CPT 20: Audio Unit

The audio unit for CPT 20 will be composed of research on the internet and an individual project. Research assignments will be printed and handed in to me, as well as PDF-ed and linked to the “Research” category of your website portfolio.

Part One:

Go to http://www.mediacollege.com/audio/

1. Explain what audio is. (2 Marks)

2. How Sound Works. What are sound waves? Draw a sample sound wave graph. What is different about this 2 dimensional graph from a real sound wave? (6 Marks).

3. Define each of the following, and draw a diagram of each: (9 Marks) -Wavelength -Amplitude -Frequency

4. Sound Systems. Define and draw a diagram of the following terms, and explain the process involved: (9 Marks) -Transducer -Amplifier

5. How Microphones Work. Define each of the following, and COPY and PASTE the cross section diagrams: (6 Marks) -Dynamic Microphone -Condenser Mocrophone

6. Directional Properties. Explain the differences and draw a diagram of each of the following: (6 Marks) -Omnidirectional -Unidirectional -Bidirectional Part Two:

1. Go to http://www.cybercollege.com/indexall.htm

2. a) Go to TV Production Modules> Production Overview. Read #5 (Scripts) and #6 (Script Writing)

b) Scripts:

i) Explain the concrete to abstract continuum. (2 Marks)

ii) What is the difference between A roll and B roll footage? (4 Marks)

iii) What is timecode? What is it’s usefulness? (4 Marks) (Explain fully)

Total (10 Marks)

c) Script Writing:

i) Describe the narration in audio/video productions, and (2 Marks) the use of conversational style.

ii) What is broadcast style? Describe in detail. (5 Marks)

iii) What are the ten news writing guidelines? (10 Marks)

iv) Summarize the seven general rules for writing for television. (7 Marks)

Total: (24 Marks) Part Four: Individual Project

After going through and completing the questions on scripts and script writing, do the following:

1. Write an Audio Script (radio broadcast) of a Public Service Announcement, news item or commercial of no longer than 30 seconds. You must state your target audience.

2. Content must be of a legitimate nature and appropriate for a school setting.

3. Digital mixing will be done using “Mixcraft”, and background music must be of original content.

4. At least two sound effects must be used.

5. Final product to be compressed as per course outline, and linked to your audio section of your portfolio.


Script: -Content- (10 Marks) -Format- (5 Marks) Project: -Follows script (within reason) (5Marks) Quality-(narration audibility, background (20Marks) Music, sound effects) -Creativity- (10 Marks)

Total: (50Marks)

Audio Summary:

Part One: -Audio location, hearing, pick up patterns (35 Marks) Sound -Microphone choices, accessories

Part Two: -Scripts -Script Writing (34 Marks) Part Three: -Individual Project (100 Marks)