Oliver Twist Quiz 1 1 Who names Oliver? His mother Mrs. Mann Mr. Bumble Mrs. Thingummy 2 Who convinces Mr. Fang to drop the charges against Oliver? The bookstall keeper Mr. Brownlow Fagin The police officer 3 What do the officers suspect about the attempted robbery at Mrs. Maylie's? That it was committed by men from the city That Oliver masterminded it That it was committed by men from the village That the servants were involved 4 Why do Fagin and Sikes think Oliver will be best for the job they are planning? He looks innocent He will be too scared to disobey He will be least likely to betray them He is the smallest 5 Who always threatens to eat his own head? Mr. Brownlow Mr. Grimwig Bill Sikes Fagin 6 Who starts the cries of "Stop thief!"? The bookseller The artful Dodger Fagin Mr. Brownlow 7 Whose name is often preceded by "flash?" John Dawkins Toby Crackit Tom Chitling Charley Bates 8 Why does Fagin decide to spy on Nancy? He thinks she is planning to turn them in to the police He thinks she knows where Oliver is He thinks she is having an affair, and wants to blackmail her He thinks she is preparing to run away 9 Who is Monks? Oliver's brother Oliver's father Fagin's favorite boy Sikes 10 What is this quote an example of: "Everything told of life and animation, but one dark cluster of objects in the centre of all--the black stage, the cross-beam, the rope, and all the hideous apparatus of death?" Irony Allusion Metaphor Juxtaposition 11 What is the one thing that makes Oliver sad at the end of the novel? That Dick has died That Rose and Harry's marriage will take them away That Fagin has to die That Mrs. Maylie is ill 12 What is Noah Claypole's preferred method of thievery? Stealing from children House breaking Pickpocketing gentlemen Stealing from old ladies 13 Who does Mr. Bumble marry? Nancy Betsy Mrs. Mann Mrs. Corney 14 Who gets shot during the robbery? Nancy Bill Sikes Toby Crackit Oliver 15 Who goes on Oliver's wildflower-picking expeditions with him? Mrs. Maylie Rose Maylie Harry Maylie Dr. Losberne 16 Which of these characters is redeemed by the end of the novel? Tom Chitling Bill Sikes Fagin Charley Bates 17 How does Nancy sneak out to meet Rose the first time? She gives Sikes laudanum in his drink She waits until Sikes is on a job She tells Sikes she is going to see Fagin She encourages Sikes to dirnk until he passes out 18 Which of these does not describe Oliver as a character? Dynamic Flat Protagonist Static 19 What city is the novel centered on? Dublin New York City Oxford London 20 Why does Mr. Brownlow go to the West Indies? To find a wife To look for Edward Leeford To recover from the heartbreak caused by Oliver To recover from an illness 21 Who often pretends to be drunk? Nancy The artful Dodger Bill Sikes Fagin 22 In whose apartment building does the hunt for Sikes end? Toby Crackit's Fagin's Tom Chitling's Sike's 23 Who is the portrait of that Oliver likes in Mr. Brownlow's house? Agnes Fleming Rose Maylie Mr. Brownlow's fiancee Mrs. Maylie 24 Who overhears Monks and Fagin talking? The artful Dodger Bill Sikes Nancy Noah Claypole 25 What is Oliver almost sentenced to for stealing Mr. Brownlow's handkerchief? Death Hard labor Three years in prison Community service