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MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING of SOUTH WONSTON PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 12th May 2008 in the Pavilion, Lower Road at 7.45pm

Present: Cllrs Peal, (Chairman), Bolton, Clements, Perrins, Sawdon, Selby, Waller & Whiteley County Cllr Bailey (until 8.15pm) City Cllr Lipscomb (until 9.10pm) City Cllr Godfrey (until 8.30pm) City Cllr Wright (until 8.30pm) Mrs Ward Mr Waller (until 9.40pm) Sgt Stribley (until 8.10pm) PC Howarth (until 8.10pm) Mrs Found (Clerk)


There were no apologies.


Cllr Selby proposed Cllr Peal. Cllr Clements seconded the proposal. It was unanimously RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Ann Peal as Chairman of South Wonston Parish Council for the forthcoming year. Cllr Peal took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.


Cllr Sawdon proposed Cllr Selby and Cllr Waller proposed Cllr Perrins.

Cllr Perrins declined the nomination.

Cllr Selby agreed to accept the nomination. The Chairman seconded the proposal. It was unanimously RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Selby as Vice Chairman of South Wonston Parish Council for the forthcoming year.


It was RESOLVED that the Chairman and Cllr Perrins, as Planning Reps, would serve on the Emergency Planning Committee, along with Cllr Clements. Cllr Selby will be reserve.


It was RESOLVED that Cllr Peal would continue to be Rights of Way representative.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Clements would continue as representative on the South Wonston Youth Project Committee.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Selby would continue as representative on the Village Hall Management Committee, and also to represent Council at the public transport meetings organised by Hampshire County Council (HCC) - with Cllr Whiteley as reserve for the latter.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Sawdon would continue as representative on the Skate Park Group.

It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Peal and Perrins would continue as planning reps with Cllr Bolton as reserve.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Waller would continue as representative on the Police Parish Partnership Forum.

It was RESOLVED that as Chairman, Cllr Peal would represent Council on the Winchester District Association of Local Councils (WDALC), previously the WDAPC.

It was RESOLVED that Cllr Whiteley would represent Council on Waste & Minerals matters and would examine forthcoming consultation documents.

It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Selby and Clements would represent Council at Youth Council meetings as both are CRB checked.

It was agreed to hold over appointment of reps for cycling or sustainable energy until it is known if there is sufficient interest in these matters.

08/087 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.

PC Howarth stated that South Wonston is very fortunate in having a low crime rate. There have been no burglaries.

Sgt Stribley confirmed that he is aware of the local problem of anti social behaviour. Problems at Suncroft have been investigated and the relevant authorities contacted. The Police were unaware of problems at Suncroft until the Clerk had alerted by email.

The Chairman confirmed that residents should be encouraged to ring 101 to report problems, rather than report matters informally to Parish Councillors.

PC Howarth said the beat surgeries were also now in place for residents to report problems/concerns.

Sgt Stribley said that problems can be reported by 101, also this can be followed up by email and or phone to North Walls Police Station. 65

PC Howarth confirmed that Friday and Saturday evenings tend to be the worst for anti social behaviour and vandalism. He urged people to ring in so that action can be taken at the time. Reporting problems the following day is no good.

Cllr Selby said there were critical dates in relation to school and college ie end of term, school leavers, end of exams, exam results. If the Police could anticipate these and provide support then problems could be curtailed early on. Cllr Selby reported that the broken bottles around the recreation ground were of particular concern.

Sgt Stribley confirmed that he was aware of some of the forthcoming relevant dates. Sgt Stribley also said that this time last year the Neighbourhood Policing Team was just getting off the ground, also PCSO’s had not previously been mobile. There are now four PCSO’s with cars who can provide support.

The Chairman confirmed that the Council will continue to urge residents to get in touch with the Police. The Chairman also suggested a poster campaign may be worthwhile.

The Clerk confirmed that a reminder regarding the 101 number and reporting damage/problems was repeatedly included in the West Dever News and had been posted on the notice boards.

