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(Continuting Homoeopathy Medical

(CONTINUTING HOMOEOPATHY 13. Homoeopathy in contemporary allopathic MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES) medicine COULTER, Haris (The QUARTERLY HOMOEOPATHY DIGEST, Homoeopathy, 6, 4/87) DECEMBER 1990 14. At war with his skin Vol.VII HOTTON, Donald Part I CURRENT LITERATURE LISTING (Homoeopathy Today, A list of current homoeopathic literature, Vol.10, 6/90) subject wise is given be low. Except for the 15. Ideas about potency in homoeoaphy CCRH Quarterly Bulletin all the others are from ALBIN, Stene the British, American, German, etc. journals not (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) readily accessible to every homoeopath. Some of 16. What in the word is homoeopathy? the articles may appear in PART II in later The Queen’s physician addresses he numbers of the Quarterly Homoeopathic DIGEST, IFH public conference (Resonance, as abstract / summary / condesation / full, etc. Vol. 11, No.6/89) I. PHILOSOPHY 1. The patient’s words II. MATERIA MEDICA G.V. KELLER (ZKH, Band 33, 1. Homoeopathy in psychiatric diseases – Lyssin 5/89) – Natrum muriaticum, G.KOKELENBERG 2. Smelling of the potenlized remedy (ZKH, Band 33, 5/89) A.VOEGELI (ZKH, Band 33, 2. Bouts of sneezing – Stachya betonica 6/89) KRISHNAMURTHY, P.S. (ZKH, Band 3. The meteria medica from miasmatic view 33,5/89) FISCHER, U.D. (AHZ, Band 3. Two observation on China officinsia 234, 5/89) KLUNKER, W (ZKH, Band 33, 4. Scientific homoeopathy – part I 5/89) -Part II – HAHNEMANN’s 4. Argentum nitricum letter GYSPER, K.H. (ZKH, Band 33, on KANT -Part III – KANT and 6/89) HAHEMANN 5. Pyelonephritis threatening failure, China JUST, C. (AHZ, Band 234, 5/89 WEGENER, A. (ZKH, Band 33, and 5/89) 6/89) 5. Chronic diseases of HAHNEMANN in the 6. Causticum as a medicine of old age in a light of Microecology LINDER, Reinhold dog (BHJ, Vol. 78, 4/89) and the symptomatic differential 6. Is there a bridge between homoeopahy diagnosis and conventional medicine? Blackie Memorial ANDRESSEN, E.P. (AHZ, Lecture TURNER, Paul (BHJ, Vol. 78, Band 234, 6/89) 4/89) 7. Carcinosinum: an overview with case 7. The harmony of homoeopathy and studies acupunture SHORE, Jonathan (JAIN, Vol. 82, 4/89) PARIS, Laura (The Hahnemnnian, Dec. 8. Carclnosinum: analysis of 17 cured 89) cases 8. The vital force and adaptation SMITS, Tinus (JAIN, Vol. 82, 4/89) STUART-MACADAM, Party (The 9. Homoeopathy according to Peanuts Homoeopathy, Vol.6, 4/87) EGGINES, Evelyne (The Homoeopathy, 9. AIDS, An open letter Vol.6, 4/87) LIVINGSTRONE, Ronald and 10. Provindg of Paorinum by THOMSON Christopher HAHNEMANN 10. Flower essences and homoeopathy CROOK, Allen (The Homoeopathy KATZ, Richard and KAMINISKI, Today Vol.6, 4/87) Patrisia (The Homoeopath, Vol. 6, 3/87) 11. A case in point 11. Percelving what is to be cured HERSCU, Paul (Homoeopathy Today BURROWS, Susan (The Homoeopath, Vol.10, 4/90) Vol.6, 3/87) 12. Arnica experience 12. The chronic miasms GUMBERISH, Katina M., FERRARI, WHITMONT, Edward (The Leo (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, 4/90) Homoeopath, 6, 4/87) 13. The little things that mean so much HERSCU, Paul 2. Indifference, COULTER, Catherine R. (The (Homoeopathy Today Vol.10, 6/90) Hahnemannian, Dec. 89) 14. The emerging clinical picture of Carcinosin, 3. AIDS: What homoeopathy can offer, an underprescribed remedy SHORE, Jonathan STRANCE, Milke (The Homoeopath, Vol.6, (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case 3/87) Conference) 15. A case of sinus headache 4. Homoeopathy at its worst – by a patient, CROTHERS, Dean CASTRO, Miranda (The Homoeopath, Vol. (Proc. 1989 IFH 6, 3/87) Professional Case 5. A suppression of grief, SHAPIRO, Nancy Conference) (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, 6/90) 16. A medley of Aurum cases HERRICK, Nancy 6. The treatment of poison ivy, WILSON, (Proc. 1989 IFH Jacquelyn (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, Professional Case 6/90) Conference) 17. A clinical study of Calcarea fluorica 7. Homoeopathy and asthma, KRAMER, Carol MORRISON, Rober (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, 6/90) (Proc. 1989 IFH 8. A case of pulmonary sarcoidosis, KIPNIS, Professional Case Sheryl (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case Conference) Conference) 18. Two Bufo cases REICHNBERG- 9. Two cases of cervical dysplasia and a case of ULLMAN, Judyth craniopharyngioma, KLEIN, Louis (Proc. (Simillimum, Vol.3, 1989 IFH Professional Case Conference) 4/89) 10. A case of compulsive yawning and rapid 19. A deep acting Cantharis case onset of amnesia and clumsiness in a 39 year FINE, Howard old woman ROBINSON, Karl (Proc. 1989 (Simillimum, vol.3, 4/89) IFH Professional case conference) 20. Small remedy comes through SHILON, Jana 11. A case of failure to thrive, MURANE, Sara (Simillimum, vol. 3, 4/90) Coner (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case 21. Opium: in memorium of a great remedy Conference) SHILON, Jana 12. A consultant management problem, GRAY, (Similimum, vol.3, 4/90) Bill (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case 22. The potential relatioship of the vegetable Conference) remedies Staphisagaria CHINDEMI, Wayne, J, (Simillimum, Vol.3, 13. A case of acute bipolar affective disorder, 4/90) MESSER, Stephen A. (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case Conference) 23. Staphisagaria materia medica 14. A case of Metrorrhagia, SHEVIN, William ELMORE, Durr (Similimum, (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case Vol.3, 4/90) Conference) 24. HANP lectures at 1990 AANP 15. Dental emergencies during homoeopathic Convention treatment JACOBS, Jennifer (Proc. 1989 IFH SWOPE, Harry (Similimum, Professional Case Conference) Vol.3, 4/90) 16. Homoeopathic archaeology: desiphering a 25. Gelsemium sempervirens multilayered case, KING, Stephen (Proc. 1989 IFH Professional Case Conference) ELLMORE, Durr (Reasonance, vol.11, 6/89) 17. A very painful cystics, BURKE, Jack (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) 26. Doctor’s child needs a remedy 18. A case of non-bacterial urethritis, TESSLER, BAKER, Jeff (Resonance, Vol.11, 6/89) Neil (Similimum, Neil Vol.3, 4/90) III. THERAPEUTICS: 19. A case of acute bronchitis, JAMISON, Neil 1. Liverpool annual clinical meeting in (Similimum, Vol.3, 4/90) homoeopathic medicine 1988. 20. A case of lapses of conscience, TESSLER, Neil (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) 21. A case to make your day, ALBIN, Steve 1. Adolph Graf zur LIPPE Bisterfeld – (Simillimum Vol.3, 4/90) Weissenfold GYPSER, K.H. (ZKH, Band 33, 5/89) 22. A case of tuberculosis of the spine, BARNI, Stephen (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) 2. Fredric QUIN, the founder of the hospital LEARY, Berrnard (BHJ, Vol,78, 4/89) 23. Psoriasis after grief, CHINDEMI, Wayne, J. (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) 3. Samuel HAHNEMANN: A personal observation – from BRADFORD’s life of 24. A child’s world, HERSCU, Paul HAHEMANN (Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) 6/90) IV. REPERTORY 4. In search of James tyler KENT’s ancestors, 1. Errors in KENT’s Repertory – Cuprum and MICHOT – DIETRICH, Hela (Homoeopathy Cypripedium; Phallus impedigus and Today, Vol.10, 6/90) Phallandrium, Further corrections – IX. HISTORY Chimaphilla umbelleta – China offcinalls EPPENICH.H. (ZKH, Band 33, 5/89, and 1. Development of 50 millerimal potencies; Was 6/89) HAHNEMANN inspired by HERING? J.KUNZLI v FIMMELSBERG (ZKH, Band 2. Analysis of rubrics in KENT’s repertory, 33, 6/89) Part2: Salivation, nights, WALDECKER, A. (ZKH, Band 33, 6/89. Part I appeared in 2. Transcription of HAHEMANN – letters (3) ZKH, 33, 4/89) GENNEPER, T. (ZKH, Band 33, 6/89) 3. Carcinosinum: Additions to KENT’s 3. Membership of the DzhA as reflection of Repertory (JAIH, Vol.82, 4/89) medical history BRAUN, A. (AHZ Band 234, 5/89) 4. The repertories in general, KISHORE, Jugal (The Homoeopath, Vol.6, 3 & 4/87) 4. A memorial for HAHNEMANN obvious or superfluous? WOLF, H-G. (AHZ, Band 234, 5. Is a revision of KENT’s repertory necessary? 6/89) KLUNKER, Will (The Homoeopathy, Vol.6, 4/87) 5. A history of the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital JENKINS: Hilary: The future of the V. RESEARCH Royal Homoeopathic Hospital JENKINS, 1. Research reviews, (Oscillococlnum in M.D. (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/89) influenza-type illnesses and Rhus 6. Homoeopathy in the Soviet Union, TOLEDO, toxiconderon in Fibrosltis) FISHER, Peter David Flores (Resonance, Vol.II, 6/89) (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/98) X. GENERAL 2. Aspects of information storage and structures in water: report on symposium ENDLER, P. 1. Verifications and clinical symptoms (ZKH, (BHJ, Vol,78 4/89) Band 33, 5/89 and 6/89) 3. Methodology in Oxford, April 89 – a report 2. What academic strategy? Report from the FISHER, Peter (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/89) academic working party TYLOR-REILLY, David (BHJ,Vol.78, 4/89) VI. PHARMACOLOGY 3. The expectations, health beliefts and 1. European homoeopathic pharmacies and behaviour of patients seeking homoeopathic manufactures meet the regularly authorities in and conventional medicine. HARRISON, Strasbourg, May 1989 – a report. Clare; HEWISON, Jenny; DAVIES, Peter; ULBRICHT, Audery; JOLLIFER, Georgina PIETRONI; Patrick (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/89) (BHJ, Vol. 78, 4/89) 4. A comparison of GP and homoeopathic 2. The henshaw flocculation test, HOAGLAND, patients SMITH, Chris (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/89) Guy (The Hahnemannian, Dec.89) 5. Council meeting of the LMHA – Report of VII. VETERINARY the meeting April 1989 at Valence, France 1. Veterinary expericnes, SHAFFER, HOLCOMBE, Roderick, D. (BHJ, Vol.78, Homoeopathy Today, Vol.10, 4/90) 4/89) VIII. BIOGRAPHY 6. A plain type among the bold – Report of the 2nd congress of homoeopathic intemationalis in Valence, France MINOR, Lemna (BHJ, Vol.78, 4/89) 7. Reflections on the Eizayaga seminar, it, as EISFELODER said, the Indian CHAPPELL, Peter (The Homoeopath, Vol.6, homoeopathic physician, since about 100 years. 3/87) In the book “Drugs of India” which was 8. The perils of dieting JOFFE, Peter (The published in 1943 a well-known Indian physician Homoeopath, Vol.6, 3/87) CHATTERJEE wrote about 45 plant drugs used in Indian folk medicines and also in modern 9. An interview with Rogar Morrison and Nancy medicine, in which for almost every plant the gave Herrick (Simillimum, Vol.3, 4/90) one or more case reports CHATTERJEE said that 10. International homoeopathic teacher’s for most of those plants medicinal provings were conference: A Report (Simillimum, Vol.3, not available and he thought that once theses are 6/89) proved under strict organization and with well- equipped clinical laboratories, a new era of 11. Notes from the IFH professional case Homoeopathy would down. conference POBEF, Ken (Reasonance, Vol.II, 6/89) Rauwolfia serpentina is found under the small number of medicines in this book-let. The 12. The tower of homoeopathic babel directions for the preparation of this root drug has BORNEMANN, Jay P. (Resonance, Vol.II, been given according to Class 3 of the American 6/89) Homoeopathic Phamacopaeia. In the description Vol. VII under Folk Medicine Rauwolfa is given an antidole to snake bites and insect stings and Part II especially recommended for use as sedative for ABSTRACT/SUMMARY/ children and is customary in certain provinces of India. As further uses recently, CHATTERJEE considers it as holding first place in cases with CONDENSATION/FULL ARTICLES mild and severe out-breaks of insanity and subsequently for hypertension. In the following HOMOEOPATHIC OBSERVATIONS case he reported prompt healing of a woman who ON THE MEDICINAL PLANT RAUWOLFIA suffered high-grade delirium two days after a XXII Int. Cong. 1958 suspected snakebite. Hippokrates Vertag It must be further said here that at the time this In the “Herbarium Ambrionense” of the mid book was published (1934) it was not known in 17th century by the geman scholar and trader the clinical practice in the West that Rauwolfa George Eberhard RUMPFF and another well- was useful as anti-hypertensive and as sedative. In known Phytotherapist of our won times now, R.F. the laborarities of the industries also no chemical WEISS, the most valuable and most reliable pharmacological researches of the drug were indications for Rauwoilfia is ‘Contra anxietetem”. carried out. Indeed the main action of Raulwolfia is sedation, in the modern sense. 