Dance News November/December 2016

WINTER SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT: This year, our winter show will be based on the popular movie comedy, Home Alone. See what happens when a New York kid is accidentally left by himself during the winter season in The Big Apple. Mr. Shackman and I are preparing songs and dances for students to reinvent this fun, classic movie.

The K-2 Winter show will take place Tuesday, December 20th. The following classes will perform:  Kindergarten: Mr. Derek, Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Middleton  Grade 2: Ms. Mei/Chiarelli, Ms. Singh, Mrs. Zuchnovich & Ms. Epstein

Grades 3-5 will perform Wednesday, December 21st. The following classes will be performing:  Grade 3: Ms. Emily & Ms. Ruffler  Grade 4: Ms. Johnson/Lio & Ms. Lisa  Grade 5: Mr. Fama & Ms. Dias

Classes not participating in the winter show will be learning about Laban Movement Analysis (LMA). Exploring LMA elements of dance helps students analyze & critique dance as art— which fulfills NY State Dance Standard for analyzing dance as art, and also addresses the Dance Blueprint strand for Developing Dance Literacy. For more information, visit

Discount tickets for dance: Sunday, November 6th 3pm. $5 tickets for New York City Center dance performances are available to PS166 students and families through Ms. Scott. The show is most suitable for older students, so fifth grade students have priority. The Vail Dance Festival: NYC Remix will display a variety of dance styles. For more information, go

Take more chances, dance more dances!-Ms. Scott