Curriculum Vitae s269

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Curriculum Vitae s269


NAME: James Higginbotham

OFFICES: School of Philosophy Department of Linguistics University of Southern California University of Southern California 3709 Trousdale Parkway 3601 Watt Way Los Angeles, California 90089-0451 Los Angeles, California 90089-1693 direct line: (213)-740-4624 direct line: (213)-821-2308 fax: (213)-740-5174 fax: (213)-740-9306 e-mail: [email protected] tel.: 1-213-280-3309 (cell)

I. Education and Degrees

B.S., Columbia University, 1967; Ph.D., 1973. M.A., Oxon., 1993 (by decree).

II. Employment

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, University of Southern California, from 2008; Professor, from 1999.

Professor of General Linguistics, University of Oxford, 1993-2000.

Professor of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987-93; Associate Professor, 1982-87.

Senior Fellow in the Humanities, Columbia University, 1979-80.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1978-79.

Lecturer and Fellow in the Humanities, Columbia University, 1976-78.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University, 1973-76; Instructor, 1970-73.

III. Visiting Appointments

Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford, Trinity Term 2011.

Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford, Trinity Term 2010.

Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford, Hilary Term and Trinity Terms 2009.

Visiting Professor of Linguistics, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, Fall 2008.

Enseignant Étranger, Département d’Études Cognitives, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 2004.

Nelson Philosopher in Residence, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, November 29-December 3, 1999.

Visiting Professor of Cognitive Science, Rutgers University, Spring 1998.

Visiting Researcher, Institute for Computational Linguistics, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, July-August 1997.

1 Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall 1996.

Distinguished Visitor in Philosophy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, March 1996.

Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University, Fall 1990.

Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Winter Quarter, 1982.

Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980-82.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 1976-77.

IV. Fields of Specialization

Philosophy of Language and Mind Philosophical Logic Theoretical Linguistics

V. Distinctions

Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, from 2011.

Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College Oxford, Trinity Term 2010.

Vera Brittain Visiting Fellow, Somerville College Oxford, 1 January-30 June 2009.

Distinguished Professor, University of Southern California, from January 2008.

Linda Hilf Chair in Philosophy, USC, from March 2004.

Fulbright Distinguished Professor of the Philosophy of Language, University of Venice Ca’Foscari, Italy, Spring 2003.

Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford, Trinity Term 2001.

Fellow of the British Academy, from 1995.

Visiting Fellow, All Souls College Oxford, Hilary Term, 1990.

Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College Oxford, Trinity Term, 1988.

Visiting Scholar, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, Spring Term 1987.

VI. Publications (most recent first)

"Two Takes on the De Se" (with Marina Folescu). Simon Prosser and François Recanati (eds.), Immunity to Error Through Misidentification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. pp. 46-61. Also in the Proceedings, conference of the Italian Linguistics Society of 2008, Pisa Italy. Rome: Bulzoni Editore.

"The Nature of Language: A Basic Exposition." Manuel Garcia-Carpintero and Max Kölbel (eds.), The Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Language. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012. pp. 26-46.

"On Words and Thoughts About Oneself." Isidora Stojanovich, François Recanati, and Neftalì Villanueva (eds.), Context-Dependence, Perspective, and Relativity. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010. pp. 253-282.

2 Tense, Aspect, and Indexicality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics.

Review article: On Jeffrey C. King, The Nature and Structure of Content. Philosophical Books 50, 1 (2009). pp. 29- 37.

"Two Interfaces." Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini, Juan Uriagereka, and Pello Salaburu (eds.), Of Minds and Language: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque Country. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. pp. 142-150, plus discussion pp. 150-154.

"Expression, Truth, Predication, and Context." International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16, 4 (2008). pp. 473- 494. Reprinted in Richard Schantz (ed.), Prospects for Meaning (Current Issues in Philosophy, vol. 3). Berlin/Boston: Walter e Gruyter, 2012. pp. 171-194.

"The English Perfect and the Metaphysics of Events." Jacqueline Lecarme and Jacqueline Guéron (eds.), Time and Modality. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008. pp. 173-193.

"Evidentials: Some Preliminary Distinctions." Robert J. Stainton and Christopher Viger (eds.), Compositionality, Context, and Semantic Values: Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008. pp. 221-235.

"Remarks on Compositionality." Gillian Ramchand and Charles Reiss (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. pp. 425-444.

"The Anaphoric Theory of Tense." Masayuki Gibson and Jonathan Howell (eds.), Proceedings From Semantics and Linguistic Theory 16. CLC Publications, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2006. pp. 59-76.

"Languages and Idiolects: Their Language and Ours." The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, Ernest Lepore and Barry Smith (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. pp. 140-148.