10 years later Reuwolfla was clinically established as a medicine for depression, again by Between these conformable findings an Indian doctor, VAKIL, and again 10 years later Rauwolfia was lying for around 300 years and Rauwolfia was known all over the West as a neither the European nor the American medical medicine for hypertension and after some more world had the knowledge of its full powers. Only years now, used a sedative. after the last War these two, Europe and America, clearly recognized this new medicinal plant after Rightly therefore EISFLDER wrote in the the modern chemistry and pharmacology which Journal of the American Institute of developed after 1940 the qualities of a whole lot Homoeopathy, in 1955: “presently the drug of over 30 Rauwolfia alkaloids. It will be appears to have taken its place in the interesting to note that in the early years since the homoeopathic use appropriately which is in the platn was recognized in Europe and America it range of mental illnesses”. was prescribed as anti-hyper-tensive with much Further: “The physicians from West have expectations and greatest hopes and even now it taken interest in Rauwolfia within the last decade plays such a role in special cases. The more and many of our enthusiastic homoeopathy important knowledge that the whole extract of the collegues would like to claim this as a discovery plant or specific alkaloids give a specific sedative of homoeopathy, clearly on the basis of the fact of effect of a particular kind is recent finding. It is its use in India as sedative by both the schools”. exactly this attribute, which elevates the thousand years old Indian folk medicine specially and with Significantly EISFELDER proceeds in his address to his collegues! “When our Indian homoeopathic collegues use this remedy, we must confess that we have again let another opportunity depressive states, irritability, tiredness, lack of alip by in that the we have not taken it into concertration, weakness of memory and loss of Materia Medica. That is another example of our interest. As modalities; better being alone, after lagging behind etc.” In the 50s when Rauwolfia severe excitement and after movement in fresh air. was known to the European homoeopathy the After heavy sleep often awakes briefly after aspect of hypotensive effect of the drug was much midnight or in the early morning hours. Agonizing less experienced as the following shows: dreams are frequent. The often-mentioned occurrence of psychosis Further the generally observed restlessness in in the treatment of patients with circulatory vascular system is further stressed particularly in ailments with Resepin or with the unprepared drug high blood pressure and heat ailments, severe mentioned in the literature is because of congestions in head, and headaches often with insufficient individual dosage. ‘band sensation’. The conditions became am. In SCHWARZHAUPT, the editor “Deutschen fresh air: Homoeopathischen Monatsschrift” in No.8, 1956 These symptoms which are indications for the referred the report of I.C. MULLER and allopathic medicine does not in any way, coworkers SCHRODER and PERRY from two naturally, make up the total symptoms observed in American University clinics in the regard and the proving and recorded. A series of such further concluded with the following remarks: symptoms not unexpected for the homoeopaths “It is interesting to observe in this connection however, are found interestingly in an article that the homoeopathic indications for the plant published in 1956 in the House journal of a well- remedy Rauwolfia is not the arterial high pressure known German Industrial house. This work by a but paranoic psychosis. It is applied in this sense not well-known author titled ‘Side effects from in the Indian medicine”. Reserpin treatment gives first of al the unspecificity of points of applications and also an In the meantime – speaking of the isolated medicine, an explanation for the side contemporary important of the actual plant later – effect generally which in clinical sense is only a homoeopathic medical provings had been thoroughly strained attempt. The observations of undertaken in different countries and side effects from the literature in German and 1. The President of the Indian Homoeopathic other countries in neuropsvchiatirc diseases may Research society gave an annual report in the be summarized as follows: International Homoeopathic Congress held in The Initially severe feeling of exhaustion Hague in 1952 in which he briefly outlined the A turbulent phase quickly passing over results of the drug provins with 8 Indian drugs and Suicidal tendency Rauwolfia serpentina was one among them. The Erotic dreams brief reference said merely that the action of Moderate respiratory obstruction Rauwolfia mother tincture and 1-3 decimal Bradycardia, increased secretions of the potencies was observed only in the excitement of stomach and the brain nerves and some psychic symptoms. Intentional motility 2. In 1955 LEESER with SCHRENK In 65% of cases increased appetite with increase publihshed in Vol.II of the “Archivs fur Homoeopathie”, a very thorough medical proving in weight. with Rauwolfia serpentina: Nose obstructed 3. In the 1956 the University Faculty, London Not even a single symptom out of the above did a medical proving of the same kind of observed in the clinic and noted as side reactions Rauwolfia by TEMPLETON: of the drug is missing in the larger Complete Symptom Register complied from out of the fine 4. An year later JULIAN wrote in the March medicine proving mentioned above. Strikingly number of “Archiv. Hom. de Normandie” about however one group of symptoms is missing totally the results of proving. He brought together the from the medicine proving. It is side reaction symptoms and further a short case. Lastly observed in the clinic 10-15% oftener in the above GUTMAN in 1957, collected the results of cited clinical reports found in a more or less LEESER and TEMPLETON and supplemented developed Parkinson-syndrome. What are meant with his own proving symptoms. are: rigor, hypomimie, increased salivation, mask Interestingly the main symptoms amongst face, tremor, hard and stressed speech of accent persons in 5 different countries of different races syllables, etc. It should not be overlooked here and climate agreed mostly with each other. that one is material from psychophysical Especially with regard to the mental symptoms: experiment on healthy persons while the other is increased excliability, often in alteration with from neuropsychopaths For the homoeopathic physician the side 2. EISFELDER, H.: JL. Of the Am.Inst. of reactions registered and the supplementary Hom. 48, 339 symptoms are very exciting because in the reports 3. GUTMAN, W.: Jl. Of the Am. Inst. Of of JULIAN some cases of cured patients have Hom. 50, 140 (1957) been given which in their conditions are like the side reactions of Rauwolfia. Thus JULLIAN 4. JULIAN, O: Arch, Hom., de Normandie, reported the successful employment of Rauwolfia Nr.5, p.205 (1957) and placebo in a case which till then was a 5. KESSERM I,M SCGRENK, R,: therapy-resistant chronic nasal obstruction, about Arch.f.Hom., Hipprokrates, Stuttgart? different treatment of incontinence of urine, about 1955, Bd. II, p.7. the relief of pains in the shoulder and check region, of flushes of heat, etc. 6. TEMPLETON, W.L.: The Br.Hom.Jl., April 1956. These remarkable confirmation of the correctness of the Similie induced EISFELDER to 7. VAKIL, R.J,: Lacnet 1954, II, 726 comment, analogously, as follows: 8. WEISS, R.F.: Hipporokrates 29, 316 It is regratable that some clinicians who treated (1956) schizophrenics with Rauwolfia spoke of a ‘homoeopathic’ treatment merely because of the 9. “ DIE Therapie des Monats “H2, p.22 requisite smallness of the doses, and the fact of (1956) C.F. BOEHRINGER and SOHNE ‘reversibility’ of all the observed side reactions Gumbh, Mannheim are to be valued as genuine proof for the ANTHRACINUM ‘homoeopathically’ so to say, of the medicine. Jeff BAKER (Transaction of the first session If in the above mentioned industry report the of the Homoeopathic Academy suppression of the side effects generally is of Naturopathic Physicians, suggested to have been due to other medicine The National college of Nautropathic Medicine April given symptomatically, then the special hint of the 25-26 1987) turbulent phase has to be taken of by the homoeopaths. Here it is in exact words: I’m going to read the case and then get thoughts “In no case should the therapy be dropped, then from you at what comes to mind. This is a case the turbulence phase – although it appears only in that I took on Dec.29 from a 26-year-old lady who isolated cases generally and indicates differential had never been to a homoeopath. She was makes clearly –is a biological reply to the complaining of a skin condition. The case is suitability of Reserpin to the patient. But even so follows: would it be incorrect, to increase the dose, namely Eczema (2) Dorsum of fingers (2): cracks and beginning from the introduction, through larger itches (2); Fluid filled vesicles, worse from doses to achieve a sedative effect” … After the pinching the vesicles and making the watery fluid setting in of turbulence phase one should exude(1). immediately go down in the dose *… After few days the so-called turbulence phase wears off by History of past illness: Only since marriage on itself. Only then will the therapeutic effect of her hands (6 years) but on other areas since birth. psychic integration become clearly visible. … As an infant had eruptions behind knees which after waking from sleep would exude on extension A classical confirmation of primary aggravation of legs. Little circular patches (2) on arms and and progressive medicinal reactions could not be legs (1) which itch but les then the fingers, can be given from homoeopathic clinical angle. somewhat reddened. Itching worse at night (2). It Finally the arguments whether the therapy wakes her at night from a sound reddened. Itching should be with isolated Rauwolfia alkaloids or the worse at night (2). It weeks her at night from a whole plant juice seems to have been decided in sound sleep (2), better summer (3), from sun; as favour of the whole plant juice. It also seem that soon as sun comes up she’s out in it because it is the tendency to consider the sick organism as a healing. Worse winter (2); with wind and dryness whole and treat it so which has been self-evident and dry inside heat (2). The eruption on the face is to the homoeopaths since long, is logically above the eyebrows. Hay fever which comes and confirmed. goes thought not every year. When younger she had it 4 years in a row once. Sneezing (2) and Bibliography watery eye “a little” comprised the symptoms. 