SCT Banner YES Training Team s7
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SCT Banner YES Finance Team Meeting Minutes
1 Meeting Logistics Item Description Date Thursday, January 27, 2005 Time 2:00 p.m -3:30 p.m. Location Kilcawley Center Breshnahan III
2 Attendees Role Name Facilitator Marianne Anderson Note Taker Marianne Anderson Participants Elaine Beatty Lois Catheline Katrena Davidson Jim Herschel Rich Hideg Akhande Khan Jan Loychik Patty Seachman Tina Weintz Not Present Tom Masters (technical training) Bob McGovern Mary Noble (technical training) Fran Wolf
3 Minutes Topic Notes Minutes – 1. Review of Due to vacation on Tuesday, 1/25/05, I did not e-mail the team an update of Implementation Team the Implementation meeting on 1/24/05 so I reviewed what was discussed. I Notes from 1/24/05 mentioned that there are now 99 trainer ID’s available. ID’s will be assigned to those who attend navigational training with Donna Wainio. The Banner icon can now be downloaded on to individual desktops. Mentioned ODS and EDW installation and training dates coming up (the dates for EDW are tentative right now). Mentioned that Dona and Eileen are working with Pat Kurisko to schedule the installation/training of the remaining Banner products that YSU purchased such as Workflow, E-Print, Extender Solutions and Touch Net and that Workflow may not be implemented until after the entire project is completed. Mentioned the Position Control meeting being held on January 31st at 10:30 a.m. and requested a list of attendees. Mentioned that the Data Standards and Reporting team scheduled a demo to be given by COGNOS on Thursday, 2/3/05. Mentioned that the Spring Celebration has been pushed forward until sometime after Finance go-live. Betty Jo was not at team meeting to give any further details. 2. YES Newsletter Article I was looking for suggestions from the team for the January-February YES YES Implementation Minutes Page 2 Newsletter article, but I had already completed the article and sent to Ron Cole (cc:Betty Jo Licata) prior to the team meeting, therefore no discussion. 3. WSU Conference Call Discussed a possible conference call with Wayne State Univ. The team has mixed emotions about a conference call because as of this date they do not know what questions to ask since we have not started into actual Banner functions (such as Purchasing/A/P, etc). Only two topics came to the table, one on the COA and the other on role security. The team wanted me to ask if instead of a conference call would they be able to get the name and numbers of their counterparts at WSU and contact them on their own as questions arise. I said I would e-mail Dona and Eileen with this suggestion. 4. Position Control Discussed the meeting scheduled for 1/31 and asked for attendees. The Meeting attendee list of finance individuals was e-mailed to Eileen and Dona on Friday 1/28/05. Patty Seachman gave an explanation of what Position Control was and the importance of having the gap filled between implementation of finance and human resources. Katrena was concerned that only Susan Jennings the HR consultant would be on the conference call and not our consultant from finance. Past experience has shown that talking to different consultants at different times results in different answers!!!! 5. Banner 7.0 Update Mentioned that implementing Banner 7.0 right away seems to be on the “back burner” for now. Troy and Sandy are to get more information at SCT’s Summit in March 2005. 6. Reporting Survey Mentioned that the Data Standards and Reporting Team would be reviewing a draft of the survey at Fridays (1/28) team meeting. 7. Data Migration Toolkit Discussed the Data Migration Toolkit loading was taking place Jan. 25-27 and the technical training will be held February 8-10. After this, YSU’s technical team will be able to submit and load data resulting from the completion of team assignments, instead of utilizing the services of SCT’s remote DBA. 8. Finance Technical Technical training is February 1st-4th. Richard Quattrocchi suggested that I Training should attend the technical training so I discussed with the team that Wednesday’s team meeting (2/2/05) may be cancelled. I will e-mail them in advance if cancelled. 9. Navigational Training Announced that a February date for navigational training has not been Sessions scheduled yet and as soon as one was announced I would let them know. I will also distribute the YES/Banner training schedule to team members when it is completed. 10. Finance Training February’s training will cover the finance functions of purchasing, accounts February 15th-17th payable and bank reconciliations and will be held in the Kilcawley Center training room. Discussed with the team that Eileen would like all staff from Purchasing and Accounts Payable to attend the respective sessions. The offices could be covered by student help or intermittent help if possible, if not they can be closed. Team members are to e-mail me a list of attendees. Reviewed with the team that they should refer to the Business Process Analysis document before every training session because the Banner recommendations made in the BPA are relevant to changes in YSU’s business practices and policies. Now is the time for change and the university community including the President are expecting a new way of “doing business”. As a team we need to be aware of better ways to do things. 11. Discussion of list of Requested that the team review the list of ADVANTAGE reports given to ADVANTAGE reports them and identify any report that is not being used. They are to mark their changes on the list and return to me for updating.
YES Implementation Minutes Page 2 12. Loading of employee Discussed that the loading of employee data by 7/1/05 will be an open agenda data by 7/1/05 item on the Implementation teams agenda until the task is completed. 13. Discussion of Finance The finance COA assignment is due to Richard by 2/11/05. I identified the trip report supplemental documents mentioned on the trip report and reviewed which ones the team received a copy of and which ones they did not, and why. I e- mailed Richard’s evaluation form to all team members for their completion and forwarding to SCT staff. Discussed new assignments for the finance team (see list in Action Items). Discussed the need for suggestions and help in completing a couple of the security assignments. 14. Banner Finance Told the team that Richard stressed to Dona and Eileen in their wrap-up training materials and session on 1/20/05 that the team needs to read the training materials and Banner access practice in the system.
4 Action Items Action Item Owner Due Date Status Action items and issues from 11/04 1. Complete Banner General Accounting 02/11/05 Open (in process) COA-including fund and organization. 2. Clean-up legacy Accounts Payable, Purchasing 01/07/05 Completed tables for Banner (for vendor), Grants Office and conversion (vendor, Bursar’s (for agency). agency, persons) 3. Compile an inventory Finance Team 01/17/05 Open (in process)-sent of existing financial electronic file to consultant on reports and review 1/21/05 for review. Chapter 26 in User’s Guide 4. Develop Finance Finance Team 02/18/05 Open security role level in excel 5. Establish list of Finance Team 02/18/05 Completed (1/31/05) Finance users for creation of Oracle ID’s and user profiles on FOMPROF 6. Determine if rule Finance Team 02/18/05 Completed (1/26/05) class security will be implemented as of 7/1/05 7. Determine fund Finance Team 02/18/05 Open security to assign fund codes to Finance users 8. Determine Finance Team 02/18/05 Open organization security to assign organization codes to YES Implementation Minutes Page 2 Finance users 9. Compile a list of Finance Team 02/18/05 Open approvers to create approval queues in Banner
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