"Sententialism: The Thesis that Complement Clauses Refer to Themselves." Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva (eds.), Philosophical Issues 16: Philosophy of Language (a supplementary volume to Noûs). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. pp. 101-119.

"Truth and Reference as the Basis of Meaning." Michael Devitt and Richard Hanley (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. pp. 58-76.

"The Scope Hypothesis." Lewis Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka. A volume in the Library of Living Philosophers. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court, 2006. pp. 561-573.

"Event Positions: Suppression and Emergence." Theoretical Linguistics 31, 3 (2005). pp. 349-358.

"Events, States, and Actions: Some Clarifications" (abstract). Nanzan Linguistics, October 2004.

"Jackendoff’s Conceptualism." Invited commentary on Ray Jackendoff, Foundations of Language. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26, 6 (2004). pp. 680-681.

"The English Progressive." Jacqueline Gueron and Jacqueline Lecarme (eds.), The Syntax of Time. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2004. pp. 329-358.

"Conditionals and Compositionality." John Hawthorne and Dean Zimmerman (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives 17 (2003). pp. 181-194. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. Revised from "A Note on Conditionals and Compositionality," USC Working Papers in Linguistics, spring 2003.

"Remembering, Imagining, and the First Person." Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. pp. 496-533.

3 "Tensed Second Thoughts: Comments on Richard." Aleksander Jokic and Quentin Smith (eds.), Time, Tense, and Reference. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2003. pp. 191-197.

"Competence With Demonstratives." Philosophical Perspectives 16 (2002). pp. 3-18. Also in Bjørn Ramberg and Martin Hahn (eds.), Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2003. pp. 101-115.

"On Linguistics in Philosophy, and Philosophy in Linguistics." Linguistics and Philosophy 25, 5-6 (2002). pp. 573- 584.

"Why is Sequence of Tense Obligatory?" Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter (eds.), Logical Form and Language. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002. pp. 207-227.

"On Referential Semantics and Cognitive Science." João Branquinho (ed.), Foundations of Cognitive Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. pp. 145-156.

"Accomplishments." Proceedings of Glow in Asia II, Nagoya, Japan. Nagoya: Nanzan University, 2000. pp. 72-82.

"Syntax." Commissioned entry for The Encyclopedia of Philosophy Supplement. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 2001.

"On Events in Linguistic Semantics." James Higginbotham, Fabio Pianesi, and Achille Varzi (eds.), Speaking of Events. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. pp. 49-79.

"On Second-Order Logic and Natural Language." Gila Sher and Richard Tieszen (eds.), Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. pp. 79-99.

"Tense, Indexicality, and Consequence." Jeremy Butterfield (ed.), The Arguments of Time. A British Academy ‘Centenary’ Monograph. Published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999. pp. 197-215.

"A Perspective on Truth and Meaning." Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.), The Philosophy of Donald Davidson. The Library of Living Philosophers, vol. XXVII. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court, 1999. pp. 671-686. Reprinted in part in Jennifer Hornsby and Guy Longworth (eds.), Reading Philosophy of Language. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006. pp. 224-232.

"Thematic Roles." Commissioned article for The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1999. pp. 837-838.

"Perceptual Reports Revisited." Kumiko Murasugi and Robert Stainton (eds.), Philosophy and Linguistics. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1999. pp. 11-33.

"Conceptual Competence." Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Concepts (Philosophical Issues 9). Altascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1998. pp. 149-162. With comments by Genoveva Marti, Pierre Jacob, Josep Macia, and Maite Ezcurdia, pp. 163-192, and "Reply to Commentators," pp. 193-196.

"On Higher Order Logic and Natural Language." T.J. Smiley (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy 95: Philosophical Logic. Published for The British Academy by Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. pp. 1-27. Reprinted in T.R. Baldwin and T.J. Smiley (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge, Oxford, 2004, pp. 249-275.

"On Knowing One's Own Language" (a critical discussion of Barry Smith's article with the same title). Crispin Wright, Barry Smith, and Cynthia MacDonald (eds.), Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays on Self-Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. pp. 429-441.

"Visions and Revisions: A Critical Notice of Noam Chomsky, The Minimalist Program." Mind and Language 13, 2 (1998). pp. 215-224.

4 "A Plea for Implicit Anaphora." Hans Bennis, Pierre Pica, and Johann Rooryck (eds.), Atomism and Binding. Amsterdam: Foris, 1997. pp. 183-203.

"Adverbs." Commissioned entry for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 1997.

"Reflections on Semantics in Generative Grammar." Lingua 100, 1-4 (1997). pp. 101-109.