1. CHATTERJEE, D.N.; Drugs of India, Presumptive diagnosis of GC at age 17 because of Calcutta, 1934 boyfriend’s case. Two yeast infections around the same age. May have been due to BCP which she took for 2-3 years at that time, “Messed me up by left side (1) mostly; right side not as comfortable having menstrual cycle every 2-3 weeks”. (1). Before kids slept on abdomen only. “ Pinched nerve: right (1). Worse bending or Hands and feet always cold (3), Chilly in carrying. Better immediately with reflexology. generally (1). Finally problem which her mother and maternal Eczema better with something cold on it (1); i.e. grandmother have. Some of these symptoms are itching better from cold. She puts her hands on on direct probing. I asked some questions here. I cool sheets or putting cold hands on face or asked about motion sickness and she and had it up putting feet out of covers. Perspires from to age 7. Nausea is present but no vomiting. nervousness (1) in axillae. I asked about cysts. She said has them all the Digestion good, elimination good daily BMs. time. One on the left cheek went away and left a Rare of have Headaches. Averse to being along palpable indurations from years ago, another on (1), likes to be with people (2). Likes consolation, right forehead at age 17-18, one o the left temple 1 though doesn’t seek it out. Doesn’t cry often but year ago went away. Two different cysts on can, by herself. (1). external vagina in the last year which came up premenstrually and abated themselves. Feels her very best after the menses is over, though doesn’t feel badly during, in the sense that “ Tense and impatient” about 12 weeks before she has no cramps, etc., menses lasting until onset (1). Better with onset of menses (2). “the day it starts.” Tenderness of Sex drive normal, twice a week is good for her. breasts (1) during same time frame as above. Sore Married 7 years good marriage. to touch to bump. Yells at kids, because irritable Father died at age 7 in a car accident “I didn’t (1). One time last spring had it really bad; let it affect me”. Forgot everything about him “thought she was going crazy.” Only in last 1-2 shortly. Six months ago began crying on thinking years had she had this. Menses regular. She has about him for 1 month. Need for control (1). had two pregnancies and two deliveries; no Grandfather died 8 months ago and cried a bit abortions. She has two children, boys; aged 5 and though she does try to hold it in until by herself. 3. Always afraid to show emotions because of not Desires: sweets (3), seasoned (2), Mexican wanting to be hurt (2). She always felt vulnerable food, chicken (1), orange juice (1), chocolate (3), so avoided showing emotions. She was very hurt butter: with mother’s drinking all through high school years. Averse: “fishy taste” (2), fat of meat (3) even skin of chicken, wipes excess salt off chips, butter I’d like to hear a few ideas. (1), “Eggs must be cooked just right or they Audience: Natrum muriaticum because she is sicken me”. Indifferent to fruit (1). closed emotionally, doesn’t cry easily. Normal thirst for cold (1). Eyes sun-sensitive Jeff BAKER: Much better from the sun which (1) in last year. Averse to warm stuffy (2), is strongly a counter-indicator. windows shut at night in summer and winter, only opened in the summer if it’s really hot. A: Possibly Calcarea because of the psoric nature. Fear to be alone in the house at night with kids. Scared to be alone at night (2), was there before For now, let’s go on to another case. she had kids. Case 2: This is a case of a woman who I Strong fear of her husband dying a car accident brought to see George VITHOULKAS at the last (3). Only if he’s a long way from home, “if he’s seminar that was given at Berkeley in 1986. 15 minutes late I have him dead and buried in my George was seeing an acute case prior to the mind with a funeral”. chronic cases that he was taking and following up on from the previous years. I thought this was an Nervous if husband is driving family in foggy interesting case and was able to get her to see and wet conditions or lots of traffic (2). “Not if George. I’m driving because then I’m in control”. She had a very large boil on the back of the Sensitive (2), sympathetic (1). Mostly even right clavicle: 3x6 cm across and very deep, about tempered, good mood. Occasionally sad, 2 inches depth; extremely inflamed. All these depressed feelings, usually around menses; if symptoms are underlined 3 times; the more moody if goes to feeling sorry for herself. inflammation is underlined 4 times. She described Good sleeper, gets right to sleep. Difficult to a burning heat. She said the word burning doesn’t wake (1); just first 5 minutes. Sleeps on back or to justice to the amount of pain she was experiencing. There was a deep reddish discoloration; constant unremitting excruciating but she felt OK about it. Over the first couple of pain; very hot to the touch. She hadn’t been able days she noticed that the pain definitely decreased to sleep for the past two nights. very much but that the carbuncle became larger and became enormous. George’s prediction was This was previously a cyst of golf ball size. One that it would drain for a month and maybe a year; week earlier it had begun to discharge. If had done but is was only a local remedy and not a deep one. that only briefly about five years earlier. This So it got worse in terms of its size but she felt particular woman is pregnant and just at the better. It got worse by the 4th day but the pain was conclusion of her 2nd trimester. At the time of not as bad. After about a week it began to drain; discharge her husband manually expressed it. she said that every time water got on it, it would Over the next 2-3 days there was a discharge of 2- open and drain. It ended up draining for about 6 3 table spoonfuls of thick, while cheese-like weeks. smelly exudates came out. During this same period of time her mental/emotional state was What is interesting is the 2nd week after the breaking down gradually to that by the 4th day of remedy she wept almost continuously and it was discharge at that point, based on certain strong all around a grief she had experienced 18 years characteristics and the fact that she had reacted earlier when her marriage with her first husband well in the past, I gave a dose of Pulsatilla 1M as had broken up. It was a tremendous purging of she was crying a great deal, extremely emotional, emotion that had never emerged. This woman had drained energy wise; she wanted to be outside had Natrum muriaticum before, with very minimal without any clothes on and it was fairly chilly and effects about 6 years earlier, when the case looked she was quite thirstless. Within an hour she was much more. As the grief resolved, she opened up a much better, felt remarkably well. Her physical way; I will read in her own words. It is almost like energy came back and the boil completely stopped she went into a romantic state when she felt in discharging. From that point on she did love with her husband in a way that she never had emotionally much better, her energy was much experience. better, but the boil quickly became a malignant “I don’t even know if you can imagine what it type of an ulcer; this became like this over a is like to have your whole life turned upside period of 4 days. It was very infected. I should down. The biggest thing is that I no longer have to describe it more like a carbuncle. be the one controlling. What it is like is being in A: I would prescribed Anthracinum because of the passenger seat and not the driver’s seat. An the cracking on the fingers and because it is a big enormous weight is off my shoulders, which is remedy for boils. CLARKE talked about it a little funny because now the bump is off my shoulders. bit; he emphasizes that it is mainly a remedy for I have a lot of thoughts; (1) I was always a happen boils. person. Now I am exuberant, I am more outgoing with strangers. I take care of things which I would JB: Any other thoughts? have dragged my feet about before. I am more A: Tarentula cubensis. outgoing definitely. I am more spontaneous without even thinking. I’ve stopped JB: George said it couldn’t be; that Tarentula procrastinating. Now I ask”. would be more superficial and wouldn’t invade so deeply into the underlying tissue. That was the This was written 5 weeks after the remedy. main differentiating symptom. There was a “I’m more loving and open on all levels. With suggestion of Hepar sulphuris. Because of the my 8-year-old daughter whom I have always cheesy smell. But she wasn’t really sensitive to loved but not expressively, since my last child touch and she was hot. came 4 years ago. I am now more open and Yes, Anthracinum. In BOERICKE” In boils loving. She knows even unconsciously, because and boil-like eruptions; terrible drainage; she reciprocates whereas before she was an aloof carbuncles; malignant ulcers; indurations of tissue as I was. Sexually I am as excited and interested and inflammation of connective tissue in which and active as before the grief happened 18 years there is this purulent focus. Intolerable burning”. ago; a state I haven’t experienced since the grief…” Now I am able to say no and feel fine George did not want really to treat. Because she whereas before I was indecisive and wishy-washy. had done so well from the Pulsatilla. He would I have experienced tow emotional, heart-rending have preferred to have surgery intervene but some crying episodes one at 4 AM and one at 1 AM. of the surgeons in the room did not agree and she My first episode lasted 2½ hours and the second already didn’t sleep. Reluctantly he said give a one only an hour. The first hurt so much that I 30c but there was only a 200c in the room so a cried and prayed the whole time. It was a relief to single dose was given. What happened? Initially go to sleep. The second one was feelings of she went and sat in a park and felt relaxed for the jealousy and suspicion about my husband, but first time in days although the pain was still there; after crying I lost those and didn’t have them JB: She seemed too much refined for Graphies. anymore. There is no more attachment to my So, on the follow-up she tells me “I am fine. second husband.. as if nothing was ever there”. Itching is much less. The bumps with fluid in it George was astounded by hearing about he are almost gone. The eruptions have subsided deep reaction of the remedy. My feeling when she 70%. I am not going up in the night”. This was on was in these crying episodes was that perhaps 2/24; the remedy had been given on 1/5. This was Pulsatila was going to be needed because she was most unusal. The worst time is during that time of in terrible shape, but he said don’t do anything. the year. She was only on edge right before the This remedy is going to go extremely deeply. menses, with no cravings for chocolate. Her George said that he thought that there was some appetite is increased but only for one day instead malabsorption in this person and that after she of the 2 weeks. She told me she grinds her teeth at went through the pregnancy she would be in an night especially when things are worse. She had entirely different state and wouldn’t go back to forgotten to tell me that. She also said that she that. She had been 95 lbs before the pregnancy; itching from handling cat fur (2). She said her hip small eating became much more balanced. She had been better. Her carving for chocolate was was just eating meals strong; no more eating better; only a 1 now. before going to bed in order to make it through the She said “I had a terrible flu after taking the night. She developed some cracking on her fingers remedy.” She was exhausted for 7 days and slept after the she had had Petroleum – about 2½ yrs constantly. When I asked her what her symptoms earlier. She had never had any kinds of derrnatitis were if found out it was not a flu at all. She had and she developed this severe, cracking, bleeding this