Unit 15 Producing Complex Business Documents
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Sample Scheme of Work
Administration (Business Professional) Level 3 Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Last updated: 06/01/11
This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR Administration (Business Professional) specification for teaching from September 2010.
© OCR 2011 Contents
Sample Scheme Of Work: OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents 4 Links To Other Units: OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents 20
2 of 19 Administration (Business Professional) Sample Scheme of Work OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Extracting and synthesising complex information teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to extract and synthesise Discuss the sources of information that Sources of information As part of the model assignment, learners are complex information could be used to extract information Harvard referencing system required to: Discuss best practice guidelines for Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Extract information from the case study extracting information raised during discussions provided Practice extracting and synthesising Computer facilities for learners to complete Learners will need to know how to set out a information reports of conduct further Internet research report with appropriate headings and sub Practice identifying information that can be headings discarded Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the Discuss referencing extracted information model assignments Discuss plagiarism Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting Practice extract and synthesising complex model assignments if appropriate information
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 3 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Analysing information teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to analyse information? Discussion – what is analysis? Exercises for reading strategies As part of the model assignment, learners are Tips on how to carry out an analysis Exercises to practice analysing information required to: effectively Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Extract information from the case study. Discuss reading strategies raised during discussions Learners will need to know how to set out a Provide exercises so learners can practice Computer facilities for learners to complete report with appropriate headings and sub reading strategies reports of conduct further Internet research headings Provide exercises so learners can practice Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the analysing information model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
4 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Effective synthesis teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to synthesise information Discussion – what makes a good synthesis? Exercises on how to synthesise information As part of the model assignment, learners are from complex documents Discuss logical sequence/emphasis effectively (could link into functional skills) required to: required Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Synthesise information from case study Practice – provide learners with good and raised during discussions Learners will need to know how to set out a not so good examples of synthesised Computer facilities for learners to complete report with appropriate headings and sub information and for them to highlight reports of conduct further Internet research headings Practice – synthesising information from Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the complex documents model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 5 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Consolidation teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Consolidate and review Learners to practice extracting, analysing Complex analysis and review Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the analysis and synthesis and synthesising information from complex Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points model assignments documents raised during discussions Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting Computer facilities for learners to complete model assignments if appropriate reports of conduct further Internet research
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
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OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Purpose of written communication teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES What is the purpose of written Mind-map – identify the different purposes Example of business documents As part of the model assignment, learners are communication? of written communication Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points required to: Provide variety of examples to allow raised during discussions Produce a report, letter, article and learners to “analyse” the purposes of the Computer facilities for learners to complete questionnaire. communication from each business reports of conduct further Internet research Learners will need to know how to set out a document business documents with appropriate headings and sub headings Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 7 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Written communication teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to produce businesslike Discussion – select the most appropriate Example documents As part of the model assignment, learners are written communication form of written communication to meet the Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points required to: needs of the audience raised during discussions Produce a variety of accurate business Provide examples of different documents, Computer facilities for learners to complete documents learner to identify the audience and then reports of conduct further Internet research Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the decide if the written communication meets model assignments the needs of the audience Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting Learners to produce a memo for a specific model assignments if appropriate audience
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
8 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Business documents teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to producing business Structure and conventions of business Good/not so good example letters and As part of the model assignment, learners are letters and memos letters and memos memos required to: Labelling and define areas of a letter Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Produce an accurate letter and accurate Discuss style, vocabulary and tone when raised during discussions memo producing business documents Computer facilities for learners to complete Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the Discuss proofreading reports of conduct further Internet research model assignments Provide good/not so good examples of Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting letters and get candidates to advise on model assignments if appropriate good/not so good points and get them to proofread them Practice producing business letters and memos for different audiences – include extract information/analyse and synthesise information in documents
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
