P.S. 448 Tth 12:30-1:45 Fall 2009. Bayes

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P.S. 448 Tth 12:30-1:45 Fall 2009. Bayes

P.S. 448 TTh 12:30-1:45 Fall 2009. Bayes email: [email protected] Office: Sierra Tower 230 Hrs: TTh 3:15-4:45



I. INTRODUCTION – Power, Powerlessness and Gender Aug 25, 27, Sept 1

NOTICE : Whenever you send me an email in relation to this class, PLEASE LABEL IT “ PS 448 plus your last name” Otherwise, I may well miss it or it may get put into my junk mail. Your first assignment for this class is to:

1) Send me an email message at [email protected] so that I know I have your correct working email address. LABEL this message PS448 with your last name (ie PS448 Smith) This message should include: 1) YOUR FULL NAME; 2) THE NAME OF THE CLASS: PS 448 and your telephone number if you are willing to share it – whether the phone is home or work or cell and when it is okay to call. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEND YOUR PHONE NUMBERS BUT I DO REQUIRE A WORKING EMAIL ADDRESS THAT YOU CHECK REGULARLY.

2) To make email contact with all of those who are in your group sometime between August 25 and Sept 3 so that you all know you have accurate email addresses and telephone numbers for one another.

Required Reading:

1) John Gaventa “Power and Powerlessness’ pp 1-32. in Reader 2) Chandra| Talpade Mohanty “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses” in Chandra Talpade Mohanty Feminism Without Borders Duke U. Press 2003. In Reader 3) Cynthia Enloe Excerpts from Curious Feminist – In Reader

II. GENDER REGIMES and GENDER POWER,– September 3, 8, 10, 15 (Weeks 3&4)

Required Reading: J. Bayes “ Globalization and Gender Regime Change” APSA paper ( Reader and on line Patricia Donohue-White “‘The Feminist Pope’? paper presented at APSA (Reader and WEB CT) bell hooks Ain’t I a Woman? Chapters 1&2 Aida Hurtado “Relating to Privilege: Seduction and Rejection in the Subordination of White Women and Women of Color” Reader and on line Joan Scott. “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis” American Historical Review Vol 91, No 5, Dec 1986 pp. 1053-1075. at the end of the Reader Mary Hawkesworth. “Engendering Political Science” Gender and Politics March 2005. Film: “Killing Us Softly”

III.THE FAMILY AND GENDER REGIMES IN THE WORLD- (Weeks 4 & 5) Sept 17, 22, 24, 29) In this section of the course, I will assign students to research and report in class on family and gender regimes in the past and today in the following countries: Mexico, Canada, the US, China, India. Each student will be responsible for reading about one country and preparing a written 3 page paper to present in class. This paper is to be turned in at the time of your country presentation.

Required Reading: for everyone: Laura Nader. “The Subordination of Women in Comparative Perspective” in Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 15. (Fall-Winter 1986) 377-397) McGlen and O’Connor chapters 5 & 6.

1 For Groups: Everyone should research and prepare a 3 page paper for one country but read about at least two countries: You should be aware of issues involving marriage, divorce, dowry, sons, inheritance, domestic violence, filial duty.

Mexico: Patricia Begné “Women and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico.” In Women, Democracy and Globalization in North America (WDGNA) pp. 29-50 – will be emailed

Canada: Lois Harder: “Women and Politics in Canada” in WDGNA pp 51-76 – will be emailed

US Mary Hawkesworth “ “Women’s Struggle for Political Equality in the US” WDGNA pp 77-106. Will be emailed. McGlen & O Connor chapters 5 & 6 bell hooks Ain’t I a Woman , Chapters 1 & 2. Francesca M. Cancian “Love and Power:Types of Marriage in the U.S.” in Urban Anthropology vol 15. 3-4 1986 In Reader

China Zang Xiaowei “Family, Kinship, Marriage and Sexuality” in Understanding China 2003. (Reader) Laura Bossen “Women and Development” in Understanding China ( (Reader) Rita S. Gallin “Wife Abuse in the Context of Development and Change: A Chinese )Taiwanese) Case” in Visvanathan (Reader) Dalsimer and Nisonoff “Abuses against Women and Girls under the one-child Family Plan in the People’s Republic of China” in Visvanathan (Reader)

India Sen “ Subordination and Sexual Control” from Visvanathan et al ed The Women, Gender & Development Reader - in (Reader) Barbara Crossette. “The Role of Women” in Understanding India 2003 (Reader) Vibha Pinglé “Caste” in Understanding India 2003 (Reader)

