Estimate Base on Function Points

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Estimate Base on Function Points

Estimate based on Lines of Code (LOC) Page 652

Function Estimated lines of Code

User Interface 2,300

Two Dimensional Analysis 5,300

Three Dimensional Analysis 6,800 . . . Total Lines of Code 33,200

Average Productivity 620 LOC/ person-month

Estimated Effort 33,200 / 620 = 54 pm Estimate base on Function Points

Assume: 24 input screens 16 reports 22 queries 4 internal files 2 external files Productivity is 6 FP/pm

Calculate Function points: Inputs = 24 x 4 = 96 Reports = 16 x 5 = 80 Queries = 22 x 4 = 88 Internal Files = 4 x 10 = 40 External Files = 2 x 7 = 14

Total Function Points = 318

Complexity Factors: Backup and Recovery 4 Data Communications 2 Distributed Processing 0 Performance Critical 4 Existing Operating Environment 3 On-line data Entry 4 Input Transaction/ multiple Screens 5 Master files updated on line 3 Information domain values complex 5 Internal processing complex 5 Code designed for reuse 4 Conversion/installation in design 3 Multiple installations 5 Application designed for change 5 TOTAL 52

Total Function Points = 318 x (.65 + .01 x 52) = 372

Estimated effort is 372 / 6.5 FP per month / = 57 person- months Process Based Estimation

Activity Planning Anal Des Code Test Total

10 Screens ? ? ? ? ?

8 Reports ? ? ? ? ?

4 Quereies ? ? ? ? ?

Internal DB ? ? ? ? ?

External DB ? ? ? ? ?

Totals ? ? ? ? ?

Estimate effort for each function by Framework Activity Empirical Estimation Models

Based on LOC/FP Results will vary widely Build your own based on experience!!

C E = A + B ( ev) Examples: E= 5.2 (KLOC)0.91

E = 3.2(KLOC)1.05 Assume: B = 0.16 P = 12,000

0.43 tmin = 8.14(LOC / P) t = 8.14 (33,200/12000)0.43 = 12.6 pm

E = 180Bt3

E = 180 x .28 x 1.053 = 58 pm Object Oriented Estimation

1. Count Use Cases.

2. Determine the number of Key Classes.

3. Categorize the interface type and develop a multiplier: No GUI 2.0 Text-based 2.25 GUI 2.5 Complex GUI 3.0

4. Multiply the number of Key Classes by the multiplier to determine Support Classes.

5. Multiply the total number of classes by the average number of work-units per class, e.g 20 person-days per class.

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