Mockingbird Argumentative Essay: Are prejudices against African Americans/and other minorities still present in modern society? Many people acknowledge that in American, prejudices towards groups of people have existed in the history of this country, however are they as salient (striking; easily seen) as in the past? Cite your evidence with MLA citations, internally (in-text) and externally (Work Cited page) for 40% of the grade. You must choose a side and explain whether they are still present in modern day society, or (other side) that they are not as prevalent, or ostentatiously seen today as in the past.

This Is an Example Page: Using MLA Format for Heading (USE: 12 in font/Times New Roman, Double Space Header, & 1” Margins) (Your Name)

Ms. Whitesides

English: Period (Your Period Spelled Out)

16 November 2016

“Prejudices for This Period of Time”

Start here with position one: an attention getter. Remember this is never a question. AG’s are quotes, or use higher level word choices, or an interesting comment. If you use a quote, you must cite it (Whitesides 1). Or if it is a website (, “Article Name Goes Here”). Now get a question; Take it right from the prompt. Don’t forget a

“?” Now introduce your sides. Use wording such as: Some people think…Others believe… Next, simply create two more sentences that Introduce or tell more about the issue. (What happened during this period of time?) (Is it a current debate around the world? Are people arguing and upset about the issue?) Now shoot for a lead, to lead the reader to your side using a soft transition word, (Perhaps, or Perchance, or Maybe.) When you do this this do not repeat the claim, but say something that sways the reader to your side gently. Now, for the most important part, the Claim/Thesis statement. Start it with a strong- this is a fact- transition word, (Evidently, Factually, Facts Denote, etc…) then answer the question, and then tell three short reasons why. Save your paragraph! Print out a copy, staple it to this wk. and hand it in for Ms. W. to grade.

Paragraphs 2-4 need an essay paper topic sentence (TW + Answer the Question Statement + One Reason), body (8-

10 sentences) with at least one MLA in text citation, and a conclusion statement. (Need conclusion statement for summary at the end.) Indent every paragraph.

Paragraph five is concession and rebuttal, (6-8 sentences). Use Truth TW’s, then in the middle a Rebuttal TW.

Paragraph six is the rephrase of the claim, (TW + Answer the Question Statement + Three Reason). Then summary,

(copy & paste conclusion sentences from paragraphs 2-4 to get summary). Don’t forget your call to action at the end.

Pro: Prejudices exist still. Con: Prejudices are not so seen in society now! Show Evidence Show Evidence