Nam Knights MC Parent Chapter

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Nam Knights MC Parent Chapter

Nam Knights MC Parent Chapter Rules & Regulations

I. Forward

A) The Rules and Regulations of the Parent Chapter apply only to the Parent Chapter and may not supersede or undermine the Club By-laws.

II. Chapter Meetings

A) Regular meetings are held at the clubhouse on the third Friday of the month and begin promptly at 8:00pm. The President has the authority to change the time and date as necessary.

B) The Executive Board meeting will be held at the clubhouse on the Tuesday 10 days prior to the Regular meeting and begin at 7:30pm. The President has the authority to change the time and date as necessary.

C) A member that wishes to present a hang-around for prospect or a prospect for full membership; request a donation or any other requests must appear at the Executive Board meeting prior to the regular meeting. Any member who wishes to address the Executive Board may also do so at the beginning of the meeting. Once a member’s business is complete he should leave to allow the Executive Board to discuss the item unless requested by the Executive Board to remain.

D) All literature; posters; flyers; run information etc. will be submitted to the Executive Board or approved by an officer prior to posting. This includes items placed on the chapter webpage.

Revised March 2017 E) Robert’s Rules will be in effect at all meetings. The President or highest officer will chair the meeting. If a member wishes to speak on the subject at hand he will raise his hand and be recognized by the chair. The member will stand and speak until the chair feels the member’s point has been made. There will be no side discussions.

F) Voting will be by a show of hands. At his discretion the President may call for a written ballot.

G) No member of the Nam Knights, including prospects, may discuss any club business with anyone who is not a patched member. This includes any and all family members. No one, other than a member, will be permitted to involve themselves in Nam Knights club business unless invited to do so by the membership through the Executive Board.

H) The bar will be closed during the regular meeting. Intoxicated members will not be permitted to attend the meeting. No smoking during the regular meetings. All mobile phones should be placed on silent or vibrate.

I) An Assistant Sergeant at Arms will conduct attendance at the meeting.

III. Chapter Dues

A) Dues are $150.00 yearly and payment is due by the January regular meeting. Members will receive a $5 credit to their dues for each meeting attended not including the December Christmas party. After that date a $25.00 fee will be added until the February meeting. After that date another $25.00 fee will be added until the March meeting. If

Revised March 2017 the dues and fees are not paid by the March meeting the membership is terminated. Life Members shall be exempted from paying dues.

B) Hardships should appeal at the January Executive Board meeting with a final appeal at the March meeting. The Board will hear appeals on a case by case basis and no precedents will be set. The Executive Board will make a recommendation to the membership for a vote at the next regular meeting.

IV. Mandatory Requirements

All members and prospects will be required to raise a minimum of $100.00 in sponsorships for the annual car show due at the April Executive Board meeting in order for the sponsor to be included in the show journal. In any event payment MUST be received by the date of the show (first Sunday in May). Any member not submitting a $100.00 sponsor by the date of the show will be fined an additional $50.00 fee, total $150, due at the May meeting. Failure to pay by May meeting, will result in charges being filed. These charges will result in a vote at the June meeting terminating your membership (out bad) unless all monies are paid before said meeting.

V. Hangarounds & Prospects

A) A member wishing to introduce a “hangaround” must do so at any scheduled monthly general meeting. If the person is a “Patriot” (non- cop/non vet) he should first check with the Executive Board regarding the availability of Patriot membership. This member will be considered a “sponsor” of the prospective member.

B) Minimum Prospect time in the Parent Chapter will be six (6) months. (Ref: Bylaws Section I Paragraph 4)

Revised March 2017 C) Once a person becomes a Prospect he will be assigned to an Assistant Sergeant at Arms for mentoring and monitoring. The original sponsor should confer with the Sgt at Arms periodically to discuss his progress.

D) The decision to present a Prospect for full patch rests with the assigned Assistant Sergeant at Arms in conference with the original sponsor.

E) If a sponsor feels the prospect is not being mentored or monitored properly by the assigned Sgt. at Arms he should bring his concerns to the Executive Board via the 1st Sergeant at Arms.

VI. Clubhouse

A) All full patch members in good standing may have a key to the clubhouse.

B) The honor system is used for the refreshments. The Founder and the Parent Chapter President are provided free beverages for their personal consumption. The Executive Board is provided free beverages for their personal consumption at Executive Board meetings.

C) Do not make long distance calls on the telephone unless approved or emergency.

D) Members are responsible for their guests. Nobody under 21 years of age unless a family member. No children should be present on open clubhouse nights unless specifically permitted.

