QBotic Pro PNR Control v1.2

Sometimes you need a way to tell QBotic Pro to do something different for just one particular reissue. You can configure a single PNR for a special waiver code, endorsement text, tour code or baggage allowance. When you enter these special codes into the PNR you specify what validating carrier they apply to. Then, when this validating carrier is detected, QBotic will use these codes rather than any codes you may have placed in the configuration files.

Additionally, for partially flown reissues, you may tell QBotic to add some extra parameters to the WFR entry. When found in the PNR this applies to all validating carriers.

Waiver Code If you want QBotic to add a waiver code into the endorsement field enter it into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/WAIVER/(validating carrier code)/(waiver code) For example: 5H-QBPRO/WAIVER/LH/123456

If you add a waiver code and the combined endorsement is too long QBotic will reject the reissue in robotic mode. In assist mode the agent can adjust the text to fit.

If you have configured the validating carrier for Mandatory Waiver (MW) and you have sent the waiver code to the airline another way, you may enter MANDATORY as the waiver code to satisfy the mandatory waiver requirement. But no additional waiver code will be added to the reissue. For example: 5H-QBPRO/WAIVER/LH/MANDATORY.

Endorsement Text You can specify endorsement text for this PNR only. 1 or 2 lines of text can be added for a combined maximum of 58 characters. When entering the remark for line 1 you also indicate whether the endorsement text should be added to the existing endorsement or should replace the existing endorsement.

The first endorsement text remark is entered into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/END1/(validating carrier code)/(A or R)/(endorsement text) For example: 5H-QBPRO/END1/LH/A/INVOL CHANGE DUE TO

The second endorsement text remark is entered into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/END2/(validating carrier code)/(endorsement text) For example: 5H-QBPRO/END2/LH/CO TO US MIGRATION If you add endorsement text and the combined endorsement is too long QBotic will reject the reissue in robotic mode. In assist mode the agent can adjust the text to fit.

Tour Code If you want QBotic to add a tour code enter it into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/TC/(validating carrier code)/(tour code) For example: 5H-QBPRO/TC/LH/I*/33EFR22 For example: 5H-QBPRO/TC/LH/B*/33EFR22 For example: 5H-QBPRO/TC/LH//33EFR22

You must include I* or B* if you want this type of tour code added.

A tour code found in the PNR will replace a tour code found in the configuration file for this carrier.

Additional WFR Parameters For partially flown reissues only you may add additional parameters to the WFR entry. These apply to any validating carrier in the PNR. Enter them into the PNR in this way: 5H-QBPRO/WFR/(parameter 1)/(parameter 2)… For example: 5H-QBPRO/WFR/PSTU/XO QBotic Pro changes the slash to a cross-of-Lorraine automatically. In the example above ¥PSTU¥XO would be added to the normal WFR entry for any partially flown reissues in this PNR.

Baggage Allowance If you want QBotic to apply a certain baggage allowance to the reissued tickets you can enter it into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/BAG/(validating carrier code)/ (baggage allowance code) For example: 5H-QBPRO/BAG/DL/NIL

Keep in mind that this baggage allowance will override any baggage allowance stored in the extended ETR or in the validating carrier configuration file and will be applicable to all passengers and all segments.

Baggage Allowance by Segment & Passenger This control remark is just like the one for baggage allowance except that it allows you to enter a different remark for some passengers and/or segments. For example, use this remark if you have different baggage requirements for the adults and the children or infants. Or perhaps the domestic flights have a baggage allowance that is different from the domestic flights. Enter it into the PNR this way: 5H-QBPRO/BSP/(validating carrier)/(segment number)/(passenger number)/ (baggage allowance code) For example: 5H-QBPRO/BSP/DL/1/4.1/01P You can also use an asterisk (*) to indicate all segments or all passengers. This will help reduce the number of remarks needed. Say for example you have four segments, 1, 2, 3 and 4 and three passengers, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Passengers 1.1 and 1.2 are adults and have a 01P allowance. Passenger 1.3 is an infant and has a NIL allowance. It would be entered into the PNR like this: 5H-QBPRO/BSP/DL/*/1.1/01P 5H-QBPRO/BSP/DL/*/1.2/01P 5H-QBPRO/BSP/DL/*/1.3/NIL

Since the same baggage allowance applies to all the segments you can just use * rather than specifying each segment individually. Likewise, if the baggage varies by segment but not by passenger, specify each segment number and use * for the passenger numbers.

If baggage allowance is only needed for one passenger or segment it is acceptable to just enter the remark as needed. In the absence of a matching PNR control remark the normal baggage allowance assignment will be followed.

*** Please Note *** We do not recommend mixing normal baggage allowance PNR control remark with baggage by segment/passenger PNR control remarks. But if you do the baggage by segment/passenger remark will be used first.

XF Tax Definition in Fare Calc Some electronic ticket records (ETRs) are missing the XF tax definition in the fare calculation line. When this happens in Robotic mode the PNR is sent to the reject queue. When it happens in Assist mode a screen is presented to the user to enter the XF tax definition.

Alternately you can enter the XF tax definition into the PNR and run again in Robotic mode. QBotic Pro will take the XF definition in the remark and apply it to the reissue automatically. Enter the remark this way: 5H-QBPRO/XFDEF/(validating carrier code)/(xf definition) For example: 5H-QBPRO/XFDEF/DL/XFATL4.5LAX4.5DTW4.5

Select Tickets and Segments to Reissue If you want to tell QBotic which tickets and segments to reissue but you don’t want to use Assist mode you can use this PNR control remark to do the same thing. The remark selects the tickets to reissue and the segments that should be on the ticket. Enter it like this: 5H-QBPRO/P2P/T2-S1/2/3/7/8/9-A0B0 T2 means ticket item #2 from the *T list. S1/2/3/7/8/9 indicates the segments. A0B0 is the ticketing PCC. It is possible to list more than one at a time. But please note that you should enter them in ticket item number order to conserve Phase IV shells.