state for a week. VITHOULKAS said this is derrnatalities on her figures. It didn’t remain. the best response that you can get after a remedy. Some of the other things which have happened. All the portals are closed off so that al the energy A cough which she has had all her life and which goes into healing. I pointed out this really wasn’t her mother and maternal grandmother have the flu; no fever, chills, muscle aches, and she suffered with; a kind of dry, ticking cough which agreed. It’s essential that we tell our patients that would send her into spasmodic coughing went they must abide by what their organism is telling away. That to her was very impressive. She rather them because if they fight against it, they will amazed by it. She didn’t need to wake and urinate blunt the action of the remedy. She said here during the night through the rest of the pregnancy. hands and feet were less cold. Her feet are cold at She had never had that before with her other 2-5 AM which wakes her. When I asked her about pregnancies. any emotional changes she said that she tells her husband things that she wouldn’t have told him What I would like to say in summation about before because she would have been afraid of this case is that she has continued to do incredibly being hurt. Very soon after the remedy she went well. Now I guess we are over 5 months past that for a period of time that she cried about her father. single dose of Anthracinum. Her appetite, her She wished she had him which was strange food desires are in balance. Her health has been because she never had that before. She thought extraordinary. She has maintained this interest in about him persistently. Talking about this with her her sexually that she didn’t have before. She still husband had forged a much stronger bond. Sex is feels very much open. more enjoyable; her drive is increased; she feels Back to our first case, which you know I gave much more open and free. Anthracinum to a 200c potency. Why did I give Case 3: I have another case which is a bit of it? Why did I ask about the cysts? I was thinking cosmic grace. This is a lady who been treating for about Anthracinum. This woman remained me the last 3 years; first with Aurum metallicum with very much of the other women; body type, soft beautiful results for the suicidal tendencies. Then sweetish and unassertiveness, a sweet sensitivity. I she developed a similar dermatitis on her hands. It wasn’t satisfied with the idea of giving Petroleum first manifested on April 21st of last year with a in this case. There was an element of grief in this rash on her right palm and forefinger of left hand. case. This was the only remedy that seemed to Previously the same on her left foot-about ¾ in. have a chance of addressing the underlying grief. I on her palm; very itching; worse scratching and felt like it would be a good place to start the case. rubbing. She had taken a topical salve with no Maybe it would to nothing or maybe a miracle. I results. Her depression is minor at this point in prescribe 95% of the time when patients are in the comparison to what it had been. I was loathe to office at this point. But I couldn’t do it. I locked at treat her but she a little pushy, so I gave her a dose it every couple of days for about a week and then of Sulphur 30c and it really didn’t do anything. said I may as well try it. She had cravings for sweet, thirst for cold; A: Why didn’t you give Graphites? uncovering and covering in bed, fear of heights. She said after the Sulphur it got much better but then it got worse again and things began to spread. grieving silently which Naturm muriaticum, She got bubbles. Fluid-filled and watery. I Phosphorcum acidum and pulsatilla also have. wouldn’t treat her after that. I just lectured her on They have that deeper control. The sexual homoeopathy and told her what I thought was dysfunction after grief. The fear to be alone is going on. I gave her a dose of Rhus interesting. The craving for sweets is very much a toxicodendron 30c many months later. It helped part of this remedy; all 3 cases had it. The her a little but then gradually got worse again. physical types are interesting; delicate features; Then I saw her on April 4th. She said “you have to very thin; small individuals (first two cases). I treat me or I will take cortisone. This thing is want to give credit to George. If it were my case I driving me crazy. I just want to give it a last shot. doubt very seriously I would not have interceded I want a high potency; no fooling around”. I and given Pulsatilla. looked at it. She is very big had any sebaceous A: I am curious if you have boils to prescribe cysts. She showed me this one on the right side; it this remedy or not? is hard and big. I gave her Anthracinum 200c and the letter arrived yesterday.” …The results of the JB: I wouldn’t say that. remedy have been so dramatic that I am still A: Do you think you can make a correlation for reeling. I took the medication at 7 AM Thursday people who spend a lot of time near cattle? on April 9th. During that afternoon it seemed to me my hand was improved …On Friday evening the JB: I don’t think you can make that correlation opening cracks were healed over. I could open and … Paragraph 162 of the Organon describe the close it without discomfort.” This was bad situation: “Because there are still cisely known, it dermatitis; much worse than in the other case. It sometimes happens that only some of the was mostly in her fingers. She was in school and symptoms of the disease binge treated can be she couldn’t even write. found in the symptoms list of medicine that is as yet the most appropriate. Such a less perfect agent “On Saturday, dull headache on waking. In the must be used for want of a more perfect one”. afternoon a close look at my hand showed that the Which is to say that if in the longer case I had, fluid sacks beneath the skin were disappearing in given Petroleum it might have done some good reverse order the eruptions on my feet were work and later Natrum muriatinum may have undergoing withdrawing… a definite sense of completed the case, but I am sure that calm, BLISS. There is no heat, no cracking, no Anthracinum was the best simillimum. opening of the skin, no swelling, no bleeding, just the presence of dead skin. There is only one small PLATINA amount or activity… Ever since the skin on the K.H.ILLING hand got much better but then it got worse again AHZ, 4/1982 and things began to spread. There remain two small areas. Today there was a spot on the hand. There is such a feeling of bile’s. I hope that the other two spots give up and go the way of the rest From Otto LEESER’s Text Book of of their brothers. As an aside I perceived no Homoeopathy I learnt thorothly the remedy mental/emotional alternations at this time but I am Platina, years ago, despite which I have not in state of intense serenity. I have been so tickled prescribed it as often. Evidently except about the physician that they may have blocked gynecological Platina cases are rare. Of course away the mental/emotional symptoms, but HAHNEMANN has mentioned Platina in the seriously I do not believe that there were any “Chronic Diseases” as an antiphonic and it works mental/emotional symptoms.” up to the Mental regions, but nevertheless as a relatively rare metal and which does not exhibit I think by the next time I see her she should physiological action, has a limited range of action. have resolved even more issues without even realizing it. A Trigeminal Neuralgla: The first is about a trigeminus neuralgis of the second branch, in a 51 Summation: I believe definitely that year old lady. She complained of pain, since few Anthracinum is a grief remedy and perhaps a months, in the right check. She also of stiffness of polycrest. There was a tremendous amount of the face (not in KENT). The pain was mostly anthrax poleoning during the 1800s. I have every burning. Sometimes the pains came suddenly, but reason to believe that there is a miasm having to sometimes it began slowly and went slowly. do with anthrax. Occasionally the pains were so intense as to make For soft, sweet women, unassertive, very her feel sick. At the same time there were pains in sensitive; they don’t have a strong sense of the right eye, sometimes as if the eye would burst. themselves. They somewhat lack in self- The menses was always dark and lumpy. Neither confidence. They have that charactertics of the menses nor temperature had any influence over the pains. Mentally she was not peculiar, not at all arrogant, rarely unfriendly and tendency in an otherwise simple woman. She also understandable. complained meteorism and loud eructations. The erutations arose when she had not eaten for long. The selection of the medicine was easy because The last two symptoms decided the choice of KENT gives only one medicine for numbness in Platina. For loud erutations while fasting KENT the check region in the 3 grades: Platina. Since has given only Platina and in 3rd grade. the other symptoms agreed I gave Platina D30, one dose. On 30-11-1979 she received Platina C30, 3 globules. On 17-12-79 she reported that the The patient came a month later on 11-9-1970. pruritus was clearly better. Platina C30 was The facial pain had gone after the remedy and repeated. On 25-4-1980 I saw the lady again. The remained so, and the fullness of the upper purities had completely gone and the eructations abdomen and the flatulence also were better. The were substantially very losing. neuralgia remained cured. I have seen the patient again often because of serious complications in A case of jealousy: The is a husband-wife her married life and problems in the office and she problem. In summer 1968 a man of 50 years ago needed the help of homoeopathy often. Ignatia approached with the request. “Doctor, help me to could give her substantial relief. get over my jealousy!” He knew his problem and despite psychotherapy did not improve. His first A Migraine: A 42 years old lady, complained wife had died 4 years ago and an year ago he of a migraine since 5 years. The pains came in remarried. His present wife had lost her husband paroxysms and remained for 2 to 3 days; the in the second war after being married for short location alternated. The pains began almost in the period only and her second husband died after afternoon became worse in evening and came serious disease. A subsequent marriage ended in often after the menses, but not every time so. The disappointment. My patient complained now of a headache was felt as hammering. Agg. in crowded severe jealousy which was found upon this many room as also in warm room e.g. hairdressers. years earlier experience. He himself said that his General symptoms; no therrnic modalities, felt jealousy was totally baseless, but he could not equally well in the cold, thirst, little perspiration, overcome it with that knowledge. sleep, menses too early, obstipation. Mentally nothing peculiar, a sort of condescending I prescribed for him Lachesis, which I gave up behavier. Clinically nothing peculiar; Bl.pressure to D30 but without result. His constitutional 110/70. medicine Sulphur too did not help. A lucky observation occurred during the discussion. The She was given, on the above symptoms, a dose man said: ‘you know, I am not at case with my of Platina C30, on 30-4-1980. The dose was wife, she treats me with great haughtiness”. repeated after 4 weeks. End of June she reported that the migraine was rare and less intensive. I then met the 40 years old wife. Weak menses, Platina has worked but not thoroughly, therefore it libido quickly increased, headache particularly was repeated as C200. In August 1980 the patient during menses, nervousness, pruritus Vulvae, reported of substantial relief. Platina D200 was slight flushes, particularly