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Organised by Department of Science and Technology
and National Research Foundation Global Change 2016 | Online Registration
5 - 8 Dec 2016 | UKZN, Westville | [email protected] | +27 33 260 6557
Registration Announcement
The South African Global Change Science Committee, together with the University of KwaZulu-Natal, are pleased to announce the registration process for the third DST/NRF National Global Change Conference, to be hosted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Westville Campus between the dates of 5 and 8 December 2016.
We are delighted that several hundred expressions of interest have been received in response to our announcement of 12 July 2016. Submissions were made on a wide variety of topics relevant to global change, and are providing a rich basis for the committee to plan an exciting, integrated and varied programme.
We would now like to call for prospective participants to register formally at globalchange2016.ukzn.ac.za, opening for submissions on 1 September 2016, where you will be asked to submit a title and an abstract for the upcoming meeting (paper/poster), and/or your formal request for side event, special session or display/exhibit opportunities, and your preference for participating in a conference related field trip. You will also be asked to indicate your accommodation needs (request for on-campus accommodation and dates).
Officially NRF-funded students will have the opportunity to request transport support. This category includes students who are funded (directly or grant-holder linked) through Global Change funding instruments (GCSSRP, Risk and Vulnerability Science Centres) and programmes (such as SAEON, ACCESS, SAIAB, AEON and Foundational Biodiversity).
The closing date for abstract submissions, and submissions to hold a special session or side event will be 30 September 2016. Registration will close on 28 October 2016. Context for framing your contribution
The Global Change Grand Challenge (GCGC) is now in its 6th year of implementation and together with related NRF/DST Global Change programmes have produced a substantial amount of new knowledge and information, and has funded the development of many post graduates. The main purpose of this biennial conference is to bring together the diverse global change research community in South Africa in order to share recent progress across the broad scope of the global change programme, with a special focus on post graduate students. In 2014 this event provided a forum for many students to present their new work, and fostered lively debate and discussion, and opportunities for greater trans-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration. The conference will provide an opportunity for post graduate students, emerging researchers, group leaders, and exhibitors to locate their contribution in the context of the Global Change Grand Challenge. This will also provide a platform to raise awareness of the multiple opportunities that exist for career development in global change.
Yours sincerely
Prof Guy Midgley
Chairperson, pp. South African Global Change Science Committee
Guidelines for submission of abstracts (required for both oral papers and posters)
For those who have submitted intentions to participate by way of oral or poster presentations, you are required to submit a formal abstract for review by the Science Committee.
The closing date for abstract submission is the 30 th of September 2016; abstracts submitted after this date will not be accepted.
Please note: oral presentations are 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutes for Q&A.
Standard abstracts must be submitted online at globalchange2016.ukzn.ac.za and must be limited to 300 words.
All abstracts must be submitted in English.
Presenters will be notified of acceptance/rejection of the abstract via e-mail.
Poster submissions (preliminary guidance) Posters will be displayed on poster boards close to the Exhibition and plenary halls for the Global Change Conference. Posters must be printed and brought to the event by the presenter. The standard size for posters is A0 (84.1cm x 118.9cm); portrait orientation. Smaller posters are acceptable but please consider readability.