C.Pp.S. Blood Brothers-2007

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C.Pp.S. Blood Brothers-2007

C.PP.S. BLOOD BROTHERS-2007 By: Br. Thomas Bohman, C.PP.S.

Tuesday Morning PRAY-REVISED 9/12/07


I. I understand that Joe and I are following the Moderator General’s retreat of last year (Fr. Francesco Bartoloni’s) very successful retreat of 2006. Let it be known that neither Joe or I have aspirations for the MG position.

Founding of Monasticism in Africa-Anthony of Egypt Fr. Francis de Sales Brunner-Benedictine/Trappists “Pray for the Poor Souls, Love the Mother of God, Obey the Rule” Blood Brothers—We all are a specific blood type. I am O negative… Common blood type and a universal donor. Some of us may be more rare… Anyone here?? 2. Blood is symbol of conflict. The U.S. flag is red/white/blue. It symbolizes the U.S. connection to Great Britian from 1607-1781. The Tanzanian flag is black/blue/gold/green symbolizing your people and your natural resources. No sign of blood or violence in your flag. JESUS SERVES AS THE ULTIMATE LIBERATOR FOR TANZANIA.. WE ARE SAVED BY HIS BLOOD- Schrieter-“Faces of Africa.” Yet we know that many times we are in conflict with each other and in conflict with ourselves. Scripture is full of conflict..

Jeremiah-“I am too young” Look at Joe and I… 32 years ago, Joe’s hair was red, my hair was blond when I was professed as a Blood Brother of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. It was in Chicago at St. John the Baptist Church in 1975. Joe and I met at a servers picnic in 1962? We were both in our 7th year of primary school..My parents came from Osgood, Ohio.

Tuesday-2 1. Our background is German American Catholic. My understanding is that in Tanzanian history, Germans have a cross and a blessing to Tanzania history. Joe and I both have worked in inner city Cleveland at St. Adalbert. Did Joe and I made the right decision to become Brothers ? Should we have gone “all the way” and did Jesus and Gaspar recognize that by our blood we are indeed made one??? Did you make the right choice 1, 5, 10, 20 years ago??

Moses: Egyptian prince with little ties to Israel.. He was questioned by God when Moses did not have his son circumcised. He would not allow his son to go under the knife and God challenged this.. Our own lives-face medical problems.. Tests of Aids.. Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA—“Go down Moses, way down to Egypt land.” Another song of Thea Bowman, “Get our minds to stay on Jesus..” So how can we keep our minds “stayed on Jesus?” How can we keep our minds on the cross?? How can not allow the book of the cross to cross our minds?? What crosses do we bear? Is it the brother or priest next to us? Is it our staff that works with us? 2. AA groups in the U.S., (AA developed near Cleveland, Ohio) famous saying is “let go, let God.” Can we let go? BLOOD MOTHER’S FEAST IN U.S ASSUMPTION OF BLESSED VIRGIN MARY-AUGUST 15 TANZANIAN CATHOLIC HOLY DAYS??? Can we forgive each day, have God forgive us as we forgive others? Tuesday-3

1. Jeremiah and ourselves: How long before we step up to the plate in ministry, in the CPPS.. WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD AS GASPAR OFTEN ASKED… Julius Nyerere (father of the country) “I failed, let’s admit it..” What great success… Nyerere took up his cross for others… WE WILL HAVE TIMES WHEN WE FEEL WE HAVE FAILED.. CAN WE PREACH Better??? CAN WE TEACH Better?? CAN WE MINISTER BETTER? HOW DOES GOD CALL US TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE… MOSES AND OURSELVES: Wandering (traveling) or wondering through our ministry… Leo Utrup was one of our brothers.. Used to call him St. Christopher, patron of travelers. Infectious laugh…general maintenance, drove for the sick at St. Charles. Died at Gethsemane-home of Thomas Merton, another famous wanderer of the 20th Century..Wander and wonder towards God.. Will we be people of wandering or people of wonder???

