Year 7 Unit 7 Chance and Data Pre-Assessment
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Learner Resource
School Name Merrimac State School
Subject Maths Topic Chance and Data Year 7
Description Sample Pre-assessment Unit 7 Teacher Info Refer to guiding notes and ACARA achievement standards to ensure alignment.
Task designed by Kerri Fields Contact Janelle Dickman 0467 777 965 Serenity Cashman
South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 1 TERM 1 2 3 4 Teacher Guiding Notes Unit Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8: DURATIONoverviews Students developCURRICULUM Students PLAN develop TOPICS Students develop Students develop Students develop Students develop Students develop Students develop understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: understandings of: 2 Lessons Number and placeLinear andReal non-linear numbers — relationships solve Linear and non-linear Geometric reasoning Real numbers — Number and place Linear and non-linear Data representation value — investigate problems involving relationships — — develop geometry define and represent value — add and relationships — and interpretation — 4 Lessons index notation,Data representationpercentages and and interpretationrevise the concept*MONITORING of conventions TASK and ratios, find subtract integers, construct, interpret calculate mean, 5 Lessons square rootsChance and *ASSESSMENTaddition and TASKa variable, write angle relationships, equivalent and apply Order of and analyse graphs median and mode of square numbers, subtraction of simple algebraic explore transversals simplify ratios and Operations to including time sets of data and 2 Lessons apply the Using unitsfractions, of measurement convert *MONITORINGexpressions and TASK and angles solve ratio word numerical graphs identify the most associative, between fractions, substitute into an associated with problems expressions Using units of appropriate measure commutative and decimals and expression to parallel lines and involving negative for sets of data and 13 LESSONS TOTAL UNIT Money and financial measurement — distributive laws to percentages and calculate an answer, find unknown angles mathematics — numbers and indices calculate area of solve a problem aid computation calculate maintain balance in using angle apply the unitary and compare composite shapes using digital RATIONALEReal numbers — percentages of a an equation, solve relationships and other methods integers expressed including triangles, technology and an compare fractions quantity simple linear Real numbers — to calculate ‘best in different formats rectangles and understanding of use equivalence, Geometric reasoning equations, plot revise place value buys’ Real numbers — use parallelograms and statistics. Due to the larger focus on linear and non-linearpoints relationships in the four since unit 3 (highlighted red in the table locate and represent — classify triangles and rounding whole Number and place models to calculate volumes of Location and below),fractions children on havea developedand quadrilaterals, methods of isolatingquadrants variables on the in annumbers and make investigate the rectangular prisms transformation — Cartesian plane, use value — apply the number line, solve make connections to associative and multiplication of Chance — construct identify line and equation.problems Teacher involving knowledge generalisations of student achievementcorrect notation in this for area shouldrounding be decimals fractions and rotational symmetry coordinates, record distributive laws to sample spaces, addition and about the sum of and multiply aid mental decimals, identify and the use of quite thorough however a simple pre-test to identifycoordinate levels values of inmastery in and assign probabilities subtraction of angles in triangles fractions written generalisations and to events and symmetry in solving fractions,simple linearexpress equation and wordquadrilaterals, problems graphsa table andis appropriate to apply a range of tessellations. represent patterns Number and place computations determine one quantity as a find unknown angles value — create strategies to multiply probabilities of Real numbers — add, discover understanding in this area. as a table of values Patterns and algebra fraction of another using these generalisations or divide fractions events subtract and multiply generalisations and graphically — extend and apply and decimals and Data representation about adding and the laws and Data representation fractions with One weekand isinterpretation devoted to— dataPatterns representation and algebra (highlightedShape — explore pink) the involvingsubtracting students integers to construct and find the percentage unrelated properties of regular properties of of a quantity and interpretation — compareconstruct a range and of data displays.— explore As the this has not been covered sinceand unit add and1, a webtool arithmetictask in eTcto Maths/ compare and denominators and compare a range of concept of a prisms, investigate subtract integers Using units of apply order of IXL Maths for Year 7 could provide the teacher differentwith valuable viewpoints insight into how children canalgebraic construct , analyse a range of data displays, variable, represent Linear and non-linear expressions and measurement — data displays, locate operations to calculate mean, numbers using of regular prisms, describe the problems involving compare and analyse a range of data displays andand calculatedraw different the mean,relationships median, — mode andequations range and to solve and analyse primary median, mode and variables and write develop methods of word problems properties of and secondary fractions, and describerange, and and interpret describe data simple displays. algebraic A screen shotviewpoints, could identify be taken a and emailed to the teacher or this rectangles, calculate ratios prism from a isolating a variable Linear and non-linear sources of data to would beand an interpret excellent data task toexpressions add to a virtual classroom. in an equation and parallelograms, investigate issues using gears and displays combination of relationships —solve triangles and scale factors. Using units of viewpoints solve simple linear simple linear and construct Chance — construct measurement — equations rectangular prisms, graphs. Only two lessons are devoted to using units ofNumber measure and placement (highlighted blue). It was coveredequation word in the apply formulas to sample spaces, and revise prime factors, problems previousassign unit probabilities (unit 6) and teacherexpress numbersknowledge as ofvalue student — revise achievement in this area should be current. calculate the area of to the outcomes of a product of its prime factors, Location and triangles and However,events the teacher may primesneed tousing familiarise index him/herselfexpress numbers with as the abilities of the childrentransformation in this area. — parallelograms and a product of its describe and problem solve and The focus is calculating areanotation, of composite identify and shapes and calculating volume of rectangular prisms. use the relationship primes using index perform reason involving between square notation, identify and transformations and area. THE PRE-ASSESSMENT (see rootsbelow) and squareFOR CHANCE use COULD the relationship BE USED ON THE REGIONAL TEMPLATEcombinations AND of IS numbers between square transformations, RELATED TO THE GTMJ OF THE SUMMATIVE TASKroots. and square including translation, Learner Resource
numbers. reflection /rotation
South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 3 Student Name Class Date Year 7 Unit 7 chance and data pre-assessment
Given a pack of cards, work out which of the following events is more likely. Place each corresponding letter on the number to show the events in order of least probable to most probable.
A) Selecting a heart
B) Selecting a picture card (Jack, Queen, King)
C) Selecting a four
D) Selecting red card
E) Selecting the King of Spades
F) Selecting a card more than five
0 1
Impossible certain
Label each coloured section as a percentage. (Hint: Blue section is 1/10). Show all working
Colour Probability Rank in order Colour the spinner to match this data and of most likely Describe the likelihood of each event Red 0.4 occurring.
Yellow 20%
Blue 15/100
Grey 1/4 Learner Resource
Justify your results.
Lucky Number
Number of players: 4
Equipment: 2 dice and four lucky number cards, with the number 4, 6, 8 or 10 written on it.
Each player takes a lucky number card
Take turns to roll the dice.
Add the two digits together. Each time your lucky number is rolled, you receive one point.
Winner is the first person to three points.
Which number would you like as your lucky number?
Explain why you would prefer this lucky number. Explain your thinking using number sentences, possible outcomes or mathematical language.
South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 5 Learner Resource
Do you think this game is fair? Justify your answer?
South East Region Learner Resource template V1 – Aug 2013 6