Bond Oversight Committee Meeting
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MEASURE ‘S’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, September 11, 2014 District Office, Small Conference Room – 5:00 PM
Adam Lee X Cheryl Harvat Community at Large Parent Representative Term expires 2015 (can extend to 2017) Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016) Diane Maxfield X Vacant Senior Citizen’s Org. Tax Payers Assn. Term expires 2015 (can extend to 2017) Vacant Richard Hallert, Chairman X Parent Club Community at Large Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016) Don Foster Chamber of Commerce Term expires 2014 (can extend to 2016) I. Welcome, Introductions and Roll Call 5:04 PM
II. Approval of March Meeting Minutes 5:17 PM The minutes were approved. (Lee/Maxfield) Ayes: 3 Nayes: 0 Absent: 2 Abstain: 0
III. Chairman’s Report 5:10 PM a. Member vacancy update Ms. Nowlin updated the committee on the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association. The District sent in Mr. Harvat’s application and paid the $15.00 fee, but the Association rejected the fee because they stated that it was a conflict of interest that the district paid for it. If Ms. Harvat will agree to pay for it, the District will reimburse her. Mr. Hallert stated that he would contact Ms. Harvat and discuss this option with her since she was absent from this meeting.
Ms. Maxfield asked what the Committee will do to fill Ms. Harvat current position when she switches to the Taxpayer’s Association. Ms. Nowlin informed the Committee that the District will post an advertisement in the local newspaper for interest. Ms. Nowlin stated that the Parent Club and Parent Representative positions are easier to fill than the Taxpayer’s position. Mr. Lee stated that he could switch to the Parent Club position and then post for the Community at Large because that is even easier to fill.
IV. Review Facility Reports Provided by GVUSD Staff 5:18 PM a. Update - New & Future District Projects Ms. Nowlin stated that there was no new information.
b. District Measure S expenditures c. Open
V. Review Current Financial Information – Measure S Interest 5:21 PM a. Changes / Disbursements / Potential Future Allocations Ms. Nowlin stated that the District received a statement from DSA stating that the District was paid in full so there were no new expenses or projected expenses.
VI. Old Business 5:25 PM a. Community Comments – If Any b. Committee Member Updates – If Any c. Open
VII. New Business 5:26 PM a. Requested New Reports from District Staff – If Any d. Open
Ms. Nowlin stated that it would be good to get the Taxpayers position settled before the next meeting and that the application was online and easy to access. Mr. Hallert stated again that he will call Ms. Harvat and discuss moving forward with an application with district reimbursement. Ms. Harvat will just need to send in the receipt for payment.
Mr. Lee asked about the status of the Facility Master Plan since it went to the board at the previous meeting. Ms. Nowlin stated that the master plan went to the board as an agenda item and will come back to the board for approval at a later date.
VIII. Next Meeting – December 11, 2014
IX. Adjournment 5:36 PM