2. (BARRY FISCHER PICTURE POSTER) SNAPSHOTS.. Dennis Rumschlag-Korean War Veteran-infirmary at St. Charles=Cardinal Bernadin: Friend of cancer patients Familiar with the show-MASH-Bro. Denis hated it.. Lots of blood, very messy- Cleaned many priests and brothers up Service ministry to the members.. African examples???St. Augustine, St. Cecilia…


1. Joseph the Carpenter/Gaspar del Bufalo-Missionary in the field/contemplative at home… How?? Salesperson-prayer at home and Sabbath services. HOW DO BECOME BLOOD BROTHERS?? Brothers-“call to work” Nick Renner, Adrian Barga, and Don Fisher: Farmers in the field-tractors, combines, wagons Tanzania and agriculture: working the land and simple tasks.. GROWING BUT MAINTAINING GOD’S GOODNESS Jerry Hall-died at 59-gentle spirit for the environment for the stars above. CROSS AND BLEEDING: Getting rid of illness? NO.. 1600’s Teresa of Avila of Spain-“seek the consolations of God not the God of consolations” John of the Cross-DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL-months and years..-Joe Bernadin-“Cross in Clear View” 2. Cincinnati Province: Bro. Bernie Barga and Fr. Harold Diller-great pray-ers… dark nights and months through illness-God brought them through.. Fr. Frank Sullivan-Notre Dame teacher-this is it Tom… John Paul II-praying the stations.. Accepting the crosses of the past… 3. Stations for each of us??? 14—Which ones would be appropriate for us?? Which of the Passion narratives??? How does our past crosses lead to todays glory? We fall, we meet people who help us, We feel that people accuse us falsely— JP II-Stations at the end Joseph Cardinal Bernadin of Chicago-cross in clear view-Pancreatic cancer.. Tuesday 5. 1. Sometimes others put us in win/lose situations. Sometimes, we are ridiculed by others We recognize that only in the Blood of Jesus are we saved. There is a song called “NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS.” Allow me to play this song for you now. WE ARE BLOOD BROTHERS SHARING IN THE SAME CUP… CUP OF SUFFERING: PSALM 23-SORROWFUL MYSTERIES Nobody knows the trouble I have seen Jena 6-Louisiana-Noose… Easy to walk the plains-but to climb Kilamanjaro?? Song-“ Wade in the Water”


1. How have I succeeded in being a Blood Brother?

2. Are we on the same boat or different boats? Same river or different rivers? Both?

3. Do we need to allow for different passages? Wednesday Morning -1- PRAY….BLOOD BROTHERS


1. PRAY, PLAY, WORK, LEARN Yesterday, the cup of suffering.. Today, the cup of blessing. We were Blood Brothers of the Covenant. The covenant of Abraham. The covenant of Joseph with his brothers. The covenants of Moses, Jeremiah, and Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus.

Gaspar’s final talk: “Speak little, work hard, support all.” Each of us, old and young, large and small are called to recognize that we are blessed. We may like Moses go into the desert but there will be promise in our futures. There will be an end of a wandering of the Hebrews. Moses will find the promised land even after shattering the 10 Comandments. MOSES HAD TO DIRECT THOUSANDS-JEWS AND THOSE WHO WANTED TO LEAVE EGYPT.. SOMETIME MOSES HAD TO LISTEN.. 2. “JOSHUA FIT THE BATTLE OF JERICHO AND THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN” 7 X AROUND THE CITY WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT..SPEAR IN HAND

What can help us to be more blessed today? Prayer.. to be pray-ers.. Gaspar had his missionary priests and brothers to help him. Gaspar had Bonnani to help to start the lay associates. In the United States, we have over 300 companions to help us. In Europe and Canada there is the Pious Union of the Blood of Christ. Challenges of today come from without and within. With prayer and faith in the Precious Blood, we can meet those challenges. JMJ OR PRAY??

Wednesday morning-2 1. We are all CPPS BloodBrothers, ordained and lay. Most of our CPPS lay Brothers are found in the United States. Our Companions are found there as well.

How can we continue and broaden this association? We need to examine our roles with each other. Jesus said to feed my lambs and my sheep. I have that the opportunity to feed others at soup kitchens-places where the poor come for meal. Also we feed the hungry by sharing our produce At St. Adalbert-the parish I serve with our community gardens-COLLARDS, OKRA, PEPPERS AND TOMATOES

Jesus brings us the bread of life. The Cup of Blessing calls us to share what we have each day. Give us our daily bread each day. Give us the cup of special wine each day. Broken and blessed. 2. John of the Cross says that we the pray-er does less, God does the most. Each of us recognizes that in our own soul God does the work. We are simply the vessels of God. WE ARE BROKEN AND WE ARE BLESSED…

Wednesday-3 1. Yesterday, we talked of types of Blood. I live very near what many consider the leading hospital in the world, the Cleveland Clinic There are many transfers of blood in this building There is no blood, though like the Blood of Jesus. Today and each day we are blessed and washed by the Blood of Jesus. Many of our young Brothers in the states share in this Blood of Jesus. BLOOD BROTHERS SNAPSHOTS Brian Boyle is a chaplain in a hospital in Chicago. Brian very much believes in social justice. Rather than driving a car, Brian travels through the Windy City (because of Lake Michigan, Chicago is the Windy City) by bicycle.