Iran Film : Divorce Iranian Style Afshar, “Women, Marriage and the State in Iran” in Visvanathan et al. 317 –319 Reader .the film: “Divorce Iranian Style” 80 minutes

Out of Class Films : King of Masks




Required Reading: 1. McGlen and O Connor Chapters 3&4 2. bell hooks chapters 3,4 & 5 3. Cynthia Enloe – Curious Feminist – “The Globetrotting Sneaker” - Reader 4. Moghadam Chap 1”Globalizing Women” and Chap 3 “Female Labor, Regional Crises and Feminist Responses” 5 Hochchild, Arlie. “Global Care Chains and Emotional Surplus Value” in Giddens and Hutton eds. Global Capitalism 2001. in Reader 6 . Film: either “Made in Thailand” or “Global Assembly Line”

Older Woman Short Paper - 3 pages - and Journal entry. During this section of the course, each student will interview an older female relative, friend, or acquaintance asking that woman to describe gender relations in her family when she was growing up and what a typical workday – including paid and unpaid work – was for her when she was in her 20s or 30s. – ie what activities would typically

2 occur during the day beginning with getting up in the morning and ending with going to bed at night. Then, you will ask her what major changes she sees between how life was for her when she was your age and how it is for you or a young woman today. This will constitute your paper which you will turn in. Next interview yourself – or if male- a female friend your age asking for the same information about gender relations in the family and a typical workday. You will record this in your journal and be prepared to tell your study group or the class about them if called upon to do so. Your observations should be about changes in family structure and changes in work between yourself or someone of your generation and the older woman. Be sure to include some biographical information about your interviewee and yourself.

V. WOMEN & POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD – Weeks 9-11 ( Oct 22 , Oct 27, Oct, 29, Nov 3,

A. WOMEN & RIGHTS POLITICS IN THE UNITED STATES (Week 9 Oct 20, 22, 27, 29 Nov 3 Suffrage; the Equality/Difference Debate; the ERA; the Gender Gap; Electoral Participation; Women and Elections; Women in Public Office; Women in the Bureaucracy, Women in the Courts, Intersectionality of Race/Class//Gender; Grassroots Feminist Activism Required reading: 1) McGlen and O Connor Introduction, Chapters 1,2, & 7 2. Video “One Woman, One Vote” 3 The Internet: see http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cawp 4 Mary Hawkesworth “Women’s Struggle for Political Equality in the United States” email 5. Paula Giddings “The Women’s Movement and Black Discontent” in When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America 2001 in Reader 6. Denise Segura and Beatriz M Pesquera “Beyond Indifference and Antipathy: The Chicana Movement and Chicana Feminist Discourse” in Noriega et al. The Chicano Studies Reader: 2001. in Reader 7.. Ester Ngan-Ling Chow “The Feminist Movement: Where Are All the Asian Women?” in Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings By and About Asian American Women ed. Asian Women United of California.

SECOND MIDTERM - review on Nov 5, EXAM on November 10.

B.WOMEN & POLITICS IN THE WORLD : Women’s Movements vs Feminist Movements; Elections, Quotas and Gender Mainstreaming; State Feminism (Weeks 12-15 Nov 12,17,19,24; Dec 1, 3 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY - Thursday and Friday November 26-27

Required reading: Bayes “Scattered Hegemonies” email Film : SEWA Monique Leyenaar “Political Representation of Women in Fifteen European Countries” In Political Empowerment of Women Chap 2. in Reader and on line Patricia Begne “Women and Politics in Mexico” in WDGNA- email Lois Harder “Women and Politics in Canada: in WDGNA- email Moghadam. Globalizing Woman Chapters 1,4,5,6,7 Marx, Borner and Caminotti “Gender Quotas, Candidate Selection, and Electoral Campaigns” in Jaquette ed. Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America. 2009. Marcela Rios Tobar “Feminist Politics in Contemporary Chile” in Jaquette ed. Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America. 2009. Virginia Vargas. “International Feminisms” in Jaquette ed Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America. 2009. Jane Jaquettte. “Feminist Activism and Challenges of Democracy.” In Jaquette ed Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America. 2009. Gioconda Espina. “Feminst Actism in a Changing Political Context” in Jane Jaquette ed. Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America. 2009.

3 Recommended: Drude Dahlerup ed. Women, Quotas and Politics Routledge 2006. Verena Schmidt. Gender Mainstreaming- An Innovation in Europe?” Opladen, Germany Barbara Budrich Publishers 2005. Louise Chappell. “Working from Within: A Comparison of Feminist Intervention in the Bureaucracy in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom” in Women in Society: Achievements, Risks and Challenges. Magdalena E. Thorne, ed. Nova Science 2005.,





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