"The Stage-Level/Individual-Level Distinction and the Mapping Hypothesis" (with Gillian Ramchand). Presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, April, 1996. Oxford Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics, vol. 2, March 1997. pp. 53-83.

"GB Theory: An Introduction." Johan van Benthem and Alice ter Meulen (eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1997. pp. 311-360.

"Some Philosophy of Language." Lila R. Gleitman and Mark Liberman (eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science, volume 1: Language (2nd edition; Daniel N. Osherson, general editor). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1995. pp. 399-427.

"Fodor's Concepts." Comment on Jerry A. Fodor, "Concepts: A Potboiler." Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Content (Philosophical Issues 6). Altascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1995. pp. 25-37.

"Tensed Thoughts." Mind and Language 10, 3 (1995). pp. 226-249. Reprinted in Wolfgang Künne, Albert Newen, and Martin Anduschus (eds.), Direct Reference, Indexicality, and Propositional Attitudes. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. pp. 21-48.

"The Semantics of Questions." Shalom Lappin (ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1995. pp. 361-383.

Introduction to Pier Marco Bertinetto, Valentina Bianchi, James Higginbotham, and Mario Squartini (eds.), Temporal Reference, Aspect, and Actionality. Turin: Rosenberg and Seiler, 1995.

"The Place of Natural Language." (Presented at the San Marino Conference on W.V. Quine's Contribution to Philosophy, May 1990.) Paolo Leonardi and Marco Santambrogio (eds.), On Quine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. pp. 113-139.

Review of Susan Steele and Stephen Schiffer (eds.), Cognition and Representation. Minds and Machines 5, 2 (1995). pp. 268-273.

Sense and Syntax. Inaugural Lecture, University of Oxford. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. pp. 1-27.

"Classical Logical Form" (presented at SICOL 3, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1992). Ik-Hwan Lee (ed.), Linguistics in the Morning Calm 3. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company, 1995. pp. 79-91.

"Mass and Count Quantifiers." Linguistics and Philosophy 17, 5 (1994). pp. 447-480. Reprinted in Emmon Bach et al. (eds.), Quantification in Natural Language, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, 1995, pp. 383-419.

"Priorities in the Philosophy of Thought." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 1994. pp. 85-106.

Critical Notice of Michael Dummett, Frege and Other Philosophers. Philosophical Books 35, 2 (1994). pp. 89-94.

Review of Andy Clark, Microcognition. The Philosophical Quarterly 44 (1994). pp. 112-115.

"McGinn's Logicisms." Comment on Colin McGinn, "Logic, Mind, and Mathematics." Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Philosophical Issues 4: Naturalism and Normativity. Altascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1993. pp. 119-127.

5 "Latter-Day Intensions." Review article on G. Chierchia, B.H. Partee and R. Turner (eds.), Properties, Types and Meaning, vol. 1: Foundational Issues and vol. 2: Semantic Issues. The Journal of Linguistics 29, 2 (1993). pp. 449- 468.

"Grammatical Form and Logical Form." James Tomberlin (ed.), Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 7: Philosophy of Language and Logic. Altascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1993. pp. 173-196.

Review of M.J. Cresswell, Entities and Indices. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 58, 2 (1993). pp. 723-725.

"Interrogatives." Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser (eds.), The View From Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1993. pp. 195-227. (An earlier version containing technical exposition not published elsewhere appeared as "Interrogatives I," MIT Working Papers in Linguistics XV, 1991, pp. 47-76.) Reprinted in Javier Gutièrrez-Rexach (ed.), Semantics: Critical Concepts, Routledge. Reprinted in Steven Davis and Brendan S. Gillon (eds.), Semantics: A Reader, Oxford University Press.

Introduction to Control and Grammar (with Richard Larson, Sabine Iatridou, and Utpal Lahiri, co-editors). Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer, 1992. pp. vii-xix.

"Semantics in Linguistics: Outline for an Introduction." Golem 2, 1 (1992). Ing. C. Oliver and C. SpA, Edizione Dedalo srl-Bari, Italy. pp. 7-10.

"Skepticism Naturalized." Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Rationality in Epistemology. Philosophical Issues 2, Papers from the SOFIA Conference, University of Campinas, Brazil, 1990. Altascadero, California: Ridgeview Press, 1992. pp. 115-129.

"Interrogatives" (abstract; from a presentation at the Association for Symbolic Logic meeting, Pittsburgh, January 1991). The Journal of Symbolic Logic 57, 1 (1992). p. 359.

"Belief and Logical Form." Mind and Language 6, 4 (1991). pp. 344-369.