2. He takes the message of the blood to others as he travels and prays with others. Prayer and social action help us to become better sons of Gaspar. Prayer and social action help us In Tanzania also. Even with with stained and damaged blood that is the AIDS epidemic. You are called today to bring new hope to hopeless situations. How is this possible? Only with the Blood of Jesus.

Wednesday 4 1. Each of us is called to help others and to heal others by knowing and helping others. We need to be gentle with ourselves even if at times We seem to not to be gentle. We need to love ourselves but not be too comfortable with ourselves. God gives us new situations each day. In God’s hands all things are possible. WILL OF GOD? WHEN? GASPAR HAD 35 PRIESTS AND 35 BROTHERS TO LAUNCH THE CONGREGATION AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH-ONLY 53 YEARS OLD.. 2. Change is the law of life and the law of God. God sent his son who shed his Precious Blood so that we can change today. That is the blessing of today. At the age of 57, I am able to be with you in Tanzania. At the age of 57, I am able to share with C.PP.S. my ideas of Blood Brothers. WE ARE BROKEN AND WE ARE BLESSED.. THE TANZANIA PROVINCE IS IN ITS SPRINGTIME-NEED SEEDS TO MATURE. WE ARE HARVESTING AT PRESENT IN THE CINCINNATI PROVINCE. CAN CINCY SHARE ITS HARVEST WITH TANZANIA? CAN TANZANIA SHARE ITS GROWTH WITH CINCY? God calls us to growth. Spiritual growth through the merits of the Precious Blood. Who would guess that today we would have so many incorporated members in Tanzania? God plants, we water and groom.. Song: “This little light of mine” God can help us in the sunflower fields and olive groves of Italy God will help us in corn and soybean fields of Mercer County Ohio God will help us in the radio, in education, in our Aids mission or in formation in Tanzania Today, we ask God to help us to walk from sin to grace. 3. Today we pray for our new General Council as well as our Vicariate leadership here in Tanzania. Today, we pray for those who lead in our parishes and in our schools and hospitals. We pray for those who maintain the windmills and harvest the grain. Help us to change this day with the times. Help us to deal with conflict. HELP US TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF WATER, THE BLESSINGS OF NEW VOCATIONS. We are involved with Amazing Grace-so sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.

Recognize that each of us makes a difference this day and every day. Recognize that we are a blessing cup for each other. Recognize that there is a another day beyond the suffering. RECOGNIZE THE JOYOUS, GLORIOUS AND LUMINOUS MYSTERIES IN EACH OF US. Blessing days. Wonderful days. The blessing will extend well beyond us. Amen? Tape: “YOU GOTTA SERVE SOMEBODY” QUESTIONS: 1. Who do I serve? 2. Do I fight my own battles of Jericho? 3. How do I work with the dark nights of my soul? 4. Are we part of God’s Boat in Gethsane


1. Tuesday, we discussed the past the past and sorrows-cup of suffering On Wednesday, we discussed today and the cup of blessing Today, we look at how we might “stay blessed” for the future. I am Blood Brother OF TODAY. PROPHECY IS NOT ONE OF MY GREAT GIFTS. I have degrees from St. Joseph College, Rensselaer, Indiana and Valaparaiso University, Valapariso, Indiana in History and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago in Pastoral Ministry. I was an above average student who worked pretty hard to achieve a good grade. 2. My own family blood brother, Jerry Bohman mentioned when I began my theological studies at the age of 37- Don’t you have enough degrees? Why waste your time. (Are you at all familiar with the cartoon strip from the United States called “Tom and Jerry” –cat and mouse?) My response to the mouse was now I can give you the 3rd Degree Jerry..meaning, now I can interrogate you a little more. As we look towards our futures, are we a mess? Are we stressed? Or how can we stay blessed by God?? If religious life is always a chore, our future days may be difficult. If we need to constantly hide from those who seem to make our lives difficult, it could be a chore. What can save us? Song-“Nothing but the Blood of Jesus”

Thursday morning-3 1. Or “There is a Balm in Gilead”… Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA used to say in the 1980’s, “I keep so busy serving Jesus, I got no time to die” I think this is a good challenge in our lives, “Do we have time to live???”

