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Monica Duffy Toft Page 3 8/5/2011


IGA-150Y International and Global Affairs PAC Seminar 2011-2012

Monica Duffy Toft

Time and Location: Thursdays, 4:10–6:00pm in L280

First class meets Thursday, September 8, 2011 in L280

This seminar is designed to help students research and write a policy analysis exercise (PAE) on approved topics in international global affairs. The seminar will be devoted to the process of researching and writing PAEs, and to group discussions and presentations of PAE research. Fall term will be devoted to the research methods and design, all with an eye to sharpening the focus of the PAE. In the spring term, students will make presentations of the results of their PAE research and findings.

Enrollment: Enrollment is limited to second-year MPP students, each of whom must complete a PAE to graduate.

Office hours: Thursdays: 3:00-4:00pm and by appointment. A sign-up sheet will be posted outside of Professor Toft’s door, L376. Her telephone is 495-3966, e-mail [email protected].

Course requirements: This seminar is for students writing PAEs in the International Global Affairs (IGA) policy area of concentration. Kennedy School MPP2 candidates who have elected IGA as their policy area of concentration must complete this PAE requirement to graduate.

Details of the PAE process are available in the PAE handbook, located online at All students are advised to read through this handbook at least once each semester.

To successfully complete this course, students must prepare an original, analytic, and prescriptive paper on a policy issue. To do so, students must acquire and develop a working relationship with a client that is in the public, non-profit, or private sector. The issue you are researching should speak directly to a problem that your client is currently dealing with. Students are expected to approach the PAE process and seminar in a Monica Duffy Toft Page 2 1/9/2018 HKS IGA-150Y 2011-2012 professional manner. They should expect to work closely with both their advisor and client. Seminar attendance is mandatory, as is providing constructive feedback to colleagues. All deadlines are strictly enforced.

Although the course meets for two semesters, students receive credit for a one-semester course.

For the fall semester all PAE-related seminars are scheduled for Thursdays, 4:10– 6:00pm.. In addition students should expect to schedule a number of sessions with their faculty advisors and one-on-one meetings with me. Students should check with their advisors about when they plan to meet.

Professor Toft is always available to meet with students during regular office hours or by appointment, especially during those weeks where there are no formal seminars.

Selecting a PAE Topic It is your responsibility to select a PAE topic. We will spend the first few seminars discussing how to select a topic and go about securing a client. If you do not have a topic or client, then be sure to talk with your classmates (some of whom have connections or interests with organizations that might sponsor your PAE), faculty, or check out the PAE database (, which includes a list of clients and potential topics. Additionally, the PAExchange website ( deadlines) provides a forum in which students can post messages to each other and find partners.

Due Dates and Seminars There are six mandatory HKS deadlines for all PAE students: September 16, Friday, Final PAE topic selection electronically by 10am October 3, Monday, Completion of Harvard’s IRB online tutorial and certificate of completion handed in by 5pm. November 2, Wednesday, Final PAE prospectus due, along with A) human subjects review form and B) winter funding common application. C) A memorandum of understanding signed by client is strongly encouraged to be submitted with prospectus. December 12, Monday, Progress report due by completion of the electronic form by 5pm January 30, Monday, Full first draft of PAE due by 5pm to advisor and PAC seminar leader March 20, Tuesday, Final PAE due by 5pm

There are three additional mandatory deadlines for IGA-150Y students: September 26, Monday, by 5pm, two-page memo describing client and policy problem, posted to course website October 10, Monday, by 5pm, one- to two-page description of research design, posted to course website January 23, Monday, one-page written update of progress and plan of action, posted to course website

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There are a total of six IGA-150Y seminars in the fall. Attendance is mandatory for all seminars. In the spring, students will be divided into two groups and you will be required to attend the presentation sessions for your group (a total of three). Students are also required to meet individually with the seminar leader on three separate occasions—twice in the fall and once in the spring. Note that some of these sessions are scheduled for days and times other than the regular seminar sessions. Students should be working actively on their PAE even during those weeks when they do not meet with their faculty advisors or there are no IGA-150Y or class-wide seminars scheduled.

Grades and Feedback The grades for IGA-150Y and the PAE are the same: 75 percent is for the PAE itself (graded by your faculty advisor) and 25 percent is given by me for seminar participation and general professionalism. Meeting assigned deadlines and participating in class are part of your grade—take them seriously.

Your faculty advisor is expected to provide you with detailed comments on your PAE and how you approached it. Therefore, it is in your best interests to treat the PAE, both the process and the product, in a professional manner.