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OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Business emails teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Producing business emails Review good and not so good examples of Good/not so good emails As part of the model assignment, learners are business emails Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points required to: Conventions for emails raised during discussions Produce accurate emails Discuss use of fonts, colours, emotions etc Computer facilities for learners to complete Learners will need to know how to set out an in emails reports of conduct further Internet research email with appropriate headings and sub Practice producing a variety of emails, headings including appropriate style and tone, Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the conventions and accurate SPAG model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
10 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Report writing teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to write a business report Format, structure and conventions relating How to write a report As part of the model assignment, learners are to business reports Good/not so good examples of reports required to: Copy type report exercise Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Produce a complex report Learners to produce own report on given raised during discussions Learners will need to know how to set out a topic considering appropriate tone and style, Computer facilities for learners to complete report with appropriate headings and sub conventions and technical language reports of conduct further Internet research headings Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 11 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Proofreading teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to produce professional, Discuss proofreading, use of spell/grammar Proofreading activities As part of the model assignment, learners are business like and mailable checking. Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points required to: documents Provide learners with word documents that raised during discussions Produce a variety of documents accurately they can use to spell/grammar check but Computer facilities for learners to complete Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the which “disguises” errors re-enforcing reports of conduct further Internet research model assignments proofreading Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting Importance accurate spelling, punctuation model assignments if appropriate and grammar Provide good/not so good examples to discuss of SPAG etc Learners to produce a letter and a report and then swop and do peer review/proofread of partners documents
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
12 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Different styles of writing teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to write for different Discussion/mind map - purpose of making Exercises to write for different audiences As part of the model assignment, learners are audiences business documents “fit for purpose and Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points required to: audience” raised during discussions Produce a variety of documents for different Review different styles of writing eg Computer facilities for learners to complete audiences appropriate sentence/paragraph length, reports of conduct further Internet research Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the clear simple language, active and passive model assignments verbs, tact and diplomacy, technical Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting language model assignments if appropriate Practice writing for different types of audiences using different styles of writing
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 13 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Producing questionnaires and forms teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to produce questionnaire Provide examples of producing forms How to write questionnaires As part of the model assignment, learners are and forms Discuss qualitative and quantitative data Questionnaire analysis software required to: sample Online questionnaires Produce a questionnaire Discuss use of different techniques to Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the capture data raised during discussions model assignments Learners to produce data capture form and Computer facilities for learners to complete Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting to produce explanation reports of conduct further Internet research model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
14 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Producing variety of business documents teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to produce press Discuss various example documents and Examples of different documents Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the releases, notices and leaflets identify audience Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points model assignments for specific audiences Discuss format/conventions for notice, raised during discussions Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting leaflet and press release Computer facilities for learners to complete model assignments if appropriate Discuss appropriate language to be used in reports of conduct further Internet research different types of documents Practice producing a variety of documents
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
Administration (Business Professional) 15 of 19 Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Itinerary teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES How to produce a business What is an itinerary and when is it used? Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the itinerary Learner to extract information from complex raised during discussions model assignments documents to draft an itinerary Computer facilities for learners to complete Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting Learner to draft and structure an itinerary reports of conduct further Internet research model assignments if appropriate Learner to produce final copy
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
16 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Sample Scheme of Work
OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 2 hours Topic Practice teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Practice variety of business Learners to practice a variety of business Flip chart/whiteboard for noting down points Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the documents documents raised during discussions model assignments Computer facilities for learners to complete Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting reports of conduct further Internet research model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
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OCR Administration (Business Professional) Unit 15 – Producing Complex Business Documents
Suggested 6 hours Topic Model assignment teaching time SUGGESTED TEACHING AND TOPIC OUTLINE SUGGESTED RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES Complete the model Complete the model assignment OCR model Assignment Refer to OCR guidance on assessing the assignment model assignments Refer to the OCR guidance on adapting model assignments if appropriate
= Innovative teaching idea = ICT opportunity
18 of 19 Business (Administration Professional) Links to other units
Evidence for this unit could also come from:
Unit 16 – Understanding functions and roles within business organisations
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