At the Spiritual Center of Maria Stein Retreat House, (which is close to St. Charles, Carthagena)-corn and soybeans and Catholic ghetto of Mercer County, Ohio) There is a stream next to the steps of the front entrance. This stream is dedicated to Bro. Bernie Barga. Bro. Bernie (like me grew up in the area) at a little place called North Star on a farm. Bernie for many years milked cows (brown swiss) brought over many generations previous by Fr. and Mother F de Sales Brunner. 2. Eventually, Bernie branched out into parish life-like the farmer and Companions Director-Nick Renner. He led retreats-some to adults-mostly with youth The stream of water represents probably thousands of retreats that Bernie led. He had a very charismatic style. His favorite expression was “God Love Ya” and he was known for giving many hugs.

Blood Brothers-Thursday-4 1. Bernie would rub his bald head when things were structured on ego and not on God, Bernie would say, “this needs some meat.” Bernie meant by that, this needs some spiritual depth.

The retreat house of Maria Stein was closed for 2 years when I was asked to be director. This was a very difficult task for me. Joe Fisher can attest to the amount of risk. After about 2 months, I called the Provincial and Vice Provincial and asked- “Should we forget this idea?” They both said-“It is too late.” Or wanted to say American phrase, “You made your bed, now lie in it.” The retreat house project is beginning its 9th year. St. Charles-Carthagena is in its 1st year.. Millions of dollars? Unsure of the future.. $$$ issues of the Tanzanian Province. 2. In our own lives, God provides. Our futures are very sketchy. We wish that God would be more clear and less cloudy. Only God knows what tomorrow, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years will bring.

We need to rely the Precious Blood of yesterday, Today and tomorrow to cleanse and nourish us. The Precious Blood will stain us and make us whole. The Precious Blood will heal our brokenness and take us from the valley to the Promised Land. Bernadin: “The Gift of Peace” We mourn and laugh, despair and hope, live and die together-mass Like Moses, we will not see the Promised Land on this earth.

-6-Blood Brothers-Thursday 1. Now that we have Fr. Felix on the General Council,? Will the next Moderator General be from India, South America or even Tanzania? WHAT ABOUT A BROTHER? How will the CPPS Tanzania support become an independent Province? How will the United States continue the CPPS missions? God has the answers for the future. God will provide All God calls for is “Just a closer walk with Thee…” (Song) 2. ABC’S OF GOD’S MAP IN OUR LIVES…


1. What letters describe Blood Brothers to me?

2. How do I deal with my own Achilles heals? 3. Is the Precious Blood nourishing me during October, 2007?


PRECIOUS BLOOD BROTHERS: MINISTER TO THE WIDOWS, ORPHANS, AND CHILDREN…. 1. MICAH- 6:8 “You have been told what is good and what the Lord requires of you. Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Mother Teresa of Calcutta seem to follow this model. As we head back to our ministry sites today, let us remember those who make it possible for weeks like this, the widow, the orphan, the child. 2. No matter what we do, there are many challenges.. REVISIT: DO IT ANYWAY You can spend your whole life building… Flash floods…Build it anyway.. God is great but sometimes life ain’t good FRIDAY-2 1. Sometimes when I pray it does not turn out as it should but I do it anyway..

“FACING YOUR GIANTS” BY MAX LUCADO- Forgiveness is not stupid. It is seeing your offenders with different eyes…. Saul and David…Saul’s anger puzzles David… Why???? He just killed Goliath. David mentions about 9x that Saul is the anointed one. It does not matter..

When we see the widow, the orphan, the child, the AIDS victims, we need to see the Lord anyway.. HOW DOES GOD’S WILL WORK FOR US. WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME PLANET-WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT-SHARING SAME BLOOD OF JESUS 1Sam 24-Saul relieves (urinates) himself in the cave, David cuts off part of his robe to prove to Saul that he is loyal. Later in Chapter 26 of Samuel, David steals Saul’s water jug and spear to prove his loyalty. 2. Chapter 1 Samuel 25: Story of Nabal and wife Abigal.. Nabal insults David’s men-David wants to go war. Abigal dresses up a sheep?-bakes bread and raison cakes and stops the nonsense.