Overview of course

Date Subject Fall Semester (seminar dates underlined) Deadlines Bolded and Italicized

Sep 8 Thu Overview of the nuts and bolts of PAEs Sep 15 Thu What makes a good PAE: Exemplary PAE Sep 16 Fri Topic selection due by 10am, electronic form Sep 22 Thu Human Subjects: Issues to Consider Sep 26 Mon Memo describing client and problem, posted by 5pm to course website Sept 29 Thu Discussion of memos and issues in research design, data collection Oct 3 Mon IRB tutorial online and hardcopy of certificate of completion due by 5pm Oct 6 Thu Understanding the client’s perspective and overview of the prospectus Oct 10 Mon Memo describing research design, posted by 5pm to course website Oct 13 Thu No class, meet with seminar leader/faculty advisor about research design and prospectus Oct 20 Thu No class, meet with seminar leader/faculty advisor about research design and prospectus Oct 27 Thu No class, work on prospectus Nov 2 Wed Prospectus and human subjects review form (hardcopies) due by 5pm Nov 3 Thu No class, meet with seminar leader/faculty advisor to discuss prospectus Nov 10 Thu No class, meet with seminar leader/faculty advisor to discuss prospectus

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Nov 17 Thu No class, meet with seminar leader/faculty advisor about Prospectus Nov 24 Thu Holiday—Thanksgiving Dec 1 Thu Semester wrap-up, research, interviewing, and fieldwork issues Dec 8 Thu No class, work on progress report and PAE Dec 12 Mon Progress report due by electronic form by 5pm

Spring Semester Jan 23 Mon Progress report due by electronic form by 5pm Jan 24 Tue Individual sessions with seminar leader Jan 25 Wed Individual sessions with seminar leader Jan 31 Mon First draft due by 5pm Feb 2 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 1 Feb 9 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 2 Feb 16 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 1 Feb 23 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 2 Mar 1 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 1 Mar 8 Thu PAC seminar—oral presentations of PAE, group 2

Mar 20 Tue Final PAE Due by 5pm to: Your Faculty Advisor PAC Seminar Leader Laura Homokay

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Schedule and assignments

September 8, Overview of the nuts and bolds of PAEs This class is an introduction to the PAE, the PAE process, and your fellow students. We will use the class to explore your ideas about potential topics, interest in having a partner, and strategies for getting started. September 15, What makes a good PAE? Cheyanne Church, “Mind the Gap: Policy Development and Research on Conflict Issues,” Incore Report, The United Nations University, 2005. (Available online) Exemplary PAE: TBD. Due: Topic Selection on Friday, September 16 by 5:00 pm. Online form can be found at: September 22, Human Subjects: Issues to consider DUE: September 26, Monday, by 5:00 pm: Two-page memo posted on class web-site describing your client and the policy problem you propose to address. What is the primary question? What are the sub-questions? Why is this question important to your client? Due: Read the descriptions of PAEs posted by your classmates. We will be discussing some of these in class. September 29, Discussion of memos and issues in research design, data collection DUE: October 3, Monday, by 5:00pm: Completion of Harvard’s Committee on the Use of Human Subjects, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) tutorial on human subjects and hard copy of certification of completion handed in to Professor Toft. IRB website:

October 6, Understanding the client’s perspective and overview of the prospectus Please read the sample prospectuses that are posted online. DUE: October 10, Monday, by 5:00 pm: One- to two-page description of your proposed research design. Please post on line.

October 13, No formal seminar, required meetings with seminar leader

October 20, No formal seminar, required meetings with seminar leader

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October 27, No formal seminar Work on prospectus.

Due: Prospectus Wednesday, November 2, by 5:00pm

November 3, No formal seminar, required meetings Meet with seminar leader and faculty advisor to discuss prospectus

November 10, No formal seminar, required meetings Meet with seminar leader and faculty advisor to discuss prospectus

November 17, No formal seminar, required meetings Meet with seminar leader and faculty advisor to discuss prospectus

November 24, Thanksgiving holiday

December 1, Semester wrap-up Discussion of general issues in research and writing and answer any questions before break. Address issues regarding field work, interviewing, and travel.

December 8, No formal seminar Work on PAE.

Due: PAE progress report and plan of action Monday, December 12 to seminar leader by 5:00pm


Due: PAE progress report and plan of action Monday, January 23 to seminar leader by 5:00pm

January 24—Tuesday No formal seminar, required meetings with seminar leader

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January 25—Wednesday No formal seminar, required meetings with seminar leader

Due: First Draft of PAE Monday, January 31 by 5:00pm to Faculty Advisor and Seminar Leader

February 2 Presentations Group 1 To be scheduled in early February February 9 Presentations Group 2 February 16 Presentations Group 1 February 23 Presentations Group 2 March 1 Presentations Group 1 March 8 Presentations Group 2

Due: Final PAE Tuesday, March 20, 2011 by 5:00pm to: Faculty Advisor PAC Seminar Leader Laura Homokay


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