DO NOT include a new bibliography list in this document. Refer ONLY to your UCSD Bio-Bibl form for citation #’s and references.

Project and Research Scientist Series: Please identify from the UCSD Bio-Bibl form your new articles of significance since your last review along with why it is significant. Please also explain your role in each significant new paper (are you first-author, last (senior)-author, etc). If your mentor is included on any of your papers, please discuss this relationship and roles. Tie in any “National and International” impact where appropriate. Describe “Impact Factor” and Indices of the stature of journals (e.g., journal ratings by professional societies, acceptance/rejection rates, etc.) should be provided for key pieces of work, particularly if they are published in journals that are not likely to be familiar to campus reviewers.

Associate and Full Research Scientists: required – also discuss your independence and contributions to each new paper and explain any situation where your mentor still appears in the author list, and the mentor’s role

5. Funding

Project and Research Scientist Series: Please describe your grants, roles and related UCSD collaborators briefly in this section.

Associate and Full Research Scientists: required – Describe your independence and success in obtaining support for research and other creative activity, including support for graduate students, should be addressed. In addition, your role on grants should be indicated (e.g., Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, or Co-Investigator, with the number and identity of other co-investigators specified). Explain any situation where your mentor still appears, and the mentor’s role

6. University and ORU Service

Please provide a summary of your service, your particular role and the broader significance of this service in the context of the university, the division or the community. Your summary should specify and evaluate your administrative service within the ORU, on the campus, and within the University of California.

Any Project Scientist and Assistant Research Series: if you have anything for this category you can mention it here

Associate and Full Research Scientists: required - describe roles and significance/impact of UCSD/ORU and any Committee Service (note: Teaching, although technically not required in the Research/Project Series, can count somewhat as service)

Describe any extraordinary service and include the significance and impact of this work. If you chair a committee, please briefly describe the responsibilities and workload.

Similarly, contributions to student welfare through service on student–faculty committees and as advisors to student organizations should be recognized as evidence, as should contributions furthering diversity and equal opportunity within the University through participation in such activities as recruitment, retention, and mentoring of scholars and students.

7. External Service, Presentations, and Organizations

Describe roles and significance/impact of any new External Service, Presentations, and National/International Organizations/Committee Service

Service to the community, state, and nation, when the work done is at a sufficiently high level and of sufficiently high quality, as provided as part of your special capacities as a scholar and in areas beyond those special capacities, should likewise be recognized as evidence for advancement. Academic service activities related to the improvement of elementary and secondary education represent one example of this kind of service. Please indicate whether you hold an appointed or elective office in professional organizations, on professional publications, or within community, state, national, or international organizations in which professional standing is a prime consideration for appointment.

8. Teaching/Mentoring

Teaching, although technically not required in the Research/Project Series, can count somewhat as service, and is recommended. Also, describe if you are teaching a formal course for UCSD? If so, a Joint Lecturer appointment is required with the Lecturer Department. Please indicate.

9. Publicity and Other National and/or International Recognition

Describe roles and significance/impact of any new Publicity and Other National and/or International Recognition. Please provide any evidence/documentation of this activity to accompany this document.

10. Future work and goals to support the requested action

Describe future work and goals.

Note: WORK IN PROGRESS (Section C) of the UCSD Bio-Bibl Form - Section C will now ONLY officially be used for 4th-Year Appraisals and 6th-Year Readiness Assessment actions.

You can discuss your WIP items if you wish in your Research Statement here along with brief comments that update your work and identify any collaborators that are involved.

You can summarize your WIP items here, as well as your plans and timing for additional publications, if additional support is needed for the requested action. Reiterate the significance of these future works and any National/International significance.

11. Statement regarding any comments from PSSRP or CAP committee letters from last review needing to be addressed this time.

When preparing your documents for submission, please focus on documentation regarding any prior committee comments here. Please add a paragraph that clearly addresses any PSSRP or CAP Review Committee comments from your last Review.

The End - Note - UCSD Policy Reappointment criteria for the Project Scientist and the Research Scientist Series’ were provided for your reference in the email you previously received. Any language you can use from those criteria to talk about what you do would be great!

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