County Cllr Bailey said that the illegal use of Lower Road is a continuing problem but and the County Council could provide one sign for location at the western end of Lower Road.

Cllr Waller referred to the restoration of Alresford Drove and confirmed that this should be to its former state.

Cllr Bailey confirmed that the Parish Council will be consulted prior to a scheme being devised for restoration.

Cllr Selby asked about the criteria for County Council community grants.

Cllr Bailey confirmed the details are on the HCC website but generally the grants would not cover ongoing costs, and would tend to cover initiatives for the young or old.

City Cllr Lipscomb confirmed that in the last year he has been a Member of the Planning, Principal Scrutiny and Standards Committees and chaired the Environment Scrutiny Panel. Cllr Lipscomb has promoted the protection of the character of the Ward and District in relation to planning applications and championed value for Council Tax. In the Ward examples of successful activity are the Micheldever Eco Town (deservedly rejected) the Post Offices (all three saved), major planning applications, Police liaison, frustrations, including the Alresford Drove landfill, Lower Road issues and the motocross. Cllr Lipscomb has received and sent thousands of email and each month, also written for both Parish magazines and held a surgeries.

City Cllr Wright said that he is a member of the Resources Committee which examines efficient use of money spent. Also Project Integra, covering recycling, progresses slowly but it is becoming more efficient. The Principal Scrutiny Committee examines the wider strategic issues. It may be that the Local Development Framework (LDF) will 66

incorporate a more flexible approach to affordable housing ie some new developments may not be in the right place for the right people and the affordable housing provision can be accommodated in a different way.

Cllr Selby asked about the affordable housing options. Does this apply to the Downlands Development?

Cllr Wright confirmed that could be incorporated into the LDF which is two years away.

City Cllr Godfrey said that last month he personally had been the subject of four criminal/anti social incidents and also there were known to be four other incidents. This is an increasing problem and Cllr Godfrey would support any initiatives the Parish Council may have. A compromise has been reached with Bellway regarding access arrangements to the Downlands site. Cllr Lipscomb has been re-elected. The City Council remains under the same administration.

The Chairman resumed Standing Orders.


Page 1329, List of Attendees PC Fortune was amended to PCSO Fortune.

Page 1329, 08/059 Public Participation Although Mr Wright may have stated the statistics Cllr Selby pointed out that 31 people attending the Public Meeting at the Village Hall does not represent 10% of the electorate.

Fifth sentence was amended to refer to a ‘sink fund’ instead of a ‘sink future’.

Page 1333, Public Participation PC Fortune was amended to PCSO Fortune.

Following the above amendments it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.


Page 1330, Matters Arising from Meeting 10th March 2008 - first item Cllr Selby asked if there had been any response to the letter to Group Capt Bonell regarding the cycle route. The Clerk confirmed there had been none.

Page 1330, Matters Arising from Meeting 10th March 2008 – third item Cllr Selby asked if any notes pertaining to the Open Space presentation had been received. The Clerk confirmed that Winchester City Council (WCC) had replied by email to say that there were not any notes but relevant information could be found on the WCC website. Clerk to forward the email to Cllr Sawdon to follow up. 67

Page 1334, 08/069 Sustainable Energy Sources Cllr Selby referred to the planned meeting on 20th May to explore this further. Further to the advertisement in the West Dever News, to date the Clerk has received no responses, but residents may turn up on the evening. Mr Hutchison from the Winchester Action on Climate Change Group is unable to attend.

Page 1335, 08/070 Correspondence – Recently Received – Final item Cllr Selby asked if there had been any response to the latest letter to Stagecoach. Clerk confirmed that the letter had been sent to HCC Passenger Transport who had referred to ‘other priorities’ but to date no reply has been received. Cllr Selby suggested this should be pursued further.

Page 1340, 08/075 Pavilion – General Matters The Chairman asked if the internal lock to the garage had been attended to. Clerk confirmed that CSS Locksmiths will attend on Tues 23rd May.


