Wetheral Parish Council Planning Committee

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Wetheral Parish Council Planning Committee


PRESENT: Cllr Earp (Chairman) Cllr M. Higginbotham Cllr D Poole Cllr G Round Cllr I Yates Cllr S Griffiths Also present 22 Wetheral Ward residents.

PL12/57 Apologies for Absence:- Cllr B Rose, Cllr M Murray. Therefore, there was no representative for Wetheral Ward.

PL12/58 Declarations of Interest – None

PL12/59 Public Participation The 22 Residents present, expressed their concerns to Council members relating to planning application 12/0065 Lime House Wetheral. The chairman responded appropriately to all points and questions raised. The residents left the meeting at 8.00pm

PL12/60 Minutes – The minutes of the meeting held 7th January 2013 were signed as a correct record.

PL12/61 Planning Decisions reported between 2nd January and 25th February 2013

1 Plan Number 12/0383 Land at/adjacent former Warwick Bridge, George Public House Mixed development comprising retail development for Co-operative store with 18 no. houses and 10 no. apartments including affordable housing, open space commuted contribution and highways improvements (revised application) Decision 21/01/2013Granted with conditions

2 Plan Number 12/0889 3 Holme Park Holme Lane Aglionby Erection of terraced dwelling (Outline application) Decision 24/01/2013 Refused Reason: The proposed site lies outside an identified settlement where there is a general presumption against further residential development. This application does not provide any evidence to support a special or an essential need for a dwelling in this location. In the light of these circumstances it is not considered appropriate to permit the dwelling since to do so would be contrary to the policy provided in paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy Framework; Policy H1 (Location of Housing Development) and Policy H7 (Agricultural and Forestry Need and Other Occupational Dwellings) of the Carlisle District Local Plan 2001- 2016. 3 Plan Number 12/0890 9 Burnrigg Heads Nook Brampton Single storey rear extension to provide sun room Decision 02/01/2013Granted with conditions

4 Plan Number 12/0909 Low Allenwood Farm Heads Nook Erection of 1no. Dwelling Decision 02/01/2013Granted with conditions

D:\Docs\2018-05-10\08d8092aa6bda78bfe136759844ff079.doc 18 5 Plan Number 12/0914 Croft View Great Corby Removal of existing car port; erection of timber shed to side elevation Decision 02/01/2013Granted with conditions

6 Plan Number 12/0922 Low Cotehill Farm Low Cotehill Carlisle Demolition of 2No. Dwellings and erection of 2no.detached dwellings Decision 15/01/2013Granted with conditions

7 Plan Number 12/0934 Howard Cottage Waterside Road Wetheral Demolition of existing wall Erection of new wall (Part retrospective) (Conservation Area consent) Decision 24/01/2013Granted 12/12/12

8 Plan Number 12/0948 Farndale, Sandy Lane, Heads Nook, Brampton Erection of replacement dwelling and detached garage/store (Revised Application) Decision 07/01/2013 Granted with conditions 9 Plan Number 12/0981 Warathwaite Head Farm Armathwaite Removal of condition 7 of previously approved planning permission 81/0341 to allow the agricultural barn to be used as a dwelling Decision 31/01/2013 Granted with conditions

10 Plan Number 12/0986 2 The Beeches Great Corby Two storey rear extension to provide family room on ground floor with 2 no. bedrooms above Decision 28/01/2013 Withdrawn by Applicant

11 Plan Number 12/1017 Eden Croft House, Warwick on Eden Removal & replacement of existing conservatory with a two storey rear extension to provide dining area on ground floor with first floor sitting room with timber balcony above Decision 04/02/2013 Granted with conditions

12 Plan Number 13/0052 15 Greenacres Wetheral Erection of two storey side extension to provide enlarged garage and dining room on ground floor with 1no. En-suite bedroom above together with single storey frontage porch and WC (Rev. App) Decision 19/02/2013 Granted with conditions PL12/62 Planning Applications considered on 4th March 2013 1 Plan Number 13/0065 Land to rear of Lime House Wetheral Erection of 8 no. dwellings and associated parking, engineering works and landscaping Concerns: Whilst the members felt that the developer had addressed many of the residents points it was felt that Members should support the residents in their main concerns with regard to the following items:- i) Insufficient garages for this prestigious site ii) Insufficient visitor parking iii) Design not in keeping with the surroundings D:\Docs\2018-05-10\08d8092aa6bda78bfe136759844ff079.doc 19 iv) Traffic issues iv) Lack of affordable housing vi) Lack of provision for all the recycling bins vii) Concerns over foul water and surface water provision especially during times of flash flooding viii) Loss of privacy due to the number of balconies overlooking existing properties ix) Ecology impact e.g. loss of trees Contrary to Policies LE19 (Conservation Area), LE12 (Proposals affecting listed buildings), CP5 (Design Policy) CP6 (Residential Amenity) T1 (Parking Guidelines for Development) H5 (Affordable Housing) of the Carlisle & District Local Plan 2001/16. Request site visit.

