COMMON TYPES OF INCONTINENCE Refer to Assessment Form to assist with Care Plan


Stress Urinary Incontinence  Loss of urine with cough, sneeze, exercise –  Complete Assessment Form (SUI) usually a dribble or squirt 1* Complete Frequency Volume Chart 2* Urinalysis/treat if UTI Complaint of involuntary  Standing up from sitting without feeling the need 3* Fluid intake (1500-1800mls daily) leakage (urine) on effort or to go to the toilet 4* Avoid caffeinated fluids (reduce exertion or on sneezing or these slowly) coughing (I.C.S. 2002) 5* Double voiding Due to:- 6* Avoid constipation – treat if . Childbirth appropriate . Menopause 7* Review side effects of medication . Overweight 8* Discourage Smoking . Chronic cough 9* Advice on weight loss . Post Prostate Surgery 10* Avoid heavy lifting 11* Pelvic Floor Exercises 12* Bladder Re-training

Urge Incontinence  Frequency 20* Complete Assessment Form  Urgency 21* Complete Frequency Volume Chart Complaint of involuntary  Nocturia leakage accompanied by or 19* Urinary incontinence ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS immediately preceded by 22* Check urine volumes to exclude urgency (I.C.S. 2002) retention – bladder scan Due to:- 23* Double voiding . Infection 24* Monitor diabetic blood sugar levels . Obstruction 25* Individualised toileting program . Detrusor Instability 26* Urinals – Male/Female 27* . Neurological Lesion Urinary Sheaths . Bladder Stones Mixed Mixture of above symptoms Treat urgency symptoms initially Incontinence Then treat as for Stress Incontinence