Cllr Perrins confirmed that the website is still being updated and improved. A record of hits will be taken. A link for people to provide feedback and say what they would like to see on the website could be incorporated, also a village events diary.

Cllr Selby said that there may be limitations with the HCC website provision and Council may wish to seek an alternative in due course.

It was noted that there are certain standards to comply with and at present this is covered by using the HCC facility. This would be borne in mind if Council seeks an alternative provider in the future.


Cllr Selby said that the Village Plan is on the website and arrangements to print will be progressed. Assistance with the Youth Plan has not been forthcoming and therefore this can be finalised and uploaded to the website as soon as possible as an appendix to the Village Plan.

Cllr Sawdon confirmed that she and Cllr Selby had met with Mr Steve Opacic from WCC Planning regarding the Village Design Statement (VDS). Guidelines have been provided and this will be a stand alone document, separate to the Village Plan. The VDS must follow the Winchester District Local Plan in terms of policies. Cllr Sawdon said that residents must be consulted, and evidence of this will be required. It was noted that Sparsholt has recently produced/updatde a VDS. It was agreed to contact Sparsholt for advice on how to proceed. It was agreed to hold a public meeting at the village hall in July. 08/092 LANDFILL ALRESFORD DROVE

There are ongoing problems with the landfill operation. The road and verges are in a very poor state but will be resurfaced when the landfill is complete. The levels on the southern side of the site remain of concern, as they appear to be too high. Despite this 68

lorries are reported to still be trucking waste into the site. The Environment Agency confirm the works will continue at least until late summer.


Eleven representatives have come forward from South Wonston Primary School, the Youth Club, the Table Tennis Club and the Brownies. Clerk to contact Henry Beaufort regarding representatives. A meeting will be held in June.


As detailed above the planned meeting at the pavilion on Tuesday 20th May will go ahead in order to see what interest there may be in the village.


- Circulated

There has been no correspondence circulated recently.

- Recently Received

Letter from HCC confirming that the Alresford Drove will be closed, after the landfill works are completed, for resurfacing. When the time comes notices will be displayed along the route for two weeks prior to works commencing. It is proposed that the Drove will be reinstated to its former width. Council can submit any views regarding the works.

WCC is holding a review of Major Outdoor Events ie to gather experiences of noise, traffic, litter, damage to land and pre event planning. Responses are required by 13th June. This was discussed and the motocross appears to be the only relevant activity affect the village.

Littleton & Harestock Parish Council plan to hold a meeting, possibly at the end of the month, with WCC regarding the motocross. Two South Wonston representatives are invited. This will be a daytime meeting at City Offices. The Chairman and Cllr Waller agreed to attend.

Hampshire Police has asked all Parishes to identify their three main priorities for the year in the community. It was agreed to include vandalism and anti social behaviour- primarily connected with the recreation ground, youth alcohol and drug misuse, also traffic speed on Downs Road. In connection with the initiative it was suggested that a Safer Neighbourhood Group could be established for the village. A meeting could be held in July and representatives could be sought to form a group. 69

A further notification has been received from HCC of the forthcoming Hampshire Waste & Minerals public consultations. The Hampshire Waste Plan consultation is due next month.

HCC has confirmed that from 1st May a new contractor - Amey, will be undertaking the delivery of highway maintenance service for all county roads in Hampshire. The contract runs until 2015 with an option to extend until 2018.

At 9.30pm it was RESOLVED to continue the business of the Council until not later than 10.00pm.


Cllr Clements confirmed there are around 30 youngsters regularly attending the Youth Club. It was agreed to congratulate the Youth Leaders on the running of the Club.

Cllr Sawdon said that the skate park concreting will take place on Weds 14th May. The concrete should be dry within four hours. It is not clear when the youth shelter or sign will be installed. One of the ramps is higher than anticipated and works will be required to make this safe for users. Cllr Selby said he would arrange for a further ‘task force’ ground to carry out some earthworks to ensure the area is safe.

Cllr Selby confirmed that the Village Hall Management Committee would meet next week.