the hughty, arrogant repeated. Till end of the year the migraine attacks attitude to her husband made me think of Platina were very rare, brief and loss intensive. which I gave her on 4-9-1969 in D30 potency. On 3-4-1970 she said that she felt very much better in Pruritus Vulva Senills: In November 1979 “nerves” and had no more pruritus vulvae. There and 81 year old female patient consulted me for a was no opportunity to observe her further. Pruritis Vulva Senillis of one-year duration. The gynaeologocial findings did not indicate anything After some weeks the husband came again. His unusual. Sugar with 125 mg% was above the jealousy had already gone, and the thanked, normal range; Gynaecological examination did without knowing what for. The ground for not reveal anything. jealousy was in the attitude of his wife. She had treated her husband arrogantly and haughitily. In the anamnesis the patient told of an After Platina she again began to once again take amputation of the left mamma for a carcinoma in interest in him and his profession. The marriage 1975 and also surgical removal of a small could remain. Whenever she became “nervous” Basalicm of the right check in 1976. As is she would visit me every 1 to 2 years and take a generally the case with elderly patients like the globule. one, the symptoms were few. The pruritus Vulvae was severe and very disturbing and without any It has been mostly the rare symptoms which modalities. There was no secretion. The patient hinted at thr remedy choice. This not-so-often was otherwise, forgetful; at the age of 81 years indicated medicine has, in the patients mentioned this depressive like disposition is not an unusual above, been the right and essential medicine, symptom. I found a brusque and arrogant which was also capable of curing chronic diseases of psoric base as HAHNEMANN directs us to in Graph 2 - 3 2 1 2 2 - 6/12 para 1 of the Oganon. Nux-m. 2 - - 2 3 1 - - 4/8 Plat. 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 8/20 PLATINA Staph - - 1 1 1 3 1 - 5/7 R. ROMER KH.3/1982 Stram. 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 - 7/12 As the repertorisation and study of The 13 years old boy came on 6-3-81 with his BOERICKE’s Materia Medica showed Platina as mother. Since over an year he has almost every the simillimum to the present symptoms of the day a peculiar vertigo. Peculiar strange sensation boy I prescribed for him Platina 30 two doses (the as if everything moved far back, as if everything first in the evening while going to sleep and the was small and far away. Mostly this occurs while other in the morning, 5 globules each, to be lying in bed in the evenings with eyes open; when sucked). he closed the lids he sees “everything in checks” (a kind of diamond-shaped patterns). He becomes On 23-4-81 the mother and son came again: the afraid then, a feeling of anxiety, does not want to vertigo the diminutions in size and the check be along. Otherwise he had vertigo particularly patterns, the anxiety feelings had all vanished before change of weather to rainy. He has abruptly. The headaches also did not recur and if headaches often in the parietals. While eating he at all it came, then it was much weaker than suddenly gets nausea, cannot eat further and gets before. The boy remained much quest; not easily easily satiated. The mother said that altogether he excited and ate better. He did not catch cold ate poorly, in the momings and after the school no during these 6 weeks. The lymphnode remained appetite. The boy was very nervous, excited unchanged in size but was not any more painful. especially before the school and for example Platina has of course made an entry into this case before visiting the doctor. Sometimes he spoke in but one has to wait to see when it has to be his sleep. He gets angry easily, choleric, that is, he repeated so as to cure the patient thoroughly or to bursts into rage, as if hysterical, anxious. He was give another anti-syphilis or antipsric medicine disposed to inflammation of the sinuses and suited to the case. The boy got a placebo. tonsils. The left tonsil became inflamed more The peculiar symptom “on closing the lids often the right. The pharynx was always reddish. everything appeared checkered”, i.e. a check He took milk only cold, preferred sweets, had before the vision, was found neither in KENT nor stools daily moming after breakfast and afternoon. in drug nor in drug picture of Platina. Since the Preferred to lie on his back or left side. He did not symptom was cured clearly by the medicine it has have flow of saliva at nights. to be reckoned as belonging to the medicinal action of Platina. I recommend that this may be Small, thin boy, 34kg., 156cm, brown-eyed, added under the rubric ‘sports’ in KENT. tongue moist, slimy coated. Tonsils large, somewhat red, more left. Lungs n.a.d. Liver not Platina is indicated as woman’s medicine tender, abdomen and kidneys n.a.d. because of its dramatic symptoms relating to the lower abdomen. The attention of the prescribe is By repertorisation and the indication from the not therefore on the other regions. The above case symptom “every thing was smaller”, from out of shows the Platina is useful in appropriate cases of the three remedies in KENT Platina was close men also. This is further confirmed by another and in second grade. The large rubric “everything case of man of 42 years, who came about an year is strange” was taken for the symptom “everything ago with complaint of numbness of the right half moved behind, as if far, peculiarly strange”. For of he face and right hand. This began about 8 ‘fear’ or ‘anxiety’ “agg. evening” Platina is only months before, after an abtiblotic treatment for in lowest grade in KENT. throat inflammation. The symptom ‘when he felt As the following table would show clearly bed the people appeared smaller’ indicated to me Platina was at the top. Interestingly in this case as Platina, which was given in C30 potency, which in the rubrics in KENT the relationship of Platina promptly helped. with the two concurrent remedies Aurum and Some further observations: A 30 years old Stramonium was say 2:1:1. housewife complained of faintness mostly after Head- Strange Small Fear Rest- intercourse. Because of the symptom ‘numb and Verti ache. Hys- every objects (also less go Pariet teria cold zone in face’ I gave a dose of Platina 30 with thing is appear anxiety) ness al rapid and permanent relief. Aru. 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 A 50 years old widow suffered from a Bar-C 1 - - 2 1 2 3 corroding discharge, which was suppressed by a Carb-an 1 - 1 2 1 1 - gynecologist with suffered preparation and shots, Clc. 1 - 3 2 1 - - with the result of severe flushes and constant lasciviouis thoughts. On the symptoms ‘at nights In homoeopathy and associated fields, the always she lies on back with wide spread legs’, I views we hold the origin of disease and on the prescribed Platina 30 (one dose) which relieved method of finding the namely differ profoundly immediately the suffering of 10 months, after from those of other schools. My intention today is which Platina 200 was given and again after 2-3 to demonstrate these far-reaching differences to days initial aggravation cured completely, you, using brief characterizations of the remedy including the sleep position. Chelldonium as an example. Finally I recall the case reported by me in 1959 On the one hand we have HAHNEMANN, in the Zt.Klass. Hom.3:192 (“Urge to kill her proponent of homoeopathy in the more specific grand child”) sense, particularly as he was against prescribing the remedy according to the name of the disease, Such observations underscore the indication in and called for strict individualization. the Materia Medica; physical symptoms are relieved when mental symptoms develop. On the other hand we have RADEMACHER, a CHELIDONIUM men greatly influenced by the teaching of AND ORGAN THERAPY PARACELSUS, whose Erfahrungshelliehere (Empirical Medicine) I was held in considerable Georg von KELLER BHJ, Vol.70 regard. Emil SCHLEGEL’s Doctrine of July 1981 Signatures and hence the competes developed by [The author first of all quotes from Rudolf STEINER in the field of medicine show RADEMACHIER’s Erfahrungshelliehre der themselves related to this, and the group also alten scheldekunstigen Geheimazte and includes those of HAHEMANN’s followers who Rudolph STEINER’s 1920 Lectures to Doctors wished to hold on to the old concepts and felt and Medical Students, to show that considerate unable to take the step into individualization. differences exists within homoeopathy and similar In my opinion, understanding these differences schools of medicine regarding the method of will be a help to you particularly when we finding the remedy. consider the remedy Chelldonium for the view PARACELSUS, RADEMACHER, Rudolph generally held with this remedy is that it is, in the STEINER and others hold me view that the first instance, organ-specific, and a liver remedy. physician must first diagnose the organ in which Permit me, therefore, to go into these differences the disease takes its origin before he can prescribe in some details. the appropriate organotropic medicine. The view that the action of a remedy is HAHNEMANN on the other hand is against such specific, i.e. exclusively directed at one particular a theoretical approach and depends entirely on the organ, or that such a remedy will always cure a predominantly subjective symptoms of the particular disease or stage of a diseases, is held in individual, to find a remedy for this particular common by those in the second group described person and not for an abstract disease. above, the non-HAHEMANNs. Only those who follow RADEMACHER’s line RADENACGER reveals this very clearly in his of thought will therefore be content with seeing a discussion of Chellidonium where he defines the remedy such as Chelldonium as a specific for the organ-specificity of Chellodonium even more liver. The HAHNEMANNS need all the closely. symptoms of the remedy for their method, down to the smallest and most subjective details. ‘To begin with, I must confess, to my shame, that until 12827’ I disdained to use this remedy With the aid of tape recordings made in his famous as a liver remedy from early times, surgery, the author therefore goes into the details thinking that I had long since found a better one to of three indications for Chelidonium – abdominal replace it. The reason why I held it in such low plain, pain in the back, and headache. This esteem was that in my young days I had establishes the fact that, as with all remedies, the repeatedly it used in cases of jaundice without action of Chelidonium is in no way limited to a seeing any evidence that the jaundice went away single organ, but etends to the whole human with it. being, and to all his organ. ‘In 1827 finally I was punished for my disbelief In conclusion it is stated that the remedy may in the experience of the old masters, being put to be frequently indicated if there is hepatic much trouble care and racking of brains. During involvement, but that a closer study of the more the late summer of that year, a very strange fever detailed actions of Chelidonium will enable the began to show itself. After long and careful practioner to recognize it far more frequently in consideration – during which I had to play the role the patients he sees day by day, and become more of man irresolute and of the cautious experimenter certain in his choice of the remedy]. for much longer that I should have like – I recognized it as a condition originating in the primary organic disease that it becomes totality inner part of the liver, as district from affections useless for practical purposes”. involving the convex and concave aspects of the He saw, quite rightly, that every