Mrs. Luu S Policies and Procedures in My Classrooms

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Mrs. Luu S Policies and Procedures in My Classrooms

Mrs. Luu’s Policies and Procedures in my classrooms:

RESPECT Who: Each other, the classroom, the teacher, and most importantly, yourself When: All the time Where: Everywhere, of course. I specifically expect all of us to demonstrate this respect in the classroom during class time. How: Follow all instructions completely Observe all classroom procedures Be “nice or neutral” in your interactions with others Demonstrate academic integrity Do not sleep in class. Heads up from bell to bell.

Materials: Everyday, you are expected to have: (with you in every class) 1) Notebook (3-ring binder) 2) 2 pencils (sharpened when the bell rings) 3) textbook 4) black or blue ink pen 5) Calculator

We will have a class set of graphing calculators for use on tests, but you MUST have a calculator of your own (a scientific calculator costs about $8; a graphic calculator costs about $90). TI-83plus or above is the graphing calculator we will be using in class. It is a good investment to have one of your own, so please get one. You can still use it in college.

Classroom policies and procedure: 1. Tardiness policy – School rules. For every tardy after the first one, you will have to serve teacher’s detention after school. FOUR unexcused tardies count as one absence AND you will have to serve after school detention with Mr. Torres and Ms. Weber. 2. Attendance and absences policy – School rules. Attendance is very important to your education. For everyday you miss, you are behind 0.7 hours in my class and 5.6 hours total for your classes. If you choose to miss 19 days for school year, you may loose your credit. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up the work. Homework is posted on the bulletin board in your classroom and on my web page, so be sure to check for the assignment on line or first thing when you come back. Do not expect me to come after you about it. 3. Do Now - When you walk into class, there will be a short assignment on the overhead projector, or chalk board. Begin working silently on the assignment in your seat. The assignment should be done in your note book and should be clearly labeled with the date. On any day, you may have a quiz asking for the answers to previous Do Now. If you are absent you are still responsible for answering the question. 4. Student Movement a. Bathroom policy – Class time is valuable and I expect you to go to the bathroom before or after class. There is plenty of time between classes to take care of your business. There is no bathroom pass ten (10) minutes before and after the bells. If you have to go, I expect you raise your hand AFTER I am done giving notes or instructions and then wait for my permission. You should be gone no more than 5 minutes. You should sign out on your

Page 1 of 4 way out and sign in quietly when you return. If you disrupt the class, you will be denied future privileges for the remainder of the marking period. Be respectful of this privilege – it is not a right. b. Locker policy – NO locker pass will be issued at anytime. You are expected to be “prepared” before you enter the classroom. c. Pencil Sharpening – You are allowed to sharpen your pencils during the first 5 minutes of the class. I found the pencil sharpener is loud and distracting to both the class and me. d. Remain at your seat at all times. If for some reason you must get up, raise your hand and ask for permission. e. Class dismissal – Class is dismissed by Mrs. Luu, not the bell. The class will be dismissed only if the classroom is in order, I have stopped speaking, and all the students are in their seats. One of my problems is when students pack up while I am talking or line up at the door and wait for the bell. If you do this, I will hold you after the bell rings. 5. Participation in class – Class participation is important. Everyone is expected to participate in class. This includes answering/attempting to answer questions, participating in labs or demos, or anything else that Mrs. Luu dreams up for you to participate in. If any student has a problem with this policy, she/he should come and see me as soon as possible to discuss the situation. When we work in groups, you should be doing math, not chatting. When we have a class discussion, talk only on the topic. One person speaks at a time. Keep your eyes on the speaker and think about what is being said. 6. Late work and Make-up policy - Homework and/or assignment is assigned at the time it is assigned for a reason. It will be very difficult to keep up with this class if you do not complete homework on time. For this reason, all late homework/assignment will only be accepted on the following school day, unless otherwise specified, for half (1/2) of the credit with a 15 minutes after school teacher detention on the same day. Any late work after the one-day grace period will NOT be accepted and you will receive a zero (0) grade. 7. Grading policy – All assessments (tests, projects and quizzes) and homework are calculated in a cumulative points system. a. Assessments are generally on every Friday throughout the school year. However, some assessments may or may not be announced. b. Homework is an EFFORT grade. It reflects how much effort you are putting into the class. It will be checked daily. c. Employability points. Employability means attitude, effort and participation. Points will be added for doing positive things in class and will be deducted for doing something that is not class related, e.g. talking to your friends, use of your cell phone, ipod, or any electronic devices. 8. Notebook requirement – For this class, you will be required to keep a clean notebook (a 3-hole binder) with all work written in pencil. Please, divide your notebook into: I. Do Now II. Class notes (including handouts) III. Homework/Classwork IV. Tests/Quizzes Be organized. Your organized notebook may earn you a quiz grade during each marking period. 9. Food policy - Only water is allowed in class. No other food or drinks. There will be times when food will be permissible. I will alert you to those possibilities.

Page 2 of 4 10. Throwing anything will result in immediate disciplinary action.

Consequences: Consequences are used for any disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class. You are old enough to know how to act. I. Verbal Warning. II. Last student to leave the classroom after end of class. III. Phone call to parent. IV. Detention before or after school as determined by the teacher. V. Administrative action. Note: I reserve the right to skip consequences for major offences or repeat offenders. I do reserve the right to make the punishment fit the crime. For example, if you are drawing or writing on one of the classroom desks, you will get to come after school and clean all of the desks in the classroom.

Extra help: My door is always open!!! I am generally available for help after school at Room 242 . You must let me know when you’re coming so that I will make myself available for you.

Contact Mrs. Luu: The best way: e-mail at [email protected] You may send an e-mail to me through the school district homepage. Look under High School section and find my name. I check e-mail at least once a day.

The second best way: call me at Room 242 in the morning (after 7:20) or right after the dismissal bell (2:35) at 908-769-6000 and ask for the transfer.

The third way: call your Guidance Counselor. Leave him/her your phone # and the best time to return your call.

The last way: call my extension and leave a message. ______I check my voice message whenever I can (no guarantee).

Please keep this document in your binder at all times. Thank you!! Have a wonderful school year.

Page 3 of 4 Please detach along the line above turn in this part as soon as possible

I have read this document and understand the policies and procedures of Mrs. Luu’s class. I am also aware that it is my right to request a meeting at any time during the year to discuss the enforcement of these rules and policies or any other issues related to class.


______Student Name Student Signature and Date

______Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature and Date

______Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone # Parent/Guardian Evening Phone #

______Parent/Guardian Email Address Best time/place to be reached

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