The Chairman confirmed that she attended a meeting on 15th April with County Cllr Bailey and Cllr Selby regarding rights of way in the Parish. It was noted that on 1st May a previous RUPP in the Twyford area had been reclassified as a BOAT following a claim by the Trail Riders Fellowship. Illegal use of Lower Road the restricted byways continues.

Cllr Waller will attend the Police Parish Partnership meeting the following evening on 13th May.

Details from the Winchester District Association of Local Councils, previously known as the Winchester District Association of Parish Councils, have been received. Meetings have not be held for some time and in future will be six monthly. Cllr Selby suggested that the S106 agreement and pre application consultation mechanism, or lack of it, be raised with the Association.


- Applications

Case No. 08/000944/FUL W Ref. W000683/26 Applicant Bellway Homes (Wessex) 70

Proposal Erection of 35 No. dwellings with associated garaging and car parking, new access, landscaping (THIS APPLICATION MAY AFFECT THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) Location Downlands Estate Development, Downlands Way Respond by 16th May 2008

Case No. 08/000812/OUT W Ref. W000683/25 Applicant Bellway Homes (Wessex) Proposal Erection of 35 No. dwellings (OULTINE – considering siting and access) (THIS APPLICATION MAY AFFECT THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) Location Downlands Estate Development, Downlands Way Respond by 16th May 2008

Cllr Perrins declared a personal and prejudicial interest as she resides immediately adjacent to the site.

It was noted that the above applications are identical. Members discussed the issues and agreed to comment on the height of the 2.5 storey dwellings, the inclusion of shared driveways – which the Village Plan revealed can cause problems, projected traffic flows and the open space play area. The presence of slow worms on site will also be raised.

It was RESOLVED to comment as above on this application.

Case No. 08/00827/FUL W Ref. W19817/02 Applicant Mr K Roman Proposal Addition of masonry chimney to existing proposed ground floor extension Location 35 Stavedown Road

It was RESOLVED to comment on the excessive height of the chimney when viewed from the side.

- Decisions

Case No. 08/00306/FUL Ref No. W15357/02 Applicant Mr & Mrs McLean Proposal Two storey side extension incorporating garage, existing garage converted into study Location 28 Pine Close 71

Decision Application withdrawn

Case No. 08/00405/FUL Ref No. W20257/01 Applicant Mr & Mrs Walters Proposal Single storey rear extension, alterations to roof to enable loft conversion to first floor accommodation, new chimney Location Greenhaven, 84 Downs Road Decision Application Permitted

Case No. 08/00361/FUL Ref No. W20164/04 Applicant Dr C Wakefield Proposal Erection of detached single storey stabling/hay store/feed and tack room., for equestrian purposes only Location South Wonston Farm, Stainers Lane Decision Application Permitted

Case No. 08/00533/FUL Ref No. W20855/01 Applicant Mr Mowat Proposal Erection of two bedroom bungalow with associated landscaping and parking in land to the rear of 27 Downs Road (RESUBMISSION) Location Fieldfares, 27 Downs Road Decision Application Refused

Case No. 08/00452/FUL Ref No. W20164/05 Applicant Mr Stuart Latham Proposal Stables with tack room and feed area Location South Wonston Farm Response by 27th March 2008 Decision Application Permitted

Case No. 08/00516/FUL Ref No. W18463/02 Applicant Mr & Mrs Batchelor Proposal Single storey rear extension Location Beechcroft, 31 Wrights Close Decision Application Permitted

Case No. 08/00519/FUL Ref No. W21051 Applicant Mr Russell Hicks 72

Proposal Raise ridge height to accommodate larger rooms in roof and extension to the rear Location 8 Stavedown Road Decision Application Refused

Case No. 08/00602/FUL Ref No. W21060 Applicant Mr P McFarelane Proposal Single storey front and two storey side extensions; widening of front hard standing Location 53 Wrights Way Decision Application Permitted

The above decisions were noted.