"Remarks on the Metaphysics of Linguistics." Linguistics and Philosophy 14, 4 (1991). pp. 555-566. Reprinted in Carlos Otero (ed.), Noam Chomsky: Critical Assessments, Routledge, London, 1994.

"Either/Or." NELS XXI Proceedings. GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1991.

"Truth and Understanding." Iyyun 40 (1991). pp. 271-288. Abridged version (stemming from an APA Pacific Division Symposium, March 1991) in Philosophical Studies 65 (1992), pp. 3-16. Reprinted in Christopher Peacocke (ed.), The International Research Library of Philosophy, vol. I: Understanding and Sense, Dartmouth Publishing Company, Aldershot, Hampshire, England. Also reprinted in Mark Richard (ed.), Meaning (Blackwell Readings in Philosophy, vol. 5), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003. pp. 255-268.

"Penrose's Platonism." Comment on Roger Penrose, The Emperor's New Mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13, 4 (1990). pp. 667-668.

"Searle's Vision of Psychology." Comment on John R. Searle, "Consciousness, Explanatory Inversion, and Cognitive Science." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13, 4 (1990). pp. 608-610.

"Frege, Concepts, and the Design of Language." Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Information, Semantics and Epistemology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990. pp. 153-171.

"Philosophical Issues in the Study of Language." Daniel Osherson and Howard Lasnik (eds.), An Invitation to Cognitive Science, volume 1: Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1990. pp. 243-257.

6 "Reference and Control." Rivista di Linguistica 1, 2 (1989). pp. 301-326. Reprinted with minor revisions in Richard Larson, Sabine Iatridou, Utpal Lahiri and James Higginbotham (eds.), Control and Grammar. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer. pp. 79-108.

"La conoscenza del riferimento." Italian translation of a revised transcript of a lecture at the Fondazione San Carlo, Modena, Italy. Quaderni della Fondazione San Carlo, Nuova serie, 3 (1989). pp. 97-110.

"Frege and Grammar" (abstract). Bulletin of the American Philosophical Association 63, 2, October, 1989. p. 52. Full article in S. Etemad et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Logic Congress, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Teheran, Iran, 1993. pp. 61-88.

"Plurals" (with Barry Schein). NELS XIX Proceedings. GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1989. pp. 161- 175.

"Elucidations of Meaning." Linguistics and Philosophy 12, 3 (1989). pp. 465-517. Abridgement reprinted in Peter Ludlow (ed.), Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. A Bradford book. pp. 157-178.

"On the Varieties of Cross-Reference." Anna Cardinaletti, Guglielmo Cinque, and Giuliana Giusti (eds.), Annali di Ca'Foscari 27, 4 (1988), Papers from the 1987 GLOW Conference. Distributed by Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland. pp. 123-142.

"Knowledge of Reference." Alexander George (ed.), Reflections on Chomsky. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988. pp. 153-174. Reprinted in Carlos Otero (ed.), Noam Chomsky: Critical Assessments, Routledge, London, 1994.

"Is Semantics Necessary?" Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 87 (1988). pp. 219-241.

"Contexts, Models, and Meanings: A Note on the Data of Semantics." Ruth Kempson (ed.), Mental Representations: The Interface Between Language and Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. pp. 29-48.

"The Autonomy of Syntax and Semantics." Jay Garfield (ed.), Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language Understanding. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1987. pp. 119-131. Reprinted in Carlos Otero (ed.), Noam Chomsky: Critical Assessments, Routledge, London, 1994.

"Indefiniteness and Predication." Eric Reuland and Alice ter Meulen (eds.), The Representation of (In)definiteness: Papers from the Fifth Groningen Round Table. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1987. pp. 43-70.

"Peacocke on Explanation in Psychology." Mind and Language 1, 4 (1987). pp. 358-361.

Review of Esa Saarinen (ed.), Game-Theoretical Semantics. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 51, 1 (1986). pp. 240-243.

"Wasow on Scientific Linguistics" (with Morris Halle). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 4, 2 (1986). pp. 291- 294.

"Linguistic Theory and Davidson's Program in Semantics." Ernest LePore (ed.), Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. pp. 29-48.

"On Semantics." Linguistic Inquiry 16, 4 (1985). pp. 547-593. Reprinted in Ernest LePore (ed.), New Directions in Semantics. London: Academic Press, 1987. pp. 1-54.

"Reply to Pullum." Linguistic Inquiry 16, 2 (1985). pp. 298-304.

"English Is Not a Context-Free Language." Linguistic Inquiry 15, 2 (1984). Reprinted in Walter Savitch et al. (eds.), The Formal Complexity of Natural Language. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel, 1987. pp. 335-348.