So often, we are stopped by the orphan, the widow, the child. They offend us, stomp on our territory. We have so much to offer and they have so many ways to insult us.

FRIDAY-3 1. We need to be more like Abigail than the Nabal types of this world. Abigail’s gentleness stops a river of anger. How often do we meet and contact the bullies of these world versus the beauties of this world?

Is this not some of the problem that you might have heard about the issue of pedophilia amongst the American clergy and religious? This is not predominantly a woman problem but a man problem. Small children are abused. They seek to help someone else. Some of the ABUSED become ABUSERS themselves. They continue the abusive cycle in another generation because they were abused as children. 2. The past twenty years have been pretty rough for the American Catholic Church because of the clergy abuse issues. Yet we are called upon to protect the widow, the orphan and the child. We are called to be Blood Brothers. The widow, orphan and child are not protected. Instead we have predators on the street who sell drugs or sell a get rich scheme to the youth. Break into someone’s house. Friday-4-BLOOD BROTHERS 1. Steal the copper piping from their basements that carry hot and cold water. Actually where Reginald, Henry and David stayed for a few days was broken into. Our basement was flooded. The young man who did the burglary for drugs or alcohol was caught. We were able to save $200. in US Dollars. We paid several thousand in US Dollars to repair the damages.

This is not from a lack of abundance but rather from a lack of understanding. People addicted to drugs and alcohol need a fix. People addicted to anger and depression need a fix. People who find themselves with AIDS and then spread that AIDs to others. It is our duty to help the widow, the orphan, and the child. Sometimes it is our duty to just help ourselves from our own addictions/sins. 2. We need to re-enter ministry with a renewal-a new way of life. God only asks us to be Blood Brothers this day. God only asks us to protect the victims of violence both physical and verbal this day. God only asks us to find a way to better times-to steal away. SONG: STEAL AWAY…. Friday-Precious Blood Brothers-5- 1. So, as we go back to our missions in Tanzania or Africa, May God be with us. May we not be afraid to help those who need to our help. Our strength is not enough. Neither was David’s and neither was Saul’s strength enough. God is good enough for each of us.

God helped Gaspar with 3 popes Pius VII, Leo XII and Pius VIII. God helped David with Goliath and with Saul God helped Jesus on the cross. God continues to help the widow, the orphan, the child found in Micah 6:8. May we not think of ourselves as fathers, deacons or brothers of the Precious Blood but missionaries of the Precious Blood. Celebrating or Presiding at mass, God is with us as Blood Brothers. May God help us today and every future day. QUESTIONS: 1. List my crosses/addictions 2. List some Goliaths 3. How do I return to my ministries? 4. Is it safe on the boat together? Some SCRIPTURE QUOTES AND OTHER THOUGHTS “BLOOD BROTHERS”

We are all on the same boat… Cross, Cup, Covenant, Call, Collaborate, Community- 7 seas—See so we do not drive each other crazy

Exodus 3-Eye catching, fear, sign Exodus 24: Bond slaves together as a people

Micah 6-8 Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God

Psalm 69: Insults and vinegar to drink

Matt 18-Real Presence Luke 4, 19 and Matthew 25 Sharing our Gifts with others Luke 9-Community

Ephesians 4: 29-Cry of the Blood Revelations 5: Redeemed in blood of Jesus Philipians 2:3-4 In humility, consider others better than yourselves. 1 Cor. 10:16 Sharing in the cup of Jesus Christ

Africa: Jesus is our elder brother. Jesus is the door, the ultimate ancestor. Blood bonds people together. MONDAY-2 BLOOD BROTHERS

YOU ASKED HUGH TO COME: HUGH wanted help ILL AND ASKED JOE AND I TO COME.. GOD CALLS US IN STRANGE WAYS… MIDDLE AGED, OLD AGED, YOUNG/GREY HAIR LARGE/MEDIUM/SMALL/WEATHY/POOR/LOUD/QUIET Cardinal Joseph Bernadin (1928-1996) paraphrased Charles Dickens—“It was the best of times, It was the worst of times.” Humiliated by accusations-cancer Best of times—“Reconciliation and Peace of heart”

You do not have the best players on the soccer team.. You have the guys on the bench.. We will do our best..











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