2 Plan Number 13/0082 2 The Beeches Great Corby Two storey rear extension to provide family room on ground floor with 2no. Bedrooms above (revised application) Observations Council has no objections to the proposal but wished their previous comment to still stand :- to request screening along the southern boundary to prevent overlooking of the neighbouring property 3 Plan Number 13/0103 Plot 3 Land adj to The Nook, School Road, Cumwhinton Erection of detached cottage (Plot3) Revised house type No observations 4 Plan Number 13/0115 Wheelbarrow Hall Farm, Aglionby Erection of a single wind turbine (60kW). 30.1m Hub height, 41.6m to tip height and associated infrastructure (Revised application) Objections Members wished to object to this application on the grounds that it was detrimental to the visual amenity of the area, too close to buildings.

5 Plan Number 13/0127 Killiecrankie, Lambley Bank, Scotby Erection of single storey rear ext.to provide garden family room and 2no. bedrooms (1no. en-suite)

Observations Whilst members have no objections to the proposal, they wish to see the existing drainage problem addressed. Concerns were raised following the initial application regarding surface water leaking on to the adjoining bridleway from the site, which still have to be addressed. Members would like to see this problem resolved before any new extension plans are granted.

6 Plan Number 13/0141 Wood House, Warwick Bridge Erection of replacement dwelling Observations - Members noted that the original application was for an increase in the floor space of 15%. This new application represented an increase of 55% which they felt was unacceptable. Trees and bushes have already been removed from the property, although mentioned in the design statement as screening, the existing property is already more visible to the surrounding area. The provision of security lighting from such a prominent position may affect the existing properties and passing traffic on the local through road. 7 Plan Number 13/0132 2 Fern House, Back Street, Cotehill Certificate of existing lawful development for conservatory to rear elevation No observations D:\Docs\2018-05-10\08d8092aa6bda78bfe136759844ff079.doc 20 8 Plan Number 13/0155 Greenacre, Warwick Bridge Erection of single storey orangery Observations Members felt that this was an inappropriate sized extension, to the existing dwelling. 9 Plan Number 13/0158 Land adjacent Orchard House, Broomfallen Road, Scotby Erection of 1no. dwelling No observations

PL12/63 Tree Applications i) Whitegate, Broadwath, Heads Nook,Brampton, CA8 9BA Reshape crown and reduce branch as indicated in the appended photographs Clerk to obtain further information from Tree Officer and reply as soon as possible. ii) Eden Mount, The Green, Wetheral a) Rear Garden – Remove two limbs from tree as indicated on the photo 1 b) Front Garden, Northern Boundary – Reduce trees in height by half as indicated on photo 2 c) Rear garden Western Boundary – Reduce by half two trees, remove two trees, trim hedge as indicated on photo 3 d) Front Garden, southern boundary – Remove tree as indicated on photo 4 No Objections iii) Track adjacent Dursley, leading to Eden View, Warwick on Eden Fell conifer and ash tree on lane leading to Eden View, Warwick on Eden Observations: As the trees have been removed members felt they could make no further comment

PL12/64 Correspondence – Noted i) Reply Received S Edgar re App 12/0856 (Emailed to all 14.1.13) ii) 12/0856 Change of Description “Including 3no. affordable bungalows & 1no. dwelling for the elderly” iii Land to the rear of Scotby Green Steading, Scotby, - 106 Agreement iv) Land Adj Beech Cottage, Cumwhinton - 106 Agreement v) Charles Bennett Tree Application - Over Eden, Wetheral vi) Site Meeting 6th March 2013 (Copy Enclosed) – Chairman advised that he would be present with the City Council, Cllr Higginbotham, Cllr Round to attend the Cumwhinton Site Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Monday 25th March 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Office, Downagate Community Centre, Warwick Bridge


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