7 "A Note on Phrase Markers." Revue Quebecoise de Linguistique 13, 1 (1983). pp. 147-166. Also in MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. VI. Reprinted in Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik (eds.), Critical Concepts in Syntax. London: Routledge.

"Is Grammar Psychological?" Leigh Cauman et al. (eds.), How Many Questions? Essays in Honor of Sidney Morgenbesser. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1983. pp. 170-179.

"Logical Form, Binding, and Nominals." Linguistic Inquiry 14, 3 (1983). pp. 395-420. (Preliminary version, "Some Remarks on Binding and Logical Form" in Cornell University Working Papers in Linguistics, 1983; Italian translation, "Leguno e Forma Logica," Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, CLESP Editrice, Padua, Italy, 1983). Reprinted in Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik (eds.), Critical Concepts in Syntax. London: Routledge.

"The Logic of Perceptual Reports: An Extensional Alternative to Situation Semantics." The Journal of Philosophy 80, 2 (1983). pp. 100-127. French translation, "La logique des comptes rendus de perception," Communications 40, Editions du Seuil, Paris, France, 1984. Reprinted in Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi (eds.), The International Research Library of Philosophy: Events, Dartmouth Publishing Company, Aldershot, Hampshire, England.

"Comments on Hintikka's Paper." Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23, 3 (1982). pp. 263-271.

"Noam Chomsky's Linguistic Theory." Social Research 49, 1 (1982). Reprinted in Steve Torrance (ed .), The Mind and The Machine: Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1984. Reprinted in Carlos Otero (ed.), Noam Chomsky: Critical Assessments, Routledge, London, 1994.

Review of Roger Fowler, Bob Hodge, Gunther Kress, and Tony Trew, Language and Control, and of Kress and Hodge, Language as Ideology. The Philosophical Review 91, 1 (1982). pp. 131-134.

"Opacity in NP" (with Robert Fiengo). Linguistic Analysis 7, 4 (1981). pp. 395-421.

"Questions, Quantifiers, and Crossing" (with Robert May). The Linguistic Review 1, 1 (1981). pp. 41-80. (Preliminary Version in CUNYForum: NELS IX Proceedings, 1979.) Reprinted in Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.), Semantics: Critical Concepts, Routledge.

"Crossing, Markedness, Pragmatics" (with Robert May). Adriana Belletti et al. (eds.), Theory of Markedness in Generative Grammar: Proceedings of the 1979 GLOW Conference. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy 1981. pp. 423-444.

"Pronouns and Bound Variables." Linguistic Inquiry 11, 4 (1980). pp. 679-708. (Preliminary version in CUNYForum: NELS IX Proceedings, 1979.) Reprinted in Steven Davis and Brendan Gillon (eds.), Semantics: A Reader. Oxford University Press.

"Reciprocal Interpretation." Journal of Linguistic Research 1, 3 (1980). pp. 97-117.

Review Article, Barbara H. Partee (ed.), Montague Grammar. The Journal of Philosophy 77, 5 (1980). pp. 278-312.

"Anaphora and GB: Some Preliminary Remarks." Cahiers Linguistiques d'Ottawa 9: NELS X Proceedings (1980). pp. 223-236.

"Bechtel on the Possibility of Propositions" (abstract). The Journal of Philosophy 75, 11 (1978). pp. 661-664.

"Wallace on Desire and Rationality." The Journal of Philosophy 72, 11 (1975). pp. 307-313.

Review of Robert L. Martin (ed.), The Paradox of the Liar. The Journal of Philosophy 69, 13 (1972). pp. 398-401.

VII. Forthcoming

8 "Speaking (and Some Thinking) of Oneself." For Alessandro Capone and Neil Feit (eds.), The De Se. Stanford California: CSLI Publications. .

VIII. In Preparation

"Comments on Control." For the meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, CA, March 2013.

Sense and Syntax and Other Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Essays in Linguistic Semantics. For the Series Leading Linguists, Carlos Otero, general editor. London: Routledge.

Review article on Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore, The Compositionality Papers. Invited essay for Language.

Review of Ernest Lepore and Hermann Cappelen, Insensitive Semantics. For Pragmatics and Cognition.

Review of Paul Pietroski, Events and Semantic Architecture. For Mind.

"On Form and Meaning." For Ruth Kempson and Tim Fernando (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. Holland: Elsevier.

Review of Ray Jackendoff, Language, Consciousness, Culture. For The Philosophical Review.

IX. Selected Presentations and Special Lectures, 1990-2011

"De Se." University of Venice, Italy, November 2012.

Lectures on Indexicals, Linguistics meeting of the University of Verona with the University of Venice, Italy, October 2011.