E) No alcohol for anyone under 21 years of age. Non-members, including hangarounds, are NOT permitted behind the bar. Prospects are permitted to perform bartending duties. Revised March 2017 F) No personal event use on Friday nights. Any event held on other nights will be open to all club members and must be approved by the Executive Board. The person requesting the personal event use is responsible for the clubhouse; all items therein and all non-members present.

G) The clubhouse shut down list will be used by the last members leaving the building on any night the clubhouse is open. A member using the clubhouse for a personal event as outlined in Section V Paragraph F will also be responsible for the use of the clubhouse shut down list.

VII. Colors

A) Colors will be worn at all club functions. In extreme conditions club t-shirts (soft colors) with full color back patch may be worn.

B) If a member leaves the club he must return his colors. If a member does not return his colors the member’s original sponsor will retrieve them. When that is not possible the 1st Sergeant at Arms will retrieve them.

C) If a member moves he must appear before the Executive Board and state his intentions. If he moves to an area where no chapter exists his ability to retain his colors will be decided on a case by case basis; no precedents will be set. If he moves to an area where another chapter exists he must transfer to said chapter and complete the transfer application prior to the move.

VIII. Telephone Chain

Revised March 2017 A) The telephone chain will be used at the discretion of the President or ranking officer.

B) The chain will consist of groups of members, the number of which is at the discretion of the 1st Sergeant at Arms. Each group will be headed by an Assistant Sergeant at Arms who will be responsible to call all the members of his assigned group.

IX. Miscellaneous

A) NKMC Founder Jack Quigley will be designated “Advisor to the Executive Board.” This is a lifetime position. The position will be that of a non-voting member of the Executive Board but will, in the absence of the President, have the power to vote in a tie-breaking capacity. This position will be that of an Advisor to the President and the Executive Board on club business and affairs and at times will be called upon to chair different committees as directed by the Board.

B) Assistant Sergeants at Arms assist the 1st Sergeant at Arms. It is an elected position (non-Executive Board) at the ratio of approximately one (1) per ten (10) members.

Revised March 2017 C) Chaplain- Reverend Donald Pitches is designated the CLUB Chaplain and is an honorary member with full colors. This is a non-voting position but he will be permitted to attend meetings and participate in discussions thereat.

D) Liaison Officer(s) will be an appointed position(s) and will be responsible for interacting with various other entities in particular one-percent clubs. This is an appointed advisory position on the Executive Board and should be filled by a member possessing connections or experience in the required field. The Liaison Officer does not maintain a vote on the Executive Board.

E) Under-Secretary- will be an appointed position selected by the elected Secretary with the approval of the Executive Board. The Under-Secretary will be assigned to assist in the duties of the Secretary as required. He will maintain notes at meetings in which the Secretary is not in attendance. The Under-Secretary does not maintain a vote on the Executive Board.

F) Assistant Treasurer- will be an appointed position selected by the elected Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Board. The Assistant Treasurer will be assigned to assist in the duties of the Treasurer as required. The Assistant Treasurer does not maintain a vote on the Executive Board.

G) Bar Chairman- responsible for maintaining the clubhouse bar including but not limited to replenishing stock and assigning bartenders for events. A monthly expense report must be submitted to the Executive Board via the Treasurer.

H) Quartermaster- responsible for the purchase and inventory of all Chapter items for sale, both for members and supporters. A monthly expense report must be submitted to the Executive Board via the Treasurer.

Revised March 2017 I) Clubhouse Chairman- responsible for maintenance and repair of the clubhouse including coordinating repairs, purchase of supplies not related to the bar and coordinating work parties. Acts as a liaison between the membership and the Executive Board on issues related to the clubhouse.

X. Standing Committees

A) Car Show Committee

B) New Chapter Committee

C) By-Laws Committee

D) Good & Welfare (flowers etc.)

XI. Leave of Absence

A) A member may request a leave of absence in six month intervals. It is incumbent upon the member to contact the chapter after six months to request an extension. Financial obligations (i.e., dues and donation requirements) will be decided on a case by case basis.

XII. Charges

A) Failure to comply with the Rules & Regulations of the Parent Chapter will result in formal charges in accordance with Chapter IV of the Constitution and By-Laws of Nam Knights of America Motorcycle Club.

XIII. Special Funds

Revised March 2017 A) Buzz Reiman Memorial Scholarship- funded by proceeds from the annual Buzz Reiman Memorial Poker Run.

B) Gold Star Family Event Invites- funded by proceeds of donations from Mr. Sandi Sorce.

Revised March 2017

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