Item 8.12 for 5 April 2011 Spiritual Care Cttee 16 11 10
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APPROVED NHS GRAMPIAN Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee held on Friday, 26 November 2010 at 10.00 am in Seminar room, Summerfield House Board Meeting 05 04 11 Open Session Present: Item 8.12 David Cameron, Chairman (Chair) Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications Fred Coutts, Head of Spiritual Care Sylvia Spencer, Scottish Episcopal Church Rep Nigel Firth, Equality & Diversity Manager Jim Simpson, Chaplain Harvey Grainger, Aberdeen Presbytery Sue Kinsey, Public Rep Sara Campbell, GREC
In Attendance: Mary Innes Sandy Reid – for item 5 James Falconer – for items 6 and 7
Item Subject Action 1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Hassan Ali, Jane Alton, Muriel Knox, Liz Tait, Sharon Duncan, Stuart Hannabuss, Ian Groves, Linda Oldroyd, Dorothy Tervitt, Ruth Richardson
2. Membership
It was noted that Kitty McDonald had retired from the Committee and the new Volunteer Rep was Dorothy Tervitt. At the same time, another volunteer expressed interest and it was agreed that Ruth Richardson would also become a member of the Committee. Unfortunately both had to submit their apologies due to the bad weather.
It was also noted that one of the new Board Members had expressed an interest to become a member and the Committee agreed that Jenny Greener would be welcome to join.
3. Minute of meeting held on 20 September 2010
This was accepted as a true record.
4. Matters Arising Item Subject Action 4.1 Chapel at Royal Cornhill Hospital
The background to this was that the location of the current chapel was ideal but the size was problematic. It had been agreed to look at alternative accommodation for Sunday services only but there had been no conclusion to this.
It was agreed that the chapel would stay in its present location and that the item should be taken off the agenda.
5. City CHP – Spiritual Care (Sandy Reid)
Sandy Reid who was part of the management team of City CHP and also part of Aberdeen City Council was welcomed to the meeting.
He raised the issue that the Spiritual Care Policy was highly focused on the hospital setting and not for patients being treated in the community or at home.
It was recognised that this was a valid point, especially for the future with the Health & Care Framework and shifting the balance of care from the hospital setting to the community. It was also recognised that the spiritual care team was already under immense pressure which would increase with the implementation of SAW.
After detailed discussion, it was agreed that an invitation be extended, through Pauline Strachan, for a representative from LG City CHP to become a member of the Committee
Sandy was thanked for bringing this issue to the Committee’s attention.
6. Proposed Development at Foresterhill Mortuary (James Falconer in attendance)
James Falconer was welcomed to the meeting. He reported that the conditions at the Foresterhill Mortuary were not fit for purpose and needed to be upgraded urgently. He tabled plans of how this could be achieved.
He reported on a positive meeting that had been held with Graeme Smith who had agreed to look at how this could be taken forward and would report back.
The main concern was that the ground belonged to the university who had queried the investing of money now when the facility Item Subject Action would be replaced in the future.
It was agreed that the Committee should write to Graeme Smith expressing grave concerns at the condition of the Foresterhill LG Mortuary. Laura agreed to prepare a letter for the Chair’s signature.
7 Spiritual Care Facilities in Emergency Care Centre (James Falconer)
James gave an update on a meeting that had been held with Graeme Smith and others in relation to the Emergency Care Centre. At the moment there was to be no facility provided for spiritual care within the physical space of this building, although it was confirmed that the chaplaincy team would not be required to move from their present location in ARI. Graeme agreed to look at the possibility of creating a small worship space within the new build and an office which could be the base for at least one chaplain. It was important to ensure that these discussions continue.
Discussions also took place on the Health Care Village and the need for spiritual space within the village and Graeme had agreed to explore this also. There was awareness that space would be required elsewhere and perhaps this was the time to discuss with the Muslim community development of their facilities on the Foresterhill site.
8. Foresterhill Mosque/Prayer Room (Dr Hassan Ali)
Deferred as Dr Ali submitted apologies due to clinical commitments.
9. Shaping Bereavement Care Document
The Committee’s attention was drawn to the Framework for Action for Bereavement Care which was out for consultation at the moment, along with the proposed actions and recommendations. It was brought to the Committee for general interest as it related very closely to spiritual care. The existing Bereavement Task Group felt that it was appropriate that their work could be reported into this Committee. The Committee endorsed this and this decision would be reported back to the LO group.
10. Report from Head of Spiritual Care
The Committee noted the report and the following was highlighted: Item Subject Action
The Cabinet Secretary very much appreciated the Singing the Brain part of the annual review. This was an example of chaplaincy becoming involved in something outwith the hospital setting Spiritual Care leaflet – to be piloted in four wards in ARI to see the impact on the number of referrals to chaplaincy. Attendance at a Reflective Leadership course which involved spending quality time looking at leadership and identifying 5/6 priority areas for action. A fuller report would be included in a future meeting. A new Episcopal Church Chaplain, Dr Vincent Perricone, had been appointed and there should be an opportunity to meet him in due course. Sylvia was thanked for the work she had done for the Episcopal community. A number of chaplains had attended a consultation day in Dundee which had been challenging and useful.
11 Topics for Future Meetings
Discussion took place on the format of future meetings, eg where they should be held, topics to be discussed, etc. It was agreed that a visit to Elgin should be arranged, and a meeting held at the Salvation Army.
Suggested topics included:
Focus on the geographical area of the venue of the meeting. Faith groups to give presentations on how they see their connections with the health service and how they interact with the community. Sessions with ethnic communities Tayside held two meetings a year which were open sessions to interact with faith groups in the community
The Committee welcomed the input to this discussion.
12 Documents for Information
13. AOCB - None
14. Date of Next Meeting
Friday, 11 February 2011 at 10.00 am in the Conference Room, Summerfield House. Item Subject Action