"Embedded Indexicality." Keynote address, Linguistics Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 20 June 2011.

"Meaning and Mind: Talks on the Philosophy of Language." Two-day Programme at the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, Rewley House, Kellogg College Oxford, 21-22 May 2011. Speakers: James Higginbotham and Barry Smith.

"Indexical Embedding." Philosophy Colloquium, University of Texas at Austin, 18 February 2011.

"Indexical Embedding." Linguistics Colloquium, New York University, 18 January 2011.

"Temporal Indexicals." Colloquium, Arché, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 25 June 2010.

"What is Modification?" Linguistics Workshop, University of Venice Ca'Foscari, Venice, Italy, 18 June 2010.

"Indexical Interpretation." Two lectures as part of the Workshop on the De Se, Center for the Study of Mind in Nature, Universiteit Blindern, Oslo, Norway, 6 and 8 June 2010.

"Pronominal Perspectives." Conference on Biolinguistics, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, 28 May 2010.

"Language and Mind after Word and Object." Symposium, meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, California, 1 April 2010.

"Indexical Perspectives." Series of three lectures, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 15 and 16 June 2009.

9 "Indexical Perspectives." Philosophy Workshop, University of Warwick, Coventry, England, 6 June 2009.

"Comments on Jeffrey C. King, The Nature and Structure of Content." Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, Canada, April 2009.

Series of three lectures, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 1-3 April 2009: "Reflexive Thoughts and Normal Forms;" "Context and/or Anaphora;" and "Indexical Perspectives."

"Reflexive Thoughts and Normal Forms." Philosophy Colloquium, McGill University, 27 March 2009.

"Context and/or Anaphora." Linguistics Colloquium, Universitè du Quèbec à Montréal, 26 March 2009; Linguistics Colloquium, Harvard University, 17 April 2009; Linguistics Colloquium, University of Tromsø, Norway, 8 May 2009; Linguistics Colloquium, University of Oxford, 2 June 2009.

"Reflexive Thoughts and Normal Forms." Rutgers University Cognitive Science Colloquium, 24 March 2009.

"Regimentation: Chapter 5 of Word and Object," and "Sententialism," Philosophy seminars, Princeton University and Rutgers University, 23 March 2009.

"Reflexive Thoughts and Normal Forms." Colloquium, Philosophy Institute, University of London and Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University College London, 24 and 25 February 2009.

"Propositions, Thoughts, Anaphora." Invited Lecture, Conference on Propositions, University of Venice, November 2008.

"Context and/or Anaphora." Plenary Lecture, XLII Congress of the Italian Linguistics Society, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, September 2008.

"Comments on Kirk Ludwig's Paper." Symposium on Sententialism with Kirk Ludwig and Stephen Schiffer, American Philosophical Association Central Division, Chicago, Illinois, April 2008.

"Quine Chomsky After All These Years." Conference in Honor of Roger Gibson, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, April 2008.

"Tense Parameters." Colloquium of the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France, November 2007.

"Expression, Truth, Predication, and Context." For the conference Context-Dependence, Perspective, and Relativity in Language and Thought. École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, November 2007.

"Rules of Use." Presented at a conference on the First Person, École Normale Supérieure, Lettres et sciences humaines, Lyon, France, May 2007.

Comment on Michael Devitt, Ignorance of Language. American Philosophical Association meeting, San Francisco, California, April 2007.

"The English Perfect." For the MIT Linguistics Colloquium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2006. Also presented at a conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, University College Dublin, Ireland, December 2006.

"Joining Forces." For the conference Interface Legibility at the Edge. University of Bucharest, Romania, June 2006.

"Two Interfaces." For Summer School XXV, Of Minds and Language: An Encounter With Noam Chomsky, University of the Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, June 2006.

"Sententialism and Its Friends and Rivals." Philosophy Colloquium, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 2006.

10 "Remarks on the English Perfect." Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, March 2006.

"The Anaphoric Theory of Tense." Kyoto Workshop on Recent Issues in Semantics, March 2006; Semantics and Linguistic Theory 16, Tokyo, Japan, March 2006; Jowett Society Colloquium, University of Oxford, January 2006.

"Remarks on Compositionality." Philosophy Institute Seminar, University of London, January 2006.

"Sequence of Tense Extended." Paris Conference on Time, Tense, and Modality, December 2005.

"Selective Transparency." Workshop on Syntax, University of Verona, Italy, September 2005.

"Comments on the Paper by Raffaella Folli." Rutgers University Semantics Workshop on the Philosophy/Linguistics of James Higginbotham. May 2005.

"Comments on Lepore and Ludwig, Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, and Reality." Meeting of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, Illinois. May 2005.