illness may liver’. have ‘a whole host’ of symptoms in different Let me remind you that in those days individuals and in all organs of an individual, and physicians dealt almost exclusively with acute he did not think it possible to relate the endless conditions, often epidemic, that put the patient’s variety of individual illness to the wide variety of life at risk. drug symptoms in such a way that an ordered picture emerged. He therefore preferred to identify ‘Before the fever I have described, another one the cause of a disease more or less intuitively, and had prevailed for a whole year. This I had seen as prescribe a remedy known to be effective in a condition originating in the pancreas and soon treating such a cause. If he did not yet know the cured with lodine. The onset being practically the cause, he found the remedy by trial and error, same with both fevers, I first became aware of the basing his conclusions as to the cause on this. unknown nature of the one described above when, lodine did not produce a cure. In my examination, You will now see what must have been impact then, I knew in advance that I was not dealing of revolutionary approach put forward in the with the pancreas”. Organon. Clearly and logically, HAHNEMANN demonstrated that we cannot base medical Please note the way the conclusion is drawn practice on such a method for finding the cause of here – lodine proving of no use, RADEMACHER disease”, but that the remedy can only be found excludes disease of the pancreas. from those despised incidentals of a disease, and “Having tried Nux vomica, Quassla, Calomel what is more, not the objective symptoms, but and others in vain, a vague memory came to me rather the subjective symptoms of the individual that Ettmuller had formerly cured malignant patient. pestilential fevers with the greater celandine.” To HAHNEMANN, the aim of medical (p.163) practice was not to gain a deeper in slight into the RADEMACHER thus got the notion to try inner connexions, and even to discover the causes Chelidonium as well, and did so with success. of disease, the organ that is the site of the primary With this, Chelidonium had become a specific for illness, but society and entirely to achieve a cure, the inner parts of the liver. to find the right remedy for the individual patient. With any new epidemic RADEMACHER had RADEMACHER, his predecessors and to rely almost entirely on institution and successors held the view that in principle, only experimentation to find his remedies. Symptoms, ONE remedy should be the right one for one or the “incidents for disease” as he called them, disease. They were all looking for THE specific were not to him a suitable means for finding the remedy for one disease, one stage in a disease, or remedy. In the chapter entitled “The Triviality one particular organ that was the site of the and Inadequacy of Incidentals as a Means of primary disease. They believed that once one had Identifications”, (page 584 in vol.2), he says the IDENTIFIED the nature of the diseases, it should following: be possible to reduce the remedy for that disease from that identification. “ Even pathology leads us to suspect that we shall find it very hard to identify the primary Surely this was also the natural approach to organ involved with the aid of the incidentals of therapy for Rudolf STEINER who, in 1920, said the disease. Not infrequently it is the originally the following in the last of his lectures to the affected organ that is least disturbed in its medical profession: functions, but is primary disease causes “I can’t say that I always get satisfaction when sympathetic disease in other organs and theses I look at homoeopathy and assess it. It does have usually attract the greatest attention. the merit, compared to allopathic medicine, of “By attaching too much value to incidentals as considering the whole man, always looking at the a means of identification, we may therefore get picture produced by the totally of actions, and incredibly misled. A primary disease of one and furthermore that it aims to establish links with the the same organ can produce a sympathology of remedies. But there is also another feature of quite different organs in different organisms. If homoeopathic medical literature. If one takes that one wished to mention all sym-pathological literature, one might indeed despair, to begin with incidentals of such a diseases, one would in each because, for example, the remedies are listed one case have to list a whole host of incidentals. Such after other, particularly in the clinical literature, a host of incidentals with however merge to such and each of them always is the cure of a whole an extent into the hosts of incidentals for other host of diseases. It is never possible to arrive at the specific element easily, on the basis of the years earlier, in 1825 did on the wholes contain literature; everything is good for so and so many the leading symptoms we know today. Let me things. The only way to improve the situation is to read you the introduction to this proving. take our way of looking at the nature of man and “The ancients believed the yellow color of the of the world outside him, and move on to narrow sap of the plant to be a sing (signature) that it was down the actions of a remedy, to delimit the of use of billary complaints. More recently, it use remedy”. has been extended to liver diseases, and although Rudolf STEINER has a different aim from there have been cases where the plant was of ours. Wanting to achieve the purely practical aim obvious use, diseases of the part differ so much of curing the one particular patient who is sitting among each other, and at the same time of cases in front of us, we are prepared to forego the full where Chelldonium is said to have been helpful knowledge of the deeper context. Rudolf have been described in so little detail by the STEINER on the other hand was concerned to physicians, that their descriptions cannot possibly covey this very knowledge. His intention was not be taken to predict in advance the cases where this to deal with the more technical details of finding remedy should henceforth be of certain use”. the homoeopathic remedy, which he assumed his BUCHMANN published a further proving in listeners were already familiar with. 1866, demonstrating that the actions of With us, however, it is the details that matter. Chelldonium are in no way limited to the liver. He To find the remedy in the individual case, we also listed individual cases of other diseases where must exactly consider the similarities in great a cure had been achieved, to prove that this was detail. The more the distinguishing details of not merely a liver remedy, but a polychrest. Yet it symptoms agree, down to the actual words used to was to be many years before clinical cases were to describe them, the more can we be sure of having be reported in the literature where the remedy was chosen the right remedy. prescribed with success, on the basis of its leading symptoms, to treat diseases other then those of the I now come to my actual theme, presenting to liver. you some of the symptoms of Chelldonium. I am going to pay particular attention to the details. It Below, a small selection of Chelldonium may seem at times these are minor points of small symptoms is presented. You will not that it is no importance, and you will find that individual way possible to maintain that the action of this provers and patents are constantly using different remedy is limited to the liver. Like every other expressions to describe a sensation or modality, remedy, Chelldonium acts on the human being a but if you take the trouble and try to feel the whole and on all his organs. To establish this, we sensations described, however inadequately, by merely need to consider the remedy in its details prover of patient, you will, in due course, when and use it frequently to trite out patients. If we the next Chelldonium patient sits before you, find stick entirely to tradition, we shall have no idea of the remedy all the more quickly and surely. its true range During the middle of the last century, Let met start with the most widely known physicians found it easier to follow indication for Chellodonium, abdominal pain, RADEMACHER’s way of thinking then frequently extending to the back, and particularly HAHNEMMANN’s. They had to deal with acute, the inferior angle of the right scapula, better from often epidemic, diseases that did not allow much eating, and frequently burning or paroxysmal, time for going into the finer points of individual contracting in nature. Sensitivity to pressure or case. it is not surprising, therefore, that a slightly touch is also frequently found. First, the yellowy face, light-colored stools, or a hard liver contracting paroxysmal pain. sensitive to pressure, was the sole reason for HAHNEMANN, symptoms No.58: diagnosing occult liver disease and prescribe “Paroxysmal of the navel, accompanied by Chelldonium. passing nausea”. More incidental discoveries then led to the HARTLAUB and TRINKS, vol.1, symptom addition of further, rather general indications such No.60. as the one for right-sided pneumonia given by TESTE in Paris. “ Contracting sensation in the stomach, with qualmishness” and No.61: “Contracting sensation Those we of course discoveries made more or in the region below the stomach. less by the methods of RADEMACHER, by trial and error. No comparison was made, as a rule, BUCHMANN, symptom No.767: “Violent between the more detailed symptoms of patient pain in the pit of the stomach, as though the and remedy, despite the fact that the proving of stomach were being constricted” and No.804: Chelldonium published by HAHNEMANN 30 “Constrictive sensation right across the navel as if me to get a pain there, like burning, as soon as one a rope were pulled tight around the body.” pressure on it lightly/” KISSEL case (1904): “The contracting pain Mrs. B., on 12 December 1977, “Kaolin always was passing through both hypochohdra and helps, too, when I get a burning sensation in the upwards along the chest.” stomach, often also in the mornings and I have that burning, and when l’ve had my breakfast it Mr. M., on 29 July and I September 1975; “it is will be better. It is really mostly better from my stomach that gives trouble. I get paroxysmal eating. And when it comes after a meal, then it is pains, more recently when my stomach is empty, many hours afterwards, not right away. And I also and especially in the afternoons and evenings. The get those billary colics nowadays, and that is pain is mostly in the region of the duodenum. It always something like 3 or 4 hours after a meal; I extends through to the back, and is quite don’t notice anything right away.” paroxysmal. I get the pain on an empty stomach, and when I eat anything it does me good, when I For Mrs. Sch., I noted down on 28 July 1967, have something in my stomach if feels better. You “Sensitive to pressure in the region of the can’t call the pain piercing, it is a drawing pain, gallbladder, pain extending to back. Drawing pain contacting. from left to right in epigastrium and into right shoulder blade.” Miss. K, on 4 April 1978; “It’s my stomach. It contacts convulsively. Yesterday it started as early Sensitivity to pressure in the costal margin with as half past three and then went on the night. Chelldonium, at the border between epigastrium Today I drowned that pain in milk, it was all right and the right hypochondrium, made WEIHE in his then. Drowning it in milk was good for the day consider it similar points might not be fund stomach. Before, I sometimes had to eat also for other remedies. something at ten O’clock at night. If I ate then I’d Now the abdominal pain radiating to the back. have no spasm at night. When it hurts it hurts to up in