Coach Conover’s 7 th Grade Science Syllabus ! Welcome to 7th Grade Science at HPMS! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you. Please read the following information carefully and let’s get ready for a great year together!

Amy Conover Room C126 E-mail: [email protected] Conference Time: 11:26am-12:30pm on Monday and Tuesdays Office Hours (tutorials): due to basketball and track season, tutorials are by appointment.

Keys to Success:  Write in your agenda daily. Trust me, you won’t be able to remember everything!  Organization and Responsibility  Interactive Science Notebook- this is a tool that we will use throughout the year to keep track of labs, notes, and assignments. You must bring this, along with your binder daily.  Attend Office Hours/tutorials! You’d be surprise how helpful they can be- no question is too small!  Communicate if you need anything. I am here for YOU!

Required Items (needed every day): A Positive Attitude Binder with science tab(s), science notebook, and something to write with! Discovery Education Account and other online resources

Grading Policy: Scales are used to measure students’ mastery of the content. The 7th grade science department will use a 4-point rubric scale to score classroom assessments (with the exception of quizzes). Grades in Skyward are a reflection of student progress on the scale. All percentage conversions can be seen on the chart below.

40%= Minor Grades: quizzes, labs, small performance based assessments (projects, presentations etc.)

60% = Major Grades: tests, large performance based assessments (projects, presentations etc.)

Conversion Scale to Percentages (for Skyward)

4.0 100%

3.5 95%

3.0 90%

2.5 80%

2.0 70%

1.5 65%

1.0 60%

Below 1 50%

Late Work Policy: All work must be completed; any outstanding work will be recorded as an “I” in Skyward until the work is completed.

Cell Phones: Cell Phones are to be parked in their designated areas at the beginning of the school day. All smart phones and smart watches are prohibited in the classroom.

Please refer to the cell phone policy for consequences for phones that are taken up by teachers.

Textbook Our “textbook” is Discovery Education’s digital TECHbook. You will receive login information in the coming weeks.

Google Calendar, Webpage and Absences:

You can subscribe to my school webpage and Google calendar to receive information about the class.

YOU are responsible for obtaining and completing your missed work when you are absent. The Google calendar will have the information covered each day, as well as any documents you will need. You must have your HPISD username and log-in in order to access it. You MUST check the calendar, the missing file wall, and your Discovery Ed account BEFORE you see me with questions.

Classroom Expectations: 1. Be Attentive and Follow ALL Directions Your attention and commitment to the class will be important to your success and safety in the classroom. 2. Be Prepared You should be in your seat, with all of the appropriate materials and assignments for the day, answering the questions of the day.

3. Be Responsible You should follow directions the first time they are given and do YOUR personal best on daily assignments.

4. Be Respectful Be kind to your teacher, classmates, the classroom and its materials. Raise your hand to speak and listen when others are speaking.

Consequences: 1st offense – Warning 2nd offense – Student/teacher conference 3rd offense – Teacher detention and parent contact 4th offense – Parent/teacher/student conference; Bohac detention; and/or Lunch ISS Severe Offense- Immediate office referral

****Attention Parents!!**** Dear Parents, Instead of having the student return this syllabus signed by you, I ask that you e-mail me. Once I have received your email, your child will be rewarded with a “Science Buck.” When e-mailing me, please write your child’s name and period in the subject line.

Then, include the following information in the body of the e-mail: 1. Your child’s name 2. Good phone number(s) 3. Anything you would like for me to know about your child (optional).

Thank you! Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child-it’s going to be an amazing year!! 

Amy M. Conover