"Comments on the Paper by Nathan Salmon." USC Linguistics/Philosophy Workshop, April 2005.

Four Lectures on Syntax and Semantics. Presented at Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland), Reykjavik, Iceland, March 2005.

"Evidentials: Some Preliminary Distinctions." Presented at the Syntax Salon, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 2005, and at the Cognitive Science Colloquium, Rutgers University, May 2005.

"Modality Wide and Narrow: The Case of Evidentials." Presented at the Workshop on Modality, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, January 2005.

"Topics in lexical and combinatorial semantics: compositionality, opacity, and events." Series of six lectures at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 2004.

"Two Faces of Indexicality." Workshop at the University of Verona, Italy, October 2004.

"Speaking of Events." Five lectures at the meeting of the North American Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI), UCLA, 21-25 June 2004.

"What is Special About the First Person?" Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan and National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, March 2004.

"Events, States, and Actions: Some Clarifications." Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, and National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, March 2004. Abstract Published in Nanzan Linguistics, volume 1: October 2004.

"Sententialism." Colloquium in Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine, February 2004, Philosophy Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, April 2004, and Philosophy of Language Seminar, University College London, June 2004.

"Comments on the paper by Chris Barker." For the Princeton Semantics Workshop, May 2003.

"Recent Issues in Linguistics." For an Information Session, American Philosophical Association meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 2002.

"Some Consequences of Compositionality." For the University of Michigan conference on Linguistics and Philosophy, November, 2002. Revised version presented at the Logic Colloquium, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, 7 March 2003, and at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, June 2003. This material also formed the substance of

11 two post-graduate lectures at the University of Oxford, June and July 2003, at the UCLA Philosophy Colloquium, December 2003, and the University of California, Santa Barbara, Philosophy Colloquium, March 2004.

"Indexical Expressions" (with Philippe Schlenker). Advanced course at the European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information, Trento, Italy, 12-16 August 2002.

"Remarks on Jeff King, Complex Demonstratives." For the American Philosophical Association meeting, Seattle, Washington, March 2002.

"Asymmetry and Compositionality." Invited paper at the meeting Asymmetry, Université du Québec a Montrèal, May 2001.

"Comments on Sattig," presented at the meeting of the Pacific APA, San Francisco, March 2001.

"Remembering and Imagining: Remarks on the First Person." Invited paper at the meeting Epistemology of Language, Sheffield University, July 2000.

"Remarks on the First Person." Presented at the University of Siena, Italy, April 2000.

"Accomplishments." Presented at the University of California, Irvine and The University of Michigan, 1999, and at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal, 2000.

"Questions and Plurality" (later title: "Knowing WH"). Presented at the Northwest Conference on Linguistics, Liverpool, England, November 1999.

"Notes on Location and Causation." Invited presentation at the GLOW in Asia conference, Nagoya, Japan, 22 September 1999.

"On the Representation of Telicity." Invited presentation at the GLOW Summer School Workshop on Tense and Aspect, Thermi, Lesbos, Greece, 25 July 1999.

"Telicity and Headedness." Invited presentation at the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa XXV, Siena, Italy, 27 February 1999.

"Anaphora and Quantification." Given at an Information Session Symposium with Jeffrey King and Barbara Partee, American Philosophical Association, Washington, D.C., 30 December 1998.

"Temporal Subordination in English." Invited lecture, Bergamo Conference on the Syntax and Semantics of Tense and Mood Selection, Bergamo, Italy, July 1998.

"What is the Meaning of a Word?" Debate and discussion with Jerry A. Fodor and Ernest LePore, University of the Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, June 26-29, 1998.

"On Referential Semantics and Cognitive Science." Written for the meeting The Foundations of Cognitive Science in the 21st Century. Lisbon, Portugal, May 1998.

The Best Mirrors: Structures of Language and Thought. Series of three lectures in Milan, Italy, as part of the series Lezione Italiane, March, 1998.

"The Flight from Intension." Invited lecture in the series Quine's Word and Object. Tufts University, March 1998.

"Location and Causation." Presented at MIT, Rutgers University, the University of Connecticut, and University College London, 1998.

"On Language for Space." Written for a symposium with Barbara Landau and Chiara Levorato on Space in Language and Perception, meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Padua, Italy, August 1997.

12 "On Tense and Aspect." Three lectures at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, April 1997.

"The Semantics of Tense." Departments of Linguistics at: University of California, Irvine; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Connecticut, Storrs. November 1996.

"On Some Uses of Events in Linguistic Semantics." Department of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles. Special guest lecture, 1st conference of the Society for Semantics, Tübingen, Germany. November-December 1996.

