Pre-AP English 10 2017-2018

Instructor: Miss Wrabel Required Texts: Email: [email protected]  Springboard Common Core Edition English Language Arts: Grade 10, College Room: 219 Board  Independent reading of your choice Course Description Honors Pre-AP 10 prepares you to engage on a higher intellectual level required for English Advanced Placement courses. The course focuses on the concept of culture and community and examines how these influences shape identity and perspective. Classroom Expectations 1. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 2. Continue working until the end of class. 3. Please bring all necessary materials to class—book, pens/pencils, Writer's Notebook, and assignments that are due. 4. Be respectful of others.

If there is an issue with meeting these expectations, I will speak to you about it first. If we can't resolve the issue, I will contact your guardian. If the problem is beyond our ability to solve together, I will refer you to the office.

Supplies 1. A Writer's Notebook (a bound, marble notebook—not one with a spiral) 2. Pencils and pens 3. A pocket folder for handouts Writer's Notebook We will write in response to readings, discussions, and group work, and we will be completing quick writes and in-class writing assignments daily in our Writer's Notebooks. You need to bring this notebook to class every day, and it should be used only for this class (or any writing you do outside of class on your own). I will collect these notebooks periodically throughout each quarter, just to check in with your writing as we work through different stages of the process in class. If I read something that you have written that concerns me about your safety or the safety of someone else, I'm required to notify a guidance counselor about it.

Assignments Classwork and assessments will be outlined weekly on the board. Make note of these assignments and assessments in your planner. You need to complete assignments before class the day they are due. Half credit will be given on graded assignments that are turned in one day late. No credit will be given on graded assignments if they are more than one day late. Excused absences and family emergencies are exceptions to this rule. Please see me outside of class to talk about these concerns.

Grading Grades will be taken from vocabulary quizzes, essays, projects, and in-class assignments. The breakdown of your final grade is as follows:  Assessments (50%)  Class Work (25%)  Vocabulary Quizzes (25%)

Vocabulary: Membean Instead of the vocabulary workbooks, we will be working with the online vocabulary program, Membean. You will have time in class each week to practice your vocabulary, and you will have a quiz over your words every week. You will receive a completion grade for training for 45 minutes each week. To sign up, go to and select "School Student Enroll." Enter one of the following access codes:

1st period access code: C7NQDQS 4th period access code: C7NQDMS 2nd period access code: C7NQD2B 6th period access code: C7NQBQW Essays and Rewrites We will be conducting frequent writing workshops as a class, so the writing we do can be completed in class with minimal writing outside of class. If you choose, you may complete rewrites for your major papers/projects after you have submitted them for a grade. In order to complete a rewrite, you must schedule a writing conference with me first.

Make-up Work If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. Please read the calendar at the back of the room and get the corresponding handouts from the folder located in the Pre-AP 10 bin. You will be given the number of days of school you missed to make up your work.