Member Services Committee Meeting

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Member Services Committee Meeting

Member Services Committee Minutes, 3/31/12, Tucson AZ Page 1 Member Services Committee Meeting Saturday, March 31, 2012—10 – 11:30 am Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson AZ

MINUTES Present at this meeting See final page.

Call to order  Chairman Kevin Gallagher called the meeting to order at 10:10 am.  He reminded all attending that this meeting is governed by the STI/SPFA Antitrust Compliance Guidelines.  Each attendee introduced himself and his company.

Membership report  As of 3/14/12, STI/SPFA has 124 Active and 50 Affiliate Members.  Staff was asked to send the Member Benefits flyer to those present, for the purpose of soliciting new members.

Name change for Active Member Category  Wayne Geyer reported that an Affiliate Member had suggested the words “Active Member” performs a disservice to Members of any category who actively participate in the association, while there are many Active Members who do not. It was suggested that the Active Member category be renamed in the Bylaws as “Fabricator Member.”  Chairman Gallagher was requested to ask the audience at the Business Meeting for input. If there is a favorable response, the suggested Bylaw change is to be presented to the Board of Directors. NB: At the Business Meeting, the Members did not offer any objections to the change. At its meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, the Board of Directors voted to change “Active Member” to “Fabricator Member” in the Bylaws. Staff was requested to search and change all instances in documents and on the website.

Annual Awards process and policies  It was agreed that the pre-meeting, online voting process was more efficient and gave more Members the opportunity to vote.  The award is based both on comparing all entries and on the individual attributes of each entry. Therefore, staff was asked to create the balloting for the 2012 awards in a way that allows the voter to see all entries before voting on each.  Staff stated that all entries will be posted on the relevant section’s website page, with the winner getting “top billing.”

New meeting sponsorship program  The new program was quite successful for Annual Meeting. There were five Platinum, two Gold, eight Silver and six Bronze sponsors, for a total of $13,400.

Business trends Member survey  The value of a business trends survey unique to our membership was discussed.  It was decided to administer a 3-5 item survey quarterly and to assure Members of its anonymity.  The goal is to track general trends over time, such as increase/decrease in orders, both by quarter and annually. Member Services Committee Minutes, 3/31/12, Tucson AZ Page 2  The survey target dates are May 1, August 1, November 1 and February 1, and will ask information for the prior calendar year quarter.  Staff will draft survey questions and send to the committee for review. Member Services Committee Minutes, 3/31/12, Tucson AZ Page 3 Annual Meeting locations  The 2013 Annual Meeting will be held in Florida and will be a joint meeting with PVMA.  Suggestions for the 2014 Annual Meeting location are San Diego, San Antonio or Scottsdale. It was noted that 2014 is the 10th anniversary of the merger with SPFA; this should be celebrated at that meeting. NB: At its meeting on April 4, the Board of Directors determined to hold the 2014 Annual Meeting in San Diego.  The 2015 meeting will be in Florida or the Southeast.  The 2016 Annual Meeting will be STI’s 100th Anniversary. As a special celebration, it was suggested that the meeting might be held in Hawaii, depending on economic conditions.  Timing of the Annual Meeting was discussed, suggesting that some Members no longer attend because it has been pushed to late March-early April. On the other hand, 2012’s Annual Meeting had the highest attendance for several years. NB: At its meeting on April 4, the Board of Directors determined that Annual Meeting dates will be in late February through early April, depending on rates and availability.  Chairman Gallagher will report these suggestions to the Board of Directors.

E-newsletters  Staff noted that sources and content for the newsletters are always needed, and that any suggestions are appreciated.

Next meeting  The next meeting of the Member Services Committee will be at the Fall Conference in Houston, date and time TBD.

Adjourn  A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am.

NB: At the Board of Directors meeting on April 4, 2012, STI/SPFA President Terry Cooper announced that Dave Watson of Watco Tank will assume the chairmanship of the Member Services Committee for 2012.

ATTENDEES Member Services Committee membership is open—anyone who chooses to participate may do so. Listed here are those who participated in this committee meeting. If you do NOT wish to be listed and contacted about Affiliate Committee business, please email staff liaison Noёl Zak at [email protected]. Thank you.

Name Company Email address Cooper, B.D. Acterra Group Inc. [email protected] Cooper, Terry Acterra Group Inc. [email protected] Dildine, Larry Phoenix Forging Co. [email protected] Holmes, Brad Clay & Bailey [email protected] Holmes, Matt Clay & Bailey [email protected] Ippoliti, Tony The Sherwin Williams Co. [email protected] Jones, John Modern Welding Co. Inc. [email protected] Kevin Gallagher, CHAIR Caldwell Tanks [email protected] Mader, Mick Derson Mfg. Inc. [email protected] Schollmeyer, Jerry Morrison Bros. Co. [email protected] Watson, David Watco Tanks [email protected] Member Services Committee Minutes, 3/31/12, Tucson AZ Page 4 Woofter, Tim Stanwade Metal Products [email protected]

Wayne Geyer Executive Director [email protected] Noël Zak Membership/Communications [email protected]

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