the back, not on the right side, but it radiates HARTLAUB and TRINKS, Vol.1, symptom upwards exactly in the middle”. No.68: “A sharpish, painful stitch right into the pit of the stomach, passing through the body and into Improvement from milk is another good the back.” characteristic of Chelldonium that may sometimes lead one to think of this particular remedy. The BUCHMANN, symptom No.763: “Ache in the proving symptoms are: pit of the stomach and at the same level in the back. HAHNEMANN symptom No.4: “Great thirst for milk and afterwards feeling good in the whole If one considers how frequently these body, however much of it he would feel no abdominal pains radiating to the back are discomfort when otherwise it caused a lot of flatus mentioned in the reports of cases cured – in my for him.” own case records, the symptom has also come up a number of times – it seems surprising that these HARTLAUB and TRANKS, vol.1, symptoms are the only two symptoms to give a hint of it in No.59: “Milk soup which she normally did not the provings. That is also why NEIDHARD, tolerate well, was quite beneficial today.” “when mentioning the following details from a BUCHAMANN, symptom No.690: “Milk case in 1885 – “Pains shooting from the liver testes lovely to her, better then ever.” region in the direction of the back” – added: “This symptom is not to be found among the To continue with abdominal pain, sensitivity to pathological symptoms of Chelldonium, yet like touch, and burning sensation. the other symptoms it was cured by Chelldonium. HERING, Guiding symptoms; “Griping, WISSILY case (1939): A 51-year-old man was pressing pain in and below scrobiculum agg. from suffering from right-sided supraobial neuralgia. touch”, and “Aching, gnawing pain in stomach, Palpation revealed tenderness of the liver and with a sense of constriction, agg. from pressure, gallbladder. Sclera slightly yellow. I intended to am. From eating.” start treatment with Aconite, but as he added, HAHNEMANN symptom No.52; “Burning quite spontaneously, that he was almost all the sensation on the left, below the ribs, vertical to the consclus of a pain below the right shoulder blade, pit of the stomach.” I prescribed Chelldonium 30. HARTLAUB and TRINKS, Vol.3: symptoms Mr. B. 14 October 1974: “ A slight pain is No.9, “Burning in the stomach, with eructation’s.” always there, going to the right from the navel, it is more or less better when I have eaten. Mr. Sch., on 22 April 1975: “And most of all Sometimes it is a kind of piercing pain or also an here, in the liver, light touch will be enough for ordinary pain, but always going more to the Mrs. A, 18 August 1975: “It is somehow as if back”. something has got caught there, at the right shoulder blade. It is worst when sitting. Miss. R., 6 February 1976: “It is a pressure, a pressure inside, it always goes across there and But the pain in the back I am going to present around, when it is really bad it goes up to the to you now is somewhat different in nature – a shoulder blade. It comes on about 2 or 3 hours stabbing pain, as if with a knife, frequently after a meal, sometimes it may wake me during between the shoulder blades, and often aggravated the right, a 2 or 3 a.m. When it is very bad, it by moving the arm, just like the symptom just contracts in the epigastrium like a large lump, it mentioned from HAHNEMANN’s proving. radiates out to the back then, into the shoulder HAHNEMANN, Symptom No.72: blade”. “Lancinating pain next to the vertebrae, in the And now the improvement from eating. You middle of the back”. will see that it is a general symptom, with not only BUCHMANN, Symptom No.1168: “Stitches the gastric pain but also the headache and nausea between the shoulder bladders and No.1193. “She better from eating. wakes with pain in the right scapulas, worse when HARTALUB and TRINKS, Vol.3, symptom breathing in and no moving the right arm.” No.8: “Particular sensation in the stomach, like a Mrs. L, 16 December 1974: “Here in the gnawing or burrowing, goes away after a meal”. middle, on my stomach, I’ve had a slight burning LEDBECK, in a small proving done in 1853. pain. A times I also have these hard stools, like heaps droppings. Because I did some heavy work Sensation of well-being immediately after a with a hoe, for perhaps ten minutes, it has got into meal. me and from that time it has been in there between BUCHMANN, symptom No.684: “He has to the shoulder blades. It is a feeling as if one were take a bit of white bread, to get rid of the nausea. brushing in a knife, and I can’t turn round any move then.” Mrs. Sch., 2 December 1974: “During the night I always feel so sick. It comes up all the way from Another patient had it suddenly enter at the below, into the head. Perhaps if I were to get up right lower shoulder blade when painting the and eat something it be might better, but I can’t ceiling and yet another complained of a stabbing get myself out of bed. It is always around three or pain between the shoulder blades when he picked four in the morning. I really wake up with it then.” anything up off the floor. A feeling of nausea from abdomen up into the Mrs. Sch., 28 June 1976: “When I turn onto my head is also to be found in the provings. right side at night I wake from the pain, or if I simply make a movement with my right arm. It SCHONKE, a small proving done in 1827: shoots in there, then, there is a stab at the moment “Nausea rising up from the stomach, with a gently at the inferior of the right scapula.” nipping sensation and warmth in the region of the stomach”. Now we come to headache. The action of the remedy in supraobital neuralgia was discovered at Aggravation at three or four in the morning is a relatively early stage. It is interesting to note that mentioned by BUCHAMANN, Symptom No.112. the pain certainly was not always on the right side, “Unusual waking towards four in the morning, but could nevertheless be related to the hepatic due to various discomforts.” action of the remedy. NEIDHARD” said the Pain in the back, at the inferior angel of the following in 1855: right scapula, does of course also occur in “ More recently, physiological experiments isolation, when the patient does not feel it arising have been shown that in case where the right side from the stomach or the liver. This pain, too, is of the spine or any other organ on that side is often paroxysmal, or it is described as a kind of affected, the left side of the head becomes contraction, similar to the epigastric pain. involved”. HAHEMANN, symptom No.75: “Pinching, 21 proving symptoms in the region of the eyes cramp-like pain at the inner margin of the right were left-sided, and only 9 right sided. shoulder blade; stopped him moving his arms”. The supraobital neuralgia, a well-known Mrs. K., 1 April 1977: “I feel a bit there as if condition, is characterized by sharp pain, there were a lump in the back, by the right lacrimation, sensitivity to light, and initial shoulder blade. It stops the moment I have got up improvement from pressure of the hand, with again. increasing sensitivity to touch following: But Chelldonium also has other types of I do not want to tire you; so let me just headache. I am going to try present one of them to mentioned a few symptoms I have confirmed in you. my own cases, without going into details with provings symptoms and the symptoms of my A striking sensation is the frequent occurrence patients. of a sensation of swelling or pressure from within outwards. In the region of the trunk, contracting First there is an interesting location: two pain is the predominant characteristics, but here in fingers below the patella, on one side. the region of the head, the direction of the pain is Then a certain kind of constipation, with stools reversed. The modalities are aggravation on in balls like sheep’s during and ineffective urging. bending down; amelioration from eating and from warmth, with local heat giving improvement, in Also an unusual sleepiness at night. One- contradistinction to the general sensitivity to woman patient I had always slept for a few warm and bad air that is also frequently seen with minutes in her chair before going to bed. Chelldonium. Affected sites are the ear, the A symptom relating to memory: She easily forehead and the back of the head. A rushing forgets what she intended to do or what she has noise in the ears or in the head is also present on been doing. the occasion. The skin, particularly at the front of the thorax, HAHNEMANN, Symptom No.3: “Outward shows small patches or there is acute burning pressing oppressive headache, predominantly pain, like from nettles, frequently showing towards the forehead greatly increased in the open herpetiform changes. air, by coughing, blowing one’s nose, and bending down, but not felt during meals, persisting At the beginning of this lecture, I described the throughout the day,” and Symptom No.4: enormous difference, which existed between the “Pressure in the cerebrum, as if there was not approach to therapy used by those thinking in enough room for it in the brain and it wanted to terms of specifics like RADEMACHER, on the push through the ear, with a noise as of a distant one hand, and HAHNEMANN on the other. weir in the latter”. I have also shown that the former tried to HARTLAUB and TRINKS, Vol.3, Symptom narrow the action of Chelldonium down, limiting No.4: “Pain in the forehead as though the brain it to the liver, whilst HAHNEMANN used another would fall out, in the afternoon, on bending method, i.e. proving on healthy subjects and down”, and Symptom No.6: “Painful outward individualization in the selection of the remedy, to pressure in the right ear.” show that this remedy too, acts on the whole human being, on all his organs, and may be used Mrs. K, 14 October 1976: “I did already notice as a remedy for diseases of all organs. that there was a pain there on the left, below the ear, it hurts as if there were a rushing sound in the However great the differences may have been ear’. in the medical thinking of HAHNEMANN and RADEMANCHER, in practice we are the heirs of Mr. Sch., 31 October 1975: I have a headache, both. It is relatively rarely, though with increasing a thick head: it is there, above the eyes, as if it experience more and more often, that we actually were pressing outwards, especially when I bend hear a patient repeat a single proving symptom of down it presses outwards: especially when I bend Chelldonium, sometimes even using exactly the down it presses outward in front. It is sometimes a same words, and then find we that all his other problem to think. It is not really an out and out symptoms also fit Chelldonium. On the other headache, more a thick skull, my head is hand, there will still be many cases today where altogether no ring”. we shall think of Chelldonium only because we Mrs. H. 22, August 1977: “I felt so dizzy with notice that the liver appears to be involved in a the headache. The pain went from the forehead particular case, or that all the symptoms of a from above the eyes, to the back. There was such patient are right-sided. pressure on the head, as if someone inside were We are of course aware that this is a mere pushing pressure from inside”. expedient, and shall endeavor, as often as we can, Mr.D., 9 May 1977: “I also get a headache, up to compare these cases too. the back of the head and nape, or pressure on both With the proving symptoms in order to deepen sides up to the forehead. Sometimes I have the and extend our knowledge of the remedies. I hope impression that it gets better when I have some I have been able to contribute to this today. food. The pain is only in the right shoulder during the night, then I wake with it, but I have found one REFERENCE: thing – if I lie the right, so that it gets warm, it goes away again”. 