04.05 Ancient Greece: Empire of Alexander
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04.05 Ancient Greece: Empire of Alexander [Write your name here]
What Do I Have To Do?
You should now be familiar with Alexander’s Empire! For your assessment, you will be viewing a sequence of maps and answering questions about what the maps show about the boundaries and influence of Alexander’s Empire. Step 1: Complete the "Alexander’s Conquests" document below. On this document are the questions you will need to answer that go along with each map; there are also two follow up questions you will need to answer.
Step 2:
Open the interactive and view the maps in sequence. Answer the corresponding questions on your document.
Alexander’s Conquests Instructions The four maps below show how Alexander’s conquest expanded the boundaries of the Greek world. Your answers to each question should range from two to three sentences. Last, answer the two "follow up" questions labeled numbers 7 and 8. When you have completed viewing the maps and answering all of the questions, save your document as "Alexander’s Conquests Your Name" and submit it in the Assessment area of the course. Map 1
1. Describe the location of Greek homeland (including Macedonia) before 334 BCE. [Write Answer Here]
2. How did Alexander gain control of all of Greece? [Write Answer Here] Map 2
3. By 332 BCE, which regions had fallen to Alexander’s army? [Write Answer Here] Map 3
4. Why was the Battle of Gaugamela an important turning point in Alexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire? [Write Answer Here]
5. After Gaugamela, what were the main Persian cities on Alexander’s route? [Write Answer Here] Map 4
6. How far east did Alexander’s empire reach? How does this compare to the previous map? [Write Answer Here]
Follow Up Questions 7. How did Alexander’s attempt to make his empire secure help lead to the Hellenistic Age? [Write Answer Here]
8. How did the geography of the world change during the period of Alexander’s rule? [Write Answer Here] 04.05 Grading Rubric Needs Score Excellent Good Improvemen Yourself! t
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