Professor at the Linguistics Summer School, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, Summer 1996.

Special Lecture Series on Semantics, Yokohama National University, Japan, April 1995.

Instructor at the Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information, Copenhagen, Denmark, Summer 1994.

Henry Sweet Lecturer, meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, September 1993.

"Truth and Representation." Tutorial (with Robert Stalnaker), Cognitive Science Conference, University of the Basque Country, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, May 1993.

"Events and Aspects." Presented as an Invited Speaker, Semantics and Linguistic Theory 3, University of California, Irvine, March 1993.

"Anaphoric Reference and Common Reference." Princeton University, February 1993.

"Grammatical Form and Logical Form." Philosophy Colloquium, Harvard University, October 1992.

Eight Lectures on Linguistic Semantics, Seoul, Korea, July 1992.

"Linguistic Semantics." Lectures at the University of Sao Paulo, Campinas, Brazil, July 1991.

"Anaphoric Intentions." Presented at a meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, March 1991.

"Semantics Past and Future." Lear Foundation Lecture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 1991.

"Perceptual Reports Revisited." Conference sponsored by the University of Milan, Gargnano, Italy, September 1990.

"The Place of Natural Language." Meeting of the Philosophical Society, University of Oxford, February 1990. Michael Dummett commenting.

X. Grants

Principal Investigator, MIT Center for Cognitive Science Project, "Knowledge of Language." June, 1984 - September, 1985. Amount: $16,000.

Research Associate, NEH Grant ED-00009-79-0544, MIT Language and Mind Project. June, 1982 & August, 1981. Amount: $4,888.

Research Associate, NSF Grant 7919203, Project entitled "Normal Sentence Forms and Information Structure." Columbia University, June, 1981. Amount: $2,444.

Research Associate, NSF Grant BNS 76-20307 A-01, Project entitled "Model-Theoretic Semantics for Natural Language." May-June, 1980, The University of Texas at Austin. Amount: $1,083.

Senior Fellowship in the Humanities, Columbia University, 1979-80. Amount: $18,500.

13 Participant in NEH Grant EP-27548-77-881, "Joint Ph.D. Program in Foundations of Language and Linguistics." Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania, 1977-78.

Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, Columbia University, 1976-77 and 1977-78. Amounts: $12,000 per year.

Summer Research Grants, Columbia University Council on Research in the Humanities, 1975 and 1977. Amounts: $1,500 per award.

XI. Editorial Work

Series Editor (with Martin Davies, John O'Keefe, Christopher Peacocke, and Kim Plunkett), Oxford Cognitive Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Consulting Editor (since 1979), The Journal of Philosophy.

Associate Editor, Disputatio (Portugal), Linguistic Inquiry, Mind and Language, Rivista di Linguistica, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (1990-93), Natural Language Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition, Linguistics and Philosophy, Research in Language (Poland), Semantics and Pragmatics, The Open Journal of Philosophy.

Member, MIT Press Board 1983-1984; Member, MIT Press Board on Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 1987-1989.

Conference Program Committee, Annual Conferences: Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Northeast Linguistics Society, West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Sinn und Bedeutung (Germany).

Occasional reviewer, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, The Journal of Philosophical Logic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Language, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Mind, Synthese, The Philosophical Review, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Nous, The Philosophical Quarterly (St. Andrews), Semantics and Pragmatics.

XII. Professional Organizations

Linguistics Association of Great Britain.

Linguistics Society of America.

The Philological Society (UK).

American Philosophical Association (member, Advisory Program Committee on Philosophy of Language, 1991-1994).

The Association for Symbolic Logic (Representative to the Linguistics Section of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1996-2002).

XIII. Administrative Posts

Chair, Department of Linguistics, USC, from August 2006. Director, School of Philosophy, USC, 2000-2007. Chairman, Committee for Comparative Philology and General Linguistics, University of Oxford, 1994-2000. Member, Board of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, 1993-1999. Curator, Centre for Linguistics and Philology, University of Oxford, 1993-2000.

XIV. Other University Service

14 Member of the College Initiatives Advisory Committee, USC, 2002-2005. Member of the University Committee on Academic Review, USC, 2000-2004. Member of the University Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure, USC, 2001-2005; chair of the Humanities Section, 2004-2005. Member of the Strategic Planning Task Force, College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, USC, 2000-2001. Member of the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures, USC, 2004-2006. Member of the University Advisory Provost Search Committee, USC, 2010. Member of the University Committee on Academic Review, USC, 2010-present.

XV. Dissertation

Title: Some Problems in Semantics and Radical Translation Sponsor: Charles D. Parsons 29 November 2012


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