08/098 FINANCE

- Receipts Total £

Winchester City Council 57876.00 Mr & Mrs Dunscombe 668.00

- Payments Between Meetings Net Vat Total £

F Cannon 401.86 401.86 F Cannon 15.74 15.74 T Winter 118.66 118.66 Winchester Garden Machinery 220.43 38.58 259.01 WCC 201.50 201.50 Neptune Outdoor Furniture 668.00 116.90 784.90 V Dailey 57.02 2.95 59.97 Playgrounds UK 6203.32 1085.58 7288.90

- Direct Debits

Southern Electric – Jan 2008 £127.00, Feb £80.00, Mar £80.00, Apr £80.00 WCC – Council Tax, Jan 2008 £100 BT – £59.17 Feb 2008

- Accounts for Payment Net Vat Total £

HPFA 25.00 25.00 D Found 1080.61 1080.61 HCC 271.14 271.14 Inland Revenue 385.15 385.15 73

D Found 52.48 2.35 54.83 Gopak 351.64 61.52 413.06

- Transfers

A transfer of £3000 from the Cater Allen Private Bank deposit account to the Alliance & Leicester current account was made on 29th April.

A further transfer of £2000 is now required.

It was RESOLVED to approve the above transactions.


- Master Plan

Mr Weakley of Michael Weakley Associates does not appear to have progressed the master plan.

- Possible New Football Changing Facility

Mr Weakley had forwarded by email a preliminary floor plan for the possible new football changing facility, also a plan of the recreation ground showing the proposed location. A copy had been distributed to all Members for the meeting. Mr Weakley met with WCC Planning on 1st May to discuss this. WCC altered the location of the building slightly but otherwise the response was positive. A location further away from the settlement ie into the Countryside would not be permitted. There was no mention of demolishing the existing building and Mr Weakley confirmed the building would be single storey only and did not mention extension of the building in the future.

Cllr Selby confirmed that the floor plan did not include public toilets.

- Annual Playground Inspection

The Chairman has examined the playground inspection report and identified areas where action is required. This will be followed up with Serco who can carry out the required works.

- Car Park Improvements

So far one quotation has been received for the works to expose the speed hump into the recreation ground and to remove the grass bank along the eastern boundary of the car park/recreation ground and tip the spoil around the bonfire site area. A further quote/s will be obtained. 74

- Early Morning Caretaker Position

Clerk confirmed the closing date for applications for the above position is 23rd May. The position is to be taken up w/c 16th June. Clerk confirmed that following the advertisement in the West Dever News one application has been received, and at least one more is anticipated. It was agreed that the Chairman along with Cllr Waller would conduct the interviews, which it is envisaged will take place during the daytime. Cllr Perrins could also assist.

- General Matters

There were no general matters.


- Summer Cafe

Cllr Selby had suggested opening the pavilion in the afternoons as a cafe run by village groups as a fund-raising operation for each group. This could operate on a rota basis with two people manning each session. The Parish Council could take a percentage of the takings.

The matter was discussed and the implications of serving food and inadequacies of the pavilion kitchen were raised as potential difficulties.

- General Matters

There were no general matters.


- Audible Bird Scarers

In some locations the situation has improved very slightly following intervention by WCC Environmental Health, however there are two scarers close together near the barns west of the recreation ground which are still very noisy.

- General Matters

Clerk confirmed that the notice board at the Village Stores is finally u/s. The price of a new notice board in a timber look man made material ie no maintenance, 837mm x 760mm, able to display of six A4 pages would cost approx £700 for supply and separate installation by a local contactor. 75

It was RESOLVED to purchase a new notice board as detailed above.


- General Matters

Further to previous discussion HCC Rights of Way has offered to erect one sign on Lower Road to show that motorised vehicles are prohibited.


Clerk has been pursuing Alexis Norman at Defence Estates, Aldershot, but there has been no response to a letter and emails.


There is no further information regarding this matter.


Due to the deadline the entry has been submitted. Details have been included of the Early Morning Caretaker position, Alresford Drove landfill, skate park progress and the Parish Council website.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 9th June 2008, 7.30pm at the pavilion.

The meeting closed at 10.00 pm

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