1. RADEMACHER JG. Rechtfertigung der of “Dr. Rajan’s Seminar”, to be sent to Mr. S.M. von den Gelehrten misskannten Gunavante, Moraya villa, 12th Road, Khar, verstandesrechten Erfarungsheillehere der Bombay 400 052. Tel 6498146. alter scheidekunstigen Geheimarzte. 3rd During the Seminar Dr. Rajan will give a edn. 1848. deeper perception of what disease is; he will 2. HAHNEMANN S. Organon der Helkunst demonstrate several techniques of Caste-taking; Paras 6 and 7 understanding and using the Repertory and the Rubrics; Use of Dreams in selecting the remedy, 3. STEINER R. Vortags – ZYKLUS fur arzte Understanding Materia Medica in a new light and Medizinstudiarende, gehatten in (Situationa Materia Medica) a deeper Dornach vom 21, Marz bis 9 April 1920. understanding of Delusions (one step further than 20. Vortrag. English edition: Spiritual his last Seminar); also a new method of Psycho- Science and Medicine p. 265. therapy called “Homoeo-Psycho-Therapy.” Cases 4. TESTE. Allg. Hom., Ztg. 1861; 63:81 on Video. 5. HAHNEMANN S. Reine The Hahnemannian Society of Arzneimimitellehre (Materia Media Pura) Homoeopathicians of India (HASH), New Delhi, 2nd edn. 1825. German vol.4, p.263 and writes that the National Seminar on HARTLAUB CGC and TRAINKS CF: “Standardisian in Homoeopathy and Reliability of Reine Arzneimitellehre German Vol.1, Homeopathic Medicine” earlier proposed to be p.327 and Vol. 3 p. 331 1828 and 1831. held in December 90 was postoperted and would now be held on 23-25 Feb. 1991. For further 6. BUCHMANN O. Symptomenregistor zu information contact: Dr. R. Dhingra, 476, Goutam dor in der Allgemeninen Homoopathischen Nagar, New Delhi – 110 049. Zeitung (AHZ) Band 70 and 71 enthallenen Prufung des Chelodonium BOOK SHELF majus L Monstabatt z. 71. Band der Allg. I BAYR, Georg: Hahnemanns Hom. Zig 1865: p. 21 Selbnstversuch mit der chinarinde im Jahre 7. KISSEL Allg. Hom. Zig. 1904: 149:14 1790, die Konziplerung der Homoeopathie, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heldelberg, 1989: S.145: 8. HERING C. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Meidca. Vol.4. p,13. 1884. In 1990 the World of Homoeopathy celebrates the 200th year of the conception of Homoeopathy. 9. WASSILY P. Deutsche Zeiscrift fur The Saxon Physician, Chemist and Medical Homoeopathie 1930: p. 182. Research proved on himself the effects of 10. NEIDHARO C. Allg. Hom Zig. 1855. Cinchona bark in 1790. Geog BAYR has made a 49:22 detailed historical and scientific study of this experiment of HAHNEMANN, which brought 11. LIEDBECK C. Aoog. Hom. Ztg. 1853; about a great revolutionary new concept of 45:27 Health, Disease, Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 12. SCHONIKE Praktische Milterllungen der After his graduation and obtaining his M.D. correspondiereden Gesellscharft degree HAHNEMANN went to set about his homoeopathischer Arzte 1827: p.5 practice and earn reasonable money. In this quest HAHNEMANN went from place to place and by NEWS 1790 he has already lived in six places: 1780 Hettstedt; 1781 Hettstdet; 1781 Dessau and later I Homoeopathic Convention Committee, same year Gommern; 1784 Dresden; 1784 Bombay writes: Lockwitz and 1789-90 Leipzig and Stotteriz. A SEMINAR WITH DR. RAJAN By this time HAHNEMANN had five children. SANKARAN on Classical Homoeoapthy. In July 1790 he left Leipzig for Stotteritz, a village a few kilometers near Leipzig, since he We are glad to announce this seminar with Dr. found life in Leipzig very costly. Rajan Sankaran on 17th and 18th March 1991 at Biria Krida Kendra, Chowpatty, Bombay 400 007 HAHEMANN had given up his medical Eligibility: Medical Doctors, Interns and Students practice since he was totally disillusioned with the Particiaption. Fee: Rs.350/- if paid on or before 5th medicine of his days and had taken up to writing – March 1991 (Rs.400/- thereafter). Students and translations and original works. In 1790 he was interns (without lunch): Rs.200/- payable before translating William CULLEN’s (1710-1790) 5-3-91 Rs.230/- thereafter) Remittance by Bank Materia medica, which had been published in Draft / Cheque on Bombay A/c or M.O. in favour 1789, from English to German; almost at the same time when CULLEN died (5-2-1790) almost 80 of Cinchona experiment. He knew that an years age. At the same time i.e. 1790, imprudent dose of Mercury worsened a similar CONSBRUCH had also translated CULLEN’s disease and a very small dose was preferable and Materia medica but while CONSBRUCH was sufficient to cure (‘Instructions for Surgeons content with merely translating. HAHNEMANN Respecting Veneral Disease together with a New did a critical study and gave copious footnotes. Mercurial Preparation’ 1798”). Similarly that Every statement of CULLEN was verified and while chest and lung diseases was caused by commended upon by HAHNEMANN. In this carefully employed by the physician” (Treatise on process he took upon himself the famous proving the Prejudices Existing Against Coal Fires, On the of the effects of Cinchona bark and thus modes of improving this combustibe, and in its “Cinchona was to HAHNEMANN what the employment heating in Bakers ‘Ovens’ 1787) failing apple was to NEWTON and the swinging We speak of homoeopathic ‘drug pictures’. lamp to GALILEO”. To be certain How come this expression of a remedy “Picture”? HAHNEMANN repeated the experiment of least In ‘Arsenic Poisoning, the remedies for it, and its six times and reproduced the symptoms. This Forensic Investigation’-1786, he writes of the experiment was probably while he was in Leipzig. arsenic poisoning effects leading to fatal end as There have, of course, been others before “picture” (Gemalde) of a the drug. Similarly in HAHEMANN who did experiment upon Para 290 of ‘Treatment of Simple Chancre’ in his themselves with drugs, mostly to ascertain their ‘Instructions for Surgeons … Veneral Diseases toxicity with works of his predecessors. Anton 1789, he describes the ‘mercurial fever’ and calls von STORCK (1731 – 1803) in the Vienna in the “picture” of mercurial action, of the action hospital proved, while in good health, at least siz of Cinchona. Most probably the term so well used, medicines upon himself; Conium masculatum, viz. “Remedy pictures” began with Stramonlum, Hyoecyamus niger, Aconltum HAHNEMANN’s first mentioning it in 1786. napellus, Colchicum automnale and Pulsatilla HAHNEMANN thought that the ‘fever’ nigicans. HAHNEMANN had thus learnt during symptoms he experienced on taking the Cinchona his student days in Vienna of the self-experiments tincture was similar to be the malarial fever which of STORCK. STORCK wrote that while everyone he had suffered while he was in Siebenburgen mentioned about the mental derangement that is (1777) and later at Ertangen (1779) when he took caused by Stramonium in healthy persons it Quinine in the light of later knowledge we have of should be investigated whether by this is will not ‘malaria’ and Quinine we know that what was remove spasms in those persons suffering from it actually experienced were the symptoms similar by exciting spasms? Another person who would to ‘intermittent fevers’ and not malaria. He had have influenced HAHNEMANN in experiment of become ‘sensitive’ to Cinchona and therefore it individual, single medicines was Albrecht von produced the symptoms when he took it for his HALLER (1708 – 1777) self experiment in 1790. however, the fact remains The word ‘Homoeopathy’ was used for the first that this proved to be a blessing since the correct time by HAHNEMANN in 1807 in his essay scientific theory – Similar Similibus Curentur – ‘indication of the Homoeopathic Employment of was born out of it and has withstood clinical tests Medicines in Ordinary Practice’ (‘Fingerzeige auf for 200 years now. der homoeopathisichen Gebrauch der Arznenion The book contains the following chapters (1) in dor bisherigen Praxis”) in Hufelands Journal, HAHNEMANN in Leipzig and Stotteriz (2) The Vol.26 (Christoph Wilhelm HUFELAND founded formulation of the question (3) The self his journal in Jena in 1795) experiment (4) The initial and anticipated results HAHNEMANN, while about his self- of the experiment (5) The second and experiments with Cinchona, said that the idea that unanticipated results (6) The China fever (7) The medicines cure disease with symptom similar to emergence of the new theory (8) Intuition (9) what they produce in a healthy human ‘dawned’ HAHNEMANN’s intuitive ideas (10) A upon him. This ‘dawning’ was not a sudden misunderstanding which was fruitful (11) The ‘intuition’ or ‘Inspiration without effect. Intuition Role of chances (12) The critical investigation arises from ‘careful study’, practical experience (13) Appendix (14) Bibliography. and good memory. It is not a heaven-sent gift”. An exhaustive Appendix citing the references HAHNEMANN’s pre Cinchona-experiments and for every thing written in the main text which is a works reveal how much these qualities he had and mark of scientific books and in true German form the brilliant ‘dawning’ of the ‘similar’ idea was and a Bibliography – all make the book the result of that. fascinating and interesting. HAHNEMANN should have known the II. Review and Revision of Kent’s Repertory importance of the dosage, perhaps even at the time in Relation to Other Works – Chapter MOUTH – Addition from Boericke’s references are standardized and help computerized Repertory: Central Council for Research in searches. Homoeopathy, New Delhi, 1990: pp.53, Rs.13/- K.S.S. The Monograph under review is the second in the on-going work of the CCRH of updating the KENT’s Repertory with additions from BOERICKE’s chapter by chapter. The earlier was on “TEETH” reviewed in the DEGEST – Vol.V., No.4, 1988. As the Foreword by Dr. D.P. Rastogl, Director, CCRH, said the additions have been proposed by Experts Working Group after careful study of BOERICKE’s Repertory and the various source books life Guiding Symptoms, Encyclopaedia etc. besides, the members of the Working Group proposed certain additions of their own in the light of their clinical experience. Certainly all these make this paper, printing, wrapper and general get-up all good and the price reasonable. Warmly recommended to every Practitioner. A few suggestions are ventured which may perhaps be considered for the next monograph in the series: The purpose of these series is to enlarge and augment the KENT, KUNZLI has, in his Repertorium Generale which is nothing but KENT with additions and corrections, made many additions from BOERICKE. It may therefore more useful if the CCRH evaluates the ‘additions’ given by but have not so far beeen included in complete repertorises so far published. I have in mind the works of no less masters that Cyrus M.BOGER, and Pierre SCHMIDT. (i) The ‘additions’ given by BOGER and published as a booklet long age have not been included in the KUNZLI’s Repertorium Generate. Similiarly some of the rubrics and remedies in the Synoptic Key and the Supplement’ to the Repertory section of the Synoptic Key (Memorial Edition – A.B. Publishers, Calcutta) which are very valuable. (ii) Many additions have been given by Pierre SCHMIDT in his article published under the title ‘Defective illness’ (vide Hahnemannian Gleanings, Vol. XLVI, 1979). These too are yet to be added to the available KENT: there are many addition to ‘Mouth’. (iii) The authors of the Synthetic Repertory adopted certain numbers to indicate the sources from which the rubric/remedies were drawn. Dr. KUNZLI to adopted same numbers in respect of these sources; of example it 16, it meant HAHNEMANN, if 7 Pierre SCHMIDT – whether in Synthetic Repertory or in the Repertorium Generate. I think that this numbering may be adopted universally, in so far as homoeopathic literature is concerned so that bibliographical

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